Results for 'National characteristics, Israeli'

977 found
  1.  11
    Rubber Bullets: Power and Conscience in Modern Israel.Yaron Ezrahi - 1997 - Farrar Straus & Giroux.
    Describes Israel's transformation from a society held together by national liberation to a liberal democracy that must make room for individual Israelis.
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    L'explication.Alain Badiou - 2010 - [Paris]: Lignes. Edited by Alain Finkielkraut & Aude Lancelin.
    Les deux philosophes débattent sur les sujets de l'actualité politique et intellectuelle : la question de l'identité, la politique sarkozyste ou encore Israël.
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  3. Etiḳah tsiburit be-Yiśraʼel: keshalim musarim ha-mishtaḳfim ba-hanhagah ha-shilṭonit.Rivka Amado - 2001 - [Ramat Gan]: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan, ha-Maḥlaḳah le-madʻe ha-medinah.
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    Mordekhai rokhev ʻal sus: ḥagigot Purim be-Tel-Aviv, 1908-1936, u-veniyatah shel umah ḥadashah.Hizky Shoham - 2013 - Ramat-Gan: Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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  5. Would it be ethical to use motivational interviewing to increase family consent to deceased solid organ donation?Isra Black & Lisa Forsberg - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1):63-68.
    We explore the ethics of using motivational interviewing, an evidence-based, client-centred and directional counselling method, in conversations with next of kin about deceased solid organ donation. After briefly introducing MI and providing some context around organ transplantation and next of kin consent, we describe how MI might be implemented in this setting, with the hypothesis that MI has the potential to bring about a modest yet significant increase in next of kin consent rates. We subsequently consider the objection that using (...)
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    The evolving dynamics of Haredi Judaism in Israel: Ideological shifts and political influences.Yanyan Chen & Yong Li - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (3):8.
    This article analysed the evolution of Haredi Judaism in Israel, highlighting its deep-rooted fundamentalist beliefs and its transformation from a marginalised group to a central force in Israeli society. As the fastest-growing demographic, the Haredi community exemplified the tension between fundamentalism and modernity. The study explored the defining characteristics, political ideologies and social influence of Haredi Judaism in Israel, detailing how it transitioned from insular religious enclaves to active participants in national politics. The article also examined the Haredi (...)
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  7.  38
    The time course and characteristics of procedural learning in schizophrenia patients and healthy individuals.Yael Adini, Yoram S. Bonneh, Seva Komm, Lisa Deutsch & David Israeli - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  8.  18
    Watching televised representations and self-identity of national minorities: Israeli Arab citizens’ perceptions of their media representations on Israeli television.Hillel Nossek & Nissim Katz - 2020 - Communications 45 (4):463-478.
    This study focuses on how Israeli Arab citizens perceive their media representations on Israeli television and why they consume television broadcasts even though they are marked mostly by negative representations. A new concept – “Communication Boundary Situation” – a development of Jaspers’ “Boundary Situation” theory, is the theoretical framework for the article. The empirical data was collected by conducting semi-structured in-depth interviews. The findings point to different attitudes among the interviewees towards their representation in various television genres, in (...)
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    European Identity and National Characteristics in the Historia philosophica of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.Gregorio Piaia - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (4):593-605.
    Notes and Discussions European Identity and National Characteristics in the Historia philosophica of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Philosophy proper commences in the West. It is in the West that this freedom of self- consciousness first comes forth; the natural consciousness, and likewise Mind disap- pear into themselves. In the brightness of the East the individual disappears; the fight first becomes in the West the flash of thought which strikes within itself, and from thence creates its world out of (...)
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    Jacob Talmon between “good” and “bad” nationalism.Ezra Mendelsohn - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (2):197-205.
    Jacob Talmon was a believer in nationalism, and in Jewish nationalism of the Zionist variety in particular. He was convinced of the moral right of Jews to establish their own state in Palestine/eretz Yisrael. On the other hand, he was aware of the dangers inherent in nationalism, of its tendency toward chauvinism, intolerance toward “the other,” and violence. In the case of Zionism he contrasted the pre-1967 movement, which he believed was characterized by moderation in the spirit of his hero, (...)
