Results for 'Medical ethics Judaism.'

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  1.  16
    Medical ethics in an interreligious comparison: Judaism. [REVIEW]Avraham Steinberg - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (1):112-115.
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    Medical ethics: a compendium of Jewish moral, ethical, and religious principles in medical practice.Moshe David Tendler (ed.) - 1975 - New York: Committee on Religious Affairs, Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York.
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    Autonomy, altruism and authority in medical ethics: essays in honor of professor Shimon Glick.Shifra Shvarts, Alan Jotkowitz & Shimon Glick (eds.) - 2015 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    In this volume, written in honour of the eightieth birthday of Professor Shimon Glick, world renowned experts in the field of medical ethics struggle with the question of how to weigh the respective values of autonomy, altruism and authority in dealing with real life bioethical dilemmas.
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    Manual of Hippocratic and Judeo-Christian medical ethics.Patrick Guinan - 2007 - Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. Edited by John Brehany.
    From the creator of the most intriguing Heroes and adored villain ever spawned - DANCE of the RISING SUN Known by his People as Michael Len Red Mountain, he has returned to Cati Phoenix to claim what is rightfully his. The obstacles arisen to stand in his way are welded in powerful influences. But his leverages prove more potent than all the great cerebrates of greed and cleverness combined, for his are born of his culture... In this sequel to the (...)
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  5. Matters of life and death: a Jewish approach to modern medical ethics.Elliot N. Dorff - 1998 - Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society.
    In Matters of Life and Death Elliot Dorff thoroughly addresses this unavoidable confluence of medical technology and Jewish law and ethics.
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    Dangerous disease & dangerous therapy in Jewish medical ethics: principles and practice.Akiva Tatz - 2010 - Southfield, MI: Targum Press.
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    Judaism examined: essays in Jewish philosophy and ethics.Moshe Sokol - 2013 - Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press.
    This volume of essays examines key themes in Jewish philosophy and ethics from the rigorous perspective of philosophical analysis. The first set of essays takes up the challenge of living a Jewish life, and includes essays on pleasure, joy, human suffering, Jewish ritual practice and the philosophical life. The second set of essays analyzes the value and meaning of autonomy, human freedom and tolerance in Jewish thought, crucial themes in western political thought and life. Other essays in the volume (...)
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    Medical decisions in halachah: a guide for end-of-life and other complex medical dilemmas.Moshe Rotberg - 2016 - Lakewood, NJ: Israel Bookshop Publications. Edited by Moshe Rotberg.
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    Selected writings on self-organization, philosophy, bioethics, and Judaism.Henri Atlan - 2011 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Stefanos Geroulanos & Todd Meyers.
    Self-organization -- Organisms, finalisms, programs, machines -- Spinoza -- Judaism, determinism, and rationalities -- Fabricating the living -- Ethics.
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    Jewish guide to practical medical decision-making.Jason Weiner - 2017 - New York: Urim Publications.
    Jewish medical ethics presented in light of the most contemporary medical information and rabbinic rulings. The author provides guidance to facilitate complex decision-making for the most common medical dilemmas today, such as surrogacy, assisted suicide, and end-of-life issues.
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    Clinical Ethics and the Observant Jewish and Muslim Patient: Shared Theocentric Perspectives in Practice.Fahmida Hossain, Ezra Gabbay & Joseph J. Fins - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-17.
    Patients from religious minorities can face unique challenges reconciling their beliefs with the values that undergird Western Medical Ethics. This paper explores homologies between approaches of Orthodox Judaism and Islam to medical ethics, and how these religions’ moral codes differ from the prevailing ethos in medicine. Through analysis of religious and biomedical literature, this work examines how Jewish and Muslim religious observances affect decisions about genetic counseling, reproductive health, pediatric medicine, mental health, and end-of-life decisions. These (...)
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  12. Judaism, Justice, and Access to Health Care.Aaron L. Mackler - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (2):143-161.
    This paper develops the traditional Jewish understanding of justice (tzedakah) and support for the needy, especially as related to the provision of medical care. After an examination of justice in the Hebrew Bible, the values and institutions of tzedakah in Rabbinic Judaism are explored, with a focus on legal codes and enforceable obligations. A standard of societal responsibility to provide for the basic needs of all, with a special obligation to save lives, emerges. A Jewish view of justice in (...)
