Results for 'Melinda Papp'

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  1.  18
    Conspicuous consumption in postwar Japan: The case of a rite of passage.Melinda Papp - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):196-213.
    This paper focuses on a specific aspect of a Japanese rite of passage called Shichigosan. Although its origins go back to premodern Japan, its contemporary pattern truly reflects the modern living conditions of the Japanese. Today the ritual is one of the most popular family celebrations. Commercialization has significantly influenced the pattern of celebration in the postwar period and as a result, consumption practices have become inherent parts of the ritual. The paper examines this development from a historical perspective. Furthermore, (...)
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    The meta-language of politics, culture and integrity in Japan.Junichi Kawata & Melinda Papp - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):246-254.
    Words and phrases must be interpreted within the proper cultural and contemporary political and historical context. In particular, the language of politics is distinguished by the use of specific terms and phrases which often allude to other associated meanings. This means that caution must be exercised when interpreting the terms used not only within the context of the other language, but often also within its own linguistic context. The translator or commentator has to be familiar with the language code used (...)
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    Kerklike tradisie en kultuur as bydraende faktore in die diens aan die Koninkryk – die lewe en werk van dominee Kálmán Papp II.Kálmán D. Papp - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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    L'Université israélienne contre la liberté de penser.Ilan Pappé & Amaya Elbacha - 2002 - Multitudes 10 (3):187-196.
    Ilan Pappe, one of the New Historians in Israel, answers Amaya et Bacha’s questions concerning the disciplinary proceedings initiated against him by the administration of the University of Haifa. Pappe argues that the measures taken against him were the result of his critique of Israeli academia for its lack of independence, as well as of his scholarly work on the « Nakba » and, in particular, the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian village of Tantura at the founding of the state (...)
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    Mill and Tocqueville.H. O. Pappe - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (2):217.
  6.  18
    John Stuart Mill and the Harriet Taylor myth.H. O. Pappe - 1961 - [Parkville]: Melbourne University Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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  7. John Stuart Mill and the Harriet Taylor Myth.H. O. Pappe - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (145):280-281.
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    Madness as Shelter for Feminist Ideas: Elinor's Role in Frances Burney's The Wanderer.Victoria Kortes-Papp - 1999 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 18:95.
  9.  6
    Az erkölcsi belátás előrehaladása a "lex naturalis"-ra vonatkozóan.Miklós Papp - 2003 - Budapest: Márton Áron.
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    A válság filozófiájától a "konszenzus" szociológiájáig: útvesztők és útelágazások a huszadik századi német polgári filozófia és szociológia történetében.Zsolt Papp - 1980 - [Budapest]: Kossuth Könyvkiadó.
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    Boekbespreking.Kálmán Papp, P. S. Dreyer & D. F. Erasmus - 1952 - HTS Theological Studies 8 (2).
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    De Galileo a Einstein.Desiderio Papp - 1989 - Santiago [Chile]: Hachette. Edited by Jorge Estrella.
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  13. De Galileo a Einstein.J. Papp & J. Estrella - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):175-178.
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    Die Kerkhervorming in Hongarye.K. D. Papp - 2003 - HTS Theological Studies 59 (4).
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    Die oorsprong van die ' Paardekraal-Gelofte'.Kálmán Papp - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (1):189-206.
    The Origin of the ‘Paardekraal Vow’ Contrary to common belief that the ‘1880 Vow' was taken at Paardekraal, on the restoration of the Republic on 13 December 1880, the writer has documentary proof that this ‘Vow’ was in existence almost two years before that date. An agreement is said to have been signed by a number of the Boers at Wonderfontein, where they had gathered between 10 and 13 January 1879 to claim the restoration of the Republic. Both these minutes (...)
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  16. Fejezetek a politikai és jogi gondolkodás történetéből (1950-1970).Ignác Papp - 1975 - Szeged: Szegedi József Attila Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kara.
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  17. Fejezetek a politikai és jogi gondolkodás történetéből (1950-1970).Ignác Papp - 1975 - Szeged: Szegedi József Attila Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kara.
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  18.  33
    Genetic counseling and termination of pregnancy in hungary.Zoltan Papp - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (3):323-333.
