Results for 'Michelangelo Kindi'

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  1. Al-Kindi’s Metaphysics; a Translation of Ya'qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi’s Treatise "On First Philosophy.".Al-Kindi - 1974
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  2. Rasāʼil al-Kindī al-falsafiyah.Muhammad Abd Al-Hadi Kindi & Abu Ridah - 1950 - Dar Al-Fikr Al- Arabi. Edited by Abū Rīdah & Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Hādī.
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    Die philosophischen Abhandlungen des Ja'qūb ben Isḥāq al-Kindī.Albino Kindi & Nagy - 1897 - Münster: Aschendorff. Edited by Albino Nagy.
    Liber de intellectu. -- Liber de somno et visione. -- Liber de quinque essentiis. -- Liber introductorius in artem logicae demonstrationis.
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  4. Kitāb al-Kindī ilā al-Muʻtaṣim billāh fī al-falsafah al-ūiā. Kindī - 1948 - Edited by Aḥmad Fuʼād Ahwānī.
  5. Min rasāʼil al-Kindī. Kindī - 2006 - Tūnis: Dār Muḥammad ʻAlī lil-Nashr. Edited by Maḥmūd Ibn Jamāʻah.
    Risālah fī al-falsafah al-ūlá -- Risālah fī al-ḥīlah li-dafʻ al-aḥzān -- Risālah fī al-ʻaql -- Risālah fī ḥudūd al-ashyāʼ wa-rusūmihā.
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    Rasāʼil al-Kindī al-falsafiyah.Abū Yūsuf Yaʻqūb B. Isḥāq Kindī - 1950 - Edited by Abū Rīdah & Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Hādī.
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    Semantic-based regularization for learning and inference.Michelangelo Diligenti, Marco Gori & Claudio Saccà - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):143-165.
  8. Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions revisited.Vasso P. Kindi - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (1):75 - 92.
    The present paper argues that there is an affinity between Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" and Wittgenstein's philosophy. It is maintained, in particular, that Kuhn's notion of paradigm draws on such Wittgensteinian concepts as language games, family resemblance, rules, forms of life. It is also claimed that Kuhn's incommensurability thesis is a sequel of the theory of meaning supplied by Wittgenstein's later philosophy. As such its assessment is not fallacious, since it is not an empirical hypothesis and it does (...)
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    I dossografi di etica.Michelangelo Giusta - 1964 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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    Al-Kindī's MetaphysicsAl-Kindi's Metaphysics.H. H. Biesterfeldt, Alfred L. Ivry, Al-Kindī & Al-Kindi - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):595.
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    Uno studio inedito di Adolfo Levi su Jacob Friedrich Fries.Michelangelo Ceresani - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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  12. L'illuminismo francese.Michelangelo Ghio - 1968 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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    Falsafat al-tārīkh ʻinda Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr.Ḥusayn Juwayd Kindī - 2021 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Walāʼ li-Ṣināʻat al-Nashr.
  14.  10
    Política y derecho: (re) pensar a Bobbio.Michelangelo Bovero, Lorenzo Córdova Vianello & Pedro Salazar (eds.) - 2005 - México: XXI, Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
    La presente obra se trata de un ejercicio de reflexión colectiva para [re]pensar a Bobbio con verdaderos artículos científicos por parte de los estudiosos de su obra más acreditados en Europa y América Latina: Michelangelo Bovero, Arnaldo Córdova, José Fernández Santillán, Ermanno Vitale, entre otros. A la vez que un homenaje al filósofo turinés, se logra con estos textos una revisión crítica de muchas de las ideas clave de su pensamiento a la luz de los retos del siglo XXI: (...)
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    Concept as Vessel and Concept as Use.Vasso Kindi - 2012 - In Uljana Feest & Friedrich Steinle (eds.), Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice. de Gruyter. pp. 23-46.
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    Should science teaching involve the history of science? An assessment of Kuhn's view.Vasso Kindi - 2005 - Science$Education 14 (7-8):721-731.
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    Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Science.Vasso Kindi - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 587–602.
    Philosophy of science was formed as a distinct discipline in the early twentieth century around the work of the logical positivists, or logical empiricists, originally in Vienna in the mid‐twenties and in other European cities such as Berlin and Prague. It further developed in the United States, where most logical positivists moved to escape persecution by the Nazis or World War II and met the American pragmatist philosophers of science. Logical positivism, or logical empiricism, is the school of thought that (...)
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  18. Novelty and revolution in art and science: The connection between Kuhn and Cavell.Vasso Kindi - 2010 - Perspectives on Science 18 (3):284-310.
