Results for 'Myeongsil Park'

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  1.  36
    The Influence of an Observer’s Value Orientation and Personality Type on Attitudes Toward Whistleblowing.Heungsik Park, John Blenkinsopp & Myeongsil Park - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):121-129.
    This study examines the influence of an observer’s value orientation and personality type on attitudes toward whistleblowing. Based on a review of the literature we generated three hypotheses to explain the relationship between these two factors and attitudes toward whistleblowing, and these were tested using data collected from 490 university students in South Korea. The survey comprises two parts, a measure of MBTI personality types, and a section assessing value orientations and attitudes toward whistleblowing. Regression analysis was conducted to clarify (...)
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  2. Does Scientific Progress Consist in Increasing Knowledge or Understanding?Seungbae Park - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (4):569-579.
    Bird argues that scientific progress consists in increasing knowledge. Dellsén objects that increasing knowledge is neither necessary nor sufficient for scientific progress, and argues that scientific progress rather consists in increasing understanding. Dellsén also contends that unlike Bird’s view, his view can account for the scientific practices of using idealizations and of choosing simple theories over complex ones. I argue that Dellsén’s criticisms against Bird’s view fail, and that increasing understanding cannot account for scientific progress, if acceptance, as opposed to (...)
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  3. Justifying the Special Theory of Relativity with Unconceived Methods.Park Seungbae - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (1):53-62.
    Many realists argue that present scientific theories will not follow the fate of past scientific theories because the former are more successful than the latter. Critics object that realists need to show that present theories have reached the level of success that warrants their truth. I reply that the special theory of relativity has been repeatedly reinforced by unconceived scientific methods, so it will be reinforced by infinitely many unconceived scientific methods. This argument for the special theory of relativity overcomes (...)
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  4. Realism Versus Surrealism.Seungbae Park - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (4):603-614.
    Realism and surrealism claim, respectively, that a scientific theory is successful because it is true, and because the world operates as if it is true. Lyons :891–901, 2003) criticizes realism and argues that surrealism is superior to realism. I reply that Lyons’s criticisms against realism fail. I also attempt to establish the following two claims: Realism and surrealism lead to a useful prescription and a useless prescription, respectively, on how to make an unsuccessful theory successful. Realism and surrealism give the (...)
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  5. Should Scientists Embrace Scientific Realism or Antirealism?Seungbae Park - 2019 - Philosophical Forum 50 (1):147-158.
    If scientists embrace scientific realism, they can use a scientific theory to explain and predict observables and unobservables. If, however, they embrace scientific antirealism, they cannot use a scientific theory to explain observables and unobservables, and cannot use a scientific theory to predict unobservables. Given that explanation and prediction are means to make scientific progress, scientists can make more scientific progress, if they embrace scientific realism than if they embrace scientific antirealism.
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  6. Accepting Our Best Scientific Theories.Seungbae Park - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (3):218-227.
    Dawes (2013) claims that we ought not to believe but to accept our best scientific theories. To accept them means to employ them as premises in our reasoning with the goal of attaining knowledge about unobservables. I reply that if we do not believe our best scientific theories, we cannot gain knowledge about unobservables, our opponents might dismiss the predictions derived from them, and we cannot use them to explain phenomena. We commit an unethical speech act when we explain a (...)
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  7. On Treating Past and Present Scientific Theories Differently.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):63-76.
    Scientific realists argue that present theories are more successful than past theories, so present theories will not be superseded by alternatives, even though past theories were superseded by alternatives. Alai (2016) objects that although present theories are more successful than past theories, they will be replaced by future theories, just as past theories were replaced by present theories. He contends, however, that past theories were partly true, and that present theories are largely true. I argue that Alai’s discrimination between past (...)
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  8.  66
    Improving arithmetic performance with number sense training: An investigation of underlying mechanism.Joonkoo Park & Elizabeth M. Brannon - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):188-200.
  9.  64
    Africa, Asia, and the History of Philosophy: Racism in the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, 1780–1830.Peter K. J. Park - 2013 - State University of New York Press.
    A historical investigation of the exclusion of Africa and Asia from modern histories of philosophy.