    The practice of prenatal diagnosis has brought with it the utilization of pregnancy termination as a preventive approach. In this paper the genetic/teratologic, fetal and maternal indications for termination of pregnancy used in Hungary are described, as well as the legal requirements and the proposed mode of termination at the different stages of gestation. The author is the director of the largest prenatal genetic counseling service in Hungary. Keywords: elective abortion, medico-legal aspects, prenatal diagnosis, genetic disorders, Hungary, bioethics CiteULike Connotea (...)
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    Jöjjön el a te országod--.Lajos Papp - 2003 - [Budapest]: Kairosz.
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    Light-cone approach to the quantum space-time description.E. Papp - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (11):1155-1165.
    Proofs have been given that the light-cone approximation can be analyzed in terms of the extended quantum-mechanical description of the space-time measurements by the complex numbers. It is then proved that the so established description is able to support both the asymptotical scale-invariant cross sections and the threshold behavior of the high-energy production processes.
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    Matters of Taste: Kant’s Epistemological Aesthetics.Zoltán Papp - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):402-428.
    This paper is concerned with what I believe is the epistemological mission of Kant’s doctrine of taste. The third Critique inherits two problems from the first. The evident one is that the categorial constitution of nature must be complemented with the notion of purposiveness. The less evident one is that the transcendental theory of experience needs a common sense in order to secure a common objectivity. The judgment of taste, conceived of by Kant as a ‘cognition in general’ not restricted (...)
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  22.  53
    On philosophical anthropology.H. O. Pappe - 1961 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):47 – 64.
  23.  16
    Sismondi's System of Liberty.H. O. Pappe - 1979 - Journal of the History of Ideas 40 (2):251.
  24. Ten Myths About Israel.Ilan Pappe - 2017
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    The scale-breaking contributions of the Pauli-Jordan functions and of the Feynman propagators.E. Papp - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (10):999-1011.
    Proofs have been given that the underlying background of the scale-breaking contributions of the Pauli-Jordan functions and of the Feynman propagators is the existence of an energy dependent dispersion of the canonical scale dimension, respectively. The energy dependence of these dispersions can be established by taking into account the existence of the time dispersion, too. For the interacting fields the above functions are subject to the scale invariance restoration around the underlying proper-time dispersions, in so far as the short space-like (...)
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  26.  52
    X.—critical notice.H. O. Pappe - 1967 - Mind 76 (303):442-449.
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    Janos erdelyi: The individual and the ideal (Janos erdelyi: Das individuelle und Das ideale).Papp Zoltan & Erdelyi Janos - 2008 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 45 (2).
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  28. The Bioethics of Enhancement: Transhumanism, Disability, and Biopolitics.Melinda Hall - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    In a critical intervention into the bioethics debate over human enhancement, philosopher Melinda Hall tackles the claim that the expansion and development of human capacities is a moral obligation. Hall draws on French philosopher Michel Foucault to reveal and challenge the ways disability is central to the conversation. The Bioethics of Enhancement includes a close reading and analysis of the last century of enhancement thinking and contemporary transhumanist thinkers, the strongest promoters of the obligation to pursue enhancement technology. With (...)
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    Stems and Standards: Social Interaction in the Search for Blood Stem Cells.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2010 - Journal of the History of Biology 43 (1):67 - 109.
    This essay examines the role of social interactions in the search for blood stem cells, in a recent episode of biomedical research. Linked to mid-20th century cell biology, genetics and radiation research, the search for blood stem cells coalesced in the 1960s and took a developmental turn in the late 1980s, with significant ramifications for immunology, stem cell and cancer biology. Like much contemporary biomedical research, this line of inquiry exhibits a complex social structure and includes several prominent scientific successes, (...)
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  30.  23
    Child Versus Childmaker: Future Persons and Present Duties in Ethics and the Law.Melinda A. Roberts - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Child Versus Childmaker investigates a "person-affecting" approach to ethical choice. A form of consequentialism, this approach is intended to capture the idea that agents ought both do the most good that they can and respect each person as distinct from each other. Focusing on cases in which a conflict of interest arises between "childmakers"—parents, infertility specialists, embryologists, and others engaged in the task of bringing new people into existence—and the children they aim to create, the author considers what we today (...)
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  31. Waddington redux: models and explanation in stem cell and systems biology.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (2):179-213.
