Results for 'Moral education (Elementary) '

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    The “Root” of Elementary Moral Education : Educational Theory as the Content of Moral Education.Byung-Duk Lim - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 16 (2):21.
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    Effective Approaches for Moral Education to Cultivate Creativity and Character in Elementary School.InJae Lee - 2013 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (92):79-91.
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    The Method of Gender Equitable Education in the Elementary Moral Education - In a view point of the Feminism Ethics -. 박종모 - 2010 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (78):135-170.
    본 연구는 양성평등을 추구해왔던 페미니즘 윤리의 평등개념과 양성평등이 지니는 도덕적 가치를 살피고, 이를 토대로 초등학교 도덕과 양성평등교육의 실태를 분석하여 그 대안을 제시하고자 하였다. 첫째, 페미니즘 윤리에서의 평등의 개념은 ‘동등성으로서의 평등’, ‘차이 속의 평등’, ‘상호성과 다양성 인정으로서의 평등’으로 나누어진다. 이 개념들은 각각 우열의 관계라기보다는 연속적 발전과정으로 이해해야한다. 둘째, 페미니즘윤리에서 추구하는 양성평등의 도덕적 가치는 인간존중과 그 실현조건으로서의 자유, 상호적 주체성, 배려와 다양성 존중 등이다. 인간존중과 자유는 도덕적 이상이 된다는 점에서, 상호적 주체성은 도덕적 행위의 주체라는 점에서, 그리고 배려와 다양성 존중은 양성평등을 실현할 수 (...)
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    The Direction for Improving the Morals Education Program in the Elementary School Teacher Training Course.Sang-Cheol Park - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 15 (2):25.
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    Analysis on Contents Structure Composition and Characteristics of 2015 Revised Elementary Moral Education Curriculum. 최미영 - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (115):363-387.
    2015 개정 교육과정 총론을 바탕으로 하여 초등 도덕과 교육과정은 ‘핵심 가치’, ‘일반화된 지식’, ‘기능’을 설정하였다. 교육과정 총론의 추진 내용을 교과 교육과정에 반영하는 것은 당연하나 교과마다 서로 다른 목적과 특성을 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 특수한 논리를 모든 교과에 다 적용하려는 것은 아무리 좋은 논리일지라도 오류를 범하여 교과교육을 왜곡시키는 일이 발생할 수 있다는 점을 경계해야한다. ‘핵심 가치’, ‘일반화된 지식’, ‘기능’의 설정은 새로운 시도인 만큼 현장교사들에겐 생소한 내용이기에 이에 대한 오해를 불러일으킬 수 있는 여지가 있으며, 교과교육 관련 학계에서 다양한 논란이 있을 것으로 예상된다. 본 (...)
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    A Study on Possibility of the Elementary Moral Education in the Context of Philosophical Education. 이은주 - 2008 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (71):277-304.
    현재까지도 초등 도덕교육은 다양한 접근 이론을 교차, 혹은 병행하며 시도되고 있다. 그럼에도 다양한 도덕교육 접근 이론의 공통된 목표는 어린이의 도덕성 함양이라는 점은 부인할 수 없다. 그러나 어린이의 도덕성 함양이라는 목표를 달성하기 위해 수많은 도덕교육 접근 이론과 구체적인 도덕교육 프로그램이 있었음에도 불구하고 도덕적인 문제가 날로 심각해지는 현실은 그 동안의 도덕교육이 그리 성공적이지 못했음을 반영한다. 더욱이 과거 소규모의 공동체 사회와 달리 현대 사회는 고도의 분화와 가치와 문화 등에 있어서도 극심한 상대주의로 특징지어진다. 이러한 변화에 따라 소규모의 공동체 사회에서 승인된 도덕적 규범이나 덕목들은 더 (...)
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    Emotions, What and How to Teach in Elementary Moral Education.InJae Lee - 2010 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (76):33-73.
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    A Study on the Development of Teaching-Learning Materials of Moral Education for Elementary School.Shin Hyun woo - 2016 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (111):285-304.