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    Abusive Supervision, Psychological Distress, and Silence: The Effects of Gender Dissimilarity Between Supervisors and Subordinates.Joon Hyung Park, Min Z. Carter, Richard S. DeFrank & Qianwen Deng - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):775-792.
    Previous research has shed light on the detrimental effects of abusive supervision. To extend this area of research, we draw upon conservation of resources theory to propose a causal relationship between abusive supervision and psychological distress, a mediating role of psychological distress on the relationship between abusive supervision and employee silence, and a moderating effect of the supervisor–subordinate relational context on the mediating effect of abusive supervision on silence. Through an experimental study, we found the causal path linking abusive supervision (...)
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  11. In Defense of Mathematical Inferentialism.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Analysis and Metaphysics 16:70-83.
    I defend a new position in philosophy of mathematics that I call mathematical inferentialism. It holds that a mathematical sentence can perform the function of facilitating deductive inferences from some concrete sentences to other concrete sentences, that a mathematical sentence is true if and only if all of its concrete consequences are true, that the abstract world does not exist, and that we acquire mathematical knowledge by confirming concrete sentences. Mathematical inferentialism has several advantages over mathematical realism and fictionalism.
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    CEO Hubris and Firm Performance: Exploring the Moderating Roles of CEO Power and Board Vigilance.Jong-Hun Park, Changsu Kim, Young Kyun Chang, Dong-Hyun Lee & Yun-Dal Sung - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (4):919-933.
    This study focuses on CEO hubris and its detrimental effect on corporate financial performance along with an examination of critical corporate governance contingencies that may moderate the negative effect. From 654 observations of 164 Korean firms over the years 2001–2008, we found that CEO power exacerbated the negative effect of CEO hubris on corporate financial performance, whereas board vigilance mitigated it. This study provides empirical evidence that entrenchment problems arising from CEO hubris would be exacerbated as CEOs become more powerful, (...)
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  13.  24
    The motivations of external whistleblowers and their impact on the intention to blow the whistle again.Heungsik Park & David Lewis - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):379-390.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  14. An Examined Life: Women, Buddhism, and Philosophy in KIm Iryop.Jin Y. Park - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5.
  15. How to Overcome Antirealists’ Objections to Scientific Realism.Seungbae Park - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (1):1-12.
    Van Fraassen contends that there is no argument that rationally compels us to disbelieve a successful theory, T. I object that this contention places upon him the burden of showing that scientific antirealists’ favorite arguments, such as the pessimistic induction, do not rationally compel us to disbelieve T. Van Fraassen uses the English view of rationality to rationally disbelieve T. I argue that realists can use it to rationally believe T, despite scientific antirealists’ favorite arguments against T.
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  16. Against Extrinsic Dispositions.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Review of Contemporary Philosophy 16:92-103.
    McKitrick (2003) proposes that an object has a disposition if and only if there are a manifestation, the circumstances of the manifestation, a counterfactual true of the object, and an overtly dispositional locution referring to the disposition. A disposition is extrinsic if and only if an object has it, but a perfect duplicate of the object might not have it. I present an alternative definition that an object has a disposition if and only if a counterfactual is true of the (...)
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  17.  10
    Flawed stimulus design in additive-area heuristic studies.Joonkoo Park - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):104919.
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  18. Explanatory Failures of Relative Realism.Seungbae Park - 2015 - Epistemologia 38 (1):16-28.
    Scientific realism (Putnam 1975; Psillos 1999) and relative realism (Mizrahi 2013) claim that successful scientific theories are approximately true and comparatively true, respectively. A theory is approximately true if and only if it is close to the truth. A theory is comparatively true if and only if it is closer to the truth than its competitors are. I argue that relative realism is more skeptical about the claims of science than it initially appears to be and that it can explain (...)
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  19.  40
    The Relationships of Self-Esteem, Future Time Perspective, Positive Affect, Social Support, and Career Decision: A Longitudinal Multilevel Study.In-Jo Park, Minhee Kim, Seungwoo Kwon & Hae-Gyoung Lee - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Vasubandhu, Śrīlāta, and the Sautrāntika theory of seeds.Changhwan Park - 2014 - Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien.