    Stem cell biology and systems biology are two prominent new approaches to studying cell development. In stem cell biology, the predominant method is experimental manipulation of concrete cells and tissues. Systems biology, in contrast, emphasizes mathematical modeling of cellular systems. For scientists and philosophers interested in development, an important question arises: how should the two approaches relate? This essay proposes an answer, using the model of Waddington’s landscape to triangulate between stem cell and systems approaches. This simple abstract model represents (...)
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  32. The Asymmetry: A Solution.Melinda A. Roberts - 2011 - Theoria 77 (4):333-367.
    The Asymmetry consists of two claims. (A) That a possible person's life would be abjectly miserable –less than worth living – counts against bringing that person into existence. But (B) that a distinct possible person's life would be worth living or even well worth living does not count in favour of bringing that person into existence. In recent years, the view that the two halves of the Asymmetry are jointly untenable has become increasingly entrenched. If we say all persons matter (...)
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  33. An Asymmetry in the Ethics of Procreation.Melinda A. Roberts - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (11):765-776.
    According to the Asymmetry, it is wrong to bring a miserable child into existence but permissible not to bring a happy child into existence. When it comes to procreation, we don’t have complete procreative liberty. But we do have some discretion. The Asymmetry seems highly intuitive. But a plausible account of the Asymmetry has been surprisingly difficult to provide, and it may well be that most moral philosophers – or at least most consequentialists – think that all reasonable efforts to (...)
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  34. Speaker trustworthiness: Shall confidence match evidence?Mélinda Pozzi & Diana Mazzarella - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (1):102-125.
    Overconfidence is typically damaging to one’s reputation as a trustworthy source of information. Previous research shows that the reputational cost associated with conveying a piece of false information is higher for confident than unconfident speakers. When judging speaker trustworthiness, individuals do not exclusively rely on past accuracy but consider the extent to which speakers expressed a degree of confidence that matched the accuracy of their claims (their “confidence-accuracy calibration”). The present study experimentally examines the interplay between confidence, accuracy and a (...)
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  35. Social experiments in stem cell biology.Melinda B. Fagan - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (3):235-262.
    Stem cell biology is driven by experiment. Its major achievements are striking experimental productions: "immortal" human cell lines from spare embryos (Thomson et al. 1998); embryo-like cells from "reprogrammed" adult skin cells (Takahashi and Yamanaka 2006); muscle, blood and nerve tissue generated from stem cells in culture (Lanza et al. 2009, and references therein). Well-confirmed theories are not so prominent, though stem cell biologists do propose and test hypotheses at a profligate rate. 1 This paper aims to characterize the role (...)
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    Scientific Autonomy, Public Accountability, and the Rise of “Peer Review” in the Cold War United States.Melinda Baldwin - 2018 - Isis 109 (3):538-558.
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  37. Can it ever be better never to have existed at all? Person-based consequentialism and a new repugnant conclusion.Melinda A. Roberts - 2003 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (2):159–185.
    ABSTRACT Broome and others have argued that it makes no sense, or at least that it cannot be true, to say that it is better for a given person that he or she exist than not. That argument can be understood to suggest that, likewise, it makes no sense, or at least that it cannot be true, to say that it is worse for a given person that he or she exist than that he or she never have existed at (...)
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  38.  14
    Philosophy of stem cell biology: knowledge in flesh and blood.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2013 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Examining stem cell biology from a philosophy of science perspective, this book clarifies the field's central concept, the stem cell, as well as its aims, methods, models, explanations and evidential challenges. The first chapters discuss what stem cells are, how experiments identify them, and why these two issues cannot be completely separated. The basic concepts, methods and structure of the field are set out, as well as key limitations and challenges. The second part of the book shows how rigorous explanations (...)
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  39. The nonidentity problem.Melinda Roberts - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  40. The Non-Identity Fallacy: Harm, Probability and Another Look at Parfit’s Depletion Example.Melinda A. Roberts - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (3):267-311.
    The non-identity problem is really a collection of problems having distinct logical features. For that reason, non-identity problems can be typed. This article focuses on just one type of non-identity problem, the problem, which includes Derek Parfit's depletion example and many others. The can't-expect-better problem uses an assessment about the low probability of any particular person's coming into existence to reason that an earlier wrong act does not harm that person. This article argues that that line of reasoning is unusually (...)
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  41.  41
    From reproductive work to regenerative labour: The female body and the stem cell industries.Melinda Cooper & Catherine Waldby - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (1):3-22.
