Results for 'Ming Tai-Seale'

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  1.  30
    Racial Disparities in Service Use among Medicaid Beneficiaries after Mandatory Enrollment in Managed Care: A Difference-in-Differences Approach.Ming Tai-Seale, Deborah Freund & Anthony LoSasso - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (1):49-59.
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    The use of statistical process control (risk‐adjusted CUSUM, risk‐adjusted RSPRT and CRAM with prediction limits) for monitoring the outcomes of out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest patients rescued by the EMS system.Tsung-Tai Chen, Kuo-Piao Chung, Fu-Chang Hu, Chieh-Min Fan & Ming-Chin Yang - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):71-77.
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    Superior Performance in Skilled Golfers Characterized by Dynamic Neuromotor Processes Related to Attentional Focus.Kuo-Pin Wang, Cornelia Frank, Yen-yu Tsai, Kao-Hung Lin, Tai-Ting Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Chung-Ju Huang, Tsung-Min Hung & Thomas Schack - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The meshed control theory assumes that cognitive control and automatic processes work together in the natural attention of experts for superior performance. However, the methods adopted by previous studies limit their capacity to provide in-depth information on the neuromotor processes. This experiment tested the theory with an alternative approach. Twelve skilled golfers were recruited to perform a putting task under three conditions: (1) normal condition, with no focus instruction (NC), (2) external focus of attention condition (EC), and (3) internal focus (...)
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    Growth and characterization of BaZnGa.Na Hyun Jo, Qisheng Lin, Manh Cuong Nguyen, Udhara S. Kaluarachchi, William R. Meier, Soham Manni, Savannah S. Downing, Anna E. Böhmer, Tai Kong, Yang Sun, Valentin Taufour, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Kai-Ming Ho, Sergey L. Bud’ko & Paul C. Canfield - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (35):3317-3324.
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  5. Ju Chia Ch Uan T Ung Ti Hsien Tai Chuan Hua Tu Wei-Ming Hsin Ju Hsüeh Lun Chu Chi Yao.Wei-Ming Tu & Hua Yüeh - 1992
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    Xin yi shi xing tai pi ping.Ming Xu - 2001 - Wuhan: Xin hua shu dian Hubei fa xing suo jing xiao.
    本书是关于新意识形态批评的论文集,本书要论述的意图是:以理论与社会生活的密切关系而言,中国文论家可以创造出自己的“本位话语”,其具体问题集中为两个,即文化转型中的当代中国的精神建构和建立文学理论的本位 话语。.
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    Fa lü yi shi xing tai de yu yi he yi yi.Ming Lü - 2011 - Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she.
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  8. Aestheticism and Spiritualism: A Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese Calligraphy.Ming-tak Hue - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (2):18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aestheticism and SpiritualismA Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese CalligraphyMing-Tak Hue (bio)IntroductionCalligraphy has been used to preserve significant writings and texts in a beautiful form and to make the different styles of writing enjoyable. It is not only the art of beautiful handwriting but also a cultural heritage and tradition that reflects the culture and history of a society, a race, a nation, (...)
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    Science and confucianism in retrospect and prospect.Hsu Kuang-Tai - 2016 - Zygon 51 (1):86-99.
    In contrast to Western science and religion, a topic which has been studied very much since the twentieth century, less research has been done on science and Confucianism. By way of a comparative viewpoint within the history of science, this article will deal with some aspects of science and Confucianism in retrospect, for instance, the Confucian origin of the idea of tian yuan di fang 天圓地方, the natural philosophy of qi, and the wu xing li tian zhi qi 五行沴天之氣 bringing (...)
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  10. Tai Chi Chuan and Baduanjin Mind-Body Training Changes Resting-State Low-Frequency Fluctuations in the Frontal Lobe of Older Adults: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Jing Tao, Xiangli Chen, Jiao Liu, Natalia Egorova, Xiehua Xue, Weilin Liu, Guohua Zheng, Ming Li, Jinsong Wu, Kun Hu, Zengjian Wang, Lidian Chen & Jian Kong - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  11.  18
    Da lu fu Tai zhi shi fen zi yan jiu: Yan Haiguang Xia Daoping ji nian hui lun wen he ji.Zhuo'en He, Binfeng Zhang & Ming Xia (eds.) - 2011 - Beijing: Jiu zhou chu ban she.
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    San min zhu yi sheng ming zhe xue yan jiu: cong dao de ren ge yu sheng ming tai du jie xi.Jin'an Wu - 1989 - Flushing, N.Y., U.S.A. (135-18 Northern Blvd., Flushing 11354): Meiguo zong jing xiao Hua qiang tu shu gong si.
