Results for 'Nális Carvalho'

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  1.  23
    Estaremos Prontos Para a Escuta Das Crianças?Ricardo Frias, Daylane Diniz & Nális Carvalho - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-21.
    Este texto parte de inquietações em torno da prática filosófica com crianças e da escuta que ocorre em algumas comunidades de investigação filosófica (Sharp, 1987; Mendonça & Carvalho, 2018) em contexto escolar. Pensamos nas certezas com que nos movemos nestes espaços e como momentos imprevisíveis podem interromper esses caminhos (aparentemente) seguros, possibilitando novas formas de educar. Esses “momentos críticos” (Haynes & Murris, 2012) surgem a partir da escuta das vozes de crianças e transformam a forma como o educador-investigador-facilitador se (...)
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  2. Our common enemy: Combatting the world's deadliest viruses to ensure equity health care in developing nations.I. V. Carvalho - 2009 - Zygon 44 (1):51-63.
    In a previous issue of Zygon (Carvalho 2007), I explored the role of scientists—especially those engaging the science-religion dialogue—within the arena of global equity health, world poverty, and human rights. I contended that experimental biologists, who might have reduced agency because of their professional workload or lack of individual resources, can still unite into collective forces with other scientists as well as human rights organizations, medical doctors, and political and civic leaders to foster progressive change in our world. In (...)
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  3. Taking the Syllable Apart: the Theaetetus on Elements and Knowledge.Naly Thaler - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 41.
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    Plato on the Philosophical Benefits of Musical Education.Naly Thaler - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (4):410-435.
    I argue that musical education in Plato’sRepublicis not aimed at developing a moral discriminatory faculty in the spirited part, but rather that its benefits are predominantly intellectual, and become fully apparent only at the philosophical stage of the guardians’ education. In order to prove this point, I discuss the intellectual state which the guardians’ philosophical education is meant to bring about, and then show why it is dependent on the earlier cognitive effects of musical education. Ultimately, I show that musical (...)
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    Joaquim de Carvalho e a Fenomenologia.José Maurício de Carvalho - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):151-162.
    The paper studies the contribution of Joaquim de Carvalho, a teacher at the University of Coimbra in the first half of last century, to the phenomenological movement in Portugal. Its importance is not restricted to the introduction he had prepared for the Portuguese translation of The Philosophy of rigor as science. He used the lessons of Edmund Husserl to build a critique of Hegelian and positivist conceptions in his work History of Philosophy. It also draws on phenomenology to treat (...)
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    Plato on the Importance of 'This' and 'That': the Theory of Flux in the Theaetetus and its Refutation.Naly Thaler - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 45:1-42.
  7.  7
    Studi in memoria di Enzo Sciacca.Franca Biondi Nalis, Fabrizio Sciacca & Enzo Sciacca (eds.) - 2008 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    The Bamberg Trucking Game: A Paradigm for Assessing the Detection of Win–Win Solutions in a Potential Conflict Scenario.Dario Nalis, Astrid Schütz & Alexander Pastukhov - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    İlkokul Birinci Sınıf Görsel Sanatlar Eğitimi Dersi Öğretim Programının Değerlendirilmesi.Gülbin Zeren Nali̇nci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):1123-1123.
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    Learning to Read the Small Letters in Republic Book 2.Naly Thaler - 2017 - Apeiron 50 (1):45-66.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Meu pai, o guru do presidente: a face ainda oculta de Olavo de Carvalho.Heloisa de Carvalho - 2020 - Curitiba, PR: Kotter Editorial. Edited by Henry Bugalho.
    Em poucos anos, Olavo de Carvalho, figura obscura, sem projeção e sem qualquer reconhecimento acadêmico, passa a ocupar o centro do poder político brasileiro. Considerado o guru ideológico do governo Bolsonaro, é responsável pela indicação de pelo menos dois ministros e vem sendo o mentor intelectual de vários ocupantes de cargos na administração e na política. Olavo simboliza hoje os contraditórios valores conservadores brasileiros e, no passo disto, instiga algumas das mais destrutivas estratégias na guerra cultural que ele e (...)
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  12. Traces of good in plotinus's philosophy of nature: Ennead VI.7.1-14.Naly Thaler - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (2):161-180.
    Ennead VI.7, the thirty-eighth treatise in order of composition, opens with a sustained attack on the idea that the form and function of various animal organs are the result of divine forethought and deliberation. In the first three chapters of the treatise, Plotinus argues that no formulation of the notion of deliberation can be made consistent with the facts about the nature of the intelligible2 and its priority over the physical world. As has been noted in the past,3 Plotinus's arguments (...)
