Results for 'Maurice Shinnick'

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    For the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.Maurice Shinnick - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (1):83.
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    Maurice Pradines: ou, L'épopée de la raison: [choix de textes].Maurice Pradines, André Grappe & Roland Guyot (eds.) - 1976 - Paris: Ophrys.
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    Embodied Care: Jane Addams, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Feminist Ethics.Maurice Hamington - 2004 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Embodied Care is the first work to argue for the body's centrality to care ethics, doing so by analyzing our corporeality at the phenomenological level.
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    L'Itinéraire philosophique de Maurice Blondel.Maurice Blondel - 1966 - Paris,: Éditions Montaigne. Edited by Frédéric Lefèvre.
    Avec une délicatesse dont je suis plus touché que surpris, vous me demandez l'autorisation de publier, en une maison où il me plaît qu'ils soient édités, nos ENTRETIENS: ils n'avaient pu, à beaucoup près, trouver entièrement...
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    Un inédit de Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1962 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 67 (4):401 - 409.
  6.  14
    Hinduism and Mimetic Theory: A Response.Julia W. Shinnick - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):140-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HINDUISM AND MIMETIC THEORY: A RESPONSE Julia W. Shinnick Austin, Texas i: Introduction "would like to thankProfessor Clooney for his thorough presentation.ofthe enormously complex and layeredtreatment ofviolence within Hindu religious traditions. In his paper I found many aspects of Hinduism that directly engage the mimetic theory, and I hope that I can articulate some of these in such a way as to initiate discussion during the next hour (...)
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    The Prism of the Self: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Maurice Natanson.Maurice Alexander Natanson & Steven Galt Crowell - 1995 - Springer.
    This volume contains sOOeen essays written by his students and colleagues in honor of Maurice Natanson. The essays explore some of the diverse themes Professor Natanson has pursued through forty years of teaching and philosophizing in the tradition of existential phenomenology. Because it also includes a lengthy biographical and philosophical interview where one can find an absorbing account of Natanson's Lebens/au/in his own words, there is no need to detail that polypragmatic career here. Suffice to say that even passing (...)
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    Collected Works of Maurice Dobb.Maurice Dobb - 2012 - Routledge.
    Maurice Dobb was the foremost Marxian economist of his generation in Britain. He was noted for his contributions to value theory, the theory of economic planning and the analysis of Soviet economic development. This set will re-issue 7 of his most important works.
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    Current periodical articles.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1981 - American Philosophical Quarterly 18 (1).
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    Témoignage de M. Maurice Blondel.Maurice Blondel - 1942 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 16 (1/4):25 - 30.
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    Correspondance: Maurice Blondel - Joannes Wehrle. (Extraits).Maurice Blondel, Joannès Wehrlé & Henri de Lubac - 1969 - Aubier-Montaigne.
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    "Philosophy of the Social Sciences: A Reader," ed. Maurice Natanson.Maurice R. Holloway - 1964 - Modern Schoolman 42 (1):122-123.
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  13. Reconfiguring four key ‘-isms’ commonly used in architectural theory.Maurice Lagueux - 1999 - British Journal of Aesthetics 39 (2):179-188.
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    Parish pastoral councils: what of their future?David Shinnick - 1996 - The Australasian Catholic Record 73 (4):439.
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    Science to Improve the Human Condition.Phillip Shinnick - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):256-260.
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    Le songe de Monluc.Maurice F. Verdier - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (1):7-14.
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  17. Hommage à Maurice Blondel.Maurice Blondel (ed.) - 1962 - Paris,: Société Les Belles Lettres.
    Allocution, par M. Bouchard.--La signification historique de l'œuvre de Maurice Blondel, par H. Gouhler.--Leibniz et Blondel, par J. Brun.--L'apologétique blondélienne, par G. Maire.--Centenaire de la naissance de Maurice Blondel. Exposition de livres et de documents à la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de l'Université de Dijon, 12 mal 1962.
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    Foucault / Blanchot: Maurice Blanchot: The Thought From Outside and Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him.Michel Foucault & Maurice Blanchot - 1987 - Zone Books.