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    A. N. Whitehead’s ‘The Rhythm of Education’ and Elementary Moral Education as a Subject.Jae-Ho Lee - 2014 - The Journal of Moral Education 26 (2):103.
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    The Current Status and Prospective of Moral Education in Chinese Elementary School. 지준호 - 2012 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 34 (34):89-114.
    중국의 기초 교육과정의 개혁과 발전은 사회 역사 변화와 밀접한 관계를 가지며, 학습 방식과 교학 방식의 변화를 반영함으로써 올바른 가치관을 형성하도록 하는데 있다. 중국의 도덕교육은 유학(儒學)을 중심으로 하는 동아시아 한자문화권의 전통을 잇고 있으며, 중국의 역사나 문화 또는 정치적인 상황과 관련하여 구성되고 있다. 또한 교육과정을 기초로 하고는 있으나, 각 지역의 지역적 특성을 반영하거나 교재 편찬의 자율성과 탄력성을 충분히 확보하고 있다. 전통시대 교육의 주류가 인성과 덕성을 중심으로 하는 도덕교육이었다는 측면에서 보자면, 한국의 도덕문화와 이를 기반으로 하는 전통윤리에 관한 이해는 무엇보다 중요하다. 따라서 중국의 도덕교육은 (...)
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    The Development of TeachingㆍLearning Methods and Materials Related the Virtue of Responsibility in the Elementary Moral Education. 이인재 - 2008 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (68):301-330.
    초등 도덕과 수업이 뭔가 의미 있고 재미있도록 하기 위해서는 초등학생들의 도덕성 함양을 위한 효과적인 발문과 교수ㆍ학습 활동의 구안 및 이에 적절한 교수ㆍ학습 자료를 어떻게 제시할 것인가의 문제를 해결하지 않으면 안 될 것이다. 본 논문은 바로 이러한 문제의식에서 출발하여 먼저 초등 도덕과 수업에서 효과적인 질문과 교수ㆍ학습 자료의 개발을 위해 고려해야 할 점들을 생각해 보고, 영역이론에 근거를 두고 “영역에 적합한 교수ㆍ학습 자료 개발과 이와 관련된 효과적인 질문의 예시”를 원리적으로 살펴보았고, 이를 적용하여 “책임 덕목을 활용하여 초등 도덕과 교수ㆍ학습 방법”을 어떻게 구안하여 활용할 것인가에 (...)
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    A study on virtues and its teaching methods by applying the Oriental classics in elementary school moral education. 박문갑, 지준호 & 최완근 - 2008 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 24 (24):103-143.
    도덕교육은 필요한 덕들이 조화롭게 형성되어 있는 ‘유덕한 인격인’을 목표로 하고 있으며, 이는 전통적인 유학에서 ‘성인’을 목표로 공부를 하는 것과 부합하고 있다. 이러한 성인이 되기 위한 옛 선인들의 공부는 곧 도덕교육이다. 옛 선인들이 어떤 책을 가지고 어떤 방법으로 공부를 했으며, 어떤 결과를 낳았는지를 찾아보는 노력은 곧 우리가 현재 이루고자 하는 도덕교육의 실마리를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 도덕교육의 궁극적 지향점을 다시 한 번 확인하는 뜻 깊은 일이 될 것이라고 믿는다. 본 연구는 이러한 측면에서, 유학(儒學)을 중심으로 우리의 사상과 전통문화와 관련된 고전을 운용하여 초등 도덕과 (...)
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    Essay Teaching Method of the Moral Education in the Elementary School Based on Philosophy and Discussion : focusing on the concept analysis method. 장승희 - 2009 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (72):247-272.