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  13. ha-Musar ha-refuʼi bi-meḳorot Yehudiyim bi-Yeme ha-benayim ṿeha-Renesans.Samuel S. Kottek - 1979 - [Tel-Aviv]: Universiṭat T.A., Be. ha-s. li-refuʼah ʻa. sh. Saḳler.
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  14. Biomedical ethics in perspective of Jewish teaching and tradition: proceedings of an academic conference, November 13, 1977.Isaac Franck & J. DAvid Bleich (eds.) - 1980 - Silver Spring, Md.: College of Jewish Studies of Greater Washington (D.C.).
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    (1 other version)Modern medicine and Jewish ethics.Fred Rosner - 1986 - New York: Yeshiva University Press.
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    Care and covenant: a Jewish bioethic of responsibility.Jason Weiner - 2022 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    The Jewish tradition has important perspectives, history and wisdom that can contribute significantly to crucial contemporary healthcare deliberations. This book is an attempt to show how numerous classic Jewish texts and ideas have significant things to say about some of the most urgent debates in the world of medicine today, with the potential to significantly expand and benefit the field of bioethics. But this book is not only about applying classical Jewish values to bioethical dilemmas. It seeks to develop an (...)
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    Introduction to Jewish and Catholic bioethics: a comparative analysis.Aaron L. Mackler - 2003 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
    " This book has been carefully crafted in that spirit.
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  18. Ethical and Clinical Issues in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the Frail Elderly with Dementia: A Jewish Perspective.Michael Gordon - 2007 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 2:1-4.
    Few clinical situations arouse more emotion and drama and lead to more conflict in decision-making than cardio-pulmonary resuscitation . The procedure was described as potentially beneficial more than 40 years ago. However, its efficacy and place in the care of the frail elderly have taken a long time to be established. In the world of secular medical practice, there are many situations when CPR may be provided to elderly, frail and cognitively compromised individuals for whom its clinical benefit is (...)
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  19.  51
    The Faith of Biology and the Biology of Faith: Order, Meaning, and Free Will in Modern Medical Science.Robert Pollack - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Are there parallels between the "moment of insight" in science and the emergence of the "unknowable" in religious faith? Where does scientific insight come from? Award-winning biologist Robert Pollack argues that an alliance between religious faith and science is not necessarily an argument in favor of irrationality: the two can inform each other's visions of the world. Pollack begins by reflecting on the large questions of meaning and purpose--and the difficulty of finding either in the orderly world described by the (...)
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    Berakhah le-Avraham: asupat maʼamarim le-khibud ha-Rav Prof. Avraham ha-Leṿi Shṭainberg, sheliṭa, mi-peri ʻiṭam shel yedidaṿ u-moḳiraṿ bi-melot lo shishim shanah, be-tosefet ketavim shel avot ha-mishpaḥah.Avraham Steinberg & Yitsḥaḳ Ilan Shṭainberg (eds.) - 2008 - Yerushalayim: Le-haśagat ha-sefer, Yitsḥaḳ Ilan ha-Leṿi Shṭainberg.
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  21. Kelayot yoʻatsot: maśa u-matan be-ḥiyuv hatsalat nefashot be-gidre ha-zekhiyah be-mitsṿah zo uva-devarim ha-mistaʻafim mimenah.Avraham ben Aryeh Leyb Ravits - 2000 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  22.  4
    Éthiques du judaïsme.Michaël Azoulay - 2019 - Paris: La Maison d'édition.
    A l'été 2019, le parlement français se saisira de la loi sur la bioéthique. Ajouter une pierre au débat, tel est l'objectif de ce court livre qui aborde les différentes questions liées à l'éthique et aux sujets actuellement en débat au sein de la société française et sur lesquels le parlement sera amené à délibérer : - procréation (PMA, GPA), - fin de vie (assistance au suicide, accompagnement des malades en fin de vie), - dons d'organes, - intelligence artificielle.
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    Study guide to Jewish ethics: a reader's companion to Matters of life and death, To do the right and the good, Love your neighbor and yourself.Paul Steinberg - 2003 - Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society. Edited by Elliot N. Dorff.
