Results for 'Minimal axiomatization'

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  1.  21
    Minimal Axiomatization in Modal Logic.Fabio Bellissima & Saverio Cittadini - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):92-102.
    We consider the problem of finding, in the ambit of modal logic, a minimal characterization for finite Kripke frames, i.e., a formula which, given a frame, axiomatizes its theory employing the lowest possible number of variables and implies the other axiomatizations. We show that every finite transitive frame admits a minimal characterization over K4, and that this result can not be extended to K.
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    Minimal axiomatic frameworks for definable hyperreals with transfer.Frederik S. Herzberg, Vladimir Kanovei, Mikhail Katz & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):385-391.
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    Axiomatizing a Minimal Discussive Logic.Oleg Grigoriev, Marek Nasieniewski, Krystyna Mruczek-Nasieniewska, Yaroslav Petrukhin & Vasily Shangin - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (5):855-895.
    In the paper we analyse the problem of axiomatizing the minimal variant of discussive logic denoted as D0 {\textsf {D}}_{\textsf {0}} D 0. Our aim is to give its axiomatization that would correspond to a known axiomatization of the original discussive logic D2 {\textsf {D}}_{\textsf {2}} D 2. The considered system is minimal in a class of discussive logics. It is defined similarly, as Jaśkowski’s logic D2 {\textsf {D}}_{\textsf {2}} D 2 but with the help of (...)
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    Axiomatizing collective judgment sets in a minimal logical language.Marc Pauly - 2007 - Synthese 158 (2):233-250.
    We investigate under what conditions a given set of collective judgments can arise from a specific voting procedure. In order to answer this question, we introduce a language similar to modal logic for reasoning about judgment aggregation procedures. In this language, the formula expresses that is collectively accepted, or that is a group judgment based on voting. Different judgment aggregation procedures may be underlying the group decision making. Here we investigate majority voting, where holds if a majority of individuals accepts, (...)
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    Minimal p-morphic images, axiomatizations and coverings in the modal logic K.Fabio Bellissima & Saverio Cittadini - 1999 - Studia Logica 62 (3):371-398.
    We define the concepts of minimal p-morphic image and basic p-morphism for transitive Kripke frames. These concepts are used to determine effectively the least number of variables necessary to axiomatize a tabular extension of K4, and to describe the covers and co-covers of such a logic in the lattice of the extensions of K4.
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    Axiomatization of certain problems of minimization.Sergiu Rudeanu - 1967 - Studia Logica 20 (1):37 - 61.
    In Part I of this paper, an abstract analogue of the minimization problem for Boolean functions and of the notion of prime implicant is defined, so that this general problem can be solved in the same steps as in the classical case: 1) determination of the prime implicants; 2) determination of all the solutions made up of prime implicants. In Part II it is shown that the classical minimization problem, as well as certain set-theoretical and graphtheoretical problems are particular cases (...)
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  7.  14
    A non-minimal but very weak axiomatization of common belief.Luc Lismont & Philippe Mongin - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 70 (1-2):363-374.
  8.  71
    Axiomatizing the Logic of Imagination.Alessandro Giordani - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (4):639-657.
    In a recent paper Berto introduces a semantic system for a logic of imagination, intended as positive conceivability, and aboutness of imaginative acts. This system crucially adopts elements of both the semantics of conditionals and the semantics of analytical implications in order to account for the central logical traits of the notion of truth in an act of imagination based on an explicit input. The main problem left unsolved is to put forward a complete set of axioms for the proposed (...)
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  9.  55
    A minimal logic for interactive epistemology.Emiliano Lorini - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):725-755.
    We propose a minimal logic for interactive epistemology based on a qualitative representation of epistemic individual and group attitudes including knowledge, belief, strong belief, common knowledge and common belief. We show that our logic is sufficiently expressive to provide an epistemic foundation for various game-theoretic solution concepts including “1-round of deletion of weakly dominated strategies, followed by iterated deletion of strongly dominated strategies” ) and “2-rounds of deletion of weakly dominated strategies, followed by iterated deletion of strongly dominated strategies” (...)
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    Belief Base: A Minimal Logic of Fine-Grained Information Dynamics.Pengfei Song - 2023 - In Natasha Alechina, Andreas Herzig & Fei Liang (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, LORI 2023, Jinan, China, October 26–29, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 222-237.
