Results for 'Michele Riva'

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  1.  57
    Informed consent as an ethical requirement in clinical trials: an old, but still unresolved issue. An observational study to evaluate patient's informed consent comprehension.Virginia Sanchini, Michele Reni, Giliola Calori, Elisabetta Riva & Massimo Reichlin - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (4):269-275.
    We explored the comprehension of the informed consent in 77 cancer patients previously enrolled in randomised phase II or phase III clinical trials, between March and July 2011, at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milano. We asked participants to complete an ad hoc questionnaire and analysed their answers. Sixty-two per cent of the patients understood the purpose and nature of the trial they were participating in; 44% understood the study procedures and 40% correctly listed at least one of the (...)
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  2. Amartya Sen e la critica del comunitarismo.Michele Riva - 2005 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 38:149-190.
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    “No veo más que a Heidegger y Lacan”. Comentario a la distinción entre filosofía y espiritualidad en La hermenéutica del sujeto de Michel Foucault.Rodrigo Farías Rivas - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):251-264.
    Se discuten las nociones de filosofía y espiritualidad, tratadas por M. Foucault en La hermenéutica del sujeto, que relacionan el sujeto con la verdad. Si la filosofía del conócete a ti mismo trata la relación cognoscitiva del sujeto con la verdad a la que tiene derecho, entonces la espiritualidad del cuidado de sí trata de la transformación experiencial que requiere la verdad para que el sujeto acceda a ella. Este es el contexto en el que M. Foucault se refiere a (...)
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    Planetary Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 91-97.
    The planetary boundaries concept has profoundly changed the vocabulary and representation of global environmental issues. The article starts by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of planetary boundaries from a social science perspective. It is argued that the growth imperative of capitalist economies, as well as other particular characteristics detailed below, are the main drivers of the ecological crisis and exacerbated trends already underway. Further, the planetary boundaries framework can support interpretations that do not solely emphasize technocratic operational approaches and costs, (...)
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    Societal Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 1647-1653.
    The notion of societal boundaries aims to enhance the debate on planetary boundaries. The focus is on capitalist societies as a heuristic for discussing the expansionary dynamics, power relations, and lock-ins of modern societies that impel highly unsustainable societal relations with nature. While formulating societal boundaries implies a controversial process – based on normative judgments, ethical concerns, and socio-political struggles – it has the potential to offer guidelines for a just, social-ecological transformation.
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    Assessment of Unilateral Spatial Neglect Using a Free Mobile Application for Italian Clinicians.Pietro Cipresso, Elisa Pedroli, Silvia Serino, Michelle Semonella, Cosimo Tuena, Desirée Colombo, Federica Pallavicini & Giuseppe Riva - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  7. Microfísica del poder en la iglesia: el caso de Olimpia (360-410).Fernando Rivas Rebaque - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (971):80-83.
    Según el pensador francés Michel Foucault el poder no puede ser localizado en ninguna institución, ni es algo que el individuo cede a nadie, sino que consiste en la correlación de fuerzas dentro de un sistema social determinado. Por tanto, el poder está en toas partes y todo individuo está atravesado por estas relaciones de poder y no puede ser pensado independientemente de él.
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    The Mind of the Hungry Agent: Hunger, Affect and Appetite.Michele Davide Ombrato & Edgar Phillips - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):517-526.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an account of how hunger motivates us to seek food and eat. It seems that the way that it feels to be hungry must play some role in it fulfilling this function. We propose that hunger is best viewed as a complex state involving both affective and somatic constituents, as well as, crucially, changes in the way in which the hungry agent’s attention is deployed. We argue that in order to capture the (...)
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  9.  36
    Towards Rawlsian ‘property-owning democracy’ through personal data platform cooperatives.Michele Loi, Paul-Olivier Dehaye & Ernst Hafen - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):769-787.
    This paper supports the personal data platform cooperative as a means of bringing about John Rawls’s favoured institutional realisation of a just society, the property-owning democracy. It describes personal data platform cooperatives and applies Rawls’s political philosophy to analyse the institutional forms of a just society in relation to the economic power deriving from aggregating personal data. It argues that a society involving a significant number of personal data platform cooperatives will be more suitable to realising Rawls’s principle of fair (...)
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  10.  27
    Patients’ Comprehension of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in an Outpatient Clinic for Resistant Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study.Michele F. Rodrigues, Carlos Campos, Luisa Pelucio, Izabel Barreto, Sergio Machado, Jose C. Appolinario, Antonio E. Nardi & Michelle Levitan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Recirculation Aquaculture Systems: Sustainable Innovations in Organic Food Production?Michèle Stark & Simon Meisch - 2019 - Food Ethics 4 (1):67-84.
