Results for 'Niambi Francese Hall-Campbell'

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  1.  49
    Practicing Community Psychology Through Mixed Methods Participatory Research Designs.Giovanni Aresi, Dawn X. Henderson, Niambi Francese Hall-Campbell & Emma Jane Frances Ogley-Oliver - 2017 - World Futures 73 (7):473-490.
    Community psychologists address social inequalities and problems by employing ecological principles, multiple methodologies, and participatory approaches to empower individuals, organizations, and communities to organize action and systems change. This article aims to contribute to mixed methods literature by presenting three models of mixed methods participatory research across a variety of geographic and sociocultural contexts. The models outline participatory processes and points of qualitative and quantitative data integration. Challenges related to the interplay between participatory approaches and mixed methods studies as well (...)
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    What Capitalism Needs: Forgotten Lessons of Great Economists.John L. Campbell & John A. Hall - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    From unemployment to Brexit to climate change, capitalism is in trouble and ill-prepared to cope with the challenges of the coming decades. How did we get here? While contemporary economists and policymakers tend to ignore the political and social dimensions of capitalism, some of the great economists of the past - Adam Smith, Friedrich List, John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter, Karl Polanyi and Albert Hirschman - did not make the same mistake. Leveraging their insights, sociologists John L. Campbell and (...)
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    The scope of infants' early object word extensions.Jennifer Campbell & D. Geoffrey Hall - 2022 - Cognition 228 (C):105210.
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    The high costs of getting ethical and site-specific approvals for multi-centre research.Nicholas Graves, Brett G. Mitchell, Anne Gardner, Katie Page, Lisa Hall, Alison Farrington, Carla Shield, Megan J. Campbell & Adrian G. Barnett - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundMulti-centre studies generally cost more than single-centre studies because of larger sample sizes and the need for multiple ethical approvals. Multi-centre studies include clinical trials, clinical quality registries, observational studies and implementation studies. We examined the costs of two large Australian multi-centre studies in obtaining ethical and site-specific approvals.MethodsWe collected data on staff time spent on approvals and expressed the overall cost as a percent of the total budget.ResultsThe total costs of gaining approval were 38 % of the budget for (...)
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    Recommendations for Nanomedicine Human Subjects Research Oversight: An Evolutionary Approach for an Emerging Field.Leili Fatehi, Susan M. Wolf, Jeffrey McCullough, Ralph Hall, Frances Lawrenz, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Cortney Jones, Stephen A. Campbell, Rebecca S. Dresser, Arthur G. Erdman, Christy L. Haynes, Robert A. Hoerr, Linda F. Hogle, Moira A. Keane, George Khushf, Nancy M. P. King, Efrosini Kokkoli, Gary Marchant, Andrew D. Maynard, Martin Philbert, Gurumurthy Ramachandran, Ronald A. Siegel & Samuel Wickline - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):716-750.
    Nanomedicine is yielding new and improved treatments and diagnostics for a range of diseases and disorders. Nanomedicine applications incorporate materials and components with nanoscale dimensions where novel physiochemical properties emerge as a result of size-dependent phenomena and high surface-to-mass ratio. Nanotherapeutics and in vivo nanodiagnostics are a subset of nanomedicine products that enter the human body. These include drugs, biological products, implantable medical devices, and combination products that are designed to function in the body in ways unachievable at larger scales. (...)
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    CUF 101, a new variety of alfalfa is resistant to the blue alfalfa aphid.William F. Lehman, Mervin W. Nielson, Vern L. Marble, Ernest H. Stanford, Edmond C. Loomis, Russell E. Fontaine, Robert M. Boardman, Robert N. Campbell, Robert W. Scheuerman & Dennis H. Hall - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Epicurus, the Garden, and the Golden Age.Gordon Campbell - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien, Gardening ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 220–231.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The School in the Garden Prehistory and the Rise of Cities The Locus Amoenus and the Origins of Agriculture Diogenes of Oinoanda and the Future Epicurean Golden Age Notes.
