Results for 'Metter Hjort'

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  1.  22
    Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science.Hjort Mette - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (2):286.
  2. Emotion and the Arts.Mette Hjort & Sue Laver (eds.) - 1997 - Oup Usa.
    This collection of new essays addresses emotion in relation to the arts. The essays consider such topics as the paradox of fiction, emotion in the pure and abstract arts, and the rationality and ethics of emotional responses to art.
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    The caring university: Making the case for students’ agency and capabilities.Mette Hjort - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    While concepts of care and caring have a long history, the terms have become especially prominent in recent times. Care and caring, I argue, have emerged as what philosopher Charles Taylor calls ‘moral sources,’ uber-concepts that allow for moral deliberation, the prioritization of preferences, and our identity formation as persons. Linking the current salience of care to a growing awareness of the dynamics of a crisis- and catastrophe-ridden world, I consider care within the context of university students’ declining mental health. (...)
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  4. Danish cinema and the politics of recognition.Mette Hjort - 1996 - In David Bordwell Noel Carroll (ed.), Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 520--532.
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    Correspondence.Grethe Hjort - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (40):507 - 508.
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    Das Ideal: Ein Problem der Kantischen Ideenlehre Claude Piché Bonn: Bouvier Verlag, 1984. Pp. 181.Anne Mette Hjort - 1986 - Dialogue 25 (4):804-.
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  7. Ethical Tensions in Danish-Polish Trade.K. E. Hjort - 1996 - Business Ethics-Oxford- 5:171-177.
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  8. La crise de la vérité.Johan Hjort & Colonel Cros - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (3):7-7.
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  9. The Emperor's New Clothes Confessions of a Biologist.Johan Hjort & Arthur Garland Jayne - 1931 - Williams & Norgate.
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    The Human Value of Biology.Johan Hjort - 2014 - Harvard University Press.
  11.  13
    The strategy of letters.Mette Hjort - 1993 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction O DY ss E us , one of the earliest and best-known strategists in the history of literature, chances upon the cave of the dim-witted giant ...
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    Rapid stakeholder and conflict assessment for natural resource management using cognitive mapping: The case of Damdoi Forest Enterprise, Vietnam.Carsten Nico Hjortsø, Stig Møller Christensen & Peter Tarp - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (2):149-167.
    Understanding stakeholders’ perceptions and motivations is of significant importance in relation to conservation and protected area projects. The importance of stakeholder analysis is widely recognized as a necessary means for gaining insight into the complex systemic interactions between natural processes, management policies, and local people depending on the resource. Today, community and group-based participatory inquiry approaches are widely used for this purpose. Recently, participatory approaches have been critiqued for not considering power relations and conflict internal to the community. In this (...)
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  13. Literature: Romantic Expression or Strategic Interaction.Mette Hjort - 1994 - In Charles Taylor, James Tully & Daniel M. Weinstock (eds.), Philosophy in an age of pluralism: the philosophy of Charles Taylor in question. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 121--35.
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    Decoupling from international food safety standards: how small-scale indigenous farmers cope with conflicting institutions to ensure market participation.Geovana Mercado, Carsten Nico Hjortsø & Benson Honig - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):651-669.
    Although inclusion in formal value chains extends the prospect of improving the livelihoods of rural small-scale producers, such a step is often contingent on compliance with internationally-promoted food safety standards. Limited research has addressed the challenges this represents for small rural producers who, grounded in culturally-embedded food safety conceptions, face difficulties in complying. We address this gap here through a multiple case study involving four public school feeding programs that source meals from local rural providers in the Bolivian Altiplan. Institutional (...)
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  15.  27
    Le privilège culturel et la politique de la reconnaissance.Mette Hjort - 1996 - Philosophiques 23 (1):47-55.
    Les théories post-colonialistes nous ont montré à quel point l'absence d'une reconnaissance de la valeur de certaines formes culturelles produit des effets nuisibles. Ces théories ignorent pourtant la nature asymétrique des relations régissant l'interaction entre des cultures mineures et des cultures majeures, c'est-à-dire entre les grandes et les petites nations. Par conséquent, la nécessité d'une politique de la reconnaissance spécifique aux petites nations privilégiées n'est pas reconnue. Afin d'établir ce point, j'examine quelques aspects de la production cinématographique danoise. J'essaie aussi (...)
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  16. The five obstructions.Mette Hjort - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
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  17. The Unity of Science a Sketch.Johan Hjort - 1921 - Gyldendal.