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    Uma autobiografia da razão: a matriz filosófica da historiografia da cultura de Joaquim de Carvalho.Paulo Archer de Carvalho - 2015 - Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
    Corria o ano de 2007 quando o jornalista britânico Peter Trickett publicou na Austrália um livro no qual atribuía a descoberta da Austrália ao português Cristóvão de Mendonça, ainda durante a primeira metade do século XVI. Já nos anos setenta do século XX tinha havido uma acalorada discussão entre historiadores acerca da eventual descoberta da Austrália por portugueses, mas o assunto tinha ficado adormecido durante algumas décadas. Quando em 2008 se publicou, em Portugal, Para Além de Capricórnio. Como os navegadores (...)
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  14. Psicologia Ecológica: da percepção à cognição social.Eros Carvalho - 2022 - In Marcus José Alves de Souza & Maxwell Morais de Lima Filho (eds.), Escritos de Filosofia V: Linguagem e Cognição. Editora Fi. pp. 368-393.
    Neste texto, apresento e examino as principais ideias que animam a abordagem ecológica da percepção. Primeiro, na Seção 2, apresento a visão instantânea da percepção, contra a qual Gibson articula e propõe a abordagem ecológica. Em seguida, na Seção 3, apresento e discuto a noção de informação ecológica. Nas seções 4 e 5 articulo a teoria das affordances e discuto a aprendizagem perceptiva. Por fim, na Seção 6, exponho e discuto a possibilidade de estender a teoria das affordances para explicar (...)
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  15. Perception and Knowledge in Plato's Theaetetus.Naly Thaler - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (3):160-167.
    In this paper, I examine several key issues relating to the definition of knowledge as perception in the first part of Plato's Theaetetus. I begin by explaining the workings of the ‘secret doctrine’ of perception, which is introduced in order to support the idea that perception is incorrigible, and then turn to examine the two refutations of the definition of knowledge as perception which appear at the end of the first part of the Theaetetus. I shall present and explain distinct (...)
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  16. Fidelino, um filósofo da transitoriedade: análise crítica do pensamento filosófico de Fidelino de Figueiredo.Amorim de Carvalho - 1974 - São Paulo: [Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas].
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    History, philosophy and science teaching: Some answers to “How?”.Anna Maria Pessoa De Carvalho & Andréa Infantosi Vannucchi - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (5):427-448.
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    From Shock to Shift–A Qualitative Analysis of Accounts in Mid-Career About Changes in the Career Path.Irina Nalis, Bettina Kubicek & Christian Korunka - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Career shocks are the norm, not the exception. Yet, much of research and counseling on career-development holds unrealistic assumptions of a makeable career. Little is understood about the role of shocks on the career path and how the interplay of individual reactions to shocks shapes careers. The purpose of this study is to provide understanding of responses to different attributes of career shocks and career shocks as antecedents to career and job change. A qualitative approach was chosen and data were (...)
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  19. Sovranità, democrazia, costituzionalismo.A. Cura di Franca Biondi Nalis - 2008 - In Franca Biondi Nalis, Fabrizio Sciacca & Enzo Sciacca (eds.), Studi in memoria di Enzo Sciacca. Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Judgment, Logos, and Knowledge in Plato's Theaetetus.Naly Thaler - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (5):246-255.
    In this second installment on the Theaetetus, I discuss Theaetetus' second and third definitions of knowledge, namely, ‘true judgment’ and then ‘true judgment with the addition of an account’. I offer a brief description of Socrates' intricate examination of these suggestions, concentrating especially on the discussion of false judgment and that of the so-called ‘Dream Theory’. I then proceed to map different lines of interpretation for these passages that have been offered by scholars writing in the last 40 years.
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  21. Using ʻthe Goodʼ as a Criterion: Comments on Krautʼs What is Good and Why.Naly Thaler - 2009 - Iyyun 58:245-250.
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  22. A percepção afetiva de affordances.E. M. Carvalho - 2024 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 51 (161):413-435.
    Rob Withagen has rendered the distinction between affordances and invitations more radical in two aspects: (i) affordances do not explain behavior anymore, invitations do; (ii) invitations do not boil down to affectively charged affordances, they also encompass affectively charged misperceptions. I argue that Withagen went too far. If we understand affordances as a relation between the abilities of an individual organism and its environment, then we already have sufficient resources to incorporate affectivity in the ecological approach. Affective states constitute perceptual (...)
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  23.  29
    What you learn is more than what you see: what can sequencing effects tell us about inductive category learning?Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  24. Teoria do Conhecimento e Educação no Pensamento de Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Manoel Carvalho - 1969 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Ceará
    The initial problem which motivated the writing of this thesis arose from reading of Emile by Rousseau. In this work, it was possible to detect the influence of different theoretical approaches, such as rationalism and empiricism, inspiring the development of the educational plan designed by Rousseau for his imaginary student (Emile). The very core question of the present thesis regards to whether there was a theory of knowledge pertaining to Rousseau’s philosophical thinking and, if so, how it was related to (...)