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  21. Abduction and Estimation in Animals.Woosuk Park - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):321-337.
    One of the most pressing issues in understanding abduction is whether it is an instinct or an inference. For many commentators find it paradoxical that new ideas are products of an instinct and products of an inference at the same time. Fortunately, Lorenzo Magnani’s recent discussion of animal abduction sheds light on both instinctual and inferential character of Peircean abduction. But, exactly for what reasons are Peirce and Magnani so convinced that animal abduction can provide us with a novel perspective? (...)
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  22. Haecceitas and the Bare Particular.Woosuk Park - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (2):375 - 397.
    ACCORDING TO DUNS SCOTUS, what makes a material substance an individual is a positive entity which falls within the category of substance and contracts the specific nature to this or that. That entity, called haecceitas, together with the formal distinction, constitutes the core of Scotus' theory of individuation. But what is haecceitas? Haecceitas is not definable. Nor can we be acquainted with it. Then how could we understand it? Both negatively and positively, Scotus himself tried to give an answer to (...)
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  23. Polyamory Is to Polygamy as Queer Is to Barbaric?Shelley M. Park - 2017 - Radical Philosophy Review 20 (2):297-328.
    This paper critically examines the ways in which dominant poly discourses position polyamorists among other queer and feminist-friendly practices while setting polygamists outside of those practices as the heteronormative and hyper-patriarchal antithesis to queer kinship. I begin by examining the interlocking liberal discourses of freedom, secularism and egalitarianism that frame the putative distinction between polyamory and polygamy. I then argue that the discursive antinomies of polyamory/polygamy demarcate a distinction that has greater affective resonance than logical validity—an affective resonance, moreover, that (...)
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  24. Against Moral Truths.Seungbae Park - 2012 - Cultura 9 (1):179-194.
    I criticize the following three arguments for moral objectivism. 1. Since we assess moral statements, we can arrive at some moral truths (Thomson, 2006). 2. One culture can be closer to truths than another in moral matters because the former can be closer to truths than the latter in scientific matters (Pojman, 2008). 3. A moral judgment is shown to be true when it is backed up by reason (Rachels and Rachels, 2010). Finally, I construct a dilemma against the view (...)
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  25. Ethical Issues in Cyborg Technology: Diversity and Inclusion.Enno Park - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):303-306.
    Progress has reached the point where cyborg technology is leaving the sphere of mere science fiction. Whereas society as a whole formed a symbiosis with technology long ago, individuals are now starting to merge with technology as well. The effects can already be studied by looking at the examples of smartphones, computers and the Internet. The idea of ‘repairing’ humans, medical implants more sensitive than our natural, human faculties and even non-medical implants raise a lot of ethical questions, and require (...)
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  26.  49
    A comparison of ethical issues in nursing practice across nursing units.Mihyun Park, Sang Hee Jeon, Hyun-Ja Hong & Sung-Hyun Cho - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (5):594-607.
    Background: The complexity and variety of ethical issues in nursing is always increasing, and those issues lead to special concerns for nurses because they have critical impacts on nursing practice. Research objectives: The purpose of this study was to gather comprehensive information about ethical issues in nursing practice, comparing the issues in different types of nursing units including general units, oncology units, intensive care units, operating rooms, and outpatient departments. Research design: The study used a descriptive research design. Ethics/human rights (...)
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  27.  34
    Do Emotional Laborers Help the Needy More or Less? The Mediating Role of Sympathy in the Effect of Emotional Dissonance on Prosocial Behavior.Yun-na Park, Hyowon Hyun & JiHoon Jhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:431444.
    Despite the growing body of research on emotional labor, little has been known about the social consequences of emotional labor. Drawing on emotional dissonance theory, the authors investigate the relationship between the felt emotional dissonance and prosocial behavior (e.g., donation to a charity). Findings from multiple studies suggest that higher emotional dissonance serially influences perceived lack of control, emotional exhaustion, lowered sympathy for others’ feeling, and subsequently lower willingness to help others. when individuals are asked to recall their past experiences (...)
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  28.  45
    The Evolution of Shared Concepts in Changing Populations.Jungkyu Park, Sean Tauber, Kimberly A. Jameson & Louis Narens - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (3):479-498.