    본 논문은 초등학교 도덕교육에서의 논술교육의 방향과 내용, 방법을 구체화하기 위한 것이다. 최근 대입전형에서 논술이 약화되긴 하였지만 논술의 본질적 가치는 여전히 유효하다. 논술은 단순한 글쓰기를 넘어 한 인간의 가치관과 세계관을 드러내는 고도의 지적 기술로, 짧은 시간에 형성되기 어려운 능력이다. 따라서 논술교육은 중․고등학교보다 초등학교에서 독서와 토론을 중심으로 철학적 사고력을 기르는 데 초점이 두어져야 한다. 나아가 글쓰기를 넘어 철학적․반성적․비판적 사고력을 기른다는 점에서 초등학교 논술교육은 도덕과가 중심 역할을 해야 한다. 이 글은 초등학교 도덕교육에서의 논술교육의 토대를 제시하기 위하여 다음 세 가지에 초점을 두고 논의를 전개하였다. (...)
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    The Task of Global Ethics Education in the Elementary and Secondary Moral Education.Changwoo Jeong - 2010 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (79):233-275.
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    Conceptions of Childhood and Moral Education in Philosophy for Children.Dina Mendonça & Florian Franken Figueiredo (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Springer Nature.
    Philosophy for Children has long been considered as crucial for children’s ethical and moral education and a decisive contribution for education for the democratic life. The book gathers contributions from experts in the field who reflect on fundamental issues on how childhood and ethics are interrelated within the P4C movement. The main interest of this volume is to offer an understanding of how different philosophical conceptions of childhood can be coordinated with different ethical and meta-ethical philosophical considerations (...)
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    Being Human: On the Issue of Moral Education.Алексей Алексеевич Скворцов - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 67 (1):131-149.
    The author argues that moral education is a complex phenomenon to comprehend. Both its theoretical understanding and the transmission of relevant skills to the younger generation pose significant challenges. In contemporary Russia, there is an evident demand for moral education. The society’s interest in the moral development of the individual was first embodied in the emergence of the “Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Citizen of Russia,” (...)
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    New perspectives on young children's moral education: developing character through a virtue ethics approach.Tony Eaude - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc.
    What is moral education? How do young children learn to act and interact appropriately? How do we enable children to recognise that how they act and interact matters? How can character, virtues and value help young children internalise qualities associated with living 'a good life'? Challenging many current assumptions about ethics and education, Tony Eaude suggests that a moral dimension runs through every aspect of life and that ethics involves learning to act and interact appropriately, based (...)
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    Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education.Elizabeth Hamilton - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
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    Elementary Principles of Education’: Elizabeth Hamilton, Maria Edgeworth and the Uses of Common Sense Philosophy.Jane Rendall - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (5):613-630.
    SummaryBoth Maria Edgeworth and Elizabeth Hamilton drew extensively on Scottish moral philosophy, and especially on the work of Dugald Stewart, in constructing educational programmes that rested on the assumption that women, and especially mothers, were intellectually capable of understanding the importance of the early association of ideas in the training of children's emotions and reasoning powers. As liberals they found in Stewart's work routes toward intellectual and social progress—both for women and for their society as a whole—that stopped short (...)
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    The Mission of Elementary Education in relation to the Nature of School Subjects.Byung-Duk Lim - 2003 - Journal of Moral Education 15 (1):71.
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  21. Discourse of moral Issues In< l third grade classroom (elementary schools. public education, and ethiCS).G. E. Buteau - 1998 - Journal of Moral Education 18 (6):87-94.
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    Analysis and Task of the Traditional Ethics Education in the Elementary School’s Moral Subject - focussed on ’07 revised curriculum -. 장승희 - 2010 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (77):301-327.
    이 글은 2007년 개정교육과정에서 초등학교 ‘바른생활’․‘도덕’의 전통윤리교육의 특성을 분석하고 그 과제를 제시한 것이다. 초등학교 도덕교육이 성공적이지 못한 이유가, 주지주의 도덕교육의 결과로 인한 기본생활과 예절의 습관화의 실패에 있다는 성찰을 바탕으로, 이러한 기본생활습관교육이 바로 전통윤리교육이라는 데 초점을 두고 교육과정과 교과서를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 초등학교 ‘바른생활’․‘도덕’은 우리 조상들이 강조하였던 기본생활습관교육에서 벗어나지 않으며, ‘바른생활’은 초등학교 전 학년의 기본생활습관 형성을 위하여 목표와 내용의 상세화가 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 ‘도덕’의 18개 가치덕목은 시민사회생활에 필요한 가치덕목과 전통윤리덕목의 조화이긴 하지만 주로 전자에 중점이 있으며, 목표와 내용의 상세화도 전통윤리교육 측면에서는 다소 미흡한 (...)