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    John Ferguson: Callimachus. Pp. 185. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. $13.95 . - Steven F. Walker: Theocritus. Pp. 167. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. $14.95. [REVIEW]Malcolm Campbell - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (1):94-95.
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    The Hume Literature for 1982.Roland Hall - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):167-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:167 THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1982 The Hume literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; £9.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. Publications of the years 1977 to 1981 were listed in Hume Studies in previous Novembers. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1985.Roland Hall - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (2):429-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:429 THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1985 The Hume literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; £9.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. (The book is still in print.) Publications of the years 1977 to 1984 were listed in previous issues of Hume Studies. What follows here will bring the (...)
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  11. Attention & Inscrutability.Austen Clark & Manchester Hall - unknown
    We assemble here in this time and place to discuss the thesis that conscious attention can provide knowledge of reference of perceptual demonstratives. I shall focus my commentary on what this claim means, and on the main argument for it found in the first five chapters of Reference and Consciousness. The middle term of that argument is an account of what attention does: what its job or function is. There is much that is admirable in this account, and I am (...)
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  12. Stres kerja Dan temperaman perawat bagian psikiatri.Susan Oentoro, Zamralita & Lianawati - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 8 (2).
    The purpose of this research is to describe the work stress level of psychiatric nurse and to find out the difference of work stress between the temperaments of psychiatric nurse. According to Robbins (1996), stress is a dynamic condition where an individual is confronted with and opportunity, constraints and demands that related with a person desire and the result was percept as unpredictable and important matter. Constraints and demands in this research are specialized in work environment. One of the factors (...)
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    Campbell's Agamemnon in English.A. Y. Campbell - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (04):217-218.
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  14. Joint attention to music.Tom Cochrane - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (1):59-73.
    This paper contrasts individual and collective listening to music, with particular regard to the expressive qualities of music. In the first half of the paper a general model of joint attention is introduced. According to this model, perceiving together modifies the intrinsic structure of the perceptual task, and encourages a convergence of responses to a greater or lesser degree. The model is then applied to music, looking first at the silent listening situation typical to the classical concert hall, and (...)
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    Erratum to: Stanley Peters and Dag Westerståhl: Quantifiers in language and logic: OUP, New York, 2006, 528 pp. [REVIEW]Edward L. Keenan & Denis Paperno - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (1):91-91.
    Erratum to: Stanley Peters and Dag Westerståhl: Quantifiers in language and logic Content Type Journal Article Category Erratum Pages 1-1 DOI 10.1007/s10988-011-9094-5 Authors Edward L. Keenan, Department of Linguistics, University of California at Los Angeles, 3125 Campbell Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543, USA Denis Paperno, Department of Linguistics, University of California at Los Angeles, 3125 Campbell Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543, USA Journal Linguistics and Philosophy Online ISSN 1573-0549 Print ISSN 0165-0157.
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  16. The Ownership of Thoughts.John Campbell - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):35-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.1 (2002) 35-39 [Access article in PDF] The Ownership of Thoughts John Campbell Keywords: schizophrenia, thought insertion, immunity to error through misidentification. SYDNEY SHOEMAKER FORMULATED a basic point about first-person, present-tense ascriptions of psychological states when he declared that they are, in general, immune to error through misidentification (Shoemaker 1984). Assuming Shoemaker's point to be correct, the puzzle it raises is this: how are (...)
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  17. Daphne, Honor, and Aetiological Action in Ovid's Metamorphoses.Christopher Francese - 2004 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 97 (2).
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  18. La crisi e le opportunità del Social Housing.Dora Francese, Claudio Grimellini & Cristian Filagrossi Ambrosino - forthcoming - Techne.
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    Memory and Nostalgia in Antonio Tabucchi's Last Two Books.Joseph Francese - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (7):918-934.