    This paper proposes a minimal logic of fine-grained information dynamics via belief bases. The framework is shown to be able to accommodate explicit belief, implicit belief, awareness of and awareness that, where awareness of agents is not treated as a tacit premise. A sound and complete axiomatization of static logic is established, upon which a series of dynamic operations are defined. It is argued that these dynamics adapt different scenarios. Our logic is minimal because to each agent (...)
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  11.  9
    An Axiomatic System Based on Ladd-Franklin's Antilogism.Fangzhou Xu - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):302-322.
    This paper sketches the antilogism of Christine Ladd-Franklin and historical advancement about antilogism, mainly constructs an axiomatic system Atl based on first-order logic with equality and the wholly-exclusion and not-wholly-exclusion relations abstracted from the algebra of Ladd-Franklin, with soundness and completeness of Atl proved, providing a simple and convenient tool on syllogistic reasoning. Atl depicts the empty class and the whole class differently from normal set theories, e.g. ZFC, revealing another perspective on sets and set theories. Two series of Dotterer (...)
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  12.  82
    Minimal truth and interpretability.Martin Fischer - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):799-815.
    In this paper we will investigate different axiomatic theories of truth that are minimal in some sense. One criterion for minimality will be conservativity over Peano Arithmetic. We will then give a more fine-grained characterization by investigating some interpretability relations. We will show that disquotational theories of truth, as well as compositional theories of truth with restricted induction are relatively interpretable in Peano Arithmetic. Furthermore, we will give an example of a theory of truth that is a conservative extension (...)
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  13.  77
    An Axiomatic System Based on Ladd-Franklin's Antilogism.Fangzhou Xu - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):302-322.
    This paper sketches the antilogism of Christine Ladd-Franklin and historical advancement about antilogism, mainly constructs an axiomatic system Atl based on first-order logic with equality and the wholly-exclusion and not-wholly-exclusion relations abstracted from the algebra of Ladd-Franklin, with soundness and completeness of Atl proved, providing a simple and convenient tool on syllogistic reasoning. Atl depicts the empty class and the whole class differently from normal set theories, e.g. ZFC, revealing another perspective on sets and set theories. Two series of Dotterer (...)
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  14. Hensel minimality: Geometric criteria for [math]-h-minimality.Floris Vermeulen - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (3).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 24, Issue 03, December 2024. Recently, Cluckers et al. developed a new axiomatic framework for tame non-Archimedean geometry, called Hensel minimality. It was extended to mixed characteristic together with the author. Hensel minimality aims to mimic o-minimality in both strong consequences and wide applicability. In this paper, we continue the study of Hensel minimality, in particular focusing on [math]-h-minimality and [math]-h-minimality, for [math] a positive integer. Our main results include an analytic criterion for [math]-h-minimality, preservation (...)
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    Hensel minimality: Geometric criteria for ℓ-h-minimality.Floris Vermeulen - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (3).
    Recently, Cluckers et al. developed a new axiomatic framework for tame non-Archimedean geometry, called Hensel minimality. It was extended to mixed characteristic together with the author. Hensel minimality aims to mimic o-minimality in both strong consequences and wide applicability. In this paper, we continue the study of Hensel minimality, in particular focusing on [Formula: see text]-h-minimality and [Formula: see text]-h-minimality, for [Formula: see text] a positive integer. Our main results include an analytic criterion for [Formula: see text]-h-minimality, preservation of [Formula: (...)
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  16.  6
    An Axiomatic System Based on Ladd-Franklin's Antilogism.Fangzhou Xu School of Philosophy, Beijing & People'S. Republic of China - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):302-322.
    This paper sketches the antilogism of Christine Ladd-Franklin and historical advancement about antilogism, mainly constructs an axiomatic system Atl based on first-order logic with equality and the wholly-exclusion and not-wholly-exclusion relations abstracted from the algebra of Ladd-Franklin, with soundness and completeness of Atl proved, providing a simple and convenient tool on syllogistic reasoning. Atl depicts the empty class and the whole class differently from normal set theories, e.g. ZFC, revealing another perspective on sets and set theories. Two series of Dotterer (...)
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    An axiomatization of Choquet expected utility with cominimum independence.Takao Asano & Hiroyuki Kojima - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (1):117-139.