    Essays by two prominent French writers analyze each other's writings and intellectual works.
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    Maurice Blondel et Auguste Valensin: correspondance.Maurice Blondel & Auguste Valensin - 1957 - Aubier, Éditions Montaigne.
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    Allocution de M. Maurice Blondel.Maurice Blondel - 1938 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (1/2):3 - 9.
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  21. Kerngedachten van Maurice Blondel.Maurice Blondel - 1966 - Roermond,: J.J. Romen. Edited by Albert Poncelet.
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    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Maurice Blondel, correspondence.Maurice Blondel - 1967 - [New York]: Herder & Herder. Edited by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Henri de Lubac & Auguste Valensin.
  23. Reply by Maurice Dobb.Maurice Dobb - 1950 - Science and Society 14 (2).
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    L'expérience et l'expression: essai sur la pensée de Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Maurice Rainville - 1988 - Montréal: Editions Bellarmin.
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    Thinking the Apocalypse: A Letter from Maurice Blanchot to Catherine David.Maurice Blanchot & Paula Wissing - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):475-480.
    I prefer to put this in a letter to you instead of writing an article that would lead one to believe that I have any authority to speak on the subject of what has, in a roundabout way, become the H. and H. affair . In other words, a cause of extreme seriousness, already discussed many times although certainly endless in nature, has been taken up by a storm of media attention, which has brought us to the lowest of passions, (...)
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  26. Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology.Maurice Natanson, Jean-Paul Sartre & Hazel E. Barnes - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (3):404.
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  27. On Collective Memory.Maurice Halbwachs - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    How do we use our mental images of the present to reconstruct our past? Maurice Halbwachs addressed this question for the first time in his work on collective memory, which established him as a major figure in the history of sociology. This volume, the first comprehensive English-language translation of Halbwach's writings on the social construction of memory, fills a major gap in the literature on the sociology of knowledge. Halbwachs' primary thesis is that human memory can only function within (...)
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    A Letter from Maurice Merleau-Ponty to Éric Weil.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:271-272.
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    Images de la science.Maurice Tubiana, Yves Pélicier, Albert Jacquard & Michel Bertin (eds.) - 1984 - Paris: Economica.
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    The Book to Come.Maurice Blanchot - 2002 - Stanford University Press.
    Featuring essays originally published in La Nouvelle Revue Française, this collection clearly demonstrates why Maurice Blanchot was a key figure in exploring the relation between literature and philosophy.
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    "In Praise of Philosophy," by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, trans. John Wild and James M. Edie.Maurice R. Holloway - 1963 - Modern Schoolman 41 (1):105-105.
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    Temoignage de M. Maurice Blondel.Maurice Blondel - 1945 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20:14 - 15.
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  33. Liberalism.Maurice Cranston - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 458--461.
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  34. (2 other versions)Galileo and the Art of Reasoning: Rhetorical Foundations of Logic and Scientific Method.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1980 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 15 (2):136-138.
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    Cause, Explanation, and Understanding In Science: Galileo’s Case.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (1):117 - 128.
    For example, from the point of view of pure conceptual analysis, since the reduction of what is not understood to what is understood is new understanding, explanation seems to involve growth of understanding. But is it the only kind of growth of understanding? It seems that explanation is quantitative growth of understanding. Could there be a qualitative growth of understanding and if so what would it be? And how would qualitative growth of understanding relate to explanation?
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    The space of literature.Maurice Blanchot - 1982 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
    Maurice Blanchot, the eminent literary and cultural critic, has had a vast influence on contemporary French writers—among them Jean Paul Sartre and Jacques Derrida. From the 1930s through the present day, his writings have been shaping the international literary consciousness. The Space of Literature , first published in France in 1955, is central to the development of Blanchot's thought. In it he reflects on literature and the unique demand it makes upon our attention. Thus he explores the process of (...)
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  37. Sur la Lumière et les Couleurs.Maurice Elie - 1972 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:114-123.
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    La part du juste: en finir avec le droit naturel.Maurice Zavaro - 2020 - Paris: Michel de Maule.