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    When Mystics and Politics are Intertwined: Understanding Dukun as a Shamanistic System in Bugis-Makassar Political Sphere, Indonesia.Muh Basir Said, Ahmad Ismail, Andi Batara Al Isra & Muh Nur Rahmat Yasim - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1439-1451.
    The practitioner of the shamanic system among the Bugis-Makassar people in Indonesia is known as dukun or sanro, a person believed has a supranatural power, using their power either to help others or bringing harm, such as disease”. This is an interpretative-descriptive anthropological research. We made observations by directly observing, listening, and recording events related to the problem. We also conducted in-depth interviews with dukun and customers using interview guides and other tools such as recorders. We found that there are (...)
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  12.  54
    The New Mizrahi Narrative in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Resling.
    The trend to centralization of the Mizrahi narrative has become an integral part of the nationalistic, ethnic, religious, and ideological-political dimensions of the emerging, complex Israeli identity. This trend includes several forms of opposition: strong opposition to "melting pot" policies and their ideological leaders; opposition to the view that ethnicity is a dimension of the tension and schisms that threaten Israeli society; and, direct repulsion of attempts to silence and to dismiss Mizrahim and so marginalize them hegemonically. The (...)
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  13.  57
    Differing national orientations toward the future: A comparative examination of societal characteristics and public opinion.Bettina Huber - 1981 - World Futures 17 (3):157-194.
    (1981). Differing national orientations toward the future: A comparative examination of societal characteristics and public opinion∗. World Futures: Vol. 17, No. 3-4, pp. 157-194.
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  14.  22
    30 Characteristics of Chinese Philosophy and the Chinese National Spirit.Li Cun Shan - 2016 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1):402-420.
    Humanistic and ethical thought existed in China already in the ancient culture period, and was strongly enhanced during the Spring and Autumn era. Based on this background and foundation, Confucius is ‘a creator of the paradigm’ of Chinese philosophy, and Lao-Tzu is ‘an original metaphysician,’ both establishing the basic tendencies of Chinese philosophy. After that, the philosophies of pre- and post-Qin eras, all continued to develop along their thought. Chinese philosophy has several characteristics, including the unity of nature and man, (...)
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  15. Unruly Daughters to Mother Nation: Palestinian and Israeli First-person Films.Dorit Naaman - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):17-32.
    This article examines the Israeli documentary My Land Zion and the Palestinian documentary Paradise Lost. Both films are critical autobiographical texts and in both, the woman filmmaker negotiates her emotional and ideological ties with her culture, history, and nation. Naaman proposes that by using the autobiographical genre and by engaging emotionally as well as rationally, the women filmmakers discussed offer a particular gendered position rebelliously outside nationalism and the place of women within it.
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  16.  37
    The fact of pluralism and israeli national identity.Rebecca Kook - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):1-24.
    Much of John Rawls' later work is concerned with the appli cation of his philosophical conceptions to the reality of liberal-democratic polities. I suggest that given the modern democratic reality of ethno national pluralism, Rawls' political conception of justice is insufficient to ensure democratic stability. Democratic states manage to contain ethnic pluralism while remaining compatible with liberal principles by promoting a corporate national identity. The key, I argue, lies in the particular member ship criteria devised and implemented by (...)
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  17. Fundamental characteristics of socialist national relations.K. Pomaizl - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (5):611-625.
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  18.  18
    Characteristics of Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions: National Data Analysis in South Korea.Jiyeon Choi, Heejung Jeon & Ilhak Lee - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):33-46.
    This study analyzed the national data on life-sustaining treatment decisions from 2018 to 2020 to find out the characteristics of South Korea’s end-of-life procedure according to the decision-making approach and process. We collected the data of 84,422 patients registered with the National Agency for Management of Life-sustaining Treatment. We divided the patients into four groups (G1, G2, G3, and G4) according to the decision-making approach. A descriptive analysis of each group was conducted using indicators such as the patient’s (...)
