Results for 'Michael Crosby'

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  1.  46
    Cardiovascular disease and non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug prescribing in the midst of evolving guidelines.Timothy T. Pham, Michael J. Miller, Donald L. Harrison, Ann E. Lloyd, Kimberly M. Crosby & Jeremy L. Johnson - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):1026-1034.
  2.  25
    Faraday,michael - sandemanian and scientist - a study of science and religion in the 19th-century - Cantor,G.Crosbie Smith - 1992 - Royal Society Journal of the History of Science 46 (2).
    Geoffrey Cantor, Michael Faraday. Sandeminian and scientist. A study o f science and religion in the nineteenth century. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 1991. Pp. xi + 359. ISBN 0-333-55077-3. John Meurig Thomas, Michael Faraday and the Royal Institution. The genius of man and place. Bristol, Philadelphia and London: Adam Hilger, 1991. Pp. xii + 234. ISBN 0-7503-0145-7. The correspondence of Michael Faraday. Volume 1, 1811-1831, edited by Frank A.J.L. James. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1991. Pp. xlix (...)
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    Partial truths and our common future: a perspectival theory of truth and value.Donald A. Crosby - 2018 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Argues that a pluralistic understanding of truth can foster productive conversations about common concerns involving religion, science, ethics, politics, economics, and ecology without falling into relativism. In this book, Donald A. Crosby defends the idea that all claims to truth are at best partial. Recognizing this, he argues, is a necessary safeguard against arrogance, close-mindedness, and potentially violent reactions to differences of outlook and practice. Crosby demonstrates how “partial truths” are inevitably at work in conversations and debates about (...)
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    Catholic Social Teaching and Globalization.Michael Crosby - 2005 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 2 (1):209-220.
  5.  41
    Ethical considerations in crisis and humanitarian interventions: The view from home.Sondra S. Crosby & Michael A. Grodin - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (2):203 – 205.
  6. David Michael Levin, The Opening of Vision: Nihilism and the Postmodern Situation Reviewed by.Donald A. Crosby - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (3):107-109.
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    The Forum.Charles Weijer, Fern Brunger, Simon Shimshon Rubin, Ruth Macklin, Michael A. Grodin, Sondra Crosby & Susan Douglas Kelley - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (4):371-387.
  8.  57
    (3 other versions)Index to Volume 38.Ghulam-Haider Aasi, John R. Albright, Marc Bekoff, Sjoerd L. Bonting, C. Mackenzie Brown, Don Browning, Frank E. Budenholzer, Michael Cavanaugh, Lawrence Cohen & Donald A. Crosby - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):995-1000.
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    Sumner Mcknight Crosby, The Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis from Its Beginnings to the Death of Suger, 475–1151. Ed. Pamela Z. Blum.(Yale Publications in the History of Art, 37.) New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1987. Pp. xxv, 525; black-and-white frontispiece, numerous black-and-white illustrations, 3 plans. $55. [REVIEW]Michael Davis - 1991 - Speculum 66 (1):139-143.
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    John F. Crosby, A. Schopf, Brigitte Weisshaupt, Charles Hartshome.John F. Crosby, A. Schopf, Brigitte Weisshaupt & Charles Hartshome - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:608-608.
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    Religion within the Limits of History Alone: Pragmatic Historicism and the Future of Theology by Demian Wheeler (review).Nancy Frankenberry - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):97-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Religion within the Limits of History Alone: Pragmatic Historicism and the Future of Theology by Demian WheelerNancy FrankenberryReligion within the Limits of History Alone: Pragmatic Historicism and the Future of Theology. Demian Wheeler. Albany: SUNY Press, 2020. ix+511pp. $95.00 hardcover.The history of Christian theology since the Enlightenment has been a series of unsuccessful attempts to evade a stark dilemma: either fundamentalism or atheism. Contemporary liberal theologians have argued (...)
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    Eur. Medea, 1056—1058.K. E. Crosby - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (06):253-254.
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  13.  51
    Mystical Consciousness: Western Perspectives and Dialogue with Japanese Thinkers (review). [REVIEW]Pamela D. Winfield - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (3):493-495.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Mystical Consciousness: Western Perspectives and Dialogue with Japanese ThinkersPamela D. WinfieldMystical Consciousness: Western Perspectives and Dialogue with Japanese Thinkers. By Louis Roy, O.P.Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003. Pp. 229. Hardcover $62.50. Paper $20.95.Mystical Consciousness: Western Perspectives and Dialogue with Japanese Thinkers by Louis Roy presents a stimulating array of thinkers on the subject of consciousness, self-reflective consciousness, and mystical consciousness. Louis Roy's primary sources focus (...)