    This paper proposes a class of independence axioms for simple acts. By introducing the E\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}E{\mathcal {E}}\end{document}-cominimum independence axiom that is stronger than the comonotonic independence axiom but weaker than the independence axiom, we provide a new axiomatization theorem of simple acts within the framework of Choquet expected utility. Furthermore, in order to provide the axiomatization of simple acts, we generalize Kajii et al. into an infinite state space. Our (...)
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  18.  64
    Minimal Non-contingency Logic.Steven T. Kuhn - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (2):230-234.
    Simple finite axiomatizations are given for versions of the modal logics K and K4 with non-contingency (or contingency) as the sole modal primitive. This answers two questions of I. L. Humberstone.
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  19.  36
    O-minimal residue fields of o-minimal fields.Jana Maříková - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):457-464.
    Let R be an o-minimal field with a proper convex subring V. We axiomatize the class of all structures such that , the corresponding residue field with structure induced from R via the residue map, is o-minimal. More precisely, in Maříková [8] it was shown that certain first-order conditions on are sufficient for the o-minimality of . Here we prove that these conditions are also necessary.
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  20.  85
    Minimal belief change and the pareto principle.Oliver Schulte - 1999 - Synthese 118 (3):329-361.
    This paper analyzes the notion of a minimal belief change that incorporates new information. I apply the fundamental decision-theoretic principle of Pareto-optimality to derive a notion of minimal belief change, for two different representations of belief: First, for beliefs represented by a theory – a deductively closed set of sentences or propositions – and second for beliefs represented by an axiomatic base for a theory. Three postulates exactly characterize Pareto-minimal revisions of theories, yielding a weaker set of (...)
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  21. Minimal belief change and pareto-optimality.Oliver Schulte - unknown
    This paper analyzes the notion of a minimal belief change that incorporates new information. I apply the fundamental decisiontheoretic principle of Pareto-optimality to derive a notion of minimal belief change, for two different representations of belief: First, for beliefs represented by a theory –a deductively closed set of sentences or propositions–and second for beliefs represented by an axiomatic base for a theory. Three postulates exactly characterize Pareto-minimal revisions of theories, yielding a weaker set of constraints than the (...)
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  22. Friedman and the axiomatization of Kripke's theory of truth.John P. Burgess - unknown
    What is the simplest and most natural axiomatic replacement for the set-theoretic definition of the minimal fixed point on the Kleene scheme in Kripke’s theory of truth? What is the simplest and most natural set of axioms and rules for truth whose adoption by a subject who had never heard the word "true" before would give that subject an understanding of truth for which the minimal fixed point on the Kleene scheme would be a good model? Several axiomatic (...)
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  23.  62
    Minimal Temporal Epistemic Logic.Joeri Engelfriet - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (2):233-259.
    In the study of nonmonotonic reasoning the main emphasis has been on static (declarative) aspects. Only recently has there been interest in the dynamic aspects of reasoning processes, particularly in artificial intelligence. We study the dynamics of reasoning processes by using a temporal logic to specify them and to reason about their properties, just as is common in theoretical computer science. This logic is composed of a base temporal epistemic logic with a preference relation on models, and an associated nonmonotonic (...)
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  24.  34
    ω‐saturated quasi‐minimal models of Th (ℚω,+, σ, 0).Masanori Itai & Kentaro Wakai - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (3):258-262.
    We show that is a quasi-minimal torsion-free divisible abelian group. After discussing the axiomatization of the theory of this structure, we present its ω-saturated quasi-minimal model.
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    Structure theorems for o-minimal expansions of groups.Mario J. Edmundo - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (1-2):159-181.
    Let R be an o-minimal expansion of an ordered group R has no poles, R cannot define a real closed field with domain R and order R is eventually linear and every R -definable set is a finite union of cones. As a corollary we get that Th has quantifier elimination and universal axiomatization in the language with symbols for the ordered group operations, bounded R -definable sets and a symbol for each definable endomorphism of the group.
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  26.  19
    Remark on a finite axiomatization of finite intermediate propositional logics.D. Skvortsov - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):381-386.
    ABSTRACT A simple method of axiomatizing every finite intermediate propositional logic by a finite set of axioms with the minimal number of variables is proposed. The method is based on Jankov's characteristic formulas.
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    Algebraic Structures Arising in Axiomatic Unsharp Quantum Physics.Gianpiero Cattaneo & Stanley Gudder - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (10):1607-1637.