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  19.  13
    The Gendering of National Discourses and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.Uta Klein - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (3):341-351.
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    “It’s not us, it’s the government” : Perceptions of a national minority of their representations in the mainstream media during a global pandemic – the case of Israeli Arabs and COVID-19.Nissim Katz - forthcoming - Communications.
    The purpose of this research is to examine how a national minority, in our case Israeli Arabs, perceives its representations in the media during a global pandemic. The importance of this research is in gaining a better understanding of the perceptions of such minorities during global crises so that it can serve as a framework for various similar studies. Israeli Arabs were perceived as those who did not obey the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the (...)
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  21.  59
    Nations Without Nationalism.Julia Kristeva - 1993 - Columbia University Press.
    Kristeva points to Montesquieu's esprit général--his notion of the social body as a guaranteed hierarchy of private rights--in this humanistic plea for tolerance and commonality.
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  22.  23
    (1 other version)Note: Reciprocity of Rights and Duties, Benefits and Burdens: National Service for Israeli Arabs.Daniel Statman - 2012 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 6 (2):247-258.
    Jews and Arabs in Israel often agree that there is a reciprocal relation between rights and duties, though they derive opposing conclusions from it. Jews infer that Arabs are not entitled to the same rights and privileges as Jews are, since they do not shoulder an equal share of the duties. Arabs, by contrast, argue that they are under no duty to share the burdens, particularly military or national service, since their rights are not fully respected. The Paper assesses (...)
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  23.  26
    Spectral Nationality: Passages of Freedom from Kant to Postcolonial Literatures of Liberation.Pheng Cheah - 2003 - Columbia University Press.
    This far-ranging and ambitious attempt to rethink postcolonial theory's discussion of the nation and nationalism brings the problems of the postcolonial condition to bear on the philosophy of freedom. Closely identified with totalitarianism and fundamentalism, the nation-state has a tainted history of coercion, ethnic violence, and even, as in ultranationalist Nazi Germany, genocide. Most contemporary theorists are therefore skeptical, if not altogether dismissive, of the idea of the nation and the related metaphor of the political body as an organism. Going (...)
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  24.  10
    National history and new nationalism in the twenty-first century: a global comparison.Niels F. May & Thomas Maissen (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    National history has once again become a battlefield. In internal political conflicts, which are fought on the terrain of popular culture, museums, schoolbooks, and memorial politics, it has taken on a newly important and contested role. Irrespective of national specifics, the narratives of new nationalism are quite similar everywhere. National history is said to stretch back many centuries, expressesing the historical continuity of a homogeneous people and its timeless character. This people struggles for independence, guided by towering (...)
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  25.  42
    Priorities in the Israeli health care system.Frida Simonstein - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):341-347.
    The Israeli health care system is looked upon by some people as one of the most advanced health care systems in the world in terms of access, quality, costs and coverage. The Israel health care system has four key components: (1) universal coverage; (2) ‘cradle to grave’ coverage; (3) coverage of both basic services and catastrophic care; and (4) coverage of medications. Patients pay a (relatively) small copayment to see specialists and to purchase medication; and, primary care is free. (...)
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  26.  16
    Blood on their hands: The story of a photograph in the Israeli national discourse.Zohar Kampf - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (162):263-285.
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    Stones against the Iron Fist, Terror within the Nation: Alternating Structures of Violence and Cultural Identity in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.Scott Atran - 1990 - Politics and Society 18 (4):481-526.
    The framework of the Israel-Palestinian Arab conflict has evolved over the last half century through an instrumentalization of violence by the parties concerned. Two alternating "structures of violence" have emerged to define this instrumentality: the one Israeli, the other Palestinian. I call these structures of violence "alternating" rather than merely "reciprocating" because the one not only feeds off the other and actually practices on the other that which is merely fancied and projected as the other's intention but also because (...)