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  23. Values in Elementary Education Gloria Dominguez Chillon.E. Casals Grane - 1998 - Journal of Moral Education 27:257-259.
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    Metaphors of Elementary School Students Related to The Lesson and Teachers of Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge.Halil TAŞ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):29-51.
    This study seeks to investigate the perceptions of elementary school 4th grade students related to the lesson and teachers of religious culture and moral knowledge via metaphors. In this study, the phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used. Data was analysed through content analysis, and the study group was comprised of 234 elementary school 4th grade students. The sampling of the study was determined through criterion sampling, which is one of the purposeful samplings. The (...)
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    Analysis of Contents Related to Buddhism in Elementary Moral Curriculum : Searching for Possibility of Children Buddhism Education. 장승희 - 2016 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (109):111-146.
    본 연구는 어린이 불교교육의 가능성을 모색하기 위하여 초등학교 도덕과 교육과정에 나타난 불교 관련 내용을 분석하고 초등학교 불교교육의 방향을 제시한 것이다. 불교는 붓다가 깨달음을 얻은 후 이루어진 사상이자 종교로, 핵심 이론은 연기법과 사성제이다. 무상(無常)·공(空)을 본질로 하는 불교는 기성세대들에게는 설득력이 있지만, 어린이들에게 불교의 거대한 세계관과 인간 실상을 설명하기는 쉽지 않다. 어린이 철학교육은 학문 중 가장 심오하다고 여겨지는 철학에 대해 내용·결과보다 사유 과정과 활동에 초점을 두어 접근한다. 이를 염두에 두고 어린이 불교교육도 어려운 사상보다 정신과 문화에 대해 다각적으로 접근한다면 그 가능성을 찾을 수 있을 (...)
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    The Analysis of the Actual Conditions of Information Communication Ethics Education in Elementary, Middle, High School & Its Educational Implications.In-Pyo Hwang - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 16 (2):197.
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    The spirit of freedom in education.Elizabeth Byrne Ferm - 1923 - Stelton, N.J.: The Modern School. Edited by Mabel Dwight, Alexis C. Ferm & Rockwell Kent.
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    Virtue and Character in Higher Education.David Carr - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (1):109-124.
    Despite much recent concern with the possibilities of moral character education in elementary schooling and professional training, the university and higher educational prospects of such education have only lately received much attention. This paper begins by considering – and largely endorsing – the general case for character education in contexts of pre-adult schooling and adult professional and vocational training. However, it proceeds to argue that the case for intervention in character formation in some educational contexts (...)
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    The Plan of Moral Evaluation in Elementary School Centering on the 2007 National Curriculum Amendment.Hui-Jeong Noh - 2009 - The Journal of Moral Education 20 (2):313.
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    Thomas Jefferson's philosophy of education: a utopian dream.Mark Holowchak - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Thomas Jefferson had a profoundly advanced educational vision that went hand in hand with his political philosophy - each of which served the goal of human flourishing. His republicanism marked a break with the conservatism of traditional non-representative governments, characterized by birth and wealth and in neglect of the wants and needs of the people. Instead, Jefferson proposed social reforms which would allow people to express themselves freely, dictate their own course in life, and oversee their elected representatives. His educational (...)
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    Portrait of a moral agent teacher: teaching morally and teaching morality.Gillian Rosenberg - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Teaching morally and teaching morality are understood as mutually dependent processes necessary for providing moral education, or the communication of messages and lessons on what is right, good and virtuous in a student's character. This comprehensive and contextualized volume offers anecdotes and experiences on how an elementary schoolteacher envisions, enacts, and reflects on the ethical teaching and learning of her students. By employing a personally developed form of moral education that is not defined by any (...)
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    A Study for the Improvement of National Unification Lessons in Elementary Moral Textbooks.Young-Mun Lee - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 17 (1):199.