    Both Kuhn and Cavell acknowledge their indebtedness to each other in their respective books of the 60s. Cavell in (Must We Mean What We Say (1969)) and Kuhn in (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 1962). They were together at Berkeley where they had both moved in 1956 as assistant professors after their first encounter at the Society of Fellows at Harvard (Kuhn 2000d, p. 197). In Berkeley, Cavell and Kuhn discovered a mutual understanding and an intellectual affinity. They had regular (...)
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  19. Conclusioni sul doppiato.Michelangelo Antonioni - 1941 - Cinema 116:261.
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  20. Democracia y derechos fundamentales.Michelangelo Bovero - 2002 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 16:21-38.
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    Pensieri scientifici e Lettera antiscolastica.Michelangelo Fardella - 1986 - Napoli: Bibliopolis. Edited by Salvatore Femiano & Michelangelo Fardella.
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  22. L'Opuscolo pseudogalenico [Hoti hai poiotētes asōmatoi]: edizione critica, traduzione e note: memoria.Michelangelo de Qualitatibus Incorporeis, Giusta & Galen (eds.) - 1976 - Torino: Accademia delle scienze.
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  23. Cinq epîtres.Kindi - 1976 - Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
    Épître des définitions.--Propos succinct et bref sur l'âme.--Traité sur la quiddité du sommeil et de la vision.--De ce qu'il y a des substances incorporelles.--De l'unicité de Dieu et de la finitude du corps du monde.
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  24. 5 hitherto unpublished letters from deruggiero, Guido to Sturzo, Mario, Bishop of Piazza-armerina.Michelangelo Lorefice - 1995 - Filosofia 46 (3):213-225.
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    Presuppositions and the Logic of Question and Answer.Vasso Kindi - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach (eds.), Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 111-130.
    Vasso Kindi examines, first, whether Collingwood’s logic of question and answer, which was to replace the symbolic logic of the logical positivists, does indeed bear similarities to Bacon’s and Kant’s use of questions, as Collingwood claims. She argues that Collingwood’s emphasis on questions is more similar to Kant’s concern with presuppositions that make knowledge possible than to Bacon’s interest in pursuing and questioning nature to divulge her secrets. She, then, explains how Collingwood’s emphasis on questions is tied to his (...)
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    Virgilio Mura, o della serietà.Michelangelo Bovero - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:281-290.
    Passed away in the early summer of 2021, Virgilio Mura practiced political philosophy following the method of conceptual analysis, in the wake of the tradition generated by neo-empiricism and far from “analytical philosophy” that become dominant in the last half century. In Mura’s thought, seriousness as rigor in the application of the analytical method is combined with the defence of secularism, expressed in his stance in favour of a form of relativism that should not be confused with indifferentism.
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    Mafhūm al-ʻāmmah ʻinda al-Ghazzālī: dirāsah ḥijājīyah muqāranah bayna manhajay al-falsafah wa-ʻilm al-kalām.Khālid ibn Saʻīd Kindī - 2019 - Masqaṭ: Bayt al-Ghashshām lil-Ṣiḥāfah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Iʻlān.
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    Is Wittgenstein's Resort to Ordinary Language an Appeal to Empirical facts?Vassiliki Kindi - 1998 - Metaphilosophy 29 (4):298-305.
    There are two widely held views in the literature as regards Wittgenstein’s philosophy. One says that Wittgenstein in his later work appeals to ordinary language in his effort to show how the philosophical problems can be dissolved, and the other says that his investigation is a grammatical one. This paper undertakes to examine what is meant by a grammatical investigation, especially in view of the fact that this investigation relies on empirical facts that have to do with linguistic usage. The (...)
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    Al-Kindi's Epistle on the Finitude of the Universe.Nicholas Rescher, Haig Khatchadourian & Ya'qub Al-Kindi - 1965 - Isis 56:426-433.
  30. The Kuhnian Straw Man.Vasso Kindi - 2017 - In Moti Mizrahi (ed.), The Kuhnian Image of Science: Time for a Decisive Transformation? London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 95-112.
    In the present chapter, I argue that commentators who criticize Kuhn’s work are most often fighting a straw man. Their target is a stereotype that is not to be found in Kuhn’s texts. I will consider the charge based on the stereotype that the Kuhnian schema is not borne out by historical evidence and will argue that Kuhn’s model, which is not actually what his critics take it to be, was not supposed to be based on, or accurately depict, historical (...)
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  31. Vita impossibile del signor Clark Costa.Michelangelo Antonioni - forthcoming - Cinema.
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    Dignidad y laicidad: una defensa de la ética laica.Michelangelo Bovero - 2007 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 30:73-80.