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  18.  6
    The unity of science.Johan Hjort - 1921 - London, Copenhagen [etc.]: Gyldendal.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  19. Dogme 95.Mette Hjort - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
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  20.  33
    (1 other version)Window on Eastern Europe.Katrin Erna Hjort - 1996 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 5 (3):171-177.
    Commercial cooperation between transBaltic neighbours Denmark and Poland is thriving, yet relationships between business people in the two countries are not always easy as a consequence of differing cultural histories and misunderstandings. The author is Associate Professor in the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management in Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, DK‐2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.
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  21.  19
    A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value.Ted Nannicelli & Mette Hjort (eds.) - 2022 - Wiley Blackwel.
    A COMPANION TO MOTION PICTURES AND PUBLIC VALUE A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value brings together original essays by world-renowned scholars investigating the varied intersections of the moving image and the public good. Covering a wide range of types and genres of cinema, this unprecedented volume explores the past, present, and possible future contributions of motion pictures to public value. With a cross-disciplinary approach, the text presents original conceptual work, global perspectives, philosophical arguments, historical discussion, empirical research, and (...)
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  22.  5
    The Iconography of Korean Buddhist Painting.Henrik Hjort Sorensen - 1989 - Brill.
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  23.  87
    The battle of actium: A reconsideration.Carsten Hjort Lange - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):608-623.
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  24.  40
    Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne: Zwölf VorlesungenJürgen Habermas Frankfurt: Surkamp Verlag, 1985. 449 pp. - La pensée 68: essai sur l'anti-humanisme contemporainLuc Ferry and Allain Renaut Paris: Gallimard, 1985. 293 pp. - L'oubli de la philosophieJean-Luc Nancy Paris: Galilée, 1986. 108 pp. [REVIEW]Anne Mette Hjort - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (2):367-371.
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    (J.) Rüpke Peace and War in Rome. A Religious Construction of Warfare. Translated by David M.B. Richardson. Pp. 361. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2019 (originally published as Domi militiae. Die religiöse Konstruktion des Krieges in Rom, 1990). Paper, €64. ISBN: 978-3-515-12378-5. [REVIEW]Carsten Hjort Lange - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):533-533.
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  26.  14
    VIOLENCE IN THE ANCIENT WORLD - †(G.G.) Fagan, (L.) Fibiger, (M.) Hudson, †(M.) Trundle (edd.) The Cambridge World History of Violence. Volume I: the Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds. Pp. xviii + 739, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Cased, £120, US$155. ISBN: 978-1-107-12012-9. [REVIEW]Carsten Hjort Lange - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):552-555.
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  27.  18
    Republic into empire. R. Alston Rome's revolution. Death of the republic and birth of the empire. Pp. XX + 385, ills, maps. New York: Oxford university press, 2015. Cased, £20, us$29.95. Isbn: 978-0-19-973976-9. [REVIEW]Carsten Hjort Lange - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):504-506.
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    Sextus pompeius - (l.) Kersten, (c.) Wendt (edd.) Rector Maris. Sextus pompeius und Das Meer. (Antiquitas I, 74.) pp. VIII + 337, ills. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf habelt gmbh, 2020. Cased, €75. Isbn: 978-3-7749-4252-3. [REVIEW]Carsten Hjort Lange - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):493-495.
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    Problems of Modern Science.Le Systeme des Sciences: Le Vrai, L'Intelligible, et le Reel.The Unity of Science.Wm Forbes Cooley, Arthur Dendy, Edmond Goblot & Johan Hjort - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (22):603.
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    Researching With Undergraduate Students: Exploring the Learning Potentials of Undergraduate Students and Researchers Collaborating in Knowledge Production.Trine Wulf-Andersen, Kevin Holger Mogensen & Peder Hjort-Madsen - 2013 - Journal of Research Practice 9 (2):Article M9 (proof).
    The article presents a particular case of undergraduate students working on subprojects within the framework of their supervisors' (the authors') research project during Autumn Semester 2012 and Spring Semester 2013. The article's purpose is to show that an institutionalized focus on students as "research learners" rather than merely curriculum learners proves productive for both research and teaching. We describe the specific university learning context and the particular organization of undergraduate students' supervision and assistantships. The case builds on and further enhances (...)
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  31. Mette Hjort, ed., Rules and Conventions: Literature, Philosophy, Social Theory Reviewed by.Alexander Miller - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (4):267-269.
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    Carsten Hjort Lange – Frederik Juliaan Vervaet , The Roman Republican Triumph Beyond the Spectacle. 2014.Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp - 2018 - Klio 100 (1):356-360.