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  13.  14
    The Multiple Siyin Half Seals: Reconsidering the Dianli jicha si (1373–1384) Argument.Huiping Pang - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (3):361.
    This paper takes an initial but significant step toward penetrating the intricate historiography of the renowned siyin half seal, which appears on 199 surviving or now-lost canonical Chinese paintings and calligraphies. Through a forensic tracking of the siyin art pieces, Ming dynasty court diaries, legal statutes, and other official seals ending in the words si and yin, I refute the dominant twentieth-century theory by arguing that this seal could not have originated from the eunuch-run Dianli jicha si in 1373–84, (...)
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  14. Hsien tai wu li hsüeh ti ko ming ho liang tʻiao che hsüeh lu hsien ti tou cheng.Shu-tzu Liu - 1977 - Edited by Hsing, Jun-chʻuan & [From Old Catalog].
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  15. Ming mo Qing chu, 1582-1687, de ge wu qiong li zhi xue: Zhongguo ke xue fa zhan de qian jin dai xing tai = Mingmo Qingchu (1582-1687) de gewu qiongli zhixue.Zhicong Shang - 2003 - Chengdu: Sichuan jiao yu chu ban she.
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  16. Ming mo Qing chu, 1582-1687, de ge wu qiong li zhi xue: Zhongguo ke xue fa zhan de qian jin dai xing tai = Mingmo Qingchu (1582-1687) de gewu qiongli zhixue.Zhicong Shang - 2003 - Chengdu: Sichuan jiao yu chu ban she.
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    Cong sheng ming mei zou xiang sheng tai mei: "Nanhua zhen jing" si jia zhu zhong de mei xue si xiang yan jiu = Cong shengmingmei zouxiang shengtaimei: Nanhuazhenjing sijiazhu zhong de meixue sixiang yanjiu.Xiongyan Li - 2011 - Chengdu: Xi nan jiao tong da xue chu ban she.
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  18. (Tao yü li): yu ming Hsien tai ssu shu.Yen-Shuo Lo - 1976 - [Tʻai-nan]: : Hsien tai chiao yü chʻu pan she ; [Pʻing-tsing] : tsung ching hsiao Pai kʻo shu tien.
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    Jian ming xi fang mei xue shi du ben =.Xin Ru (ed.) - 2014 - Beijing: Zhong guo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu yi jian ming e yao de bi chu xiang du zhe ti gong le yi fu quan jing shi de xi fang mei xue li shi hua juan.Qi nei rong han gai cong gu xi la,Luo ma zhi dao 20 shi ji de xi fang mei xue si xiang he li lun cheng guo,Qi zhong yi li lun xing tai de mei xue si xiang wei zhu gan,Tong shi she ji wen xue yi shu yi ji she (...)
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  20.  84
    Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince: Huang Tsung-hsi's Ming-i tai-fang lu.On-cho Ng, Wm Theodore de Bary & Huang Tsung-hsi - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (3):412.
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    Yi ren wei ben yu sheng ming duo yang hua: man tan huan jing yu zi ran sheng tai zhe xue.Yonghai Cai - 2002 - Ha'erbin Shi: Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she.
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    Huan jing wen ti jue ze lun: sheng tai wen ming shi dai de li xing si kao.Zhonghua Gao - 2004 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  23.  9
    Chong jian xian dai wen ming de gen ji: sheng tai she hui zhu yi yan jiu = Rebuilding the basis of modern civilisation: a comparative perspective of eco-socialism.Qingzhi Huan (ed.) - 2010 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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    Kumo no sujō no mumyō: intānetto jidai no shinshinchi no sasshin ni mukete = Avidya on the spider's web: in search of psycho-somatic ethics in the age of meta- and multi-verse = Zhi zhu wang shang de wu ming: zai dian zi xin xi wang luo sheng tai zhong tan suo shen xin zhi de wei lai.Shigemi Inaga (ed.) - 2023 - Tōkyō: Kachōsha.
    電子テクノロジーが見逃してきた盲点を突き止める。 「蜘蛛の巣」を鍵言葉に、人類の想像力がいかに蜘蛛の巣状に連動し、それが従来の研究方法をいかに刷新するのか。また「蜘蛛の巣」というマトリックスに照らして現実を分析することがいかなる可能性を開くのか。電子 媒体を「蜘蛛の巣」Webとして捉えることで、そこに潜む危険とも裏腹の将来像を、特定の専門分野の枠組みを横断して探求する。.