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    The Neuromyths of Pre-service Teachers in Korea. 박보람, 추가람 & 추병완 - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (113):1-23.
    Neuroscience is revealing the mysteries of human brain. It is a natural phenomenon that pre-service teachers have great interest in neuroscience.The reason is that such concepts as memory, motivation, curiosity, intelligence and emotion basedon recent neuroscientific researches are highly important in education. However neuroscience is a kind of complex and difficult discipline that pre-service teachers are not fully able to understand. As a result, a variety of neuromyths are pervasive among pre-service teachers. Unfortunately, many pre-service teachers have wrong knowledge (...)
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    Research on a Basic Model of Elementary National Unification Curriculum.Young-Mun Lee - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 15 (2):69.
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    Noûs: prendre une décision.Matthew Lipman - 2021 - New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Nicole Decostre.
    Lipman nous plonge par une histoire à la fois réaliste et merveilleuse dans les questions les plus actuelles une éducation appropriée à l'action, des relations positives avec la nature et les animaux, la solidarité dans les épreuves, la reconnaissance de l'autre, le dialogue des générations, la préservation de l'imagination et de la créativ...
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    A Constructivist Intervention Program for the Improvement of Mathematical Performance Based on Empiric Developmental Results (PEIM).Vicente Bermejo, Pilar Ester & Isabel Morales - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Teaching mathematics and improving mathematics competence are pending subjects within our educational system. The PEIM (Programa Evolutivo Instruccional para Matemáticas), a constructivist intervention program for the improvement of mathematical performance, affects the different agents involved in math learning, guaranteeing a significant improvement in students’ performance. The program is based on the following pillars: (a) students become the main agents of their learning by constructing their own knowledge; (b) the teacher must be the guide to facilitate and guarantee such a construction (...)
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    Ŏrini ch'ŏrhak, todŏk kyoyuk e taehan tto tarŭn moksori.Ch'an-yŏng Pak - 2008 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Han'guk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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    Myŏnu Kwak Chong-sŏk ŭi chisik paekkwa Mongŏ.Chong-sŏk Kwak - 2020 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Aurum. Edited by Hong-gŭn Cho.
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    Dai ji hu dong: wei cheng nian ren dao de jian she de dai ji wei du = Daiji hudong: weichengnianren daode jianshe de daiji weidu.Xiaoping Liao - 2009 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
    本书针对未成年人道德建设研究普遍缺乏学理性、忽视社会转型的影响和成年人因素等不足,试图从学理上把当今中国未成年人道德建设放在社会转型时期由成年人与未成年人所构成的代际关系框架中加以审视和反思,力求还原 中西文化中未成年人道德境况的历史本相,揭开当代未成年人双重道德境遇的现实面纱.
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  40. al-Murshid al-amīn lil-banāt wa-al-banīn.Rifāʻah Rāfiʻ Ṭahṭāwī - 2011 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Kitāb al-Lubnānī. Edited by Abū Zayd & Muná Aḥmad Muḥammad.
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    Henry Carr: lectures and speeches.Henry Carr - 1969 - Ibadan,: Oxford University Press. Edited by L. C. Gwam.
    The requirements of education at Lagos. 15 Apr. 1892.--Primary, elementary, secondary, and supplementary education. 22 Jan. 1902.--Christian marriage. 26 May 1909.--Religious instruction in church schools. 28 May 1909.--Education of women. 18 May 1911.--The Rt. Rev. Bishop James Johnson, M.A., D.D. 1918.--The problems of education in Southern Nigeria. 9 Nov. 1920.--Our religion and our social life. 2 Oct. 1923.--Moral character. 5 July 1924.--The truth about my background and my career. 1924.--Religion as the basis of (...). 1934.--Overseas scholarships for deserving Nigerian youths. 3 Dec. 1935. (shrink)
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    Naturalising Ethics: The Implications of Darwinism for the Study of Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]John Cartwright - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (4-5):407-443.