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    Ortega y Gasset, a vida como realidade metafísica.José Mauricio de Carvalho - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (1):167-186.
    Neste artigo, estudamos as características que o filósofo espanhol Ortega y Gasset atribuiu à vida. Mostramos que o essencial de sua meditação girou em torno do assunto. No entanto, o tema ganhou densidade metafísica somente no final dos anos 1920, quando suas considerações foram inseridas na tradição filosófica do ocidente. Foi quando ele apontou a insuficiência do realismo e do idealismo na abordagem do fundamento pretendido pela Filosofia e apresentou a filosofia da razão vital como um passo adiante das duas (...)
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  26.  35
    Music Influences Hedonic and Taste Ratings in Beer.Felipe Reinoso Carvalho, Carlos Velasco, Raymond van Ee, Yves Leboeuf & Charles Spence - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  27. Interoception and the origin of feelings: A new synthesis.Gil B. Carvalho & Antonio Damasio - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (6):2000261.
    Feelings are conscious mental events that represent body states as they undergo homeostatic regulation. Feelings depend on the interoceptive nervous system (INS), a collection of peripheral and central pathways, nuclei and cortical regions which continuously sense chemical and anatomical changes in the organism. How such humoral and neural signals come to generate conscious mental states has been a major scientific question. The answer proposed here invokes (1) several distinctive and poorly known physiological features of the INS; and (2) a unique (...)
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    Continuous Deep Sedation in End-of-Life Care: Disentangling Palliation From Physician-Assisted Death.Tito B. Carvalho, Mohamed Y. Rady, Joseph L. Verheijde & Jason Scott Robert - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (6):60 - 62.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 6, Page 60-62, June 2011.
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  29. Olfactory Objects.Felipe Carvalho - 2014 - Disputatio 6 (38):45-66.
    The philosophy of perception has been mostly focused on vision, to the detriment of other modalities like audition or olfaction. In this paper I focus on olfaction and olfactory experience, and raise the following questions: is olfaction a perceptual-representational modality? If so, what does it represent? My goal in the paper is, firstly, to provide an affirmative answer to the first question, and secondly, to argue that olfaction represents odors in the form of olfactory objects, to which olfactory qualities are (...)
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    The art of endlessly taking another view.Mário Jorge Pereira de Almeida Carvalho - 2020 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 29 (58):431-482.
    This paper deals with Fichte’s The Characteristics of the Present Age, and in particular with his discussion of the “empty form of knowledge” he claims stands at the centre of the third – i.e. the present – age. Fichte speaks of a fundamental principle that forms the ‘common denominator’ between the third and fourth main epochs. This fundamental principle – the “maxim of comprehensibility” – makes knowledge and comprehension the measure of all that “counts as being valid and as really (...)
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  31. A Biblioteca da Educação de Lourenço Filho: Uma Coleção a Serviço de um Projeto de Inovação Pedagógica-Lourenço Filho Education Library: A Collection in the Service of a Pedagogic Innovation Project.Marta Maria Chagas de Carvalho & Maria Rita de Almeida Toledo - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    O conceito de justiça de Rawls.Ricardo Salgado Carvalho - 2004 - Critica.
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  33. The Visible and the Invisible in Merleau-Ponty and Foucault.John Carvalho - 1993 - International Studies in Philosophy 25 (3):35-46.
  34.  77
    As contribuições de Linda Zagzebski para a epistemologia Das virtudes contempor'nea.Sérgio Luís Barroso de Carvalho - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (8):27-35.
    Através deste artigo científico pretende-se expor as contribuições de Linda Zagzebski para a teoria da epistemologia das virtudes contemporânea, evidenciando sua inspiração na teoria das virtudes de Aristóteles. A inovação trazida por Zagzebski é a proposta de indistinção entre virtudes morais e virtudes intelectuais. Para a autora, as virtudes intelectuais são um subconjunto das virtudes morais, e assim merecem avaliação conjunta com estas. Por fim, argumenta-se que essa interpretação não implica em um reducionismo das virtudes intelectuais e que pode servir (...)
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  35. Die Sicherscheinung der Erscheinung der Erscheinung.Mário Jorge de Carvalho - 2016 - In Thomas Sören Hoffmann (ed.), Johann Gottlieb Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1812: Vermächtnis und Herausforderung des transzendentalen Idealismus. Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    From Opera to `Soap Opera': On Civilizing Processes, the Dialectic of Enlightenment and Postmodernity.Mário Vieira de Carvalho - 1995 - Theory, Culture and Society 12 (2):41-61.