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    Ren zai yuan ye: dang dai sheng tai wen ming guan = A return to the wilderness: a contemporary perspective of the eco-civilization.Minghua Li (ed.) - 2003 - Guangzhou: Guangdong ren min chu ban she.
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    Wei Jin feng du: Zhongguo ren sheng ming shen mei yi shi xing tai chu bu jian gou.Shengli Li - 2018 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Bei li yu hui gui: wan Ming shi ren mei xue tai du de xian dai guan zhao.Weizhao Zhang - 2009 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she.
    本书包括: 晚明士人的个体生命情怀及其哲学意蕴、晚明士人自我实现的文化透视、晚明士人尚情思潮的美学解读三篇内容.
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    Tian ren zhi bian: ru xue yu sheng tai wen ming = Tianrenzhibian.Liwen Zhang (ed.) - 2013 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  29. Wang xue yu zhong wan Ming shi ren xin tai.Dongling Zuo - 2000 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  30. Song Ming ru xue zhi chong gou: Wang Chuanshan zhe xue wen ben de quan shi = Reconstruction of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism Interpretation of Wang Chuan-shan's Philosophical Texts.Zhihua Cheng - 2022 - Wuhan: Wuhan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu ji yu Wang Chuanshan zhe xue wen ben, can zhao "nei zai quan shi" de li lu yi ji quan shi zhi "dao" "shu" de ce lüe ji qiao, dui wang chuan shan zhe xue jin xing yan jiu, ti chu zhu ru Song Ming ru xue "san xi shuo", "wu zhong shi" ji xian shi shi jie de yu zhou lun, "tai ji" ben ti lun, xing zhi qian zai yu shi xian, liang ge ceng mian (...)
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    Ming dai di fang she hui li jiao shi cong lun: yi si xiu li jiao shu wei zhong xin.Kesheng Zhao - 2011 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Chuan bo Zhuzi jia li, xuan jiang Tai zu sheng yu, shi Ming chao zai di fang tui xing de zui zhu yao de liang zhong she hui li jiao xing shi, xian shi chu li zhi shi zhong shi wang chao zheng zhi de yi ge he xin li nian he shou dao te bie qiang diao de she hui zhi li fang shi. Jia li shi wang chao zheng zhi wen hua de yi bu fen, Ming (...)
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    Tai ji zhi yin: Zhongguo wen hua fu xing zhi lu = Taiji zhiyin Zhongguo wenhua fuxing zhilu.Jing Long - 2019 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu gong fen san bu: di yi bu hui gui zhen wo, di er bu hui gui tian di, di san bu hui gui tai ji. Nei rong bao kuo: lun sheng ming; sheng ming yu shi ge; sheng ming yu yin yue; xian dai ren sheng ming de yan bian; wo shi shui, tian di yu wo deng.
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  33.  17
    Rediscovering Acharya Brajendra Nath Seal in the new millenium.Brajendranath Seal, Sumit Mukerji, Sanjib Kumar Datta & Kuheli Biswas (eds.) - 2018 - Kolkata, India: Maha Bodhi Book Agency.
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    Collected works of Acharya Brajendranath Seal.Brajendranath Seal - 2023 - Kolkata: The Asiatic Society. Edited by Dilipkumar Mohanta.
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    Nature of diamond coat.M. Seal - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (123):645-648.
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  36. Schlesinger's Historiography, Afrocentric Conservatism, and The Disuniting of America.G. Seals - 1998 - Journal of Thought 33:29-40.
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  37. The Development of Dewey's Thinking on a Science of Education.Greg Seals - 2004 - Journal of Thought 39 (3):81-98.
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  38.  39
    Pikachu's Tears: Children's Perspectives on Violence in Hong Kong.Sealing Cheng - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):216-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:216 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Sealing Cheng Pikachu’s Tears: Children’s Perspectives on Violence in Hong Kong How do children experience the sudden onset of massive unrest, violence, and police brutality? It has been difficult even for many adults to process how Hong Kong—a cosmopolitan city known for its stability and low crime rate—descended overnight, on June 12, 2019, into tear gas and (...)
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    Anette Ballinger: Gender, Truth and State Power: Capitalising on Punishment: London, Routledge, 2016, pp. 139, ISBN: 978-0-7546-7478-8.Lizzie Seal - 2017 - Feminist Legal Studies 25 (3):385-387.
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    A preliminary study on a Mirror of Japan (Ribenyijian).Jie Tong & Ji Ma - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (4):117-136.