    EU regulations explicitly preclude recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) for aquaculture grow-out from organic certification because they are not close enough to nature (Regulation (EEC) No. 710/2009). Meanwhile, according to another EU regulation, one criterion for organic food production is its contribution to sustainable development (Regulation (EEC) No. 834/2007). Against this background, one might argue that in spite of their distance to nature RAS are innovative solutions to sustainability issues in food production. The paper will deal with the claim that RAS (...)
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    Verify original results through reanalysis before replicating.Michèle B. Nuijten, Marjan Bakker, Esther Maassen & Jelte M. Wicherts - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Neoplatonic source-material in Eustratios of Nicaea's commentary on Book VI of the Nicomachean ethics.Michele Trizio - 2009 - In Charles Barber & David Jenkins (eds.), Medieval Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics. Boston: Brill. pp. 101--71.
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    The State's Duty to Foster Voter Competence.Michele Giavazzi & Zsolt Kapelner - 2024 - Episteme 21 (3):719-732.
    In this paper we discuss an often-neglected topic in the literature on the ethics of voting. Our aim is to provide an account of what states are obligated to do, so that voters may fulfil their role as public decision-makers in an epistemically competent manner. We argue that the state ought to provide voters with what we call a substantive opportunity for competence. This entails that the state ought to actively foster the epistemic capabilities that are necessary to achieve competent (...)
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  15.  26
    Revisiting Death: Implicit Bias and the Case of Jahi McMath.Michele Goodwin - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):77-80.
    For nearly five years, bioethicists and neurologists debated whether Jahi McMath, an African American teenager, was alive or dead. While Jahi's condition provides a compelling study for analyzing brain death, circumscribing her life status to a question of brain death fails to acknowledge and respond to a chronic, if uncomfortable, bioethics problem in American health care—namely, racial bias and unequal treatment, both real and perceived. Bioethicists should examine the underlying, arguably broader social implications of what Jahi's medical treatment and experience (...)
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    Attentional attenuation (rather than attentional boost) through task switching leads to a selective long-term memory decline.Michèle C. Muhmenthaler & Beat Meier - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Allocating attention determines what we remember later. Attentional demands vary in a task-switching paradigm, with greater demands for switch than for repeat trials. This also results in lower subsequent memory performance for switch compared to repeat trials. The main goal of the present study was to investigate the consequences of task switching after a long study-test interval and to examine the contributions of the two memory components, recollection and familiarity. In the study phase, the participants performed a task-switching procedure in (...)
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  17.  17
    Max Weber. Tipi di monopolio.Michele Basso - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):21-39.
    The article addresses the definition of the State as an institution that holds the monopoly of the legitimate use of force/violence. It is divided into three parts: the first one discusses some chief scholarly contributions on the topic. The second focuses on Weber’s use of “monopoly” within his work, with the aim of showing that the expression “monopoly of the legitimate use of force/violence” can be better understood if conceived and explained within the much wider employment of this term. The (...)
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  18.  24
    INTRODUCTION Health Law and Anti-Racism: Reckoning and Response.Michele Goodwin & Holly Fernandez Lynch - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):10-14.
    Law and racism are intertwined, with legal tools bearing the potential to serve as instruments of oppression or equity. This Special Issue explores this dual nature of health law, with attention to policing in the context of mental health, schools, and substance use disorders; industry and the environment in the context of food advertising, tobacco regulation, worker safety, and environmental racism; health care and research in the context of infant mortality, bias in medical applications of AI, and diverse inclusion in (...)
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  19. .Michèle Friend - 2013 - Les Cahiers D'Ithaque.
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    Distances between formal theories.Michele Friend, Mohamed Khaled, Koen Lefever & Gergely Székely - unknown - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):633-654.
    In the literature, there have been several methods and definitions for working out whether two theories are “equivalent” or not. In this article, we do something subtler. We provide a means to measure distances between formal theories. We introduce two natural notions for such distances. The first one is that of axiomatic distance, but we argue that it might be of limited interest. The more interesting and widely applicable notion is that of conceptual distance which measures the minimum number of (...)
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  21.  14
    Neurotechnology and Direct Brain Communication: New Insights and Responsibilities Concerning Speechless but Communicative Subjects.Michele Farisco & Kathinka Evers (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    __Neurotechnology and Direct Brain Communication__ focuses on recent neuroscientific investigations of infant brains and of patients with disorders of consciousness, both of which are at the forefront of contemporary neuroscience. The prospective use of neurotechnology to access mental states in these subjects, including neuroimaging, brain simulation and brain computer interfaces, offers new opportunities for clinicians and researchers, but has also received specific attention from philosophical, scientific, ethical and legal points of view. This book offers the first systematic assessment of these (...)