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  14. The personhood of the human embryo.John F. Crosby - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (4):399-417.
    My interlocutor is anyone who denies peisonhood to the embryo on the grounds that a human person can exist only in conscious activity and that in the absence of consciousness a person cannot exist at all. I probe personal consciousness to the point at which the distinction between the being and the consciousness of the human person appears, and argue on the basis of this distinction that the being of a person can exist in the absence of any consciousness. I (...)
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  15.  8
    The Multiplicity of Interpreted Worlds: Inner and Outer Perspectives.Donald A. Crosby - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book argues that the subjective and the objective are crucially dependent on one another and neither is intelligible apart from the other. There is no such thing as a purely external, in-itself world. This book is not intended as a defense of epistemological relativism but as a strong recommendation for modest fallibilism and pluralism.
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    Primordial Time: Its Irreducible Reality, Human Significance, and Ecological Import.Donald A. Crosby - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explicates and defends the reality of time against its scientific, philosophical, and theological detractors, and it discusses how a proper view of the nature of time serves as a way to comprehend the challenges of human existence and confront the current ecological crisis.
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  17.  9
    Cop to Cop: Negotiating Privacy and Security in the Examining Room.Sondra S. Crosby & George J. Annas - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):169-171.
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  18.  15
    Horace Bushnell's theory of language: in the context of other nineteenth-century philosophies of language.Donald A. Crosby - 1975 - The Hague: Mouton.
    No detailed description available for "Horace Bushnell's theory of language".
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  19.  10
    The friendly philosopher.Robert Crosbie - 1934 - Los Angeles and New York city,: The Theosophy company.
    THE SPIRIT IN THE BODY Letter One YOU, yourself, have taken a step by your own internal determination to know the truth for the sake of the truth. ...
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  20.  46
    Civilization and its dissents: Moral pluralism and political order.Donald A. Crosby - 1992 - Journal of Social Philosophy 23 (2):111-126.
  21. Developing Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Personalism.John F. Crosby - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (4):687-702.
    I explore the personalism embedded in von Hildebrand’s moral philosophy, and then I explore the personalism in his later account of love. I claim that his personalism was significantly developed in his later work, and that it can be still further developed by us. I begin by explaining what Hildebrandian value-response is, and then I proceed to show how he subsequently qualified this foundational concept, first in his Ethics but especially in his late work, The Nature of Love, and here (...)
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  22.  15
    Construction, convention, and conviction.Donald A. Crosby - 1995 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 16 (1):21 - 32.
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    Evolutionary Emergence of Purposive Goals and Values: A Naturalistic Teleology.Donald A. Crosby - 2023 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Develops and defends a philosophical account of meaning, purpose, and value in human life and experience that is naturalistic without being reductionistic or scientistic.
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  24. Government.John Sherwin Crosby - 1896 - Kansas City, Mo.,: Hailman Print. Co..
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  25. Kant’s Ideas About Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Relation to His Moral Theory: Critique of an Enlightenment Ideal.Donald A. Crosby - 1994 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17 (2):117-136.
  26.  9
    Liminality in Questions of Truth: The Law of the Included Middle.Donald A. Crosby - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book questions the idea that the boundary between truth and falsity must always be absolute, and thus that there is no possible bridge between the two. The author argues that searching for liminal bridges between opposing claims is an essential part of finding absolute truths.
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  27. Was William James a Closet Nihilist? A Further Contribution to URAM William James Studies (URAM 2:40–58, 73–78).Donald A. Crosby - 1993 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 16 (1-2):141-148.
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    The Wire and Philosophy.David Bzdak Joanna Crosby & Seth Vannatta (eds.) - 2013 - Open Court.
    By many accounts, HBO’s The Wire was and remains the greatest and most important television drama of all time. Conceived by writers David Simon and ex-Baltimore homicide detective Ed Burns, this five-season, sixty-episode tour de force has raised the bar for compelling, intelligent television production. With each season addressing a different arena of life in the city of Baltimore, and each season’s narratives tapping into those from previous seasons, The Wire was able to reveal the overlapping, criss-crossing, and colliding realities (...)
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    The Invention Of Physical Science-Intersections Of Mathematics, Theology And Natural-Philosophy Since The 17th-Century-Essays In Honor Of Hiebert, Erwin, N.-Nye, MJ, Richards, JL, Stuewer, RH.Crosbie Smith - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (2):209-211.