    The evolution of color categorization systems is investigated by simulating categorization games played by a population of artificial agents. The constraints placed on individual agent’s perception and cognition are minimal and involve limited color discriminability and learning through reinforcement. The main dynamic mechanism for population evolution is pragmatic in nature: There is a pragmatic need for communication between agents, and if the results of such communications have positive consequences in their shared world then the agents involved are positively rewarded, whereas (...)
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  29.  15
    Complementary notions.Désirée Park - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    This volume grew out of work on Berkeley which was presented in a dissertation several years ago. Though now much revised and greatly expanded. particularly in respect of the theory of concepts, a good part of the present text rests on this earlier foundation. I therefore gladly take this opportunity to express my appreciation to my teachers both at Indiana University and at McGill, and especially to Professor Newton Stallknecht who directed my dissertation. For permission to quote from the Berkeley (...)
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  30.  50
    Women, Gender, and Utopia.Katharine Park - 2006 - Isis 97 (3):487-495.
  31. The Exemplar Approach to Science and Religion.Seungbae Park - 2019 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 6 (2):183–194.
    We can judge whether some activities are scientific or religious, depending on how similar they are to exemplar scientific activities or to exemplar religious activities, even if we cannot specify the necessary and sufficient conditions for science and religion. The absence of the demarcation between science and religion does not justify the school policy of teaching the creationist hypothesis that God created the universe any more than it justifies the religious policy of teaching evolutionary theory, quantum mechanics, and the Big (...)
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  32.  14
    Interaction between grammar and multimodal resources: quoting different characters in Korean multiparty conversation.Yujong Park - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (1):79-104.
    This article examines the interaction between grammar and multimodal resources by analyzing reported speech in Korean multiparty face-to-face interaction. The operation of two relevancy rules — minimization and recognition in interaction — is examined together with how the absence or presence of grammar is complemented by multimodal resources of various sorts. For the analysis, three categories are posited depending on who the quoted character is in the talk. In quoting oneself or co-participants in the talk, syntactic resources, prosody, sequential organization (...)
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  33. Fraud in science.Robert L. Park - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (4):1135-1150.
    Even as today’s spectacular advances in science enhance the quality of life, so also are new opportunities created for those who would deliberately mislead a scientifically ill-informed public. The scientific community, made up of those who participate in professional science organizations and publish their methods and findings in the open scientific literature, have a responsibility to keep the public informed of scams carried out in the name of science. Fraud within the scientific community should be quickly exposed by the culture (...)
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    Changes in how ICU nurses perceive the DNR decision and their nursing activity after implementing it.Young-Rye Park, Jin-A. Kim & Kisook Kim - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):802-813.
    This study investigated the perceptions and attitudes of ICU nurses towards the ‘do not resuscitate’ (DNR) decision and changes in their nursing activities after implementation of the DNR decision in South Korea. A data survey was conducted in South Korea between August and October 2008, with a convenience sample of 252 ICU nurses who had more than one year of clinical experience. The data were collected via a self-administered questionnaire. Most of the nurses perceived the necessity of the DNR decision (...)
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  35.  32
    Bacon's "Enchanted Glass".Katharine Park - 1984 - Isis 75:290-302.
  36.  28
    (1 other version)Belief revision vs. conceptual change in mathematics.Woosuk Park - 2010 - In W. Carnielli L. Magnani, Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. pp. 121--134.
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  37.  27
    (1 other version)Critique on the couch: Why Critical Theory needs psychoanalysis.Jaeyoon Park - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory:1-4.
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    Danger of Sound: Mozi's Criticism of Confucian Ritual Music.So-Jeong Park - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (1):49-65.
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  39. Moral Vegetarianism vs. Moral Omnivorism.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (3):289-300.
    It is supererogatory to refrain from eating meat, just as it is supererogatory to refrain from driving cars, living in apartments, and wearing makeup, for the welfare of animals. If all animals are equal, and if nonhuman omnivores, such as bears and baboons, are justified in killing the members of other species, such as gazelles and buffaloes, for food, humans are also justified in killing the members of other species, such as cows, pigs, and chickens, for food. In addition, it (...)