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  28. The United Nations and minimal morality / Owen Flanagan. Alternative formulations of a minimalist morality with liberal characteristics. Tianxia with liberal democratic characteristics? Precedents for a cultural renaissance based on inclusive engagements.Albert Welter - 2025 - In Roger T. Ames, Jin Young Lim & Steven Y. H. Yang (eds.), Formulating a minimalist morality for a new planetary order: alternative cultural perspectives. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
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    MODERNISATION FEATURES OF SOCIALISM WITH CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS DOCTRINE IN THE NEW ERA (following the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China).Sergii Rudenko & Liudmyla Yevdokymova - forthcoming - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy.
    This article presents an analytical overview of the critical modernisation features of Socialism with Chinese characteristics doctrine in the new era, which was proposed at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The authors reconstructed and systematically represented the central philosophical and political principles of the doctrine of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the context of the fundamental principles of Chinese Marxism. The authors also analysed and presented in a systematic form the essence and basic theoretical (...)
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  30.  31
    No longer complacent?: Why israeli women did not rebel.Dahlia Moore - 1998 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28 (2):169–192.
    Why did Israeli women not fight for social equality until the late 1980s? And what changed their individual and collective willingness to act? The paper maintains that social action to improve women’s positions in society didexist before the late 1980s but it was mostly not rebellious in the sense that it was not directed against men or the existing social order. The main factor behind the in[action is the lack of feminist ideologies that affect and support gender identities. This (...)
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  31.  29
    National Surveys and Organised International Comparisons - The Practical Building Blocks of National Medical Professions.Godelieve van Heteren - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2 (3):247-252.
    In this third article on the role of international comparative practices in the formation of national health care systems I discuss a familiar group of systems-builders--medical professional organisations--and so focus on some early comparisons undertaken by organised groups of doctors. So far in this series I have argued that any attempt to make international comparisons--whether in the 19th-century or today--is bound to be based on a 'characteristically national' understanding. Not infrequently such an understanding finds its clearest expression in (...)
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  32.  64
    The Contested Nation: Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories.Stefan Berger & Chris Lorenz (eds.) - 2008 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume asks which national histories underpinned which national identity constructions in almost every nation state in Europe during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It explores the construction of national identities through history writing and analyses their interrelationship with histories of ethnicity/race, class and religion.
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    Nation Building in Contemporary Germany. The strange transformation of Hitler’s “word made of stone”.Martin Beckstein - 2013 - Nations and Nationalism 19 (4):761-780.
    This article examines the contending redefinitions of national identity in contemporary Germany's memorial culture, focusing particularly on the ensemble of monuments and parade fields known as the former Nazi Party rally grounds in Nuremberg. In a detailed case study, I analyse the recent conversion of one of the physical remnants of National Socialism – Albert Speer's transformer station – into a fast-food restaurant and interpret this conversion as a novel contribution to the discourse on German nationhood. I argue (...)
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  34.  20
    Liberal Nationalism for Israel: Towards an Israeli National Identity (Review). [REVIEW]Robert Elliott Allinson - 2002 - Iyyun 51:81-84.
  35.  19
    Mill on Nationality (review).Bart Schultz - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):567-568.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 567-568 [Access article in PDF] Georgios Varouxakis. Mill on Nationality. New York: Routledge, 2002. Pp. ix + 169. Cloth $80.00. Georgios Varouxakis is a leader in the new generation of Mill scholars, and his work is exciting and provocative. Well-versed in recent debates over nationalism, colonialism, orientalism, and racism, he aims to address rather than avoid questions about Mill's supposed imperialistic (...)
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    Travelling to die: views, attitudes and end-of-life preferences of Israeli considering receiving aid-in-dying in Switzerland.Daniel Sperling - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundFollowing the increased presence of the Right-to-Die Movement, improved end-of-life options, and the political and legal status of aid-in-dying around the globe, suicide tourism has become a promising alternative for individuals who wish to end their lives. Yet, little is known about this from the perspective of those who engage in the phenomenon.MethodsThis study applied the qualitative research approach, following the grounded theory tradition. It includes 11 in-depth semi-structured interviews with Israeli members of the Swiss non-profit Dignitas who contemplated (...)
