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Michael L. Hall [10]Michael Hall [8]Michael J. W. Hall [2]Michael G. Hall [1]
Michael D. Hall [1]Michael N. Hall [1]
  1.  60
    The Question of Wittgensteinian Thomism: Grammar and Metaphysics.Michael Hall - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):217-228.
    Wittgensteinian Thomism (WT) proposes a post-Wittgensteinian reading of Aquinas based on the presence of genuine affinities between them in philosophical anthropology, epistemology, philosophy of mind, action theory, and ethics. While this proposal has been historically fruitful in the works of Elizabeth Anscombe, Peter Geach, Anthony Kenny, and Herbert McCabe, there is a significant difficulty in the prima facie incompatibility in the respective attitudes towards metaphysics between Wittgenstein and Aquinas. This calls into question the very coherence of the WT proposal. Against (...)
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  2.  19
    Tractarian Ethics: A Transcendental Vision.Michael Hall - 2024 - Wittgenstein-Studien 15 (1):1-15.
    This paper attempts to offer a positive reading of Tractarian ethics motivated by Kevin Cahill’s therapeutic framing of the Tractatus, on which ethics and language are taken to be coextensive, mutually encompassing spheres. This is taken to secure positive import for Tractarian ethics in a broad sense, though not connected to specific approbations or prohibitions. This is argued for in three sections: first, specifying the animating therapeutic intention of the Tractatus as reawakening the reader to a sense of wonder, against (...)
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  3. scepticism.Michael Hall - manuscript
    Abstract: Scepticism has only two moves to make and each is indefensible.
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  4.  15
    Eigenstates in the Many Interacting Worlds Approach: Focus on 2D Ground States.Hannes Herrmann, Michael J. W. Hall, Howard M. Wiseman & Dirk-André Deckert - 2024 - In Angelo Bassi, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghi, Physics and the Nature of Reality: Essays in Memory of Detlef Dürr. Springer. pp. 125-140.
    The Many-Interacting-Worlds (MIW) approach to a quantum theory without wave functions proposed in [8] leads naturally to numerical integrators of the Schrödinger equation on comoving grids. As yet, little is known about concrete MIW models for more than one spatial dimension and/or more than one particle. In honour of Detlef Dürr, we report on a further development of the MIW approach to treat arbitrary degrees of freedom and provide a numerical proof of concept for ground states in 2d. The latter (...)
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  5.  41
    Scepticism and Knowing That One Knows.Michael Hall - 1976 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):655 - 663.
    Scepticism does not argue that no one knows to avoid self-referential refutation. It falls back to arguing that no one knows that anyone knows, hence simply that no one knows, in accordance with the principle Kp iff KKp. This principle, however, is not available to the sceptic. He is stuck with -KKp without access to -Kp. The sceptic is thus no threat to the sort of knowledge that like Moore we all claim to have.
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  6.  22
    Instantiating a Transcendental Vision: Recontextualizing Tractarian Ethics.Michael Hall - 2023 - In Ines Skelac & Ante Belić, What Cannot Be Shown Cannot Be Said: Proceedings of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. Lit Verlag. pp. 41-52.
    This article proposes to recontextualize Tractarian ethics within the anthropological frame that develops through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Grammar to the Philosophical Investigations. The Tractarian vision of absolute value, ethical propositions as nonsense, and the transcendentality of ethics seems incapable of being instantiated within the particulars that surround human action. This difficulty is resolved by showing that the Tractarian theme of the coextension of ethics and language (and of ethics and life) combined with Wittgenstein’s later ideas of language-games, rule-following, and forms of (...)
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  7.  27
    A Book Consubstantial with Its Author.Michael L. Hall - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (2):315-332.
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  8.  38
    A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials. Laurie Winn Carlson.Michael Hall - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):172-173.
  9. G. E. Moore's "Proof of an External World.".Michael Hall - 1972 - Dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder
    The existence of objects external to the mind is a proof-condition for the type of object demonstration Moore provided in his famous lecture. Affirming the existence of objects external to the mind is just a way of saying that one person can show (present, demonstrate) something to another to prove it is so, to prove it exists, Demonstrations like that are conclusive and immune to scepticism.
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  10. Quantum mechanics and the concept of joint probability.Michael J. W. Hall - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (2):189-207.
    The concepts of joint probability as implied by the Copenhagen and realist interpretations of quantum mechanics are examined in relation to (a) the rules for manipulation of probabilistic quantities, and (b) the role of the Bell inequalities in assessing the completeness of standard quantum theory. Proponents of completeness of the Copenhagen interpretation are required to accept a modification of the classical laws of probability to provide a mechanism for complementarity. A new formulation of the locality postulate is given, not involving (...)
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  11.  21
    Stereoscopic Perspective: Reflections on American Fine and Folk Art.Michael D. Hall - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (2):200.
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  12. The early days of yeast genetics.Michael N. Hall & Patrick Linder - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (11):857-863.
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  13.  25
    The Great South Sea: English Voyages and Encounters, 1570-1750. Glyndwr Williams.Michael G. Hall - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):727-728.
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  14.  16
    The Senses of the Text: Intensional Semantics and Literary Theory (review).Michael L. Hall - 2000 - Philosophy and Literature 24 (2):508-511.
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  15.  51
    What are we teaching about morality by not teaching morality?Michael L. Hall - 1998 - Philosophy and Literature 22 (1):160-165.
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  16.  21
    An Appetite for Poetry (review).Michael L. Hall - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):444-445.
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  17.  16
    Milton among the Philosophers: Poetry and Materialism in Seventeenth-Century England (review).Michael L. Hall - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (1):221-222.
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  18.  35
    William Empson: The Critical Achievement (review).Michael L. Hall - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):357-358.
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  19.  22
    Samuel Johnson on Shakespeare: The Discipline of Criticism (review).Michael L. Hall - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):130-132.
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  20.  19
    Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture (review).Michael L. Hall - 1991 - Philosophy and Literature 15 (2):326-327.
  21.  51
    Philosophy. [REVIEW]Michael Hall - 1977 - Teaching Philosophy 2 (3-4):358-360.
  22.  36
    Book review: On Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought. [REVIEW]Michael L. Hall - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):181-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:On Dialogue: An Essay in Free ThoughtMichael L. HallOn Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought, by Robert Grudin; ix & 228 pp. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996, $23.95.In the fifth chapter of his recent book Robert Grudin touched on a question that had been vexing me since I began reading On Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought. There, amongst his ruminations on the “Social Channels of Free (...)
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    Book Review: Virgil and the Moderns. [REVIEW]Michael L. Hall - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):175-176.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Virgil and the ModernsMichael L. HallVirgil and the Moderns, by Theodore Ziolkowski; xv & 274 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993, $35.00.Theodore Ziolkowski’s Virgil and the Moderns is a wonderful book. Everyone interested in modern literature and the western cultural heritage should read it. Ziolkowski does much more than tell us about Virgil and his influence on modern authors and readers; he traces the Latin poet’s appeal from (...)
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