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  1. Atomistic versus holistic semiotics.Mihhail Lotman - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):513-526.
    The paper is devoted on the foundations of semiotics. It examines the specific features of Peircean and Saussurean traditions and demonstrates that the basis of all the differences is the different conception of the nature of sign: Peirce proceeds from the substitutive concept, Saussure from the bilateral one. The substitutive construction is atomistic by its nature: it is based on a (single) sign which replaces a (single) object, while bilateral is holistic: it is based on the sign system which is (...)
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  2. О системах стихосложения (преимущественно на материале эстонского и русского стиха).Mihhail Lotman - 1998 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 1:201-255.
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  3. Страх: Семиотика культуры и феноменология (к постановке проблемы).Mihhail Lotman - 2001 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 2:417-439.
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  4. Русский стих: Метрика, системы стихосложения, просодия (генеративный подход).Mihhail Lotman - 2000 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 1:217-241.
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  5. The semiotics of culture and the phenomenology of fear.Mihhail Lotman - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (2):417-439.
    The semiotics of culture and the phenomenology of fear. In the paper fear is treated as semiotical phenomenon. The semiotical speciality of fear is that while being a strong semiotical factor, its semiotical nature is often overshadowed and fear is treated proceeding from the scheme of stimulus-reaction. In the paper fear is analysed in the context of both Peirce's semiotics and Saussure's semiology and it will be demonstrated that these approaches allow to open up different aspects of fear: while in (...)
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  6. The derivatives of hexameter in Estonian poetry and their link with the traditional hexameter.Maria-Kristiina Lotman & Mihhail Lotman - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1/2):94-119.
    The sources of the theory of the Estonian hexameter can be traced back to 17th-century Germany, where the long syllables of ancient hexameter were replaced with stressed ones, and short syllables with unstressed ones. Although such understanding is clearly inadequate, to a great extent it still holds ground in contemporary approaches. Hexameter, like any other verse metre, can be treated from two angles. First, as an abstract scheme which is realized in different texts, while the degree of realization can vary. (...)
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    Editors' comment.Kalevi Kull, Kati Lindström, Mihhail Lotman, Timo Maran & Silvi Salupere - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):9-11.
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    Semiootika institutsioon Eestis. Kokkuvõte.Kalevi Kull, Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop & Mihhail Lotman - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):342-342.
    The article gives a historical overview of the institutional development of semiotics in Estonia during two centuries, and describes briefly its current status. The key characteristics of semiotics in Estonia include: seminal role of two world-level classics of semiotics from the University of Tartu, Juri Lotman and Jakob von Uexküll; the impact of Tartu–Moscow school of semiotics, with a series of summer schools in Kääriku in 1960s and the establishment of semiotic study of culture; the publication of the international journal (...)
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    Verse as a semiotic system.Mihhail Lotman - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1/2):18-50.
    Poetry is an important challenge for semiotics, and a special area of study for the Tartu-Moscow semiotic school, since the first volume of Sign Systems Studies was Juri Lotman’s monograph Lectures on Structural Poetics (1964). From then on the concept of poetry as one of the secondary modelling systems has evolved, since in relation to poetry, the primary modelling system is natural language. In this paper, the concept of semiotic system has been re-examined and the treatment of primary and secondary (...)
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    Atomistlik ja holistlik semiootika. Kokkuvõte.Mihhail Lotman - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):527-527.
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    Omailm ja semiosfäär. Kokkuvõte.Mihhail Lotman - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (1):40-40.
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    Varss kui semiootiline susteem. Kokkuvõte.Mihhail Lotman - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1/2):51-51.
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