    Le méchant n'a pas droit à la part du juste", répond Créon à Antigone. Mais qui distribue les mérites, et selon quels critères? Les représentations du juste varient d'une époque à l'autre, d'un continent à l'autre et même au sein d'une société pourtant assez homogène quant à sa composition, son histoire et son mode de vie. En atteste suffisamment le regard que l'on a porté sur l'esclavage, que l'on porte encore sur la domination masculine, l'avortement ou le mariage entre personnes (...)
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    Retrying Galileo, 1633–1992.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 2005 - University of California Press.
    Preface and Acknowledgments Introduction. The Galileo Affair from Descartes to John Paul II: A Survey of Sources, Facts, and Issues 1. The Condemnation of Galileo 2. Promulgation and Diffusion of the News 3. Emblematic Reactions: Descartes, Peiresc, Galileo’s Daughter 4. Polarizations: Secularism, Liberalism, Fundamentalism 5. Compromises: Viviani, Auzout, Leibniz 6. Myth-making or Enlightenment? Pascal, Voltaire, the Encyclopedia 7. Incompetence or Enlightenment? Pope Benedict XIV 8. New Lies, Documents, Myths, Apologies 9. Napoleonic Wars and Trials 10. The Inquisition on Galileo’s Side? (...)
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    Review of Maurice Mandelbaum: The Phenomenology of Moral Experience[REVIEW]MAURICE MANDELBAUM - 1956 - Ethics 66 (3):224-228.
  41. John Locke and the case for toleration.Maurice Cranston - 1987 - In Susan Mendus & David S. Edwards (eds.), On toleration. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 101--121.
  42.  13
    Phenomenology of Civilization: Reason as a Regulative Principle in Collingwood and Husserl.Maurice Eisenstein - 1999 - Upa.
    Phenomenology of Civilization explores the philosophy of Edmund Husserl and R.G. Collingwood, two of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Husserl founded phenomenology, which has had a direct effect on contemporary philosophy, and Collingwood, though less formally known, is still one of the most commonly read twentieth century philosophers. Maurice Eisenstein examines their work in relation to recent philosophy, particularly focusing on existentialism, Heideggerian phenomenology, and postmodernism. He brings these two philosophers together because they were contemporaries of (...)
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    Jane addams.Maurice Hamington - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This comprehensive encyclopedia entry discusses the life and works of Jane Addams (1860-1935) who influenced contemporaries John Dewey, William James, and George Herbert Mead. Although not traditionally categorized as a philosopher, Addams was a prolific writer who developed a social philosophy of attentiveness and sympathetic knowledge that prefigures contemporary feminist care ethics.
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    L'expérimentation statistique et les probabilités.Maurice Halbwachs - 1923 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 96:340 - 371.
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    Selective citation in the literature on swimming in chlorinated water and childhood asthma: a network analysis.Maurice P. Zeegers, Lex M. Bouter, Gerard M. H. Swaen, Miriam J. E. Urlings & Bram Duyx - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundKnowledge development depends on an unbiased representation of the available evidence. Selective citation may distort this representation. Recently, some controversy emerged regarding the possible impact of swimming on childhood asthma, raising the question about the role of selective citation in this field. Our objective was to assess the occurrence and determinants of selective citation in scientific publications on the relationship between swimming in chlorinated pools and childhood asthma.MethodsWe identified scientific journal articles on this relationship via a systematic literature search. The (...)
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  46. L'Homme existe-il?Maurice Zundel - 1967 - Paris,: les Éditions ouvrières.
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  47. A study in philosophy and the social sciences.Maurice Natanson - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Logic and Rhetoric in Lavoisier's Sealed Note: Toward a Rhetoric of Science.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (2):111 - 122.
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    (1 other version)Greener Pastures.Maurice Schoenwald & David Schoenwald - 1994 - Business Ethics 8 (4):43-43.
    Investing tips from Maurice and David Schoenwald of the New Alternatives Fund.
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  50. Sartre.Maurice Cranston, Colette Audry, Philip Thody, Mary Warnock & Jean-Paul Sartre - 1968 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 24 (2):248-250.
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