Results for 'Modernism (Christian theology) '

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  1.  9
    The Theological Project of Modernism: Faith and the Conditions of Mineness.Kevin Hector - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Modernism's theological project was an attempt to explain two things: firstly, how faith might enable persons to experience their lives as hanging together, even in the face of disintegrating forces like injustice, tragedy, and luck; and secondly, how one could see such faith, and so a life held together by it, as self-expressive. Modern theologians such as Kant, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Ritschl, and Tillich thus offer accounts of how one's life would have to hang together such that one could identify (...)
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    Modernism and the Grounds of Law.Peter Fitzpatrick - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Existing approaches to the relation of law and society have for a long time seen law as either autonomous or grounded in society. Drawing on untapped resources in social theory, Fitzpatrick finds law pivotally placed in and beyond modernity. Being itself of the modern, law takes impetus and identity from modern society and, through incorporating 'pre-modern' elements of savagery and the sacred, it comes to constitute that very society. When placing law in such a crucial position for modernity, Fitzpatrick ranges (...)
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    Christianity and critical realism: ambiguity, truth, and theological literacy.Andrew Wright - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    One of the key achievements of critical realism has been to expose the modernist myth of universal reason, which holds that authentic knowledge claims must be objectively ‘pure’, uncontaminated by the subjectivity of local place, specific time and particular culture. Wright aims to address the lack of any substantial and sustained engagement between critical realism and theological critical realism with particular regard to: (a) the distinctive ontological claims of Christianity; (b) their epistemic warrant and intellectual legitimacy; and (c) scrutiny of (...)
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    Protestant modernism: history, forms of display in the context of globalization and inculturation of Ukrainian society.Vitaliy Docush - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:301-311.
    The article deals with the essential characteristics of Protestant modernism and the main stages of its evolution. The analysis of liberal theology and new orthodoxy which established modern approaches to the interpretation of the fundamental principles of Christianity. A new image architectonics and ideology of Ukrainian Protestantism that arose in the context of globalization and inculturation.
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    (1 other version)Modernist Heresies [Damon Franke, Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924 ].K. E. Garay - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (1):89-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:September 27, 2008 (1:09 pm) G:\WPData\TYPE2801\russell 28,1 048RED.wpd Reviews 89 MODERNIST HERESIES K.yE. Garay Arts & Science/Research Collections / McMaster U. Hamilton, on, Canada l8s 4m2 Damon Franke. Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924. Columbus : Ohio State U. P., 2008. Pp. xx, 258. isbn 978-0-8142-1074-1 (hb). us$47.95. The editor of the Russell journal summed up Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924z with his usual brevity during a (...)
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    Cosmopolitan theology: reconstituting planetary hospitality, neighbor-love, and solidarity in an uneven world.Namsoon Kang - 2013 - St. Louis: Chalice Press.
    In Cosmopolitan Theology, author Namsoon Kang proposes a theology that embraces and at the same time moves beyond collective identity position and group-based allegiances. It crosses borders of gender, race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, and ability. Kang offers a vision of a global community of radical inclusion, solidarity, and deep compassion and justice for others. Blending theology with philosophy, she crosses borders of academism and activism, and the discursive borders of modernism, postmodernism, feminism, and postcolonialism. Cosmopolitan (...)
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    Religiöser Universalismus im Zeitalter der Nation. Friedrich von Hügel und die deutsche Geisteswelt.Christian Stoll - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (2):246-298.
    The article analyzes the influence of German thought on Baron Friedrich von Hügel’s philosophy of religion. The activities of the British scholar in the networks of Catholic modernism are placed within the broader framework of the international discussion on religion around 1900. His religious universalism was shaped to a great extent by the encounter of German intellectuals from a liberal Protestant background, most notably by Rudolf Eucken, Ernst Troeltsch and Friedrich Naumann. This encounter, started during the 1890s, focussed on (...)
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    Seeking Common Ground Between Theology and Sustainability Science for Just Transitions.Jason S. Sexton & Stephanie Pincetl - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):849-868.
    The new field of sustainability science that has arisen over the past three decades, largely oriented toward cities, under closer examination may prove to be wholly inadequate to deal with the issues it was initially designed to address. Built largely upon modernist value assumptions, its entire range of outlooks has failed to account for the character virtues needed to realize sustainable approaches for the future, which are better found working within different religious traditions’ theologies and ethical outlooks. In light of (...)