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  33.  5
    Mettere (in) bocca: sei studi semiolinguistici.Arturo Martone - 2013 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  34. Mettere a Fuoco Il Mondo. Conversazioni sulla Filosofia di Achille Varzi (Special Issue of Isonomia – Epistemologica).Elena Casetta, Valeria Giardino, Andrea Borghini, Patrizia Pedrini, Francesco Calemi, Daniele Santoro, Giuliano Torrengo, Claudio Calosi, Pierluigi Graziani & Achille C. Varzi (eds.) - 2014 - ISONOMIA – Epistemologica. University of Urbino.
    Achille Varzi è uno dei maggiori metafisici viventi. Nel corso degli anni ha scritto testi fondamentali di logica, metafisica, mereologia, filosofia del linguaggio. Ha sconfinato nella topologia, nella geografia, nella matematica, ha ragionato di mostri e confini, percezione e buchi, viaggi nel tempo, nicchie, eventi e ciambelle; e non ha disdegnato di dialogare con gli abitanti di Flatlandia, con Neo e con Terminator. Tra le sue opere principali: Holes and Other Superficialities e Parts and Places. The Structures of Spatial Representation, (...)
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    Mettere in primo piano il capitalismo infrastrutturale: la doppia logica dello sviluppo ferroviario ad alta velocità e i suoi conflitti di classe in Cina.Peier Chen & Ngai Pun - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):19-33.
    Le ferrovie ad alta velocità in Cina sono un progetto epocale che segna l’avvento del capitalismo infrastrutturale nell’era del capitale monopolistico. L’articolo sostiene che i progetti infrastrutturali cinesi, una forma distintiva di geografie del capitalismo, svolgono diversi ruoli, tra cui quello tecnologico, sociale, economico-spaziale e geopolitico, con l’obiettivo di affrontare la precedente crisi economica del 2008 e di espandere e consolidare ulteriormente il potere territoriale. Per concettualizzare il momento contemporaneo delle dinamiche capitalistiche come capitalismo infrastrutturale e la sua relazione con (...)
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  36. Mettere a catalogo la solidarieta.G. Nervo - 1998 - Studium 94 (5):737-743.
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  37. Metter, Alfred, Die erkenntnistheoretische Bedeutung der objektiven Zweckmässigkeit im transzendentalen Idealismus. [REVIEW]W. Kinkel - 1929 - Kant Studien 34:458.
  38. Hjort, J. - The Restrictive Law Of Population. [REVIEW]A. Landry - 1935 - Scientia 29 (57):91.
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    Actium - (C.) Hjort Lange Res Publica Constituta. Actium, Apollo and the Accomplishment of the Triumviral Assignment. (Impact of Empire 10.) Pp. xiv + 230, maps. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009. Cased, €93, US$138. ISBN: 978-90-04-17501-3. [REVIEW]Christopher S. Mackay - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):225-227.
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  40. Ulf Hedetoft, Mette Hjort (Hgg.), The Postnational Self. Belonging and Identity. [REVIEW]Ludger Jansen - 2004 - Meta­Psychology 7.
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    The Human Value of Biology. Johan Hjort.H. Davis - 1939 - Isis 30 (2):302-304.
  42.  30
    Keep Your Head in the Gutter: Engendering Empathy Through Participatory Delusion in Christian de Metter’s Graphic Adaptation of Shutter Island. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Servitje - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (3):181-198.
    This paper argues that the graphic adaptation of Dennis Lehane’s Shutter Island utilizes the medium to evoke an affective participation and investment from the reader. It explores the ways the graphic novel overcomes problematic representations of mental illness in the popular film version. Drawing on graphic fiction theory, I contend that readers’ engagement in and construction of the story between panels, in the “gutters,” allows them to participate in the protagonist’s persecutory delusion. Additionally, I draw on Foucault’s conceptualizations of the (...)
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  43. Aquinas on One and Many.Gyula Klima - 2000 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 11:195-215.
    Lo studio intende mettere in evidenza l'ambiguità della nozione di unità, intesa come entità numerica, con la nozione di unità quale sinonimo di essere. Sul primo concetto verte la parte iniziale dello studio, alla quale segue l'esame del significato ontologico di «uno». Le considerazioni fatte guidano l'A. a valutare i rapporti di relazione fra le nozioni di essere e uno, e quelle di sostanzialità, identità e semplicità in Tommaso. La gerarchia ontologica che ha al vertice l'essere assoluto e l'assoluta unità (...)
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  44.  17
    Dalle fonti alla pellicola: la narrazione del medioevo russo nel cinema di Ejzenštejn e Tarkovskij.Luca Cardone - 2021 - Doctor Virtualis 16:295-313.