    In Il tempo invecchia in fretta, a collection of short stories (2009), and in Viaggi e altri viaggi, a travel book (2010), the Italian novelist Antonio Tabucchi (1943–2012) investigates the conflict between interior time, or duration, and social, or historical time. Il tempo invecchia interrogates the dialectic between individual lives and grand historical processes. Viaggi—Tabucchi's intellectual autobiography—retrieves the past, which exists in the present as memory, so as to counter the “eternal present” of media time and its humus, consumerism, and (...)
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  20. (1 other version)The Metaphysic of Abstract Particulars.Keith Campbell - 1981 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 6 (1):477-488.
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    Morals by Agreement.Richmond Campbell - 1988 - Philosophical Quarterly 38 (152):343-364.
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  22. Past, Space, and Self.John Campbell - 1994 - MIT Press.
    In this book John Campbell shows that the general structural features of human thought can be seen as having their source in the distinctive ways in which we...
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    For business ethics.Campbell Jones - 2005 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Martin Parker & René ten Bos.
    Taking a fundamentally critical approach to the subject of business ethics, this book deals with the traditional material of ethics in business, as well as introducing and surveying some of the most interesting developments in critical ethical theory which have not yet been introduced to the mainstream. Including chapters on different philosophical approaches to ethics, this is a highly structured and clearly written textbook, the first book of its kind on this often neglected aspect of business.
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    Still Rainin', Still Dreamin': Hall Anderson's Ketchikan.Hall Anderson - 2010 - University of Alaska Press.
    A staff photographer for the Ketchikan Daily News, Hall Anderson counted among his early influences photographers like Robert Frank and Henri Cartier-Bresson, who understood the visual bounty to be found in photographing the candid side of life. For more than twenty-five years, Anderson has brought this perspective to his photographic endeavors, both personal and professional, in the small town of Ketchikan in southeast Alaska. Still Rainin' Still Dreamin' showcases one hundred of Anderson's prize-winning black-and-white images, which collectively chronicle three (...)
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    Commentary.L. Leon Campbell - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (4):37-39.
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    Compassionate Conservatism: What it is, What it Does, And How it Can Transform America, by Marvin Olasky.Joe Campbell - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (4):525-533.
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    C.R. lviii. 9–11: Corrigenda and Addenda.A. Y. Campbell - 1945 - The Classical Review 59 (01):11-.
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    Inthis chapter, I would like to discuss a few figures and ideas that should help indicate both the roots of diversity in the pragmatic tradition and the.James Campbell - 2012 - In Judith M. Green, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich, Pragmatism and diversity: Dewey in the context of late twentieth century debates. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 11.
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    Naturalizing Agency: A Response to the Commentary.Peter G. Campbell - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (2):123-124.
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    Southern Agrarian Conference.William Campbell - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (3):460-460.
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    Comments on Kolenda's Theses.Campbell Crockett - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):115-117.
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  32. (1 other version)The Distinction between Modernizing and Dissolving Aesthetics.Campbell Crockett - 1953 - Synthese 9 (6):362-371.
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  33. Hall, H. R.: Aegean Archaeology.T. S. Hall - 1914 - Classical Weekly 8:190-191.
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  34. Cognitive styles and cognitive structure.Campbell J. McRobbie - 1991 - Science Education 75 (2):231-242.
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    Christ for us and in us.Campbell N. Moody - 1935 - London: Allen & Unwin.
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    Laws and Theories.Norman Campbell - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (51):313 - 320.
    Is there any important distinction between a law and a theory? Some usages suggest that there is. Thus, everyone speaks of Boyle's Law and of the dynamical theory of gases. But the most summary inquiry will show that the distinction is not maintained consistently by individual authors, still less as between different authors; the terms “Newtonian law” and “theory of gravitation” seem to be used indifferently to denote the same proposition.
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    The psychological subject and harré's social psychology: An analysis of a constructionist case.Campbell L. Scott Andhenderikus J. Stam - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (4):327–352.
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  38. The Sophistes and Politicus of Plato.L. Campbell - 1867 - Clarendon Press.