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    The scientific allegory of John Augustine zahm: Zahm's theological method with insight from marie‐joseph lagrange.Hans Moscicke - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):925-948.
    Catholic modernist John Augustine Zahm is best known for his attempt to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Christian scriptures. However, Zahm's theological method—the underlying principles and procedures in his effort to reconcile faith and science—remains largely unexamined. In this article, I analyze Zahm's theological method and submit that it is an attempt to harmonize scientific knowledge and Christian scripture through a “scientific allegory” of the bible, which takes into account the human and divine meanings of scripture, (...)
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  10.  26
    Afterwords: Hellenism, Modernism, and the Myth of Decadence.Louis A. Ruprecht - 1996 - State University of New York Press.
    Reading both philosophical and theological texts, this book presents an argument against nostalgia: against the myth of a Golden Age, against the posture that sees "modernity" as a problem to be solved.
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    Les avatars de la crise moderniste : Le service théologique en ce temps de perplexité.Gilles Routhier - 2012 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 68 (2):277-292.
    Gilles Routhier | Résumé : En 1996, dressant un panorama de l’évolution des formes du discours chrétien, Christoph Theobald observait qu’avec Vatican II, l’Église catholique passait à une nouvelle étape, l’encyclique Humani generis (1950) marquant « la fin d’une époque de dogmatisation fondamentale ». Cinquante ans après Vatican II, on peut se demander si cette lecture, qui est tributaire d’une compréhension de la réception de Vatican II, tient toujours. En effet, on peut aujourd’hui observer des résurgences de formes anciennes du (...)
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  12. Dos lecturas filosófico-teológicas.Pedro M. Vélez - 1915 - Lima,: Impr. de "La Unión,".
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  13.  19
    Patricia Kelly, Ressourcement Theology : A Review Essay.Matthew K. Minerd - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):353-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Patricia Kelly, Ressourcement Theology:A Review EssayMatthew K. MinerdIntroductionAlthough now over seventy years in the past, the theological and ecclesiastical events of the 1940s, most often styled under some banner akin to "the crisis over the nouvelle théologie," leading up to the promulgation of the encyclical Humani Generis, retain a currency and interest to this very day. No doubt, the later influence of many of the so-called nouveaux théologiens (...)
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  14.  36
    Naturalistic Empiricism as Process Theology.Gary Dorrien - 2023 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 44 (2):5-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Naturalistic Empiricism as Process TheologyGary Dorrien (bio)The founders of the Chicago School of Theology sought to develop a fully modernist theology, the first one by their standard. They swept aside the a prioris of Kant and Schleiermacher, declaring that nothing is given and no norm from the past holds legitimate authority. Theologian Shailer Mathews, philosopher of religion George Burman Foster, church historian Shirley Jackson Case, and psychologist (...)
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  15. Katolícky modernizmus P. Teilharda de Chardina.Ján Bilas - 1981 - Bratislava: Nakl. Pravda.
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  16.  14
    Undermining Moral Self-deception with the Help of Puritan Pastoral Theology.Jonathan P. Badgett - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (1):23-38.
    Modernist philosophy and psychology have pursued a variety of methods and models for understanding the universal inclination of human persons toward moral self-deception. We tend, as the Scriptures reveal and as recent empirical studies have confirmed, to think more highly of ourselves and our personal moral caliber than we ought. Whereas, Freud, Sartre, and others have offered solutions to the “paradox” of self-deception—that is, how one can be both deceiver and deceived—their solutions ultimately fall short in terms of both coherence (...)
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  17.  22
    Book review: Postmodern Theory and Biblical Theology: Vanquishing God's Shadow. [REVIEW]Walter L. Reed - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):184-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Postmodern Theory and Biblical Theology: Vanquishing God’s ShadowWalter L. ReedPostmodern Theory and Biblical Theology: Vanquishing God’s Shadow, by Brian D. Ingraffia; xvi & 284 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, $59.95 cloth, $17.95 paper.At the beginning of John Updike’s new novel In the Beauty of the Lilies, a Presbyterian minister, trained by the Princeton Fundamentalists in the early years of the 20th century, is reading a (...)