    The nature of moral values has occupied philosophers and educationalists for centuries and a variety of claims have been made about their origin and status. One tradition suggests they may be thoughts in the mind of God; another that they are eternal truths to be reached by rational reflection (much like the truths of mathematics) or alternatively through intuition; another that they are social conventions; and another (from the logical positivists) that they are not verifiable facts but simply the (...)
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  43. A teacher's guide to philosophy for children.Keith J. Topping - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Steven Trickey & Paul Cleghorn.
    Philosophy for Children (P4C) provides educators with the process and structures to engage children in inquiring as a group into 'big' moral, ethical, and spiritual questions, while also considering curricular necessities and the demands of national and local standards. Based on the actual experiences of educators in diverse and global classroom contexts, this comprehensive guide gives you the tools you need to introduce philosophical thinking into your classroom, curriculum and beyond. Drawing on research-based educational and psychological models, this book (...)
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  44. UN Human Rights Ethics: For the Greatest Success of the Greatest Number.Clark Butler - manuscript
    This book manuscript, entitled United Nations Human Rights Ethics: For The Greatest Success of the Greatest Number, critically examines most all major normative ethical theories since Socrates and finds Roman Stoic ethics to be the least deficient. It divides ethical theories into popular ones with little academic support, other popular ones that have had such support, and Kantian ethics standing alone as a philosopher's academic ethical philosophy with limited popular support. It criticizes the appropriation of human rights by the international (...)
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    Pendekatan saintifik: Melihat arah pembangunan karakter Dan peradaban bangsa indonesia.Wedra Aprison & Junaidi - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 12 (2):507-532.
    Indonesia’s current education emphasizes the scientific approach, from elementary school, junior high school and college. It is clearly visible in the curriculum documents applied by the current government of Indonesia which is known as the 2013 Curriculum. By conducting philosophical studies, a scientific approach that emphasizes rationality can be a knife to seek and solve the causes of events in science. In Marx’s terms, science and technology infrastructures, both of which will determine the superstructure of the international world (...)
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    Ideały moralne edukacji azteckiej.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1988 - Etyka 24:105-122.
    The article is a continuation of a paper published in “Etyka”, vol. 21, Concepts of Man in the Náhuatlan Culture and contains an overview of the fundamental types of education provided by the Aztecs, with special emphasis on moral ideals. The investigation of Indian education not only furthers historical knowledge but also plays a role in the search of the origins of the specific religious, moral and behavioural expression of contemporary Mexico, due to the fact that (...)
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    Social Dialogue and Media Ethics.Clifford G. Christians - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2):182-193.
    The central question of this conference is whether the media can contribute to high quality social dialogue. The prospects for resolving that question positively in the “sound and fury” depend on recovering the idea of truth. At present the news media are lurching along from one crisis to another with an empty centre. We need to articulate a believable concept of truth as communication's master principle. As the norm of healing is to medicine, justice to politics, critical thinking to (...), craftsmanship to engineering, and stewardship to business, so truth-telling is the news profession's occupational norm. Truth-telling is the ethical framework that fundamentally reorders the media's professional culture and enables them to enrich social dialogue rather than undermine it.Historically the mainstream press has defined itself in terms of an objectivist worldview. Centred on human rationality and armed with the scientific method, the facts in news have been said to mirror reality. The aim has been true and incontrovertible accounts of a domain separate from human consciousness. In Bertrand Russell's formula, “truth consists in some form of correspondence between belief and fact” . In the received view, truth is defined in elementary epistemological terms as accurate representation. News corresponds to context-free neutral algorithms, and ethics is equated with impartiality.The attacks on this misguided view of human knowledge had already originated in Giambattista Vico's fantasia and Wilhelm Dilthey's verstehen in the counter-Enlightenment of the 18th century. They have continued with hermeneutics, critical theory in the Frankfurt School, American pragmatism, Wittgenstein's linguistic philosophy, Gramsci, and in their own way, Lyotard's denial of master narratives and Derrida's sliding signifiers; until the anti-foundationalism of our own day indicates a crisis in correspondence views of truth. Institutional