    This companion to Elliot Dorff's three books on Jewish ethics -- Matters of Life and Death , To Do the Right and the Good , and Love Your Neighbor and Yourself -- is designed for group as well as individual study. Through suggested readings from Dorff's books, probing questions, lively discussion topics, and simple writing exercises, readers will be able to analyze and clarify their own positions on a host of controversial issues: sex, surrogate motherhood, adoption, family abuse, responsibilities (...)
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    Ethical writings of Maimonides.Moses Maimonides - 1975 - New York: Dover Publications. Edited by Raymond L. Weiss & Charles E. Butterworth.
    Here are the most significant ethical writings of the 12th-century philosopher, physician, and master of rabbinical literature—newly translated from the original sources by noted Maimonides scholars Raymond L. Weiss and Charles E. Butterworth. Among these are the first English versions of Eight Chapters and the Letter to Joseph. Other selections include Laws Concerning Character Traits, Treatise on the Art of Logic, and gleanings from Maimonides’ medical writings. Introduction. Notes.
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    Artificial nutrition and hydration in the patient with advanced dementia: is withholding treatment compatible with traditional Judaism?Muriel R. Gillick - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (1):12-15.
    Several religious traditions are widely believed to advocate the use of life-sustaining treatment in all circumstances. Hence, many believe that these faiths would require the use of a feeding tube in patients with advanced dementia who have lost interest in or the capacity to swallow food. This article explores whether one such tradition—halachic Judaism—in fact demands the use of artificial nutrition and hydration in this setting. Traditional arguments have been advanced holding that treatment can be withheld in persons who are (...)
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  26. Mi-pinḳaso shel rofe: sugiyot ṿe-dilemot be-etiḳah, ba-refuʼah uva-halakhah.Menachem Haim Brayer - 2016 - Bene Beraḳ: [Menaḥem Ḥayim Brayer].
    Toldot ha-meḥaber - Petaḥ davar -- Psikhonoyroʼimunologyah, yaḥase gomlin nefesh guf -- Hakarat ha-ṭov la-tseṿet ha-metapel -- Peʻilut hatsalah ha-ʻalulah le-hasev nezaḳim -- ha-Ḥoleh ha-sofani ha-noṭeh la-mut -- ʻAl saf gesher ha-ḥayim -- Ḳedushat ha-ḥayim -- Ḥoleh dimenṭi, ḥasar deʻah, Altshaimer -- Ḥolim ḳashim ʻim ekhut ḥayim yerudah u-mugbaluyot -- Refuʼat nashim (geniḳologyah), ʻubarim, yiludim ṿi-yeladim -- Bediḳot seḳer -- Amirat emet la-ḥoleh.
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    Refuʼah, halakhah ṿe-khaṿanot ha-Torah: shevaʻ sugyot be-ʻinyane refuʼah ṿe-halakhah.Isaac Shailat - 2013 - Maʻaleh Adumim: Hotsaʼat Shilat.
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    Some principles of Islamic ethics as found in Harrisian philosophy.S. Aksoy - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):226-229.
    John Harris is one of the prominent philosophers and bioethicists of our time. He has published tens of books and hundreds of papers throughout his professional life. This paper aims to take a ‘deep-look’ at Harris' works to argue that it is possible to find some principles of Islamic ethics in Harrisian philosophy, namely in his major works, as well as in his personal life. This may be surprising, or thought of as a ‘big’ and ‘groundless’ claim, since John (...)
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  29. L'etica del Novecento. Dopo Nietzsche.Sergio Cremaschi - 2005 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    TWENTIETH-CENTURY ETHICS. AFTER NIETZSCHE -/- Preface This book tells the story of twentieth-century ethics or, in more detail, it reconstructs the history of a discussion on the foundations of ethics which had a start with Nietzsche and Sidgwick, the leading proponents of late-nineteenth-century moral scepticism. During the first half of the century, the prevailing trends tended to exclude the possibility of normative ethics. On the Continent, the trend was to transform ethics into a philosophy of (...)
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  30.  13
    Second texts and second opinions: essays towards a Jewish bioethics.Laurie Zoloth - 2022 - New York, NY, United States of Ameria: Oxford University Press.
    This is a book about writing and thinking about bioethics of a particular sort, a feminism of a particular sort, and a Jewish philosophy of a particular sort. It is about all of these things-feminist thought, Judaism, and the practice of bioethics-as I have written about them in a distinctive moment in the field and from the moral location from which I worked, which was as an academic in the disciplines of Jewish Studies and moral philosophy who also worked as (...)