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  37.  21
    Nursing Home Infection Control Program Characteristics, CMS Citations, and Implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Policies: A National Study.Patricia W. Stone, Carolyn T. A. Herzig, Mansi Agarwal, Monika Pogorzelska-Maziarz & Andrew W. Dick - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801877863.
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  38.  4
    The politics of Nation Branding.Somogy Varga - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (8):825-845.
    Nation Branding is broadly conceived of as an apolitical marketing strategy that targets external markets to establish and communicate a specific image of national identity. However, in this article it is argued that Nation Branding displays characteristics that make it constructive to analyse in terms of an implicit cultural policy. The main point is that Nation Branding is essentially an inner-oriented, cultural- political measure that targets the citizens of the national state, characterized by conservative, transformative and transferring political (...)
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  39.  48
    A national survey of ethics committees in state mental hospitals.Patricia Backlar & Bentson H. McFarland - 1993 - HEC Forum 5 (5):272-288.
    In June 1992, a national mail survey was directed to 204 state inpatient psychiatric institutions. This study was implemented following the 1992 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requirement that hospitals put in place some means with which to address ethical issues. The goals of the study were: 1. to examine state mental hospital characteristics and their response to the JCAHO requirements; 2. to describe healthcare ethics committee (HEC) composition, function, and role; 3. to study patient and (...)
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    Characteristics and practices of “christian-based” companies.Nabil A. Ibrahim, Leslie W. Rue, Patricia P. McDougall & G. Robert Greene - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (2):123 - 132.
    There is a sizeable group of self-described Christian companies which have declared their belief in the successful merging of biblical principles with business activities. As these companies have become more visible, an increasing number of anecdotal newspaper and magazine articles about these companies have appeared. Surprisingly, no rigorous research has been conducted prior to our recent study. This article provides national estimates of the size and predominant characteristics of self-identified Christian companies. In addition, the study investigated the types of (...)
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  41.  14
    National Regulation on Processing Data for Scientific Research Purposes and Biobanking Activities: Reflections on the Experience in Austria.Joanna Osiejewicz, Dmytro M. Zherlitsyn, Svitlana M. Zadorozhna, Oleksii V. Tavolzhanskyi & Maryna O. Dei - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):47-63.
    The application of the latest technologies in biology and medicine has brought them to a qualitatively new level of possibilities. Worldwide, biobanking is actively developing through the creation of biobanks of various types and purposes, whose resources are used to solve therapeutic or scientific problems. Legal science remains an open question concerning the boundary that runs between the right to data protection and the scope of disclosure of data needed for medical purposes. In this article, the author considers peculiarities of (...)
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  42.  28
    Cartoon images as a means of national and cultural self-identification in Modern China.Zijian Wu - 2022 - Философия И Культура 8:65-76.
    Chinese animation of the beginning of the XXI century shows significant progress. A number of cartoons and animated series have been released. The hypothesis of the study is that their imagery, plots, and artistic features differ from foreign cartoons and gradually acquire a national identity. This process began in the 2000s, and its pace is only increasing, while it arouses interest from foreign studies, including Russian ones. The typological analysis of the images of the characters of famous Chinese cartoons (...)
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  43.  12
    National Self-determination: Features of the Evolution and Functioning of the Phenomenon.Inal B. Sanakoev, Санакоев Инал Борисович, Lena T. Kulumbegova, Кулумбегова Лина Темуриевна, Marina L. Ivleva & Ивлева Марина Левенбертовна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):153-162.
    The article analyzes the phenomenon of national self-determination in terms of evolution and functioning. The authors aim to determine the general characteristics and evolution of this phenomenon in both conceptual and applied versions. In the evolution’s context of national self-determination as a theoretical concept and a political and legal principle, several stages were identified and considered. According to the authors, each stage of the phenomenon’s evolution was inevitably accompanied by its qualitative transformations, both in political and legal terms. (...)
