Nicholas Lane [15]Nick Lane [5]N. R. Lane [3]Nikala Lane [3]
Neal Lane [2]N. Lane [1]Natalie M. Lane [1]Nikki Lane [1]

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  1.  82
    How did LUCA make a living? Chemiosmosis in the origin of life.Nick Lane, John F. Allen & William Martin - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (4):271-280.
    Despite thermodynamic, bioenergetic and phylogenetic failings, the 81‐year‐old concept of primordial soup remains central to mainstream thinking on the origin of life. But soup is homogeneous in pH and redox potential, and so has no capacity for energy coupling by chemiosmosis. Thermodynamic constraints make chemiosmosis strictly necessary for carbon and energy metabolism in all free‐living chemotrophs, and presumably the first free‐living cells too. Proton gradients form naturally at alkaline hydrothermal vents and are viewed as central to the origin of life. (...)
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  2.  47
    Mitonuclear match: Optimizing fitness and fertility over generations drives ageing within generations.Nick Lane - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (11):860-869.
    Many conserved eukaryotic traits, including apoptosis, two sexes, speciation and ageing, can be causally linked to a bioenergetic requirement for mitochondrial genes. Mitochondrial genes encode proteins involved in cell respiration, which interact closely with proteins encoded by nuclear genes. Functional respiration requires the coadaptation of mitochondrial and nuclear genes, despite divergent tempi and modes of evolution. Free‐radical signals emerge directly from the biophysics of mosaic respiratory chains encoded by two genomes prone to mismatch, with apoptosis being the default penalty for (...)
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  3.  54
    Ethical and Moral Dilemmas Associated with Strategic Relationships between Business-to-Business Buyers and Sellers.Nigel F. Piercy & Nikala Lane - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (1):87-102.
    While ethical and moral issues have been widely considered in the general areas of marketing and sales, similar attention has not been given to the impact of strategic account management (SAM) approaches to handling the relationships between suppliers and very␣large customers. SAM approaches have been widely␣adopted by suppliers as a mechanism for managing␣relationships and partnerships with dominant customers␣– characterized by high levels of buyer–seller inter-dependence and forms of collaborative partnership. Observation suggests that the perceived moral intensity of␣these relationships is commonly (...)
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  4.  80
    Planctomycetes and eukaryotes: A case of analogy not homology.James O. McInerney, William F. Martin, Eugene V. Koonin, John F. Allen, Michael Y. Galperin, Nick Lane, John M. Archibald & T. Martin Embley - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (11):810-817.
    Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia and Chlamydia are prokaryotic phyla, sometimes grouped together as the PVC superphylum of eubacteria. Some PVC species possess interesting attributes, in particular, internal membranes that superficially resemble eukaryotic endomembranes. Some biologists now claim that PVC bacteria are nucleus‐bearing prokaryotes and are considered evolutionary intermediates in the transition from prokaryote to eukaryote. PVC prokaryotes do not possess a nucleus and are not intermediates in the prokaryote‐to‐eukaryote transition. Here we summarise the evidence that shows why all of the PVC traits (...)
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  5.  13
    Two Textual Notes on Pindar’s Isthmian Odes.Nicholas Lane - 2024 - Hermes 152 (2):251-256.
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  6.  66
    Revisiting gender role stereotyping in the sales profession.Nikala Lane & Andrew Crane - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (2):121 - 132.
    This paper revisits the issue of gender stereotypes in sales professions given new views of what makes for effective sales performance and sales management. Women's continued disadvantaged position in the sales profession is documented, and the role of gender role stereotypes in sustaining this situation in the profession is examined. The paper then turns to the newly emerging, ostensibly "pro-female", view of sales. This emphasises the importance of building and sustaining relationships – qualities that women have traditionally been stereotyped as (...)
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  7.  18
    In the beginning: The US national nanotechnology initiative.Neal Lane & Thomas Kalil - forthcoming - Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology.
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  8.  21
    Pindar, Nemean 1.24.Nicholas Lane - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):939-942.