    This article presents and compares various algebraic structures that arise in axiomatic unsharp quantum physics. We begin by stating some basic principles that such an algebraic structure should encompass. Following G. Mackey and G. Ludwig, we first consider a minimal state-effect-probability (minimal SEFP) structure. In order to include partial operations of sum and difference, an additional axiom is postulated and a SEFP structure is obtained. It is then shown that a SEFP structure is equivalent to an effect algebra (...)
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  28. On Minimal Models for Pure Calculi of Names.Piotr Kulicki - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (4):429–443.
    By pure calculus of names we mean a quantifier-free theory, based on the classical propositional calculus, which defines predicates known from Aristotle’s syllogistic and Leśniewski’s Ontology. For a large fragment of the theory decision procedures, defined by a combination of simple syntactic operations and models in two-membered domains, can be used. We compare the system which employs `ε’ as the only specific term with the system enriched with functors of Syllogistic. In the former, we do not need an empty name (...)
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  29. A Model of Minimal Probabilistic Belief Revision.Andrés Perea - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (2):163-222.
    In the literature there are at least two models for probabilistic belief revision: Bayesian updating and imaging [Lewis, D. K. (1973), Counterfactuals, Blackwell, Oxford; Gärdenfors, P. (1988), Knowledge in flux: modeling the dynamics of epistemic states, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA]. In this paper we focus on imaging rules that can be described by the following procedure: (1) Identify every state with some real valued vector of characteristics, and accordingly identify every probabilistic belief with an expected vector of characteristics; (2) For (...)
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  30.  16
    On PBZ∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}^{*}\end{document}–Lattices. [REVIEW]Roberto Giuntini, Claudia Mureşan & Francesco Paoli - 2021 - In Mojtaba Mojtahedi, Shahid Rahman & MohammadSaleh Zarepour (eds.), Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir. Springer. pp. 313-337.
    We continue our investigation of paraorthomodular BZ*-lattices PBZ*-lattices, started in Giuntini et al., Mureşan. We shed further light on the structure of the subvariety lattice of the variety PBZL∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}PBZL\mathbb {PBZL}^{\mathbb {*}}\end{document} of PBZ∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}^{*}\end{document}–lattices; in particular, we provide axiomatic bases for some of its members. Further, we show that some distributive subvarieties of PBZL∗\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} (...)
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  31. Axioms and tests for the presence of minimal consciousness in agents I: Preamble.Igor L. Aleksander & B. Dunmall - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (4-5):7-18.
    This paper relates to a formal statement of the mechanisms that are thought minimally necessary to underpin consciousness. This is expressed in the form of axioms. We deem this to be useful if there is ever to be clarity in answering questions about whether this or the other organism is or is not conscious. As usual, axioms are ways of making formal statements of intuitive beliefs and looking, again formally, at the consequences of such beliefs. The use of this style (...)
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  32.  17
    A General Relational Semantics of Propositional Logic: Axiomatization.Shengyang Zhong - 2021 - In Alexandra Silva, Renata Wassermann & Ruy de Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 27th International Workshop, Wollic 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 82-99.
    In the chapter on quantum logic in Volume 6 of Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Dalla Chiara and Giuntini make an interesting observation that there is a unified relational semantics underlying both the {¬,∧}\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}{¬,}\{ {\lnot }, {\wedge } \}\end{document}-fragment of intuitionistic logic and ortho-logic. In this paper, we contribute to a systematic investigation of this relational semantics by providing an axiomatization of its logic.
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    Dynamic Topological Logic Interpreted over Minimal Systems.David Fernández-Duque - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (6):767-804.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( ) is a modal logic which combines spatial and temporal modalities for reasoning about dynamic topological systems , which are pairs consisting of a topological space X and a continuous function f : X → X . The function f is seen as a change in one unit of time; within one can model the long-term behavior of such systems as f is iterated. One class of dynamic topological systems where the long-term behavior of f is (...)
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    Pseudo-finite sets, pseudo-o-minimality.Nadav Meir - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):577-599.
    We give an example of two ordered structures $\mathcal {M},\mathcal {N}$ in the same language $\mathcal {L}$ with the same universe, the same order and admitting the same one-variable definable subsets such that $\mathcal {M}$ is a model of the common theory of o-minimal $\mathcal {L}$ -structures and $\mathcal {N}$ admits a definable, closed, bounded, and discrete subset and a definable injective self-mapping of that subset which is not surjective. This answers negatively two question by Schoutens; the first being (...)
