Results for 'Néstor Kohan'

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  1.  23
    Reseña de "Cuadernos de la cárcel" de Antonio Gramsci.Néstor Kohan & Miguel Bologna - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (31):126-127.
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    La filosofía militante de Karel Kosík (1926-2003).Néstor Kohan - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (27):87-95.
    In this essay a vision of the synthesis of thought on the part of the Checkoslovakian philosopher Karel Kosick is presented. His work inspired by theMarxist dialectic and the philosophy of praxis, is, and will become ever more so, a theoretical reference for the understanding of the development o..
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    El marxismo crítico de Adolfo Sánchez Vásquez.Nestor Kohan - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (18):101-107.
    Because of the failed coupe d’etat in Venezuela on April 11th of this year, the country has fallen into an institutional and governability crisis which appears to have no short run solution. This has not only influenced the political activism of new social actors and movements, very distinct f..
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    La herencia del fetichismo y el desafío de la hegemonía en una época de rebeldía generalizada.Néstor Kohan - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (29):79-102.
    The author points in this article to the social and political importance of the theory of fetishism and the alienation of Marx when analyzing the social criticism that the development of the hegemonic forces of capitalism on a global scale de served. The post-structuralist and post-marx ist metaphys..
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    Gramsci em Quadrinhos: uma difusão ilustrada. Resenha de Gramsci em Quadrinhos, de Néstor Kohan e Rep.Flávio Américo Tonnetti - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):259-261.
    Resenha de Gramsci em Quadrinhos, de Néstor Kohan e Rep.
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    Philosophy and childhood: critical perspectives and affirmative practices.Walter Omar Kohan - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Some biographical remarks and philosophical questions within philosophy for children -- Celebrating thirty years of philosophy for children -- Good-bye to Matthew Lipman (and Ann Margaret Sharp) -- The politics of formation : a critique of philosophy for children -- Philosophy at public schools of Brasilia, DF -- (Some) reasons for doing philosophy with children -- Philosophizing with children at a philosophy camp -- Does philosophy fit in Caxias? A Latin American project -- Philosophy as spiritual and political exercise in (...)
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    Thinking, Childhood, and Time: Contemporary Perspectives on the Politics of Education.Walter Omar Kohan & Barbara Weber (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book is an interdisciplinary exploration of the notion of childhood and its place in philosophical education. Childhood is not seen as a developmental state that needs to be overcome, but rather an existential state that constitutes a significant part of being human as well as the (forgotten) dimension of the world itself.
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    Childhood, education, and philosophy: new ideas for an old relationship.Walter Omar Kohan - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the idea of a childlike education and offers critical tools to question traditional forms of education, and alternative ways to understand and practice the relationship between education and childhood. Engaging with the work of Michel Foucault, Jacques Rancière, Giorgio Agamben and Simón Rodríguez, it contributes to the development of a philosophical framework for the pedagogical idea at the core of the book, that of a childlike education.Divided into two parts, the book introduces innovative ideas through philosophical argument (...)
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  9. Aleksandr Luria, el Shostakovich de las neurociencias.Néstor A. Braunstein - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 11 (19):63-96.
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    La verità come scelta di vita.Nestor-Luis Cordero - 2008 - Elenchos 29 (1):119-122.
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  11. La multiplicidad de Los sistemas fiLosoficos.Néstor A. Grau - 1970 - Humanitas 16 (22-23):31.
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  12.  37
    Empowerment in family planning as viewed by iranian women: A qualitative study.Shahnaz Kohan, Masoumeh Simbar & Fariba Taleghani - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (2):209-219.
  13. Editor´s welcome.Walter Kohan & David Kennedy - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):191-202.
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    Hva jeg forstår med Borges.Martín Kohan - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):37-47.
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    La Retirada: diseño y evaluación de una propuesta didáctica para 1.º de Bachillerato.Néstor Banderas Navarro, Lara San Miguel Chover, Adrián Pérez Reyes & Juan Vicente Morales Pérez - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:318-346.
    El objetivo principal de este estudio es el de presentar y evaluar una experiencia didáctica realizada en 1.º de Bachillerato sobre el tema de La Retirada, el exilio español en 1939 tras la Guerra Civil. Para ello, se presenta el diseño de esta experiencia en el contexto de un instituto valenciano de secundaria, llevada a cabo en los cursos escolares de 2022-2023 y 2023-2024, así como los resultados de una encuesta realizada al alumnado participante de esta salida de campo. En (...)
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    Agency, Freedom and Choice, Constanze Binder.Nestor Lovera Nieto - 2022 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 22 (2):219-231.
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    Stimulus configuration, long-term potentiation, and the hippocampus.Nestor A. Schmajuk - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):629-631.
    Shors & Matzel propose that hippocampal LTP increases the effective salience of discrete external stimuli and thereby facilitates the induction of memories at distant places. In line with this suggestion, a neural network model of associative learning and hippocampal function assumes that LTP increases hippocampal error signals to the cortex, thereby facilitating stimulus configuration in association cortex. Computer simulations show that under these assumptions the model correctly describes the effect of LTP induction and blockade in classical discriminations and place learning.