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  44.  22
    The national identity and Orthodox Church: The case of contemporary Ukraine.Kateryna Khudoba, Kateryna Shevchuk & Dmytro Shevchuk - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (3-4):199-211.
    This article analyzes Orthodox influence on developing national identity in modern Ukraine. The authors state that the factor of national specificity of Christianity is evident if we consider nations, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, Christianity influences the development of national cultures and has acquired the national characteristics of a particular community. Also, the war in Ukraine, which was started by the Russian Federation on 24 February 2022, has significantly impacted socio-cultural processes in Ukraine, (...)
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    The impact of regional culture on intensive care end of life decision making: an Israeli perspective from the ETHICUS study.F. D. Ganz - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):196-199.
    Background: Decisions of patients, families, and health care providers about medical care at the end of life depend on many factors, including the societal culture. A pan-European study was conducted to determine the frequency and types of end of life practices in European intensive care units , including those in Israel. Several results of the Israeli subsample were different to those of the overall sample.Objective: The objective of this article was to explore these differences and provide a possible explanation (...)
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    Durkheim and national identity in Ireland: applying the sociology of knowledge and religion.James Dingley - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Durkheim and National Identity in Ireland uses the classical sociology of Durkheim, in association with established theories of nation formation, to explore the development of opposed national identities in Ireland and Northern Ireland. James Dingley looks at Catholicism, the core of Irish nationalist identity, and draws upon its established sociological association of pre-industrial, rural peasant society and culture. By contrast, Dingley reviews Protestantism as the core of Ulster identity, with the equal association of industrial, scientific society, as the (...)
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  47. National Character: an Old Problem Re-Examined.Arvid Brodersen - 1957 - Diogenes 5 (20):84-102.
    Human groups, such as families, tribes, and nations, are often perceived as possessing mental qualities and characteristics more or less common to the group as a whole. This ancient tendency to attribute properties of personality or individuality to human aggregates is particularly strong nowadays with regard to nations, the basic units of political action in this age of nationalism and internationalism.In the recent UNESCO study by W. Buchanan and H. Cantril, How Nations See Each Other (1953), based on an eight-nation (...)
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    Evolution Characteristics and Regional Roles’ Influencing Factors of Interprovincial Population Mobility Network in China.Wei Fang, Pengli An & Siyao Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    This paper analyses the evolutionary characteristics of the interprovincial population mobility network structure in China and explores the roles of provinces from 2010 to 2015. By constructing the interprovincial population mobility network, we examine the provinces’ functions during periods of population mobility through population mobility diversity, population mobility, and population mobility intermediation. The results show that the coverage and tightness of the interprovincial population mobility network were influenced by national economic development, increasing steadily from 2010 to 2014 and then (...)
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  49. A “Nation” of Immigrants.Jose Jorge Mendoza - 2010 - The Pluralist 5 (3):41-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A "Nation" of ImmigrantsJose Jorge MendozaIntroductionIn "Nations of Immigrants: Do Words Matter?" Donna Gabaccia provides an illuminating account of the origin of the United States' claim to be a "Nation of Immigrants." Gabaccia's endeavor is motivated by the question "What difference does it make if we call someone a foreigner, an immigrant, an emigrant, a migrant, a refugee, an alien, an exile or an illegal or clandestine?" (Gabaccia 5). (...)
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    Manufacturing national attachments: gift-giving, market exchange and the construction of Irish and Zionist diaspora bonds.Dan Lainer-Vos - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (1):73-106.
    This article explores nation building as an organizational accomplishment and uses the concept of boundary object to explain how the groups that compose the nation cooperate. Specifically, the article examines the mechanisms devised to secure a flow of money from the Irish-American and Jewish-American diasporas to their respective homelands. To overcome problems associated with conventional philanthropy, Irish and Jewish nationalists issued bonds and sold them to their American compatriots as a hybrid of a gift and an investment. In the Irish (...)
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