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  18.  5
    The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological Methodology.O. P. Bruno M. Shah - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1265-1295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological MethodologyBruno M. Shah O.P.Recent trends in Catholic theology emphasize the category of "mystery." But "problems," which can seem distinct from and even opposed to mysteries, have a constitutive role in the work of theology as well. If the object of faith is God, and if theology's goal is typically defined as "faith seeking understanding," then the object of (...) must include the seeking's problematical quotient. At the very least, problems condition the faith-and-reason labor of theological enquiry. This essay claims that problems philosophically orient and index the theological articulation of mysteries—not the mysteries themselves—particularly in a modern key, and that they require explicit attention in theological methodology and pedagogy.First, I explain my concern with the "return to mystery" in conciliar-era Catholic theology. This explanation entails, second, describing the special attention to "problems" in neo-Kantianism, which bequeaths the tension between the empirical world and transcendental freedom to modern theology. These two historiographical matters in methodology set up the tension between problems and mysteries for Catholic thinking. Third, I briefly return to Aristotle's thoughts on the matter, which are a lodestone for the tradition. Fourth, I evaluate the positions of Jacques Maritain and Gabriel Marcel, the most important conciliar-era thinkers who thematized the relationship between problems and mysteries. My treatment will show how both ontological (Maritain) and existential (Marcel) dynamics of mystery are necessarily linked to metaphysical and spiritual problems. The [End Page 1265] critical ascertaining of theological mystery formally requires orientation via philosophical problems.My concern here is fundamental, ecclesial, and professional, interested that those who serve the Church through theological writing and teaching do so in a recognizably common or compatible manner, and in a way that can meaningfully stimulate theological interest. If the teaching of theology would invite students to embark upon the via inventionis and not merely yield to the via doctrinae, there must be fundamental advertence to ontological and existential problems as the theologically constitutive point of departure.1 Theologians do well to think in correlative terms of problems and mysteries. As a fifth and final point, then, I suggest that the quintessential starting point for (fundamental) theology today is the problem and mystery of the human person.Historical Context 1: The Return to MysteryContemporary Church life and theology have witnessed a "return to mystery."2 "Mystery" refers to some range or dynamic of reality that is essentially inaccessible apart from some feature of religious or spiritual practice. Christian reference to "mystery" or "mysteries" etymologically intimates that there are realities of which we cannot and/or ought not to speak, even as these mysteries have in some way been disclosed.3 Mysteries, therefore, are tensional in that they indicate at once contact and transcendence, knowledge and nescience. Christians and others communicate in religious mysteries through liturgical exercise and creedal confession, as well as through personal prayer and even existential trial. They are mediations of what is categorically transcendent, of what constitutively eludes or escapes [End Page 1266] the categories of our objectifying consciousness. Accordingly, the mysterious regards the inarticulable.That the substance of religious mysteries is real or true cannot be proven beyond all question, not according to commonly accessible human criteria of justification. For Christians, the gift of faith provides the convincing motive to believe in the reality of Christian mysteries through a kind of thinking with felt decision. Granting this claim, the work of theology is to reflect upon the mysteries of faith and develop expressible knowledge. Theology articulates (the) faith, extrapolating upon the reasons that the heart has for its belief. To do this work, theology trades upon fixed standards of confessional speech, liturgical practice, and perhaps also moral action, which provide lexical cogency and communicable intelligibility.The late nineteenth century witnessed attacks upon theology's claims to objectively or universally valid expression, owing especially to challenges from both epistemology and historiography.4 The surge of post-Enlightenment liberalism was surely catalytic as well. The Catholic Church initially aggregated these attacks in terms of "modernism." But then—as the standard history continues—conciliar theology gave fresh and viable riposte to what was... (shrink)
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  19.  6
    Beyond the end of history: the Christian consciousness in the West World.Gianluigi Pasquale - 2011 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology by Ramon Harvey (review).Arnold Yasin Mol - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology by Ramon HarveyArnold Yasin Mol (bio)Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology. By Ramon Harvey. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. Pp. xiv + 280, Hardcover £90.00, isbn 978-1-4744-5164-2.When can it be claimed that a certain discipline is doing something so new and innovative, that it can be labeled as such? Or when is something so new and innovative that (...)