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  30.  38
    The Sacredness of Nature: Response to Six Objections to Religious Naturalism.Donald A. Crosby - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):24-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Sacredness of Nature: Response to Six Objections to Religious NaturalismDonald A. Crosby (bio)The poet Mary Oliver speaks as a kind of religious naturalist when she writes in her book of prose and poetry Winter Hours, “I would not be a poet without the natural world. Someone else could. But not me. For me, the door to the woods is the door to the temple. Under the trees, (...)
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  31.  9
    The Tholos of Athens and Its Predecessors.H. Lamar Crosby & Homer A. Thompson - 1943 - American Journal of Philology 64 (3):357.
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  32.  49
    Building Thinking Machines by Solving Animal Cognition Tasks.Matthew Crosby - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (4):589-615.
    In ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’, Turing, sceptical of the question ‘Can machines think?’, quickly replaces it with an experimentally verifiable test: the imitation game. I suggest that for such a move to be successful the test needs to be relevant, expansive, solvable by exemplars, unpredictable, and lead to actionable research. The Imitation Game is only partially successful in this regard and its reliance on language, whilst insightful for partially solving the problem, has put AI progress on the wrong foot, prescribing (...)
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  33.  23
    Standard Racism: Trying to Use “Crisis Standards of Care” in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Sondra S. Crosby & George J. Annas - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):1-3.
    Lowering the standard of care in a pandemic is a recipe for inferior care and discrimination. Wealthy white patients will continue to get “standard of care” medicine, while the poor and racial mino...
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  34.  20
    The Boston Medical Center Immigrant Task Force: An Alternative to Teaching Immigration Law to Health Care Providers.Sondra S. Crosby, Lily Sonis & George J. Annas - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):59-63.
    As healthcare providers engage in the politics of reforming and humanizing our immigration and asylum “system” it is critical that they are able to refer their patients whose health is directly impacted by our immigration laws and policies to experts who can help them navigate the system and obtain the healthcare they need.
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    The Reach of Empathy: William James’s Metaphysics and the Environmental Crisis.Donald A. Crosby - 2020 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 41 (2-3):133-150.
    Any attempt to rise to the climate challenge will be fruitless unless it is understood as part of a much wider battle of worldviews, a process of rebuilding and reinventing the very idea of the collective, the communal, the commons, the civil, and the civic after so many decades of attack and neglect. Because what is overwhelming about the climate challenge is that it requires breaking so many rules at once.Columnist and editor Naomi Klein calls our attention to the urgent (...)
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  36.  82
    The a Priori Foundations of the Civil Law [1913].Adolf Reinach & John Crosby (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Phenomenologists were concerned with showing that essential structures of being, knowable by rational insight, are found more abundantly than commonly thought. Reinach shows that in the civil law there are essential structures, such as the structure of promising or of owning. These pre-positive structures provide the civil law with a foundation that can be known by philosophical insight. Though the enactments of the civil law are changeable, essential foundations are not. Of particular significance is Reinach's concept of a social act, (...)
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  37.  5
    Faith and Freedom: Contexts, Choices, and Crises in Religious Commitments.Donald A. Crosby - 2018 - Routledge.
    It is sometimes thought that individual religious faith should be firmly fixed in the traditions of the past. That once it is established in someone's life, it should remain steadfast and unchanging throughout personal, cultural, or any other changes. This book subverts that idea by showing how it is actually ongoing inquiry, examination, and indeed change, requiring similarly ongoing acts of informed and responsible freedom, that will produce a dynamic and meaningful faith. Contending that religious faith should readily encompass deliberate (...)
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  38.  15
    Toward a more domain-specific conceptualization of female traits: A commentary on Benenson et al.Courtney L. Crosby, Rebecka K. Hahnel-Peeters & David M. Buss - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Benenson et al. amass impressive evidence of robust sex differences as support for expanding “staying alive” theory. We argue for a broader and more domain-specific conceptualization focusing on life history tradeoffs between survival and mating success. Using three examples – women's disgust, fear of rape, and cultivation of bodyguards – we illustrate these tradeoffs and suggest a broader theoretical framework.
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  39.  20
    The 2015 Baltimore Protests: Human Capital and the War on Drugs.Joanna Crosby - 2018 - Foucault Studies 24:34-57.
    In order to show how what Michel Foucault described as Chicago School neoliberalism in The Birth of Biopolitics devalues human life while masking that devaluation, I examine the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland, and the following civil unrest. Through an exploration of the concept of human capital, I argue that this concept, while seeming to answer a question regarding labor in economics, exacerbates the devaluation of human life in the U.S. generally and in the case of Freddie (...)