    Resumo: Após o reinado do Imperador Jiajing, da Dinastia Ming, à medida que o problema dos piratas japoneses se tornava cada vez mais grave, começaram a ser publicados livros dedicados ao estudo do Japão. Entre eles, os mais importantes são Uma Breve Pesquisa do Japão (Ri Ben Kao Lue), Uma Compilação de Mapas Japoneses (Ri Ben Tu Zuan), O Espelho do Japão (Ri Ben Yi Jian), Uma pesquisa do Japão (Ri Ben Kao), Um registro de Costumes Japoneses (Ri Ben (...)
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  41. The role of doctors' religious faith and ethnicity in taking ethically controversial decisions during end-of-life care.C. Seale - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):677-682.
    Background and Aims The prevalence of religious faith among doctors and its relationship with decision-making in end-of-life care is not well documented. The impact of ethnic differences on this is also poorly understood. This study compares ethnicity and religious faith in the medical and general UK populations, and reports on their associations with ethically controversial decisions taken when providing care to dying patients. Method A postal survey of 3733 UK medical practitioners, of whom 2923 reported on the care of their (...)
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  42.  64
    Three Steps Towards a Theory of Informal logic.Seale Doss - 1985 - Informal Logic 7 (2).
  43.  49
    Michael Williams: Deforesting the Earth: From Prehistory to Global Crisis, an Abridgment: University of Chicago, Chicago, 2006, pp. xviii, 543. [REVIEW]Doug Seale - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (6):673-686.
    Michael Williams: Deforesting the Earth: From Prehistory to Global Crisis, an Abridgment Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s10806-010-9294-y Authors Doug Seale, 21 Turner Ridge Road, Marlborough, MA 01752, UK Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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  44.  25
    Echoes of victimhood: on passionate activism and ‘sex trafficking’.Sealing Cheng - 2021 - Feminist Theory 22 (1):3-22.
    The sexually violated woman has become a salient symbol in feminist discourse, government policies, the media and transnational activism at this historical juncture. In this article, I seek to understand the conviction of anti-prostitution activists that all women in prostitution are victims (despite evidence to the contrary), and their simultaneous dismissal or condemnation of those women who identify as sex workers. The analysis identifies the centrality of victimhood to the affective logic of women activist leaders in the anti-prostitution movement, and (...)
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  45.  13
    Democracy Without Ideology?Greg Seals - 2007 - Philosophy of Education 63:371-379.
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  46.  27
    Yu yan de kun jing yu tu wei: wen xue de yan yi guan xi yan jiu = Yuyan de kunjing yu tuwei: wenxue de yanyi guanxi yanjiu.Zhuo Zhang - 2010 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu tong guo yin ru xi fang xian dai yu yan zhe xue, mei xue de fang fa yu Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua zhi si zhan dui hua yu jiao liu, shi jie, wen xue de ben zhi guan lian ru shou, jie shi chu xing cheng yan yu yi zhi jian mao dun yu zhang li de ben yuan: cun zai ben shen zi xing xian xian (cheng ming) bing zi xing yin ni (zhe bi) de (...)
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  47.  14
    Liang Shuming yu Hu Shi: Wen hua bao shou zhu yi yu xi hua si chao di bi jiao.Dahua Zheng - 1994 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
    Ben shu bi jiao yan jiu liang shu ming he hu kuo de wen hua qu xiang, zheng zhi qu xiang, xue shu zhi qu, zhong xi wen hua guan, ke xue yu min zhu guan dui chuan tong wen hua de tai du he dui zhong guo wen hua chu lu de xuan ze deng wen ti.
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  48.  54
    Wes Jackson: Consulting the Genius of the Place: An Ecological Approach to a New Agriculture: Counterpoint Press, 2010, 272 pp. [REVIEW]Douglas Seale - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2):253-260.
    Wes Jackson: Consulting the Genius of the Place: An Ecological Approach to a New Agriculture Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-8 DOI 10.1007/s10806-011-9325-3 Authors Douglas Seale, Marlborough, MA, USA Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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  49.  18
    Choreography of Masculinity: The Pursuit of Marriage by African Men in Forced Displacement in Hong Kong.Sealing Cheng - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):282-311.
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    Questioning Global Vaginahood: Reflections from Adapting The Vagina Monologues in Hong Kong.Sealing Cheng - 2009 - Feminist Review 92 (1):19-35.
    Drawing on the author's experience in devising a localized version of The Vagina Monologues in Hong Kong, this paper critically appraises the ‘global vaginahood’ in the globalization of The Vagina Monologues and the V-Day movement that reproduces a core-periphery relationship in the transnational women's movement. As a theatrical performance and a worldwide movement, these productions are remarkable for the manner in which they raise awareness about women's sexuality and violence against women in different parts of the world. Critical questions, however, (...)
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