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  18. Some Recent Work in Experimental Epistemology.Nestor Ángel Pinillos - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (10):675-688.
    In this paper I survey some recent developments in experimental philosophy and discuss their bearing on two leading theories in epistemology: Contextualism and Interest Relative Invariantism. In the first part of the paper, I survey some general issues of how experimental philosophy may be relevant to assessing contextualism and IRI. In the second part, I discuss and critique some of the recent experimental work.
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    Le concept d'idéologie.Nestor Capdevila - 2004 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Depuis son invention par Destutt de Tracy et sa réinvention par Marx et Engels, le concept d'idéologie n'a cessé de faire problème. Passé dans le langage courant, largement utilisé par les sciences humaines, bien qu'en des significations souvent exclusives les unes des autres, il hante la philosophie comme une sorte de mauvais génie perturbateur qui lui rappellerait l'impureté de ses origines et de ses usages, et qu'il lui faudrait toujours s'employer à réduire ou à sublimer. Encore faudrait-il en produire une (...)
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  20. Educar para a paz em tempos difíceis.Nestor Basso - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):201-207.
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  21.  19
    Recomendaciones bioéticas para la pandemia, una perspectiva personalista.Nestor Daniel Ramirez Borrero, Mónica Andrea Corredor Niño & Sergio Eduardo Navas Gutierrez - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2515-2515.
    The health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic revealed limitations in health systems worldwide, making it necessary to establish a bioethical framework that provides tools to drive health professionals’ decision-making amid scarce health resources. Bioethical models such as principlism, utilitarianism, and personalism seek to focus clinical decisions on respect for people’s rights and dignity, thus protecting the medical practice. Personalism provides a person-centered approach to respect for human dignity during health emergencies to avoid giving material meaning to the individual. Decision (...)
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    Odios globalizados.Néstor García Canclini - 2007 - In Manuel Cruz & Néstor García Canclini (eds.), Odio, violencia, emancipación. Barcelona: Gedisa.
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    Biosemiótica. Un paradigma emergente en biología: (Biosemiotics. An emerging paradigm in biology).Néstor Carrillo - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (3):551-565.
    Se propone el uso de la Semiótica como herramienta integradora para investigar los aspectos fundamentales de los seres vivos. Como tal, la Biosemiótica abre nuevas perspectivas metodológicas para integrar un gran numero de fenómenos aparentemente no vinculados o incompatibles entre sí. EI principio básico es que la Biología, desde el nivel molecular al sistemíco, puede ser estudiada como comunicación, y los procesos biológicos como interacciones mediadas por signos. La vida es definida como una propiedad sistemica de la materia. La Biología (...)
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  24. Analyse de L'edition Aldine du Commentaire de Simplicius a la Physique D'aristote.Néstor-Luis Cordero - 1977 - Hermes 105 (1):42-54.
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  25.  11
    Parmenides, Venerable and Awesome. Plato, Theaetetus 183e: Proceedings of the International Symposium.Nestor-Luis Cordero (ed.) - 2011 - Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing.
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    An Anticipatory Ethical Analysis of Robotic Assisted Surgery.Michael W. Nestor & Richard L. Wilson - 2019 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 38 (1):17-42.
    Here we provide an overview of some of the central ethical issues related to the use of surgical robots. Subsequently we introduce an anticipatory ethical analysis of possible consequences for the use of robotic surgery. Anticipatory ethics aims at identifying ethical problems with emerging technologies while they are at the introductory stages for a wide range of stakeholders. Robotic surgery presents a range of positive possibilities, which include treating patients more safely and effectively to caring for patients with telesurgery at (...)
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  27.  10
    La metafora del tribunale: tra prudenza e coscienza, l'immagine del tribunale nella filosofia kantiana.Nestore Pirillo - 2005 - Trento: Dipartimento di scienze filologiche e storiche.
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    Sartre e la filosofia del suo tempo.Nestore Pirillo (ed.) - 2008 - Trento: Dipartimento di filosofia, storia e beni culturali.
  29.  30
    Real-time attention theories of hippocampal function.Nestor A. Schmajuk - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):130-131.
  30. Ultimate reality and meaning and the social cybernetics approach.Néstor Eduardo Teson - 1984 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 7 (2):117-132.
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  31. Juan Zaragüeta: "el Lenguaje Y La Filosofía".NÉstor Zubeldia & Staff - 1946 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 5 (17):307.
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  32.  12
    By being, it is: the thesis of Parmenides.Nestor-Luis Cordero - 2004 - Las Vegas: Parmenides.
    The adventure of philosophy began in Greece, where it was gradually developed by the ancient thinkers as a special kind of knowledge by which to explain the totality of things. In fact, the Greek language has always used the word onta , "beings," to refer to things. At the end of the sixth century BCE, Parmenides wrote a poem to affirm his fundamental thesis upon which all philosophical systems should be based: that there are beings. In By Being, It Is (...)