    The identification and valorization of unacknowledged, feminized forms of economic productivity has been an important task for feminist theory. In this article, we expand and rethink existing definitions of labour, in order to recognize the essential economic role women play in the stem cell and regenerative medicine industries, new fields of biomedical research that are rapidly expanding throughout the world. Women constitute the primary tissue donors in the new stem cell industries, which require high volumes of human embryos, oöcytes, foetal (...)
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  42. Stem Cell Lineages: Between Cell and Organism.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (6).
    Ontologies of living things are increasingly grounded on the concepts and practices of current life science. Biological development is a process, undergone by living things, which begins with a single cell and (in an important class of cases) ends with formation of a multicellular organism. The process of development is thus prima facie central for ideas about biological individuality and organismality. However, recent accounts of these concepts do not engage developmental biology. This paper aims to fill the gap, proposing the (...)
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  43.  85
    The nonidentity problem and the two envelope problem: When is one act better for a person than another?Melinda A. Roberts - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts, Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 201--228.
  44.  44
    Generative models: Human embryonic stem cells and multiple modeling relations.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56:122-134.
  45. Is there collective scientific knowledge? Arguments from explanation.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (243):247-269.
    If there is collective scientific knowledge, then at least some scientific groups have beliefs over and above the personal beliefs of their members. Gilbert's plural-subjects theory makes precise the notion of ‘over and above’ here. Some philosophers have used plural-subjects theory to argue that philosophical, historical and sociological studies of science should take account of collective beliefs of scientific groups. Their claims rest on the premise that our best explanations of scientific change include these collective beliefs. I argue that Gilbert's (...)
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    Stem cells and systems models: clashing views of explanation.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):873-907.
    This paper examines a case of failed interdisciplinary collaboration, between experimental stem cell research and theoretical systems biology. Recently, two groups of theoretical biologists have proposed dynamical systems models as a basis for understanding stem cells and their distinctive capacities. Experimental stem cell biologists, whose work focuses on manipulation of concrete cells, tissues and organisms, have largely ignored these proposals. I argue that ‘failure to communicate’ in this case is rooted in divergent views of explanation: the theoretically-inclined modelers are committed (...)
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  47. Is the Person-Affecting Intuition Paradoxical?Melinda A. Roberts - 2003 - Theory and Decision 55 (1):1-44.
    This article critically examines some of the inconsistency objections that have been put forward by John Broome, Larry Temkin and others against the so-called "person-affecting," or "person-based," restriction in normative ethics, including "extra people" problems and a version of the nonidentity problem from Kavka and Parfit. Certain Pareto principles and a version of the "mere addition paradox" are discussed along the way. The inconsistencies at issue can be avoided, it is argued, by situating the person-affecting intuition within a non-additive form (...)
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    Pre-empting Emergence.Melinda Cooper - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (4):113-135.
    This article looks at the increasing prominence of bioterrorist threat scenarios in recent US foreign policy. Germ warfare, it argues, is being depicted as the paradigmatic threat of the post-Cold War era, not only because of its affinity for cross-border movement but also because it blurs the lines between deliberate attack and spontaneous natural catastrophe. The article looks at the possible implications of this move for understandings of war, strategy and public health. It also seeks to contextualize the US’s growing (...)
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  49.  33
    Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practices.Melinda Fagan, Otávio Bueno & Ruey-Lin Chen (eds.) - 2018 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    What things count as individuals, and how do we individuate them? It is a classic philosophical question often tackled from the perspective of analytic metaphysics. This volume proposes that there is another channel by which to approach individuation -- from that of scientific practices. From this perspective, the question then becomes: How do scientists individuate things and, therefore, count them as individuals? This volume collects the work of philosophers of science to engage with this central philosophical conundrum from a new (...)
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  50.  82
    The Alt-Right: Neoliberalism, Libertarianism and the Fascist Temptation.Melinda Cooper - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (6):29-50.
    There is by now broad consensus in the critical literature that neoliberalism and social conservatism have frequently coexisted in practice. Yet the alt-right fits none of the previously identified alliances: this is not the neoliberal neoconservatism of the Reagan and Bush years, nor the neoliberal communitarianism of the Third Way, nor even a form of neoliberal authoritarianism. Instead, the alt-right claims intellectual descent from economic libertarianism, on the one hand, and paleo- (as opposed to neo-) conservatism on the other. This (...)
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