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    The scientist as statesman: Biologists and third world health.John J. Carvalho - 2007 - Zygon 42 (2):289-300.
  38. A tese da mente estendida à luz do externismo ativo: Como tornar Otto responsivo a razões?Eros Moreira de Carvalho - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):143-166.
    The extended mind thesis claims that some mental states and cognitive processes extend onto the environment. Items external to the organism or exploratory actions may constitute in part mental states and cognitive processes. In Clark and Chalmers’ original paper, ‘The Extended Mind’, this thesis receives support from the parity principle and from the active externalism. In their paper, more emphasis is given to the parity principle, which is presented as neutral regarding the nature of cognition. It would be advantageous to (...)
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  39.  73
    A biologist's perspective on the future of the science-religion dialogue in the twenty-first century.I. V. Carvalho - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):217-226.
    Abstract.In recent issues of Zygon, numerous reflections have been published commenting on where the field of science‐and‐religion has been, where it presently stands, and where it should move in the future. These reflections touch on the importance of the dialogue and raise questions as to what audience the dialogue addresses and whom it should address. Some scholars see the dialogue as prospering, while others point out that much work needs to be done to make the dialogue more accessible to a (...)
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  40.  14
    Dialogismo e barroquismo na ficção latino-americana no século XX.João Carlos de Carvalho - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (3):40-58.
    RESUMO A partir dos estudos e reflexões de Mikhail Bakhtin sobre a origem e o desenvolvimento da prosa e do romance no Ocidente, este artigo intenta pensar a sua particularidade em torno das grandes produções literárias de ficção na América Latina, no século XX. Trabalhando basicamente com os conceitos de dialogismo e barroquismo, o artigo investiga, em fragmentos selecionados, aquelas que seriam algumas das principais marcas deixadas desse grande embate com as nossas marcas de fundação.ABSTRACT From Mikhail Bakhtin's studies and (...)
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    Filosofia da Tecnologia e Interesse Nacional.Jairo Dias Carvalho - 2019 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 35 (2).
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    Intervenções antropofágicas.Luis Felipe Carvalho - 2016 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: Beco do Azougue.
  43.  5
    Natureza criadora: o projecto bio-filosófico de Henri Bergson.Magda Costa Carvalho - 2012 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  44.  36
    On the origins of Freud's conception of the natural sciences.Vitor Orquiza de Carvalho & Luiz Roberto Monzani - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (4):781-809.
    RESUMO O artigo examina algumas influências teóricas de Freud para recuperar os valores epistemológicos que subjazem à composição de sua concepção de ciência da natureza. Se, por um lado, Freud teve acesso ao pensamento de autores específicos que participaram efetivamente dos caminhos percorridos pela psicologia em sua reivindicação de uma identidade científica, por meio de entrelaçamentos com a física e a fisiologia, por outro lado, ele também teve contato com certos filósofos que lhe permitiram uma aproximação a alguns defensores da (...)
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    Regulation of clinical research and bioethics in portugal.Fatima Lampreia Carvalho - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (5):290–302.
    ABSTRACT This article presents an overview of the Portuguese transposition of the European Directive on Good Clinical Practice (2001/20/e) concerning scientific and academic debates on bioethics and clinical investigation. Since the Directive was transposed into Portuguese law by its National Assembly, the bureaucracy of clinical trials has been ever more complex. Despite demands for swift application processes by the Pharmaceutical industry, supported by the European Parliament, the Directive's transcription to the national law has not always delivered the expected outcome. However, (...)
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    A contemporaneidade como utopia.Adalberto Dias de Carvalho - 2000 - [Porto]: Edições Afrontamento.
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    Editorial - Dossiê: Religião e Cultura (Religion and Culture) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n21p199.Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (21):199-201.
    Editorial - Dossiê: Religião e Cultura (Religion and Culture) De religiões, cultura e capitalismo DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n21p199.
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    (1 other version)Epistemologia das ciências da educação.Adalberto Dias de Carvalho - 1988 - Porto [Portugal]: Edições Afrontamento.
  49.  2
    Has the Welfare State failed?Joao Pedro Braga de Carvalho - 2024 - Astrolabio 1 (29):1-17.
    This essay aims to examine whether the Welfare State project has failed and how this apparent failure is intrinsically connected to the rise of citizen discontent. By tracing the historical roots of the Rechtsstaat and its development into the Welfare State, we highlight how the increasing gap between grand promises and their limited fulfillment has fueled widespread discontent. The much-acclaimed Welfare State seems to have transformed itself into a Malaise State, marked by a dual institutional failure: the inability to universalize (...)
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    Lançado livro TÉCNICA, MEDICINA E ÉTICA de Hans Jonas.Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (8).
    Tradução brasileira de importante obra do filósofo alemão Hans Jonas publicada pela Editora Paulus.
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