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Neil A. Gallagher [3]Neil Gallagher [3]
  1.  33
    Venn diagrams for plurative syllogisms.Nicholas Rescher & Neil A. Gallagher - 1965 - Philosophical Studies 16 (4):49 - 55.
  2.  23
    A note on Rescher's “a theory of evidence”.Neil A. Gallagher - 1963 - Philosophical Studies 14 (6):86 - 87.
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  3.  54
    A plea to stop dreaming about dreaming.Neil Gallagher - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (March):423-424.
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  4. The Concept of Blame.Neil Gallagher - 1981 - Dissertation, Brown University
    The word "blame" and the concept of blame are commonly used by both laymen and philosophers. The latter refer to it frequently in the controversies surrounding desert and in controversies surrounding determinism. Some of the brouhaha in each of the above controversies is generated because the disputants use the word "blame" in different ways. One who attacks blame may, in reality, be attacking the practice of settled disapproval; on the other hand, a disputant who defends blame may merely be defending (...)
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  5.  36
    Utilitarian blame: Retrospect and prospects. [REVIEW]Neil Gallagher - 1978 - Journal of Value Inquiry 12 (1):13-23.
  6.  36
    Balet L., Rembrandt and Spinoza[REVIEW]Neil A. Gallagher - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):392-392.
    Both Rembrandt and Spinoza are discussed as representatives of materialistic, nonreligious Holland in the 17th Century, and are contrasted with the painters and philosophers of "absolutism."--N. A. G.
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