  39. Closure of Constraints as a Theoretical Model.Campbell Rider - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    In this paper I offer a model-theoretic interpretation of Autonomy Theory as defended by Moreno, Mossio, Montévil and Bich. I address accusations that Autonomy Theory is excessively liberal, such as those made by Garson (2017), arguing that these misunderstand the role of strategic abstractions and generalizations in theory construction. Conceiving of closure of constraints as a model-building effort that emphasizes generality – in the spirit of Levins (1966) – also clarifies its potential for application in empirical contexts.
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  40. Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self.Sue Campbell - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):165-168.
  41. Minding the Is-Ought Gap.Campbell Brown - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (1):53-69.
    The ‘No Ought From Is’ principle (or ‘NOFI’) states that a valid argument cannot have both an ethical conclusion and non-ethical premises. Arthur Prior proposed several well-known counterexamples, including the following: Tea-drinking is common in England; therefore, either tea-drinking is common in England or all New Zealanders ought to be shot. My aim in this paper is to defend NOFI against Prior’s counterexamples. I propose two novel interpretations of NOFI and prove that both are true.
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    The Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China.David L. Hall & Roger T. Ames - 1999 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Will democracy figure prominently in China's future? If so, what kind of democracy? In this insightful and thought-provoking book, David Hall and Roger Ames explore such questions and, in the course of answering them, look to the ideas of John Dewey and Confucius.
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    Deleuze's Difference and Repetition: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide.Henry Somers-Hall - 2012 - Edinburgh University Press.
    When students read Difference and Repetition for the first time, they face two main hurdles: the wide range of sources that Deleuze draws upon and his dense writing style. This Edinburgh Philosophical Guide helps students to negotiate these hurdles, taking them through the text step by step. It situates Deleuze within Continental philosophy more broadly and explains why he develops his philosophy in his unique way. Seasoned Deleuzians will also be interested in Somers-Hall's novel interpretation of Difference and Repetition.
  44. (2 other versions)A New and Improved Supervenience Argument for Ethical Descriptivism.Campbell Brown - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 205-18.
    Ethical descriptivism is the view that all ethical properties are descriptive properties. Frank Jackson has proposed an argument for this view which begins with the premise that the ethical supervenes on the descriptive, any worlds that differ ethically must differ also descriptively. This paper observes that Jackson's argument has a curious structure, taking a linguistic detour between metaphysical starting and ending points, and raises some worries stemming from this. It then proposes an improved version of the argument, which avoids these (...)
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    Illusions of Paradox: A Feminist Epistemology Naturalized.Richmond Campbell - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Modern epistemology has run into several paradoxes in its efforts to explain how knowledge acquisition can be both socially based and still able to determine objective facts about the world. In this important book, Richmond Campbell attempts to dispel some of these paradoxes, to show how they are ultimately just "illusions of paradox," by developing ideas central to two of the most promising currents in epistemology: feminist epistemology and naturalized epistemology. Campbell's aim is to construct a coherent theory (...)
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    La estructuración jerárquica del cambio climático y la relación entre sus escalas-niveles.Christian Federico Francese & Guillermo Folguera - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 26:74-90.
    En gran medida, el cambio climático ha sido estructurado de manera jerárquica en escalas-niveles: local, regional y global. Sin embargo, el vínculo entre dichas escalas-niveles y la delimitación de cada una dista de ser trivial. En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar cómo es considerado el cambio climático y sus escalas-niveles por el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) y en dos proyectos productivos: las plantaciones forestales de Chile y el trigo transgénico HB4. Ambos proyectos son exhibidos en (...)
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    Power and Responsibility in the Practice of Medicine.Alastair V. Campbell - 1989 - Studies in Christian Ethics 2 (1):5-16.
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  48. Early Mathematics Education.Stephen Campbell - 2002 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 15.
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    Lying Through Their Teeth.Danny C. Campbell - 2007 - Teaching Ethics 7 (2):25-38.
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  50. Rethinking Emerson-an examination of his enduring value.J. Campbell - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (4):56-67.
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