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  31. Female genital mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision: Should there be a separate ethical discourse?Brian D. Earp - 2014 - Practical Ethics.
    It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children‘s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed 'female genital mutilation' or FGM), and one for boys (in which such alterations should be termed 'male circumcision‘). In this article, I call into question the moral and empirical basis for such a distinction, and argue that all children - whether female, male, or indeed intersex - should be free from (...)
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    The Ethics of Death: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives in Dialogue. [REVIEW]Sarah Moses - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (1):218-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Ethics of Death: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives in Dialogue by Lloyd Steffen and Dennis R. CooleySarah MosesThe Ethics of Death: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives in Dialogue Lloyd Steffen and Dennis R. Cooley MINNEAPOLIS: FORTRESS PRESS, 2014. 318 PP. $34.00In The Ethics of Death, religious studies scholar Lloyd Steffen and philosopher Dennis Cooley offer ethical analysis of a variety of topics with an approach they (...)
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  33.  13
    Handbook of psychotherapy and Jewish ethics: halakhic perspectives on professional values and techniques.Moshe HaLevi Spero - 1986 - New York: Feldheim.
  34.  15
    Medical ethics and sociology.Andrew Papanikitas - 2013 - Edinburgh: Mosby/Elsevier. Edited by Keith Amarakone.
    Foundations of medical ethics and law -- Professionalism and medical ethics -- The doctor, the patient, and society -- Ethics and law at the beginning and end of life -- Healthcare commissioning and resource allocation -- Introduction to sociology and disease -- Experience of health and illness -- Organization of health care provision in the UK -- Inequalities in health and health care provision -- Epidemiology and public health -- Clinical governance.
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  35. Madrikh refuʼi lefi ha-masoret ha-Yehudit.Leo Wislicki (ed.) - 1977 - Yerushalayim: Makhon li-refuʼah ṿe-Yahadut.
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  36. ʻOlamot nifgashim: madaʻ ṿe-ṭekhnologyah bi-reʼi ha-halakhah.Yishai Leṿi & Zekharyah Ṭovi (eds.) - 2002 - Yerushalayim: Maḥleḳet ha-pirsumim, Miśrad ha-ḥinukh.
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  37. Sefer Shulḥan Shelomoh: ʻerkhe refuʼah: asupat berure halakhot u-fisḳe dinim.Shelomoh Zalman Oyerbakh - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Śimḥah Bunem ben Avraham Yosef Laizerzon. Edited by Śimḥah Bunem ben Avraham Yosef Laizerzon.
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  38. Sefer Refuʼah ka-halakhah: entsiḳlopedyah hilkhatit maḳifah: be-ʻinyene guf ha-adam, geneṭiḳah, ha-guf ha-mizdaḳen, meniʻat maḥalot, bediḳot geneṭiyot ṿe-aminutan, oraḥ ḥayim shelili, shemirat ha-guf ṿeha-nefesh, ḥisunim, hitʻamlut ṿe-khosher gufani, ḥovat ha-tseṿet ha-refuʼi, rashlanut ha-rofe, dine yiḥud be-matsavim refuʼiyim.Ḥanan Aflalo - 2021 - Betar ʻIlit: Ḥanan Aflalo.
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  39.  52
    Medical ethics: a case based approach.R. Ashcroft - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):e10-e10.
    Teaching medical ethics and law to medical students has been a requirement for all medical schools in the United Kingdom since the General Medical Council’s Tomorrow’s Doctors guidance on medical curricular reform of 1992. All United Kingdom medical schools now have at least some medical ethics and law in their curricula and most have a person appointed primarily to be responsible for this teaching. Since the publication in the Journal of (...) Ethics in 1998, volume 24, pages188–192, of a consensus statement on a core curriculum in medical ethics and law for medical students, most medical schools have gradually come to conform to this as the benchmark for the content of such teaching. There remains, however, a great diversity in the approaches taken to ensuring that learning this content takes place. A wide range of strategies have …. (shrink)
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    Religious Perspectives on Social Responsibility in Health: Towards a Dialogical Approach.Joseph Tham, Chris Durante & Alberto García Gómez (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book discuss the meaning and implications of the social and ethical implications of the notion of social responsibility in healthcare in six major world religions — Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, & Judaism. This collection of papers is based on a four-day workshop where bioethics experts from various religious traditions gathered. They discussed the ways in which their respective traditions could, or could not, uphold the tenets of Article 14 of UNESCO's Universal Declaration of bioethics and Human Rights. The (...)