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  22.  14
    The Rediscovery of a Byzantine Capital, Reused as a Baptismal Font, in the Nativity Church, Bethlehem.Michele Bacci - 2019 - Convivium 6 (2):122-127.
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  23. Women reading the Bible: An emerging diversity in service of liberation.Michele A. Connolly - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (4):438.
    An apparently simple answer to this question is 'diversity': there is a diversity of women readers, diversity of interests, diversity of methods and diversity of results of women reading the Bible. In this article I will discuss the complex reality of the diversity of contemporary women's reading of the Bible. I will discuss women readers under two headings, namely the everyday, non-academic reader on the one hand, and the professional, academically trained biblical exegete on the other. I will first suggest (...)
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  24. La inteligencia moral y la razón ética.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1958 - Dianoia 4 (4):250.
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    La philosophie italienne contemporaine.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1951 - E. Vitte.
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  26. Roura-parellá, Juan: "spranger Y Las Ciencias Del Espíritu".Michele Federico Sciacca & Staff - 1947 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (23):790.
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  27. Affect and air: the speculative spirit of the age.Michele Speitz - 2019 - In Chris Washington & Anne C. McCarthy (eds.), Romanticism and speculative realism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    The Gentleman Vanishes: Dementia, Caretaking and the Life of the Mind.Michele Taillon Taylor - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (1):51-61.
    This essay recounts the author’s journey with her father during his prolonged decline due to dementia. The experience pushed her to break out of the confines of conventional scholarly research in her academic field of architectural history to a multi-disciplinary consideration of nineteenth-century environmental, sensory and horticultural therapies for the mentally ill. During her father’s illness, she discovered the tangible therapeutic benefits of momentary engagements with his environment through his five senses and through the emotional filter of poetry. This reorientation (...)
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  29.  70
    Two Concepts of Group Privacy.Michele Loi & Markus Christen - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (2):207-224.
    Luciano Floridi was not the first to discuss the idea of group privacy, but he was perhaps the first to discuss it in relation to the insights derived from big data analytics. He has argued that it is important to investigate the possibility that groups have rights to privacy that are not reducible to the privacy of individuals forming such groups. In this paper, we introduce a distinction between two concepts of group privacy. The first, the “what happens in Vegas (...)
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  30.  82
    Using Mathematics to Explain a Scientific Theory.Michèle Friend & Daniele Molinini - 2016 - Philosophia Mathematica 24 (2):185-213.
    We answer three questions: 1. Can we give a wholly mathematical explanation of a physical phenomenon? 2. Can we give a wholly mathematical explanation for a whole physical theory? 3. What is gained or lost in giving a wholly, or partially, mathematical explanation of a phenomenon or a scientific theory? To answer these questions we look at a project developed by Hajnal Andréka, Judit Madarász, István Németi and Gergely Székely. They, together with collaborators, present special relativity theory in a three-sorted (...)
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  31. Giordano Bruno: dialoghi filosofici italiani.Michele Ciliberto (ed.) - 2000 - Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori.
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    Attractive serial dependence between memorized stimuli.Michele Fornaciai & Joonkoo Park - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104250.
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    Le placenta : approche historique, anthropologique et psychanalytique.Michèle Gersant - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 228 (2):181-200.
    L’auteure de cet article, sage-femme et conseillère conjugale et familiale, s’attache à l’étude de l’objet placenta et l’analyse sous plusieurs formes : le point de vue ethnologique, le point de vue historique, le point de vue psychanalytique. Elle répertorie les différentes représentations qu’il revêt et indique des rites auxquels il est soumis. Elle étudie et analyse les raisons qui ont poussé les soignants actuels à le soustraire rapidement à la vue et encourage le lecteur à le penser différemment. Elle amène, (...)
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    How to fairly incentivise digital contact tracing.Michele Loi - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e76-e76.
    Digital apps using Bluetooth to log proximity events are increasingly supported by technologists and governments. By and large, the public debate on this matter focuses on privacy, with experts from both law and technology offering very concrete proposals and participating to a lively debate. Far less attention is paid to effective incentives and their fairness. This paper aims to fill this gap by offering a practical, workable solution for a promising incentive, justified by the ethical principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy (...)
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  35.  31
    Space Between Languages.Michele I. Feist - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (7):1177-1199.
