9 found
  1. „Nãscut, iar nu fãcut“, Note despre filozofia revelatiei la Michel Henry.Mihail Neamţu - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (3):391-416.
    This paper guides the Romanian reader through a variety of discussions surrounding the central themes of Michel Henry’s latest books (C’est moi la Vérité,1996; Incarnation, 2000). Basically, it aims to present the principles of the phenomenology of Life in Henry’s thought, focusing on the status of the apparition, and of truth, both of which are to be understood not as the ontic relation of adaequatio, but as the self-revelation of Life in the immanence of each non-intentional experience. My review-article draws (...)
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  2. Orthodoxy and eschatology : The liturgical fabric of time.Mihail Neamtu - 2008 - In Adrian Pabst & Christoph Schneider (eds.), Encounter Between Eastern Orthodoxy and Radical Orthodoxy: Transfiguring the World Through the Word. Ashgate.
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  3.  36
    Protology and Language in St. Gregory of Nyssa's Theology.Mihail Neamtu - 2003 - Chôra 1:51-78.
  4. Book reviews (Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; ..., etc.). [REVIEW]Gabriel Cercel, Attila Szigeti, Cristian Ciocan, Cristina Ionescu, Mădălina Diaconu, Roxana Albu, Bogdan Mincă, Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban & Mihail Neamţu - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1):319-435.
    "Gabriel Cercel: Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; Attila Szigeti: Emmanuel LEVINAS, Positivité et transcendance. Suivi de Lévinas et la phenomenology; Cristian Ciocan: Jean-Luc MARION, Crucea vizibilului; Gabriel Cercel: Mădălina DIACONU, Blickumkehr. Mit Martin Heidegger zu einer relationalen ästhetik; Cristina Ionescu: Mark WRATHALL, Jeff MALPAS, Essays in Honour of Hubert L. Dreyfus; Cristian Ciocan: Ion COPOERU, Aparenţă şi sens. Repere ale fenomenologiei constitutive; Cristian Ciocan: Michael INWOOD, A Heidegger Dictionary; Cristian Ciocan: Linda FISCHER, Lester EMBREE, Feminist Phenomenology; Mădălina (...)
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    Adina Bozga: Dan Zahavi, Husserl and Transcendental Intersubjectivity. A Response to the Linguistic Pragmatic CritiqueDelia Popa: Françoise Dastur, Chair et langage. Essais sur Merleau-PontyMihail Neamtu: Jean Greisch (éd.), Michel Henry et l'épreuve de la vieAdina Bozga: Elisabeth Ströker, The Husserlian Foundations of ScienceDaniela Palasan, John McCumber, Metaphysics and Oppression, Heidegger's Challenge to Western PhilosophyHoraţiu Crişan: Marc Richir, Phénoménologie en esquisses. Nouvelles fondationsLigia Beltechi: Raphaël Gély, La genèse du sentir. Essai sur Merleau-PontyRoxana Albu: John Sallis, Force of Imagination: The Sense of the ElementalCiprian Tiprigan: Bin Kimura, L'entre. Une approche phénoménologique de la schizophrénieRadu M. Oancea: Dermot Moran, Tim Mooney (eds.), The Phenomenology ReaderDorel Bucur, Ion Copoeru, Structuri ale constituiriiAnca Dumitru, Fabio Ciaramelli, La distruzione del'desiderio. Il narcisismo nell'epoca di consumo di massaCiprian Mîinea, Pierre. [REVIEW]Adina Bozga, Delia Popa, Mihail Neamtu, Daniela Palasan, Horatiu Crisan, Ligia Beltechi, Roxana Albu, Ciprian Tiprigan, Radu M. Oancea, Dorel Bucur, Anca Dumitru & Ciprian Mîinea - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3):191-243.
    Dan ZAHAVI, Husserl and Transcendental Intersubjectivity. A Response to the Linguistic-Pragmatic Critique ; Françoise DASTUR, Chair et langage. Essais sur Merleau-Ponty ; Jean GREISCH, Michel Henry et l’épreuve de la vie ; Elisabeth STRÖKER, The Husserlian Foundations of Science ; John McCUMBER, Metaphysics and Oppression, Heidegger’s Challenge to Western Philosophy ; Marc RICHIR, Phénoménologie en esquisses. Nouvelles fondations ; Raphaël GÉLY, La genèse du sentir. Essai sur Merleau-Ponty ; John SALLIS, Force of Imagination: The Sense of the Elemental ; Bin (...)
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  6.  42
    De surcroît. Études sur les phénomènes saturés. [REVIEW]Mihail Neamţu - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (3-4):419-427.
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  7.  23
    Michel Henry. L’épreuve de la Vie. [REVIEW]Mihail Neamţu - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3-4):200-203.
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    (1 other version)Mihail Neamtu: Jean-Luc Marion, De surcroît. études sur les phénomènes saturésRadu M. Oancea: Magda King, A Guide to Heidegger's Being and TimeAndrei Timotin: Andreas Michel, Die französische Heidegger-Rezeption und ihre sprachlichen KonsequenzenGabriel Cercel: Alfred Denker, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger's PhilosophyCristian Ciocan: John B. Brough & Lester Embree (eds.), The Many Faces of TimePaul Balogh: Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Heidegger's Concept of TruthPaul Marinescu: Cristina Lafont, Heidegger, Language, And World-DisclosureCristian Ciocan: Eliane Escoubas & Bernhard Waldenfels (eds.), Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemandeAndrei Timotin: Eckard Wolz-Gottwald, Transformation der Phänomenologie. Zur Mystik bei Husserl und HeideggerCristian Ciocan: Martin Heidegger, Ontology - The Hermeneutics of FacticityAndrei Timotin: Arkadiusz Chrudzimski, Die Erkenntnistheorie von Roman IngardenVictor Popescu: Jocelyn Benoist, L'apriori conceptuel. Bolzano, Husserl, SchlickCris. [REVIEW]Mihail Neamţu, Andrei Timotin, Gabriel Cercel, Cristian Ciocan, Paul Balogh, Paul Marinescu, Victor Popescu, Adina Bozga, Holger Zaborowski & Mihai Caplea - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (3):418-495.
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    Étant donné. [REVIEW]Mihail Neamţu - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1-2):407-414.
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