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  40. Nonviolence and Ethical Imagination.Jin Y. Park - 2022 - World Environment and Island Studies 12 (4):237-240.
  41.  8
    Cultivating Civic Competencies Through Immersive Inquiry: A Digital-age Approach to Fourth Grader’s Disciplinary Thinking and Argumentation.Haeun Park, Kevin Fulton, Adriana I. Martinez Calvit, Ziye Wen, Yue Sheng, Saetbyul Kim, Tzu-Jung Lin, Michael Glassman & Eric M. Anderman - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    This mixed-methods study examined Grade 4 students’ growth in two types of civic competencies—argumentation skills and disciplinary thinking, and how civic competencies interweave and co-develop over an academic year in the context of an interdisciplinary social studies curriculum called Digital Civic Learning (DCL). A total of 106 fourth-grade students (38.7% girls) and 6 social studies teachers participated in the study. Quantitative evidence indicates that students in the DCL curriculum significantly improved in their argumentation skills (argument-counterargument integration, claim-evidence integration) and disciplinary (...)
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  42.  21
    Enhanced Memory for Fair-Related Faces and the Role of Trait Anxiety.Gewnhi Park, Benjamin U. Marsh & Elisha J. Johnson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The current research examined whether fair consideration—a social norm that people inherently prefer to confirm—would modulate face recognition. Each neutral face was associated with fair offers or unfair offers via an economic decision task, the Ultimatum Game (UG) task. After the UG, participants were asked to identify the faces of proposers who made different offers. Enhanced memory was observed for fair-related faces compared to unfair-related faces. Furthermore, high trait anxiety was associated with reduced memory for fair-related faces. These results were (...)
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  43.  25
    Having a Calling on Board: Effects of Calling on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance Among South Korean Newcomers.Jiyoung Park, Sinae Kim, Myoungki Lim & Young Woo Sohn - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Law of Genre and Intercultural Philosophy: A Reading of Kwok-ying L au ’s Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding.Jin Y. Park - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (1):119-126.
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  45. Against Motivational Efficacy of Beliefs.Seungbae Park - 2015 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 23 (1):86-95.
    Bromwich (2010) argues that a belief is motivationally efficacious in that, other things being equal, it disposes an agent to answer a question in accordance with that belief. I reply that what we are disposed to do is largely determined by our genes, whereas what we believe is largely determined by stimuli from the environment. We have a standing and default disposition to answer questions honestly, ceteris paribus, even before we are exposed to environmental stimuli. Since this standing and default (...)
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  46.  13
    Asking different types of polar questions: The interplay between turn, sequence, and context in writing conferences.Innhwa Park - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (5):613-633.
    Using video recordings of one-on-one writing conferences as data, this conversation analytic study provides a sequential analysis of student-initiated question–answer sequences and demonstrates that the building of social interaction is contingent upon the composition of a turn as well as its position in the larger sequence. In particular, the article focuses on the distinct sequential environments in which students use yes/no interrogatives and yes/no declaratives. In the context of writing conference, the epistemic asymmetry between the participants is made relevant throughout (...)
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  47. Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightenment.Sung Bae Park & Steve Odin - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (3):439-441.
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  48. Complementary Notions: A Critical Study of Berkeley's Theory of Concepts.Desiree Park - 1975 - Mind 84 (335):460-461.
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  49. The Problem of Error: The Moral Psychology Argument for Atheism.John Jung Park - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (3):501-516.
    The problem of error is an old argument for atheism that can be found in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Although it is not widely discussed in the contemporary literature in the Philosophy of Religion, I resurrect it and give it a modern spin. By relying on empirical studies in moral psychology that demonstrate that moral judgments from human beings are generally susceptible to certain psychological biases, such as framing and order effects, I claim that if God is responsible for (...)
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    Buddhism and Postmodernity: Zen, Huayan, and the Possibility of Buddhist Postmodern Ethics.Jin Y. Park - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Through a close analysis of Zen encounter dialogues and Huayan Buddhist philosophy, Buddhism and Postmodernity offers a new ethical paradigm for Buddhist-postmodern philosophy.
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