    This note considers a Pindaric crux. It argues that Aristarchus’ ‘solution’ should not have been so readily accepted because the evidence can be interpreted differently, giving more satisfactory sense if ἐϲλ᾽ ὡς rather than ἐϲλούϲ is read for the manuscripts’ ἐϲλόϲ.
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  9.  26
    Aristophanes, acharnians 23–6.Nicholas Lane - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):295-.
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  10.  35
    Aeschylus, Septem Contra Thebas 17–20.Nicholas Lane - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (01):293-294.
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  11.  14
    A Textual Note on Pindar, Isthmian 7.28.Nicholas Lane - 2023 - Hermes 151 (2):246-248.
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  12.  6
    A Textual Note on Pindar, Nemean 9.17.Nicholas Lane - 2023 - Hermes 151 (4):490-493.
    This note discusses the lacuna at Nemean 9.17, considers the supplements suggested to date and proposes a new one.
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  13.  35
    BioEssays 4/2010.Nick Lane, John F. Allen & William Martin - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (4).
    Despite thermodynamic, bioenergetic and phylogenetic failings, the 81‐year‐old concept of primordial soup remains central to mainstream thinking on the origin of life. But soup is homogeneous in pH and redox potential, and so has no capacity for energy coupling by chemiosmosis. Thermodynamic constraints make chemiosmosis strictly necessary for carbon and energy metabolism in all free‐living chemotrophs, and presumably the first free‐living cells too. Proton gradients form naturally at alkaline hydrothermal vents and are viewed as central to the origin of life. (...)
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  14.  63
    Bringing Flesh to Theory: Ethnography, Black Queer Theory, and Studying Black Sexualities.Nikki Lane - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):632.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:632 Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Nikki Lane Bringing Flesh to Theory: Ethnography, Black Queer Theory, and Studying Black Sexualities As Dorothy Hodgson tells us, the most common features of an ethnographic project involve “talking to, participating with, and observing the people who produce... texts, exploring the contexts of their ideas and actions, and often studying how their situations, ideas, and actions change (...)
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  15.  20
    Crown of snakes: Euripides, bacchae 101-2.Nicholas Lane - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (1):75-83.
    ἔτεκεν δ᾽, ἁνίκα Μοῖραιτέλεϲαν, ταυρόκερων θεὸν 100ϲτεφάνωϲέν τε δρακόντωνϲτεφάνοιϲ, ἔνθεν ἄγραν θηρότροφον μαι-νάδεϲ ἀμφιβάλλονται πλοκάμοιϲ.102-3 θηρότροφον praeeunte Musgrave Allen : -τρόφοι ‹L›P The subject of ἔτεκεν and ϲτεφάνωϲεν is Zeus. If the text is right, Zeus gave birth to Dionysus, and Zeus then crowned him with snakes. This note argues that the text is corrupt because vase painting shows Dionysus born already crowned, and the notion that Zeus should crown anyone is quite exceptional. I conclude that in 101 Euripides probably (...)
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  16.  27
    More than just filler: an empirically informed ethical analysis of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in body dysmorphic disorder.Natalie M. Lane - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e30-e30.
    ObjectivesTo identify and analyse ethical considerations raised when individuals with body dysmorphic disorder consult for non-surgical cosmetic procedures.MethodsEthical analysis was conducted addressing the issues of best interests and capacity to consent for non-surgical cosmetic procedures in individuals with BDD. Analysis was informed by the findings of semistructured interviews with non-surgical cosmetic practitioners and mental health professionals.FindingsNon-surgical cosmetic interventions were viewed not to be in the best interests of individuals with BDD, as they fail to address core psychological issues, result in (...)
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  17.  42
    Notes on euripides' troades.Nicholas Lane - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):294-.
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  18.  8
    Pindar, Isthmian 4.47.Nicholas Lane - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):891-894.
    45 τόλμᾳ γὰρ εἰκώϲθυμὸν ἐριβρεμετᾶν θηρῶν λεόντωνἐν πόνῳ, μῆτιν δ᾽ ἀλώπηξ,αἰετοῦ ἅ τ᾽ ἀναπιτναμένα ῥόμβον ἴϲχει·χρὴ δὲ πᾶν ἔρδοντ᾽ ἀμαυρῶϲαι τὸν ἐχθρόν.46 θηρᾶν: HeyneFor he [sc. Melissus, the victor] resembles the boldness of loudly roaring wild lions in his heart during the struggle, but in skill he is a fox, which rolls on its back to check the eagle's swoop. One must do everything to diminish one's opponent.