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  21.  7
    Agama, filsafat, modernitas: harkat kemanusiaan Indonesia dalam tantangan.Franz Magnis-Suseno - 2021 - Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
    Impact of modernism on humanism and the existence of religions in Indonesia; collection of articles.
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    Dominion over Wildlife? An Environmental Theology of Human–Wildlife Relations by Stephen M. Vantassel.Coleman Fannin - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):193-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dominion over Wildlife? An Environmental Theology of Human–Wildlife Relations by Stephen M. VantasselColeman FanninDominion over Wildlife? An Environmental Theology of Human–Wildlife Relations Stephen M. Vantassel Eugene, OR: Resource, 2009. 232pp. $26.00In Dominion over Wildlife?, Stephen Vantassel, a scholar with professional experience in animal damage control, provides a substantive examination of the neglected subject of human–wildlife relations. For this, he is to be commended. Although ultimately disappointing, (...)
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  23.  11
    Powers of distinction: on religion and modernity.Nancy Levene - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The principle of modernity -- A history of religion -- Artificial populations -- The collective -- Images of truth from Anselm to Badiou -- The radical enlightenment of Spinoza and Kant -- Modernity as ground zero -- Of gods, laws, rabbis, and ends.
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  24. Quest for the Divine Presence: Metaphysics of Participation and the Relation of Philosophy to Theology in St. Gregory Palamas's "Triads" and "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters".Scott F. Pentecost - 1999 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    The debate over the possibility of Christian philosophy remains largely intractable because of the modern assumption of a sharp distinction between philosophy and theology. The metaphysical basis of this assumption is an understanding of the world's relationship to God that emphasizes efficient causality and thus introduces a hiatus between the world and God. This contrastive understanding of transcendence parallels insistence on the disciplinary distinction between philosophy and theology. ;St. Gregory Palamas , in his two major works, the (...)
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  25.  59
    Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth.Joseph Stephen O'Leary & Terry C. Muck - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):239-241.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Pluralism and Christian TruthJoseph S. O’Leary has been named recipient of the 1998 Frederick J. Streng Book Award for his 1996 volume, Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth. Dr. O’Leary was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1949. He studied literature, theology, and philosophy in Maynooth, Rome, and Paris. After teaching briefly in the United States (University of Notre Dame and Duquesne University), he moved to Japan (...)
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  26.  18
    El debate de lo moderno-postmoderno: la postmodernidad de J. F. Lyotard.Paul Ravelo Cabrera - 1996 - La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
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  27.  20
    The self: beyond the postmodern crisis.Paul C. Vitz & Susan M. Felch (eds.) - 2006 - Wilmington, De.: ISI Books.
    The peculiar dilemma of the self in our era has been noted by a wide range of writers, even as they have emphasized different aspects of that dilemma, such as the self’s alienation, disorientation, inflation, or fragmentation. In The Self: Beyond the Postmodern Crisis, Paul C. Vitz and Susan M. Felch bring together scholars from the disciplines of psychology, philosophy, theology, literature, biology, and physics to address the inadequacies of modern and postmodern selves and, ultimately, to suggest what an (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Modernity and its critique in 20th century Russian orthodox thought.Kristina Stöckl - 2006 - Studies in East European Thought 58 (4):243 - 269.
    Orthodox Christianity has often been understood as not pertaining to Modernity due to its different historical and theological trajectory. This essay disputes such a view with regard to 20th century Orthodox thought, which it examines from the point of view of a sociology of Modernity in order to identify where Orthodox thinkers of the Russian Diaspora and in Russia today position themselves in relation to modern society and philosophy. Two essentially modern positions within Orthodoxy are singled out: an institutional and (...)
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  29.  40
    Blondel and the crisis of modernism.Koen Boey - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (5):459-469.
    ABSTRACTWhen Maurice Blondel raised the problem of Christian salvation in his thesis ‘L’Action’, he met with heavy resistance, both from the French University, striving for rationality and from the traditional Catholic philosophers who rejected the ‘modern’ method of immanence. Whereas in the sphere of knowledge Hegel starts the search for Absolute Knowledge from the uncultivated consciousness on, Blondel, exploring the sphere of the will, goes out from the most primitive willing of ‘something’ so as to climb – equally dialectically (...)