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    Il futuro di Norberto Bobbio.Michelangelo Bovero (ed.) - 2011 - Roma: Laterza.
  34. Antioco di Ascalona e Carneade nel libro V del De Wnibus bonorum et malorum di Cicerone.Michelangelo Giusta - 1990 - Elenchos 11 (1):29-49.
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    Of time and beauty.Julia Kindy - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (6-7):6-7.
    [opening paragraph]: Drs. Ramachandran and Hirstein break new ground in ‘The Science of Art: A Neurological Theory of Aesthetic Experience', by setting out an unprecedented theory of how the brain processes and responds to art. There is much to be learned here about vision, the act of seeing and its relationship to the body's limbic system.
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  36. The Relation of History of Science to Philosophy of Science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and Kuhn's later philosophical work.Vasso Kindi - 2005 - Perspectives on Science 13 (4):495-530.
    In this essay I argue that Kuhn's account of science, as it was articulated in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, was mainly defended on philosophical rather than historical grounds. I thus lend support to Kuhn's later claim that his model can be derived from first principles. I propose a transcendental reading of his work and I suggest that Kuhn uses historical examples as anti-essentialist Wittgensteinian "reminders" that expose a variegated landscape in the development of science.
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    Kuhn’s the Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited.Vasso Kindi & Theodore Arabatzis (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The present paper argues that there is an affinity between Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" and Wittgenstein's philosophy. It is maintained, in particular, that Kuhn's notion of paradigm draws on such Wittgensteinian concepts as language games, family resemblance, rules, forms of life. It is also claimed that Kuhn's incommensurability thesis is a sequel of the theory of meaning supplied by Wittgenstein's later philosophy. As such its assessment is not fallacious, since it is not an empirical hypothesis and it does (...)
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  38. Kuhn's Controversial Legacy.Vasso Kindi - 2023 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 67 (2):197-210.
    In the paper I will, first, address certain apparent tensions in relation to Kuhn’s legacy in the history of science. Kuhn was a historian before he became a philosopher of science. He had done and published historical work, he only had history graduate students, he imbued philosophy of science with historical considerations. And, yet, his widely acknowledged influence on the history of science came mostly through his philosophical work which is, nevertheless, brushed off by historians of science as making dated (...)
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  39. The Role of Evidence in Judging Kuhn’s Model: On the Mizrahi, Patton, Marcum Exchange.Vasso Kindi - 2015 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 4 (11):25-33.
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  40. The Obscure Object of History.Vassiliki Kindi - 1995 - Neusis 2:77-89.
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    Concept as vessel and concept as rule.Vasso Kindi - 2012 - In Uljana Feest & Friedrich Steinle (eds.), Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice. de Gruyter. pp. 23-46.
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    Salus mundi.Michelangelo Bovero - 2022 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  43. La filosofia della coscienza di Maine de Biran.Michelangelo Ghio - 1947 - Torino: [Istituto di filosofia della Facoltà di lettere di Torino].
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    Editorial Report 2019.Vasso Kindi - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (3-4):235-236.
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science aims to publish original articles, book reviews and discussion notes that fall within what is currently understood as philosophy of science and th...
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    The Challenge of Scientific Revolutions: Van Fraassen's and Friedman's Responses.Vasso Kindi - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):327-349.
    This article criticizes the attempts by Bas van Fraassen and Michael Friedman to address the challenge to rationality posed by the Kuhnian analysis of scientific revolutions. In the paper, I argue that van Fraassen's solution, which invokes a Sartrean theory of emotions to account for radical change, does not amount to justifying rationally the advancement of science but, rather, despite his protestations to the contrary, is an explanation of how change is effected. Friedman's approach, which appeals to philosophical developments at (...)
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  46. Risālat al-ʻʻqūb al-Kindī - 1985 - In Averroës (ed.), Talkhīṣ Kitāb al-nafs. Madrīd: al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Buḥūth al-ʻIlmīyah, Maʻhad Mighayl Asīn, al-Maʻhad al-Isbānī al-ʻArabī lil-Thaqāfah.
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  47. A spectre is haunting history-the spectre of science.Vasso Kindi - 2010 - Rethinking History 14 (2):251-265.
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  48. Conscientious Objection in Professional Contexts.Vasso Kindi - 2006 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research (ii):97-106.
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    Editorial Report 2020.Vasso Kindi - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (4):259-260.
    2020 was the year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The challenges it presented brought science to the fore in a multitude of ways. The world economy depended on science, governments consulted it, the publ...
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  50. Incommensurability, incomparability, Irrationality.Vasso Kindi - 1994 - Methodology and Science 27:41-55.
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