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  33.  21
    Frédéric Guillaud, Dieu existe. Arguments philosophiques. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf , 2013, 416 p.Nestor Turcotte - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (1):134.
  34.  22
    Según platón, Los «mortales» de parménides ¿son Los antepasados de Los sofistas?Néstor-Luis Cordero - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 36:395-417.
    RESUMEN ¿Por qué cuando Platón quiere justificar su definición del sofista como un «fabricante de imágenes», se apoya sobre dos versos auténticos de Parménides que aluden, sin duda alguna, al camino recorrido por los «mortales que nada saben»? ¿Quiere acaso sugerir que esos «mortales», que son en realidad «fabricantes de opiniones», son un antecedente de los sofistas, que son «fabricantes de imágenes»? ABSTRACT Why, when Plato wants to justify his definition of the sophist as an "image maker", he quotes two (...)
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    There is, evidently, a “Parmenides physikos”, but….Nestor-Luis Cordero - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 25:1-29.
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    The relativization of “separation” (khorismos) in the Sophist.Néstor-Luis Cordero - 2013 - In Beatriz Bossi & Thomas M. Robinson (eds.), Plato's "Sophist" Revisited. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 187-202.
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  37.  26
    (Brazil) Éticas de la infancia.Walter Omar Kohan - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber (eds.), Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 211.
  38. Chapter black blood matters : moving human and nonhuman bodies from 'question & answer' to a 'pedagogy of questioning'.Walter Kohan, Rose-Anne Reynolds & Karin Murris (eds.) - 2023
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    Ensino de filosofia: perspectivas.Walter Omar Kohan (ed.) - 2002 - Belo Horizonte: Autêntica.
    O sentido principal deste livro é provocar uma experiência de leitura em pessoas interessadas no ensino de filosofia. TAlvez seja mais justo dizer que o que se almeja é propiciar experiências de leitura filosófica sobre tal ensino. ISso significa provocar experiências que transformem a relação que temos com o ensino de filosofia, que incomodem o que há de verdade adormecida quando pensamos sobre o ensino de filosofia, e de modo mais direto, quando ensinamos filosofia. ESte livro procura discutir o tipo (...)
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    Crise du capitalisme en Amérique Latine et en Argentine.Nestor Lavergne, Michel Picquart & Jacques Bidet - 1994 - Actuel Marx 16 (2):51.
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    La economía de la dignidad.Néstor Hernando Parra - 2013 - Ratio Juris 8 (17):159-178.
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    "Coscienza, riflessione e critica fenomenologica". Una discussione del 1947 alla società francese di Filosofia.Nestore Pirillo - 2009 - Idee 70:85-98.
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    Information processing in the hippocampal formation.Nestor A. Schmajuk - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):745.
  44.  18
    Constructivisme, anti-essentialisme et racisme.Nestor Capdevilla - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):461-464.
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    Measuring the Capacity to Love: Development of the CTL-Inventory.Nestor D. Kapusta, Konrad S. Jankowski, Viktoria Wolf, Magalie Chéron-Le Guludec, Madlen Lopatka, Christopher Hammerer, Alina Schnieder, David Kealy, John S. Ogrodniczuk & Victor Blüml - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Undocumented Migration and Evolving Health Care Ethical Issues.Nestor Rodriguez - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):58-60.
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  47.  27
    Stimulus configuration, classical conditioning, and hippocampal function.Nestor A. Schmajuk & James J. DiCarlo - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (2):268-305.
  48.  35
    Totalitarisme, idéologie et démocratie.Nestor Capdevila - 2003 - Actuel Marx 33 (1):167-187.
    Totalitarianism, Ideology and Democracy. The coherence of the concept of totalitarianism is called into question through the contradiction between its restricted meaning and its larger meaning, encompassing the entire history of the USSR. The coherence of the notion also suffers from the equivocal use of the concept of ideology, understood as illusion or falsehood. The popularity of the weaker use of the concept is to be accounted for on polemical grounds, which have to do with the questionable conception of democracy (...)
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  49.  10
    Tocqueville ou Marx: démocratie, capitalisme, révolution.Nestor Capdevila - 2012 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Il arrive que la guerre froide soit pensée comme une victoire de Tocqueville sur Marx. Le dialogue imaginé dans ce livre montre que les idées de démocratie ou de mode de production capitaliste sont d’abord une alternative théorique pour penser la société contemporaine. La redéfinition possible de la démocratie sur le modèle de celle du communisme par Marx crée cependant un terrain où les positions théoriques et politiques peuvent s’affronter pour déterminer le cours de la révolution permanente de leur temps. (...)
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    Il faut rétablir la version originale de Sophiste 240 B 7-9.Nestor-Luis Cordero - 2007 - Elenchos 28 (2):403-414.
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