    What aspects of spatial relations influence speakers’ choice of locative? This article presents a study of static spatial descriptions from 24 languages. The study reveals two kinds of spatial terms evident cross‐linguistically: specific spatial terms and general spatial terms (GSTs). Whereas specific spatial terms—including English prepositions—occur in a limited range of situations, with concomitant specificity in their meaning, GSTs occur in all spatial descriptions (in languages that employ them). Because of the extreme differences in range of application, the two are (...)
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  36.  12
    Disentangling the Effect of Sex and Caregiving Role: The Investigation of Male Same-Sex Parents as an Opportunity to Learn More About the Neural Parental Caregiving Network.Michele Giannotti, Micol Gemignani, Paola Rigo, Alessandra Simonelli, Paola Venuti & Simona De Falco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Religion et Philosophie.Michèle Broze - 2005 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 22.
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    Lessico di Giordano Bruno.Michele Ciliberto - 1979 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri.
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  39. Koilon: per una teoria unitaria della materia e dell'universo.Michele Giannone - 1985 - Palermo: A. Giannone.
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    Hands show where things are: The close similarity between sign and natural space.Michele Miozzo, Michael Villabol, Eduardo Navarrete & Francesca Peressotti - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104106.
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    Conservare l'intelligenza: lezioni rosminiane.Michele Nicoletti & Francesco Ghia (eds.) - 2012 - Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di filosofia, storia e beni culturali.
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    The Logik by Rudolf Hermann Lotze: the concept of Geltung.Michele Vagnetti - 2018 - Philosophical Readings 10 (2).
    The subject of this paper is Rudolf Hermann Lotze’s concept of Geltung as him outlines it in the second Logik. This paper, through the notions of gnoseological immanentism and anti-psychologism, aims to shed light on the notion of validity. The Geltung’s concept is very interesting not only for the role that it plays in Lotze’s philosophy, but also for the importance that Lotze’s validityhas in the philosophical debate until the 1930s.
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    The “Pictorial Turn” as Crisis and the Necessity of a Critique of Visual Culture.Michele Bertolini - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (3).
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    Ethical Medical Decision-Making for a Child.Michele Chetham - 2022 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 22 (4):641-654.
    Ethical medical decision-making for a child is generally navigated with various standards and models that have been developed to address its complexities. A case is presented of the parents’ refusal of a surgical procedure for their child considered by medical providers as essential and potentially lifesaving, along with the ethical debate of whether the parents’ decision was in the child’s best interest and whether their refusal reached a threshold to report and seek state intervention. Utilizing the best interest standard and (...)
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    A Import'ncia Do Ensino de Filosofia Em Uma Escola Do Campo Fruto Do Processo de Reforma Agrária.Michele Barcelos Corrêa - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 2 (3):113.
    O objetivo do estudo consiste em abordar a importância e contribuições do ensino de Filosofia a educação no/do campo para o processo de formação de cidadãos. A escolha da escola para o desenvolvimento das observações se deve ao contexto de ameaça de fechamento de escolas em áreas rurais por parte do governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, fazendo-se preciso evidenciar a qualidade e a importância da educação do campo como forma de resistência na defesa da educação pública e (...)
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  46. Morale e politica in Rosmini.Michele Cuciuffo - 1967 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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    Filosofia delle neuroscienze: cervello, mente, persona.Michele Farisco - 2012 - Padova: Edizioni Messaggero.
  48.  42
    Societal threat as a moderator of cultural group selection.Michele J. Gelfand, Patrick Roos, Dana Nau, Jesse Harrington, Yan Mu & Joshua Jackson - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
    As scholars have rushed to either prove or refute cultural group selection, the debate lacks sufficient consideration of CGS's potential moderators. We argue that pressures for CGS are particularly strong when groups face ecological and human-made threat. Field, experimental, computational, and genetic evidence are presented to substantiate this claim.
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    Attachment and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Without Intellectual Disability) During Middle Childhood: In Search of the Missing.Michele Giannotti & Simona de Falco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Legal Transplants and the Frontiers of Legal Knowledge.Michele Graziadei - 2009 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (2):723-743.
    The study of legal transplants provides a vital critical supplement to mainstream theories about legal change. Legal transplants are not exceptional or isolated occurrences, despite the economic, social, political and cultural barriers that separate the world’s legal systems. This Article goes beyond traditional approaches to the study of transplants by substituting the figurative language of transplants with explicit theory about how legal change is produced. It first provides a brief account of what the literature on legal transplants has achieved so (...)
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