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  30.  10
    Tong Asia kŭndaesŏng e kwanhan murŭmdŭl: hyŏngsik ŭi kwaing.Sang-Hwan Pak (ed.) - 2011 - Sŏul-si: Sang.
  31.  6
    Blondel y la crisis modernista: análysis de "Historia y dogma".César Izquierdo - 1990 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  32.  13
    Religion, Metaphysik(kritik), Theologie im Kontext der Moderne, Postmoderne.Markus Knapp & Theo Kobusch (eds.) - 2000 - New York: De Gruyter.
    Religion, Metaphysik und Theologie sind durch das neuzeitliche Denken in besonderer Weise herausgefordert. Die Beiträge des Bandes befassen sich von verschiedenen Standpunkten aus mit der Spannung, die in Moderne und Postmoderne zwischen diesen Disziplinen entsteht.
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  33. Religioznyĭ modernizm.Ilʹi︠a︡ Diomidovich Pant︠s︡khava - 1969
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    The letter on apologetics, and, History and dogma.Maurice Blondel - 1964 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.. Edited by Alexander Dru, Illtyd Trethowan & Maurice Blondel.
    'The Letter on Apologetics' is a key statement on the possibility and meaning of Christian philosophy.
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    The letter on apologetics.Maurice Blondel - 1964 - New York,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Edited by Maurice Blondel, Alexander Dru & Illtyd Trethowan.
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  36.  7
    Modernismo y satanismo en la política actual.José Enrique Miguens - 2015 - Madrid: Siruela.
  37. Sovremennai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ i religii︠a︡.Vitaliĭ Nikolaevich Kuznet︠s︡ov - 1976 - Izdatel Stvo "Znanie".
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    Phenomenology to the Letter: Husserl and Literature.Philippe P. Haensler, Kristina Mendicino & Rochelle Tobias (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Regarding philosophical importance, Edmund Husserl is arguably "the" German export of the early twentieth century. In the wake of the linguistic turn of the humanities, however, his claim to return to the "Sachen selbst" became metonymic for the neglect of language in Western philosophy. This view has been particularly influential in post-structural literary theory, which has never ceased to attack the supposed "logophobie" of phenomenology. "Phenomenology to the Letter. Husserl and Literature" challenges this verdict regarding the poetological and logical implications (...)
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  39.  3
    After the death of God: secularization as a philosophical challenge from Kant to Nietzsche.Espen Hammer - 2025 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The classical secularization thesis that emerged during the European Enlightenment held that all expressions of belief would gradually weaken and fade away under the pressure of scientific and technological rationality. Yet religious belief has persisted and thrived under the conditions of modernity. In After the Death of God, philosopher Espen Hammer reconstructs and analyzes a discourse of secularization that accounts for this incongruity. Starting from Immanuel Kant, Hammer explores how philosophers have responded to the death of God, focusing on the (...)
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    Modernizm i tradit︠s︡ionalizm: problema t︠s︡ennostnogo i politicheskogo balansa Rossii.V. I. I︠A︡kunin (ed.) - 2008 - Moskva: Nauch. ėkspert.
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    Christian wisdom meets modernity.Kenneth Oakes (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
    The 'Illuminating Modernity' series examines the great but lesser known thinkers in the 'Romantic Thomist' tradition such as Erich Przywara and Fernand Ulrich and shows how outstanding 20th century theologians like Ratzinger and von Balthasar have depended on classical Thomist thought, and how they radically reinterpreted this thought. The chapters in this volume are dedicated to the encounter between the presuppositions and claims of modern intellectual culture and the Christian confession that the crucified and resurrected Jesus is the power (...)
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  42. Postmodernism and the dilemma of an appropriate Christian paradigm for ethical descision making.Edvard Kristian Foshaugen - 2000 - Dissertation, Stellenbosch
    The Church is facing a dilemma in how to apply and live out its message in a postmodern world. For many in the Church an understanding and application of morals and ethics has become bewildering. This assignment attempts to develop a Christian vocabulary and conceptual framework for morality. This is done by firstly elucidating the milieu out of which postmodernism arose. Modernism, through universal claims of reason and instrumental rationality, believed in the ultimate mastery of the world. The (...)