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  40.  16
    The thou of nature: religious naturalism and reverence for sentient life.Donald A. Crosby - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Religious naturalism and three scientific revolutions: Introduction -- The cosmological revolution -- The evolutionary revolution -- The ecological revolution -- Inwardness and awareness in nature: Introduction -- Inwardness of life and inwardness of mind -- Mind and consciousness in nature -- The range of conscious awareness on earth -- Presumptive rights and conflicts of rights: Introduction -- Rs of the thou of nature -- A scheme of presumptive natural rights -- A fourth R of the thou of nature -- Conflicts (...)
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  41.  5
    Interpretive Theories of Religion.Donald A. Crosby - 1981 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Since its founding by Jacques Waardenburg in 1971, Religion and Reason has been a leading forum for contributions on theories, theoretical issues and agendas related to the phenomenon and the study of religion. Topics include (among others) category formation, comparison, ethnophilosophy, hermeneutics, methodology, myth, phenomenology, philosophy of science, scientific atheism, structuralism, and theories of religion. From time to time the series publishes volumes that map the state of the art and the history of the discipline.
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  42.  6
    Memorializing violence: transnational feminist reflections.Alison Crosby (ed.) - 2025 - New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
    Memorializing Violence brings together feminist and queer reflections on the transnational lives of memorialization practices, asking what it meanas to grapple with loss, mourning, grief, and desires to collectively remember and commemorate-as well as urges to forget-in the face of disparate yet entangled experiences of racialized and gendered colonial, imperial, militarized, and state violence. The volume uses a transnational feminist approach to ask: How do such efforts in seemingly unconnected remembrance landscapes speak to, with, and through each other in world (...)
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  43. Personal Unrepeatability in advance.John F. Crosby - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
    I begin by explaining why individuality in persons is something different from and something stronger than individuality in non-persons. In the second part I offer a metaphysical account of this distinctly personal individuality of a human being, an account that comes to us from Edith Stein. I consider her proposal that each person has, besides the common human essence that we all share, an unrepeatable essence as this person. In the third part I provide some historical setting for Edith Stein’s (...)
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  44. Transnational contestations: Remembering sexual violence in postgenocide Guatemala.Alison Crosby, Irma Alicia Velásquez Nimatuj & María de los Ángeles Aguilar - 2025 - In Memorializing violence: transnational feminist reflections. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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  45. The Wire and Philosophy.Joanna Crosby, Seth Vannatta & David Bdzak (eds.) - 2013 - Open Court Books.
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  46.  36
    ‘Mechanical philosophy’ and the emergence of physics in Britain: 1800–1850.Crosbie Smith - 1976 - Annals of Science 33 (1):3-29.
    In the late eighteenth century Newton's Principia was studied in the Scottish universities under the influence of the local school of ‘Common Sense’ philosophy. John Robison, holding the key chair of natural philosophy at Edinburgh from 1774 to 1805, provided a new conception of ‘mechanical philosophy’ which proved crucial to the emergence of physics in nineteenth century Britain. At Cambridge the emphasis on ‘mixed mathematics’ was taken to a new level of refinement and application by the introduction of analytical methods (...)
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  47.  18
    "Positivism" and "Reductionism" in Early Victorian Physics.Crosbie Smith - 1982 - Rivista di Filosofia 22:9.
    Uno degli obiettivi piu evidenti della fisica del secolo scorso e stato in apparenza quello di operare la riduzione di tutti i fenomeni ad una spiegazione meccanica. l'esempio classico e quello del "riduzionismo" di laplace e di helmholtz. nello stesso tempo, c'e da notare che vi e pero anche tutto un settore della fisica matematica (quello che ha in fourier il suo capostipite) che assume una posizione sostanzialmente "non-riduzionistica," contraddistinta dalla decisa esclusione di ipotesi relative ad entita non osservabili. (edited).
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  48. The Limits of Machine Intelligence.Henry Shevlin, Karina Vold, Matthew Crosby & Marta Halina - 2019 - EMBO Reports 49177 (20).
    Despite there being little consensus on what intelligence is or how to measure it, the media and the public have become increasingly preoccupied with the concept owing to recent accomplishments in machine learning and research on artificial intelligence (AI). Governments and corporations are investing billions of dollars to fund researchers who are keen to produce an ever‐expanding range of artificial intelligent systems. More than 30 countries have announced such research initiatives over the past 3 years 1. For example, the EU (...)
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  49.  34
    A New Chart for British Natural Philosophy: The Development of Energy Physics in the Nineteenth Century.Crosbie Smith - 1978 - History of Science 16 (4):231-279.
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  50. Review Articles-JJ Thomson and the Discovery of the Electron.Crosbie Smith - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 30 (1):155.
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