Results for 'N. Hirokawa'

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    Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.M. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst & H. Hirsch (eds.) - 2008
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  2. Clustering of soundsource signals using Hough transformation, and application to omni-directional acoustic sense for robots.K. Suzuki, T. Koga, J. Hirokawa, H. Ogawa & N. Matsuhira - forthcoming - Special Interest on Ai Challenges Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
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    A lambda proof of the p-w theorem.Sachio Hirokawa, Yuichi Komori & Misao Nagayama - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1841-1849.
    The logical system P-W is an implicational non-commutative intuitionistic logic defined by axiom schemes B = (b → c) → (a → b) → a → c, B' = (a → b) → (b → c) → a → c, I = a → a with the rules of modus ponens and substitution. The P-W problem is a problem asking whether α = β holds if α → β and β → α are both provable in P-W. The answer is (...)
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    A reduction rule for Peirce formula.Sachio Hirokawa, Yuichi Komori & Izumi Takeuti - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (3):419 - 426.
    A reduction rule is introduced as a transformation of proof figures in implicational classical logic. Proof figures are represented as typed terms in a -calculus with a new constant P (()). It is shown that all terms with the same type are equivalent with respect to -reduction augmented by this P-reduction rule. Hence all the proofs of the same implicational formula are equivalent. It is also shown that strong normalization fails for P-reduction. Weak normalization is shown for P-reduction with another (...)
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  5. Girisha shisō no seitan.Yōichi Hirokawa - 1979
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    Sokuratesu izen no tetsugakusha: shoki Girisha ni okeru uchū shizen to ningen no tankyū = The presocratic philosophers.Yōichi Hirokawa - 1987 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
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    The converse principal type-scheme theorem in lambda calculus.Sachio Hirokawa - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (1):83 - 95.
    A principal type-scheme of a -term is the most general type-scheme for the term. The converse principal type-scheme theorem (J.R. Hindley, The principal typescheme of an object in combinatory logic, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (1969) 29–60) states that every type-scheme of a combinatory term is a principal type-scheme of some combinatory term.This paper shows a simple proof for the theorem in -calculus, by constructing an algorithm which transforms a type assignment to a -term into a principal type assignment to (...)
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    The proofs of α→α in P - W.Sachio Hirokawa - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):195-211.
    The syntactic structure of the system of pure implicational relevant logic P - W is investigated. This system is defined by the axioms B = (b → c) → (a → b) → a → c, B' = (a → b) → (b → c) → a → c, I = a → a, and the rules of substitution and modus ponens. A class of λ-terms, the closed hereditary right-maximal linear λ-terms, and a translation of such λ-terms M to BB'I-combinators (...)
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  9.  68
    Brief and Indirect Exposure to Natural Environment Restores the Directed Attention for the Task.Tsukasa Kimura, Tatsuya Yamada, Yohko Hirokawa & Kazumitsu Shinohara - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The mental fatigue elicited by working and studying consumed mental resources, thereby eliciting a declined performance and an increased mental stress. The long-term continuous work and study, which is typical for modern workers and students, can increase mental fatigue and health risks. Previous studies reported that the natural environment has a restorative of mental resources and reducing stress. However, it is difficult for urban workers and students to take sufficient breaks in real natural environment. We conducted an experiment to examine (...)
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  10.  80
    The number of proofs for a BCK-Formula.Yuichi Komori & Sachio Hirokawa - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):626-628.
  11.  83
    Facilitating Social Play for Children with PDDs: Effects of Paired Robotic Devices.Soichiro Matsuda, Eleuda Nunez, Masakazu Hirokawa, Junichi Yamamoto & Kenji Suzuki - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Taʼammulāt fī al-falsafah al-muʻāṣirah: al-ḥaqīqah, al-zamān, al-wujūd al-insānī.Sāmiyah ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2018 - al-Qāhirah: Majāz lil-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr.
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  13. ʻIlm al-kalām: dawr al-mutakallimīn fī bināʼ al-manhaj al-kalāmī.ʻAbd al-Raḥmān & al-Sayyid Muḥammad - 2017 - al-Manṣūrah: al-Maktabah al-ʻAṣrīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  14.  5
    Ṣifāt al-Nabī ṣallá Allāh ʻalayhi wa-sallam fī al-Qurʼān al-Karīm: tafsīr mawḍūʻī.ĪMāN Bint ʻabd AllāH Ibn ʻumar ʻamūdī - 2013 - al-Riyāḍ: Dār al-Tawḥīd lil-Nashr.