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  41. Sefer Ṿe-ḥe aḥikha ʻimakh: be-veʼur ha-hishtadlut le-hatsalat nefashot.Eliʻezer Roṭ - 2003 - Bene Beraḳ: Elieʻezer Roṭ.
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  42. Li-khepot--o la-ḥadol?: ṭipul be-horim be-nigud li-retsonam.Yigʼal Śafran - 1992 - Yerushalayim: ha-Rabanut ha-rashit ṿeha-Moʻatsah ha-datit, ha-Maḥlaḳah li-refuʼah ṿa-halakhah.
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    Medical Ethics versus Bioethics (a.k.a. Principlism).Patrick Guinan - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (4):651-659.
    The Hippocratic ethic, or medical ethics, has guided medical practitioners for 2,500 years. More recently it has been displaced by bioethics. Traditional medicalethics is a covenant between a competent physician and a sick patient, the purpose of which is to effect healing. Bioethics is a civil consensual ethic regulating health-care delivery. It is not personal by nature.Medical ethics is a deontological, virtue-based ethic. Bioethics, particularly as expressed in principlism, its most prominent school in the United (...)
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    Digital Doppelgängers, Grief Bots, and Transformational Challenges.Alice Elizabeth Kelley Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby Center for Medical Ethics & Health Policy - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):1-2.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 1-2.
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    Medical ethics.Carl Heintze - 1987 - New York: Franklin Watts.
    Discusses the ethical and moral issues surrounding euthanasia, genetic engineering, genetic counseling, organ transplants, and other medical technologies.
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    Medical ethics: a reflection.Leslie E. T. Shyllon - 2007 - London: Quafro Press. Edited by Don Okoko.
    A reflection on the philosophical concept of morality, its values and human conduct and the obligations of medical personnel to conform to the recognised standard practices.
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    Medical Ethics: Essays on Abortion and Euthanasia.Robert Laurence Barry - 1989 - P. Lang.
    In this book, controversial topics such as the morality of abortion, withdrawing treatment from handicapped newborns, the role of ethics committees, diagnosing death, withdrawing food and fluids and giving lethal injections are discussed. It proposes model legislation to prevent abuse and neglect of the medically vulnerable and dependent, and in a piercing and insightful manner, Fr. Barry critically evaluates many contemporary views on these topics, arguing forcefully for a reappraisal of many popular views on these topics.
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  48. Medical Ethics Education in Slovakia: Some of the Problems it Faces and Further Research Suggestions.Alexandra Smatanová - 2012 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 2 (1-2):51-59.
    From the 1970s on, much more attention has been given to medical ethics education than ever before. As such, medical ethics education and its importance have started to be accepted and acknowledged by the wider public and by academics as well. Slovakia is not an exception. Also here, considerable amount of attention and concern has been given lately to medical ethics and to medical ethics education. In this article, I will focus on (...)
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  49. The Embryo in Ancient Rabbinic Literature: Between Religious Law and Didactic Narratives: An Interpretive Essay.Etienne Lepicard - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (1):21-41.
    At a time when bioethical issues are at the top of public and political agendas, there is a renewed interest in representations of the embryo in various religious traditions. One of the major traditions that have contributed to Western representations of the embryo is the Jewish tradition. This tradition poses some difficulties that may deter scholars, but also presents some invaluable advantages. These derive from two components, the search for limits and narrativity, both of which are directly connected with the (...)
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    Duty and healing: foundations of a Jewish bioethic.Benjamin Freedman - 1999 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Charles Weijer.
    Duty and Healing positions ethical issues commonly encountered in clinical situations within Jewish law. The concept of duty is significant in exploring bioethical issues, and this book presents an authentic and non-parochial Jewish approach to bioethics, while it includes critiques of both current secular and Jewish literatures. Among the issues the book explores are the role of family in medical decision-making, the question of informed consent as a personal religious duty, and the responsibilities of caretakers. The exploration of contemporary (...)
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