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    An effective version of Wilkie's theorem of the complement and some effective o-minimality results.Alessandro Berarducci & Tamara Servi - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 125 (1-3):43-74.
    Wilkie 5 397) proved a “theorem of the complement” which implies that in order to establish the o-minimality of an expansion of with C∞ functions it suffices to obtain uniform bounds on the number of connected components of quantifier free definable sets. He deduced that any expansion of with a family of Pfaffian functions is o-minimal. We prove an effective version of Wilkie's theorem of the complement, so in particular given an expansion of the ordered field with finitely many (...)
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    Decision-making under risk: when is utility-maximization equivalent to risk-minimization?Francesco Ruscitti, Ram Sewak Dubey & Giorgio Laguzzi - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-16.
    Motivated by the analysis of a general optimal portfolio selection problem, which encompasses as special cases an optimal consumption and an optimal debt-arrangement problem, we are concerned with the questions of how a personality trait like risk-perception can be formalized and whether the two objectives of utility-maximization and risk-minimization can be both achieved simultaneously. We address these questions by developing an axiomatic foundation of preferences for which utility-maximization is equivalent to minimizing a utility-based shortfall risk measure. Our axiomatization hinges (...)
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    Completeness Theorems for ∃□\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\exists \Box \end{document}-Fragment of First-Order Modal Logic. [REVIEW]Xun Wang - 2021 - In Sujata Ghosh & Thomas Icard (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, Lori 2021, Xi’an, China, October 16–18, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 246-258.
    The paper expands upon the work by Wang [4], who proposes a new framework based on quantifier-free predicate language extended by a new modality ∃x□\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}x\exists x\Box \end{document} and axiomatizes the logic over S5 frames. This paper gives the logics over K, D, T, 4, S4 frames with increasing and constant domains. And we provide a general strategy for proving completeness theorems for logics w.r.t. the increasing domain and logics w.r.t. the (...)
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    Quantification for Peirce's preferred system of triadic logic.Atwell R. Turquette - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (4):373 - 382.
    Without introducing quantifiers, minimal axiomatic systems have already been constructed for Peirce's triadic logics. The present paper constructs a dual pair of axiomatic systems which can be used to introduce quantifiers into Peirce's preferred system of triadic logic. It is assumed (on the basis of textual evidence) that Peirce would prefer a system which rejects the absurd but tolerates the absolutely undecidable. The systems which are introduced are shown to be absolutely consistent, deductively complete, and minimal. These dual (...)
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    Hybrid languages and temporal logic.P. Blackburn & M. Tzakova - 1999 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 7 (1):27-54.
    Hybridization is a method invented by Arthur Prior for extending the expressive power of modal languages. Although developed in interesting ways by Robert Bull, and by the Sofia school , the method remains little known. In our view this has deprived temporal logic of a valuable tool.The aim of the paper is to explain why hybridization is useful in temporal logic. We make two major points, the first technical, the second conceptual. First, we show that hybridization gives rise to well-behaved (...)
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  40. Sets and classes as many.John L. Bell - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (6):585-601.
    In this paper the view is developed that classes should not be understood as individuals, but, rather, as "classes as many" of individuals. To correlate classes with individuals "labelling" and "colabelling" functions are introduced and sets identified with a certain subdomain of the classes on which the labelling and colabelling functions are mutually inverse. A minimal axiomatization of the resulting system is formulated and some of its extensions are related to various systems of set theory, including nonwellfounded set (...)
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  41. The Basic Algebra of Game Equivalences.Valentin Goranko - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (2):221-238.
    We give a complete axiomatization of the identities of the basic game algebra valid with respect to the abstract game board semantics. We also show that the additional conditions of termination and determinacy of game boards do not introduce new valid identities.En route we introduce a simple translation of game terms into plain modal logic and thus translate, while preserving validity both ways, game identities into modal formulae.The completeness proof is based on reduction of game terms to a certain (...)
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  42.  60
    A Note on Typed Truth and Consistency Assertions.Carlo Nicolai - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (1):89-119.
    In the paper we investigate typed axiomatizations of the truth predicate in which the axioms of truth come with a built-in, minimal and self-sufficient machinery to talk about syntactic aspects of an arbitrary base theory. Expanding previous works of the author and building on recent works of Albert Visser and Richard Heck, we give a precise characterization of these systems by investigating the strict relationships occurring between them, arithmetized model constructions in weak arithmetical systems and suitable set existence axioms. (...)