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    Researches in Indian epistemology and Indian atomism in the works of V. Lysenko and N. Kanaeva.Elena N. Anikeeva - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):125-133.
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  16. Diachronikē diastasē stē zōē: eisagōgē stēn plastikē domē tēs vio-iatrikēs anazētēsēs: ereunētikē dokimē.I. N. Augoustēs - 1992 - Athēna: Iatrikes Ekd. LITSAS.
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  17.  12
    Yugyo sasang kwa todŏk chŏngchʻi: illyu pʻyŏnghwa wa toŭi segye chʻanggŏn ŭi wŏlli, todŏksŏng hoebok kwa insŏng kyoyuk ŭi chichʻimsŏ.Ki-gŭn Chang - 2003 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Myŏngmundang.
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  18. Ma-kʻo-ssŭ chu i chê hsüeh chien i tu pên.Yang-Chiung ChʻêN - 1957
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  19. Lịch sử tư tưởng trié̂t học Việt Nam: từ thời kỳ dựng nước đé̂n đà̂u thé̂ kỷ xx.Doãn Chính (ed.) - 2013 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia - Sự thật.
    History of philosophical thought of Vietnam up to XX century.
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  20. El pensamiento exiliado español de 1939 en México y su contribución a una crítica de la razón totalitaria.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2014 - In Aureliano Ortega Esquivel & Javier Corona Fernández, Ensayos sobre pensamiento mexicano. México: MAPorrúa, librero-editor.
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  21. Aman soëlyn arga bilgiĭn shu̇tėlt︠s︡ėė: soël sudlalyn shinzhilgėė.Zh Dolgorsu̇rėn - 2000 - Ulaanbaatar: Soël Urlagiĭn Ikh Surguulʹ, Soël Urlag Sudlalyn Khu̇rėėlėn.
    On the Yin-yang, Chinese philosophy, and oral tradition in Mongolia.
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  22. Andrés López de Medrano, ilustración y hermenéutica.Román García Fernández - 2015 - In Artidiello Moreno, M. Mabel & Julio Minaya, Memoria del bicentenario de la Lógica de Andrés López de Medrano. Santo Domingo: Ministerio de Cultura.
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    Religion and its Three Paradigmatic Instances: J. N. FINDLAY.J. N. Findlay - 1975 - Religious Studies 11 (2):215-227.
    The aim of this paper is to give a characterisation of religion and the Religious Spirit, basing itself on the Platonic assumption that there are Forms, salient jewels of simplicity and affinity, to be dug out from the soil of vague experience and cut clear from the confusedly shifting patterns of usage, which will give us conceptual mastery over the changeable detail in a given sector. It will further be Platonic in that it will not seek to discount the deep (...)
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  24. Islāmī taʻlīmāt: ʻāmfahm zubān men̲ mustanad z̲ak̲h̲īrah. Fuyūz̤urraḥmān - 2001 - Karācī: Milne ke pate, Baitulqurʼān.
    On Islamic teachings, written by an army officer and educationist from Pakistan.
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  25. Sigan kwa konggan: chonjae ŭi kŭnʼgŏ.Sang-nyŏn Han - 1988 - Sŏul: Taewan Tosŏ Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Khudā dar falsafah-i Dikārt va Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī =.Humāyūn Himmatī - 2007 - Tihrān: Muʻāvanat-i Pizhūhishī va Āmūzishī-i Sāzmān-i Tablīghāt-i Islāmī.
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    Chungdojŏk chinbo, haengbok kukka ro kanŭn kil: chungdo kaehyŏkchuŭi ŭi ch'ŏrhak kwa pijŏn.T'ae-yŏn Hwang - 2021 - Sŏul-si: Neksen Midiŏ.
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  28. Zībāyīʹshināsī bih zabān-i sādah.Maḥmūd ʻIbādiyān - 2002 - [Tihrān]: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Gustarish-i Hunar.
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  29. al-Fikr al-wujūdī ʻabra muṣṭalaḥih: dirāsah ʻAdnān ibn Dhurayl.ʻAdnān Ibn Dhurayl - 1985 - Dimashq: Ittiḥād al-Kuttāb al-ʻArab.