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  19.  12
    Pindar, Olympian 2.100.Nicholas Lane - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):457-458.
    This note questions the transmitted word order at Pind. Ol. 2.100 and proposes a transposition to remove short open vowel at verse end.
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  20.  35
    Staging polydorus' ghost in the prologue of euripides' hecuba.Nicholas Lane - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):290-.
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  21.  38
    Two conjectures on the supplices of euripides.Nicholas Lane - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56 (01):307-.
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  22.  46
    Textual notes on Sophocles, Philoctetes 1-675.Nicholas Lane - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (2):441-450.
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  23.  13
    Textual Notes on pindar's Eleventh Nemean.Nicholas Lane - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):894-898.
    εἰ δέ τιϲ ὄλβον ἔχων μορφᾷ παραμεύϲεται ἄλλουϲ,ἔν τ᾽ ἀέθλοιϲιν ἀριϲτεύων ἐπέδειξεν βίαν,θνατὰ μεμνάϲθω περιϲτέλλων μέλη, 15καὶ τελευτὰν ἁπάντων γᾶν ἐπιεϲϲόμενοϲ.ἐν λόγοιϲ δ᾽ ἀϲτῶν ἀγαθοῖϲί νιν αἰνεῖϲθαι χρεὼνκαὶ μελιγδούποιϲι δαιδαλθέντα μελίζεν ἀοιδαῖϲ.The Loeb translates lines 15–16 ʻlet him remember that mortal are the limbs he clothes and that earth is the last garment of all he will wear'. It is debatable whether τελευτάν is an adverbial accusative with ἁπάντων added as a qualifying genitive, as it seems more natural to take (...)
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  24.  36
    Two textual notes on pindar's eighth nemean.Nicholas Lane - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):356-360.
    πολλὰ γὰρ πολλᾷ λέλεκται, νεαρὰ δ᾽ ἐξευρόντα δόμεν βαϲάνῳ 20ἐϲ ἔλεγχον, ἅπαϲ κίνδυνοϲ· ὄψον δὲ λόγοι φθονεροῖϲιν,ἅπτεται δ᾽ ἐϲλῶν ἀεί, χειρόνεϲϲι δ᾽ οὐκ ἐρίζει.κεῖνοϲ καὶ Τελαμῶνοϲ δάψεν υἱόν, φαϲγάνῳ ἀμφικυλίϲαιϲ.21. ὄψον δὲ λόγοι BD : δὲ λόγοι om. Tricliniusφθονεροῖϲιν BD : φθόνῳ εἰϲίν Vauvilliers I translate: ʻFor many things have been told in many ways, but to give novel things, when one has found them out, to the touchstone | For testing is pure danger: words are anamuse-boucheto the envious, | (...)
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  25.  43
    Liberal Education and Social Change.N. R. Lane, S. A. Lane & M. H. Pritchard - 1986 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 18 (1):13-24.
  26.  56
    The Ethics of Discrimination: Organizational Mindsets and Female Employment Disadvantage. [REVIEW]Nikala Lane & Nigel F. Piercy - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (4):313 - 325.
    Negative gender-role stereotypes continue to pervade the careers of many women. The current study examines the careers of female National Health Service (NHS) nurses in the United Kingdom. The study identifies organizational mindsets which militate against women's career advancement. These mindsets form the basis of the "ethic of discrimination" which both maintains and perpetuates unequal outcomes for women in NHS nursing. We examine the implications for management in promoting non-discriminatory decision making, and the barriers that are faced in overcoming the (...)
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  27.  23
    Insect biology in depth. Insect Untrastructure, vols. 1 and 2. Edited by R. C. K ING and H. A KAI. Plenum Press, 1982 and 1984. Pp. 485 and 624. $55 (vol. 2). [REVIEW]N. J. Lane - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (6):283-283.