    L’articolo intende mettere in luce i rapporti tra le fonti storiche del Medioevo russo e la resa cinematografica della narrazione medievale nelle poetiche di Ejzenštejn e Tarkovskij. Congelando le filmografie dei due autori sulle due rispettive pellicole che hanno raccontato il Medioevo russo, l’_Alexandr Nevskij_ di Ejzenštejn e l’_Andrej Rublёv_ di Tarkovskij, l’articolo propone un’indagine critica sulle modalità d’approccio divergenti dei due registi rispetto al materiale storiografico e l’analisi della portata storica che la narrazione del Medioevo assume in un prodotto (...)
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  45.  24
    La flessibilità dell’organizzazione biologica. Strutture e funzioni alla luce di un modello gerarchico e pluralista dell’omologia.Claudia Rosciglione - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 62:56-68.
    Ciò che si intende mettere in evidenza nel presente saggio è come l’assunzione di un paradigma gerarchico dell’organizzazione biologica consentirebbe di fornire una nuova formulazione del concetto di omologia e conseguentemente dell’unità dell’evoluzione. Si vedrà, infatti, come i concetti di omologia, analogia, omoplasia, convergenza e parallelismo possano essere considerati al di fuori delle opposizioni omologia vs. analogia, omogenia vs. omoplasia, parallelismo vs. convergenza. Piuttosto tali concetti si riferiscono a piani e livelli biologici che sono diversi, ma in relazione l’uno con (...)
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  46.  19
    Il “procedimento analogico” nei giuristi medievali e il “paradigma filosofico agostiniano”.Aldo Andrea Cassi - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:203-210.
    Il contributo intende mettere in primo piano il ruolo svolto dall'analogia nel _modus operandi_, oltre che nel_ modus arguendi_, dei giuristi medievali. Se ne propone inoltre una lettura "a più livelli" nell'ottica de _Il paradigma filosofico agostiniano_ (Parodi 2006). _This essay means to put the spotlight on the role that analogy played in medieval jurists' _modus operandi _and _modus arguendi_, suggesting a multi-level reading of it as well, from the point of view of _Il paradigma filosofico agostiniano_ (Parodi 2006)._.
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  47. Epistemologia delle fake news.Tommaso Piazza & Michel Croce - 2019 - Sistemi Intelligenti 31 (3):433-461.
    Questo articolo prende in esame il fenomeno della proliferazione di fake news da un punto di vista filosofico—anzi, per meglio dire, prettamente epistemologico—con particolare attenzione a tre questioni fondamentali: cosa sono le fake news e come debbano essere definite; quali meccanismi ne favoriscono la proliferazione sui social media; chi debba essere ritenuto responsabile e degno di biasimo nel processo sotteso alla generazione, pubblicazione e diffusione di fake news. A partire dall'analisi dei principali lavori nella letteratura filosofica sul tema, ci proponiamo (...)
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  48.  25
    (1 other version)L'estetica musicale dal settecento a oggi.Enrico Fubini - 1964 - Torino: G. Einaudi.
    In questo volume Enrico Fubini si propone di mettere in luce i temi fondamentali, le correnti piú importanti, i problemi chiave dell'estetica musicale contemporanea, iniziando il loro studio dall'illuminismo, in cui tali problemi affondano le loro radici. Il concetto di estetica è inteso nel senso piú largo, comprendendo le meditazioni sulla musica non solo degli studiosi di estetica e dei musicisti stessi, ma anche dei filosofi, degli psicologi, dei fisici e dei matematici.
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  49.  21
    Emotion and Affection Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis.Roberta Lanfredini - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:33-48.
    The notion of emotion in phenomenology involves the centrality of the concept of “value.” This general assumption is here articulated in three theses. The first thesis concerns the public, expressive and behavioral nature of emotion. The second thesis relates to its corporeal and material nature. The third maintains that the structure of emotion is essentially temporal. Each of these arguments converges in emphasizing the irruption of an impersonal dimension into human consciousness, and in particular into emotional consciousness. The objective of (...)
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  50.  55
    The Agent as Her Self: How Taking Agency Seriously Leads to Emergent Dualism.Maria Joana Rigato - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (1):48-60.
    : To act is to be the author of an intentional bodily movement. I will show that, in order for that authorship to be assured, the agent must both amount to more than the mereological sum of her mental or neural states and events, and have an irreducible causal power over, at least, some of them. Hence, agent-causalism is the best position for any realist about action to assume. I will contend that, contrary to what many have claimed, agent-causalism is (...)
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