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    Han'guk Yuhak ŭi yŏnwŏn kwa chŏn'gae.Kwan-hŏn Im - 2013 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Sŏnggyun'gwan Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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  31.  19
    Belgesel Fotoğrafçılık Tekniğiyle Osmanlı Dönemi Kuş Saraylarının İncelenmesi.Taşkın İnan - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 2):583-583.
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  32. Īśvara Kr̥shṇa kr̥ta sāṅkhya kārikā. Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa - 1999 - Bhubaneśvara: Āiścaryyā Prakāśanī. Edited by Bañcchānidhi Dāśa.
    Ancient treatise on Sankhya philosophy; Sanskrit text with English and Oriya translation and interpretation.
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  33. Segye chʻŏrhak taesajŏn = The world dictionary of philosophy.Yŏng-sŏn Kang (ed.) - 1977
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    T'oegye Yi Hwang ŭi i ch'ŏrhak: chisŏn sirhyŏn kwa chagi wansŏng.Kyŏng-hyŏn Kang - 2022 - Sŏul-si: Hyean.
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    Chosŏnjo rŭl twihŭndŭn nonjaeng: Sadan ch'ilchŏng nonbyŏn ŭn muŏt ŭl namgyŏnna.Ki-hyŏn Kim - 2000 - Sŏul-si: Kil.
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    Chuch'e ŭi mihak sasang yŏn'gu.Hyŏng-sŏn Kim - 2016 - [P'yon̆gyang]: Sahoe Kwahagwŏn Ch'ulp'ansa.
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  37. Han'guk koyu ŭi sŏn sasang kwa Chŭngsando ŭi T'aeilsŏn.Hwang Kyŏng-sŏn - 2022 - In Pong-ho Yi, Han'guk ŭi sinsŏn sasang: huch'ŏn sŏn munhwa wa sangje. Taejŏn: Sangsaeng Ch'ulp'an.
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    The Modal Particles an, ke(n), ka.D. J. N. Lee - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (1):45.
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  39. Giáo dục thẩm mỹ trong việc hình thành lối sống văn hóa cho thanh niên vùng Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long hiện nay.Thanh Tân Lương - 2010 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuá̂t bản Chính trị quó̂c gia.
    On study and teaching of aesthetics in Vietnam.
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    Nyāyapāribhāṣikaśabdāvalī: Saṃskr̥tāṅgalasamanvitā.Viṣṇupada Mahāpātra - 2010 - Naī Dillī: Mānyatā Prakāśana.
    Dictionary of Nyaya terminology ; English and Sanskrit interpretation.
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  41. Ku li ti, pʻien mien ti kʻan wên tʻi wei shih mo shih tsʻo wu ti?ChüN-Chih Ma - 1956
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    Ortega y la idea de la razón vital.Julián Marías - 1948 - Madrid,: A. Zúñiga.
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    La normatividad del derecho: deber jurídico y razones para la acción.Bayón Mohino & Juan Carlos - 1991 - Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales.
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  44. Esther Festini : filosofía natural en la transición peruana, siglo XIX-XX.Iván Natteri - 2012 - In Rubén Quiroz Ávila, Ciudadanías discursivas: la filosofía peruana en el siglo XIX. Lima, Perú: Instituto de Investigación del Pensamiento Peruano y Latinoamericano, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
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    Javier Jimé nez-Candil*, Ana Martın-Garcıa.Cá Ndido Martın-Luengo - 2011 - Contrastes 64:1182-92.
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    Kotmāi kānphǣt: khwāmrapphit thāng kotmāi khō̜ng phūprakō̜p wichāchīp dān kānphǣt læ sāthāranasuk.Withūn ʻƯngpraphan - 2003 - Krung Thēp: Samnakphim Winyūchon.
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  47. Lịch sử mỹ học: nguyên thủy và Hy lạp cổ đại.Văn Khang Đỗ - 1983 - [Hà Nội]: Văn hóa.
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  48. Sae sidae ŭi tojŏn.Hŏn-O. Pak - 1989 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Ungbisa.
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    Hē physikē theologia kai to physiko dikaio stē philosophia tōn Sophistōn tou 5ou p. Ch. aiōna.Panagiōtēs N. Pantazakos - 2006 - Athēna: Hellēnika Grammata.
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    Michel Foucault: caja de herramientas contra la dominación.Juan Pastor Martín - 2007 - Oviedo (Asturias): Universidad de Oviedo. Edited by Anastasio Ovejero Bernal.
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