structures remain Enlightenment-driven, but in principle the tide has turned currently toward restricting objectivism to the territory of mathematics, physics, and the natural sciences. In reporting, objectivity has become increasingly controversial as the working press' professional standard, though it will remain entrenched in our ordinary practices of news production and dissemination until an alternative mission for the press is convincingly formulated.The demise of correspondence views of truth has created a predicament for the notion of truth altogether. However, instead of appealing to coherence versions or abandoning the concept, truth needs to be relocated in the moral sphere. Truth is a problem of axiology rather than epistemology. With the dominant scheme no longer tenable, truth should become the province of ethicists who can reconstruct it as the news media's contribution to social dialogue.When truth is articulated in terms of a moral framework, we can mold its richly textured meaning around the Hebrew emeth , the Greek aletheia . In Serbo-Croatian the true is justified as with plumbline in carpentry. In the powerful wheel imagery of the Buddhist tradition, truth is the immovable axle. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa presumes that sufferings from apartheid can be healed through truthful testimony. In Ghandhi's “satyagrapha,” the power of truth through the human spirit eventually wins over force . Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics contends correctly that a truthful account lays hold of the context, motives, and presuppositions involved .Telling the truth depends on the quality of discernment so that penultimates do not gain ultimacy. Truth means, in other words, to strike gold, to get at “the core, the essence, the nub, the heart of the matter” . For Henry David Thoreau – though addressing a different issue – when we are truthful, we attempt to “drive life into a corner and¼if it proves to be mean, why then to get the genuine meanness out of it and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by personal experience and be able to give a true account of the encounter” . For the former secretary general of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjold, “the most dangerous of all moral dilemmas is when we are obliged to conceal truth in order to help the truth be victorious” . In the Talmud, the liar's punishment is that no one believes him.Augustine , professor of rhetoric at Milan and later Bishop of Hippo, illustrates a non-correspondence view of truth. His rhetorical theory is a major contribution to the philosophy of communication, contradicting the highly secular and linear view of the ancient Greeks. As with Aristotle, rhetoric entails reasoned judgement for Augustine; however, he “break[s] away from Graeco-Roman rhetoric, moving instead toward ¼rhetoric as aletheiac act” . Rhetoric for him is not knowledge-producing or opinion-producing but truth-producing . The Epistolae Doctrina Christiana scourges the value-neutral, technical language of “word merchants” without wisdom.Truth is not fundamentally a prescriptive statement. The aletheiac act in Augustine “tends to be more relational than propositional, a dialogically interpersonal, sacramentally charitable act rather than a statement¼taking into account and being motivated by [the cardinal virtues] faith, hope, and charity” . The truth for him does not merely make things clear, but motivates us to belief and action. In truthful communication for Augustine, “it is not enough to seek to move men's minds, merely for the sake of power; instead, the power to move is to be used to lead men to truth”. (shrink)
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    Hegelians Axel Honneth and Robert Williams on the Development of Human Morality.Rauno Huttunen - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (4):339-355.
    An individual is in the lowest phase of moral development if he thinks only of his own personal interest and has only his own selfish agenda in his mind as he encounters other humans. This lowest phase corresponds well with sixteenth century British moral egoism which reflects the rise of the new economic order. Adam Smith (1723–1790) wanted to defend this new economic order which is based on economic exchange between egoistic individuals. Nevertheless, he surely did not want (...)
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    Patterns of a New Philosophy. [REVIEW]M. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):365-365.
    A rather elementary survey of the tasks of the philosopher in the modern world. American philosophers, the authors claim, by withdrawing from the social and moral concerns of our age, have failed to exert their influence where it is most required, in education.--C. M.
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    Inoue Tetsujirō.Thomas P. Kasulis - 2020 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 6:1-22.
    There is no arguing the impact of Inoue Tetsujirō on the development of philosophy in Japan from the Meiji Restoration through the end of the Pacific War. He was the first Japanese to receive a doctorate in philosophy from Germany and the first native-born chair of the philosophy department at Tokyo Imperial University, the training center for almost all the major Japanese philosophers who graduated before 1915. Inoue was instrumental in making German idealism the Western philosophy of choice for Japan, (...)
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