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  43.  14
    Ternary Operations as Primitive Notions for Constructive Plane Geometry V.Victor Pambuccian - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (4):455-477.
    In this paper we provide a quantifier-free, constructive axiomatization of metric-Euclidean and of rectangular planes . The languages in which the axiom systems are expressed contain three individual constants and two ternary operations. We also provide an axiom system in algorithmic logic for finite Euclidean planes, and for several minimal metric-Euclidean planes. The axiom systems proposed will be used in a sequel to this paper to provide ‘the simplest possible’ axiom systems for several fragments of plane Euclidean geometry.
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  44. Type-free truth.Thomas Schindler - 2015 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
    This book is a contribution to the flourishing field of formal and philosophical work on truth and the semantic paradoxes. Our aim is to present several theories of truth, to investigate some of their model-theoretic, recursion-theoretic and proof-theoretic aspects, and to evaluate their philosophical significance. In Part I we first outline some motivations for studying formal theories of truth, fix some terminology, provide some background on Tarski’s and Kripke’s theories of truth, and then discuss the prospects of classical type-free truth. (...)
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  45.  42
    Expansions of ordered fields without definable gaps.Jafar S. Eivazloo & Mojtaba Moniri - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (1):72-82.
    In this paper we are concerned with definably, with or without parameters, complete expansions of ordered fields, i. e. those with no definable gaps. We present several axiomatizations, like being definably connected, in each of the two cases. As a corollary, when parameters are allowed, expansions of ordered fields are o-minimal if and only if all their definable subsets are finite disjoint unions of definably connected subsets. We pay attention to how simply a definable gap in an expansion is (...)
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  46. Conditioning by Minimizing Accessibility.Konstantinos Georgatos - 2010 - In Giacomo Bonanno, Benedikt Löwe & Wiebe Hoek (eds.), Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory €“ Loft 8. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 20-33.
    This paper presents an axiomatization of a class of set-theoretic conditional operators using minimization of the geodesic distance defined as the shortest path generated by the accessibility relation on a frame. The objective of this modeling is to define conditioning based on a notion of similarity generated by degrees of indistinguishability.
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  47. Choosing the two finalists.A. Rubinstein - unknown
    This paper studies a decision maker who for each choice set selects a subset of (at most) two alternatives. We axiomatize three types of procedures: (i) The top two: the decision maker has in mind an ordering and chooses the two maximal alternatives. (ii) The two extremes: the decision maker has in mind an ordering and chooses the maximal and the minimal alternatives. (iii) The top and the top: the decision maker has in mind two orderings and he chooses (...)
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  48. Classicism.Andrew Bacon & Cian Dorr - 2024 - In Peter Fritz & Nicholas K. Jones (eds.), Higher-Order Metaphysics. Oxford University Press. pp. 109-190.
    This three-part chapter explores a higher-order logic we call ‘Classicism’, which extends a minimal classical higher-order logic with further axioms which guarantee that provable coextensiveness is sufficient for identity. The first part presents several different ways of axiomatizing this theory and makes the case for its naturalness. The second part discusses two kinds of extensions of Classicism: some which take the view in the direction of coarseness of grain (whose endpoint is the maximally coarse-grained view that coextensiveness is sufficient (...)
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  49. An ´ etude in choice theory: Choosing the two finalists.Michael Richter & Ariel Rubinstein - unknown
    This paper studies a decision maker who tackles a choice problem by selecting a subset of (at most) two alternatives which he will consider further in the second stage of his deliberation. We focus on the first stage where he chooses the delebration set. We axiomatize three types of procedures: (i) The top two: the decision maker has in mind an ordering and chooses the two maximal alternatives. (ii) The two extremes: the decision maker has in mind an ordering and (...)
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  50. The Logic of Hyperlogic. Part A: Foundations.Alexander W. Kocurek - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):244-271.
    Hyperlogic is a hyperintensional system designed to regiment metalogical claims (e.g., “Intuitionistic logic is correct” or “The law of excluded middle holds”) into the object language, including within embedded environments such as attitude reports and counterfactuals. This paper is the first of a two-part series exploring the logic of hyperlogic. This part presents a minimal logic of hyperlogic and proves its completeness. It consists of two interdefined axiomatic systems: one for classical consequence (truth preservation under a classical interpretation of (...)
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