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    Reason and Faith.John R. Shook - 2010 - In The God debates: a 21st century guide for atheists and believers (and everyone in between). Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 204–222.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Liberal Modernism and Its Rivals Twelve Worldviews Faith and Reason Realigned.
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    Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge.Steven P. Marrone - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2):293-294.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of KnowledgeSteven P. MarroneLydia Schumacher. Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge. Challenges in Contemporary Theology. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Pp. xiii + 250. Cloth, $119.95.Lydia Schumacher has written an ambitious book. Among the many things she tries to accomplish in the volume, three stand out to this reviewer. First of all, she proposes to (...)
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    (1 other version)Descartes as a Moral Thinker: Christianity, Technology, Nihilism (review).Deborah Jean Brown - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (1):173-175.
    Deborah J. Brown - Descartes as a Moral Thinker: Christianity, Technology, Nihilism - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 46.1 173-175 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Deborah Brown University of Queensland Gary Steiner. Descartes as a Moral Thinker: Christianity, Technology, Nihilism. JHP Book Series. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2004. Pp. 352. Cloth, $60.00. This work takes as its starting point the need to ground Descartes's moral philosophy in something more fundamental (...)
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    Religious fundamentalism in its Christian-confessional manifestations.Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 65:269-280.
    Historically, the development of religions occurs according to the law of cyclic wave-like, where the maximal points of the sinusoid are represented by opposite states-markers. Thus, known periods in the history of religions, when dominated by internal or external signs of their development, when victory vulgar religion, in contrast to the elevation of theological revelations, when the teachings of modernity prevail, trying to get rid of orthodoxy anyway. In place of the newest trends in the understanding of God, man, their (...)
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    Gianni Vattimo.Nicholas Davey - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn, A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 429–434.
    Gianni Vattimo is renowned for his doctrine of weak thinking, which argues for a dialogical non‐fundamentalist approach to philosophy, an hermeneutically oriented critique of metaphysics and modernism devoted to unmasking privileged positions of authority and power, a deconstruction of Western philosophy as a pathway to nihilism, and finally a development of hermeneutics as a postmodern defense of Christianity in secularized form. He recognizes in hermeneutic philosophy the double effectiveness of philosophical engagement. Vattimo repositions Nietzsche's nihilism with debates concerning modernity (...)
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  48.  13
    Cardinal Newman in His Age. [REVIEW]M. L. F. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):164-165.
    In this very readable and interesting book Mr. Weatherby explores the thesis that Newman, while remaining true to Catholic doctrinal orthodoxy, nevertheless, compromised philosophically with the subjectivism, relativism, and individualism inherent in modern thought. Mr. Weatherby further claims that Newman treated these premises of modern thought as though "they were capable of synthesis with Catholic dogma." In coming to this position, Newman rejected the fifteen hundred-year old idea of a unified Christian society and accepted instead the fragmentation on which (...)
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  49.  45
    Kierkegaard in Light of the East: A Critical Comparison of the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard with Orthodox Christian Philosophy and Thought.Agust Magnusson - unknown
    This project presents a comparative philosophical approach to understanding key elements in the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard by juxtaposing his works with the philosophy and theology of the Eastern Orthodox Church.. The primary aim of the project is to look at three key areas of Kierkegaard’s philosophy that have been either underrepresented or misunderstood in the literature. These three areas are: Kierkegaard’s views on sin and salvation, Kierkegaard’s epistemology, and Kierkegaard’s philosophy of personhood. The dissertation ends with an epilogue (...)
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  50.  19
    Religious spaces as continually evolving modernities: Forms of encounter with modernity in Christian Orthodoxy and Islam.Alina G. Pătru - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    The present study deals with the encounter with modernity in two neighbouring religious spaces: Christian Orthodoxy and Islam. Relying on Eisenstadt’s theory about multiple modernities and on its further developments by Thomas Mergel and Kristina Stoeckl, Islamic and Christian-Orthodox dynamics in relation to the challenges of modernity are examined under two aspects: first, the decoupling between religion and culture as elaborated by Olivier Roy, and second, the development of modernist and fundamentalist currents as phenomena of modernity. The study (...)
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