Results for 'Nicholas N. Poppe'

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  1.  23
    Buriat Grammar.John Charles Street & Nicholas N. Poppe - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):114.
  2.  19
    Review of Nicholas N. Kittrie, Jackwell Susman and American Society of Criminology: Legality, Morality, and Ethics in Criminal Justice[REVIEW]Nicholas N. Kittrie & Jackwell Susman - 1982 - Ethics 92 (3):563-565.
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    Economic Ideas and the Political Process: Debating Tax Cuts in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1962-1981.Nicholas Pagnucco & Elizabeth Popp Berman - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (3):347-372.
    While sociologists and political scientists have become interested in the role of ideas in the political process, relatively little work looks at how ideological claims are actually deployed in political discourse. This article examines the economic claims made in two pairs of Congressional debates over tax cuts, one generally associated with Keynesian economic theories, and one tied to supply-side ideas. While these bills were indeed initiated by groups subscribing to different economic ideologies, subsequent debates look surprisingly similar. The bills were (...)
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    Legality, Morality, and Ethics in Criminal Justice.Nicholas N. Kittrie, Jackwell Susman & American Society of Criminology - 1979 - Praeger Publishers.
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    The Islamic Book. A Contribution to Its Art and History from the VII-XVIII Century.Nicholas N. Martinovitch, Thomas W. Arnold & Adolf Grohmann - 1930 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 50:82.
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    The Turkish chalabīThe Turkish chalabi.Nicholas N. Martinovitch - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):194.
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    Mongolische Handschriften, Blockdrucke, Landkarten.Nicholas Poppe, Walther Heissig, Klaus Sagaster & Wolfgang Voigt - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):112.
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    TungusicaBeiträge zur nordasiatischen Kulturgeschichte, Band IBeitrage zur nordasiatischen Kulturgeschichte, Band I.Nicholas Poppe, Michael Weiers & Gerhard Doerfer - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):394.
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    The Kalmyk-Mongolian Vocabulary in Stralenberg's Geography of 1730.Nicholas Poppe & John R. Krueger - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (2):187.
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    Catalogue of the Manchu-Mongol Section of the Toyo Bunko.James Evert Bosson, Nicholas Poppe, Leon Hurvitz & Hidehiro Okada - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):631.
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    Vergleichende Grammatik der altaischen Sprachen. Teil I, Vergleichende Lautlehre.John R. Krueger & Nicholas Poppe - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (1):70.
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    Tsongol Folklore. Translation of the Collection "The Language and Collective Farm Poetry of the Buriat Mongols of the Selenga Region".Lajos Bese & Nicholas Poppe - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):214.
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    Case Studies: The Woman Who Died in a Box.Kim Hopper & Nicholas N. Kittrie - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (3):18.
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    Introduction to Altaic Linguistics.J. Stewart-Robinson & Nicholas Poppe - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):662.
  15.  19
    Bashkir Manual, Descriptive Grammar and Texts with a Bashkir-English Glossary.Ahmed Temir & Nicholas Poppe - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (4):423.
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    (2 other versions)Tatar Manual.M. J. Dresden & Nicholas Poppe - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):830.
  17.  32
    American Studies in Altaic Linguistics.E. H. S. & Nicholas Poppe - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):280.
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  18.  29
    Uzbek Newspaper Reader.Annemarie V. Gabain & Nicholas Poppe - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):456.
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  19.  23
    Sinomongolische Glossare I, Das Hua-I i-yüLa langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIVe siècle, Le Houa-yi yi-yu de 1389 II, Vocabulaire-IndexSinomongolische Glossare I, Das Hua-I i-yuLa langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIVe siecle, Le Houa-yi yi-yu de 1389 II, Vocabulaire-Index. [REVIEW]Nicholas Poppe, Erich Haenisch & Marian Lewicki - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (4):301.
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    The Twelve Deeds of Buddha. A Mongolian Version of the Lalitavistara.Michael Weiers & Nicholas Poppe - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):270.
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    The Diamond Sutra. Three Mongolian Versions of the Vajracchedikā PrajñāpāramitāThe Diamond Sutra. Three Mongolian Versions of the Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita.G. Kara & Nicholas Poppe - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):534.
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  22.  15
    Schriftliche Quellen in Moġoli. 2. Teil: Bearbeitung der TexteSchriftliche Quellen in Mogoli. 2. Teil: Bearbeitung der Texte. [REVIEW]Nicholas Poppe & Michael Weiers - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):581.
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    Kirghiz Manual.J. B., Raymond J. Hebert & Nicholas Poppe - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):207.
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    Buriat Reader.John R. Krueger, James E. Bosson & Nicholas Poppe - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (4):517.
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  25. 4 Some remarks on Russell's early decompositional style of analysis.Nicholas Griffin - 2007 - In Michael Beaney (ed.), The Analytic Turn: Analysis in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Routledge. pp. 75.
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    La langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIVe siècle. Le Houa-yi yi-yu de 1389. Édition critique précédée des observations philologiques et accompagnée de la reproduction phototypique du texteLa langue mongole des transcriptions chinoises du XIVe siecle. Le Houa-yi yi-yu de 1389. Edition critique precedee des observations philologiques et accompagnee de la reproduction phototypique du texte. [REVIEW]N. Poppe & Marian Lewicki - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (3):187.
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  27. Grammaticality and meaning shift.Márta Abrusán, Nicholas Asher & Tim Van de Cruys - 2021 - In Gil Sagi & Jack Woods (eds.), The Semantic Conception of Logic : Essays on Consequence, Invariance, and Meaning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Conceptual representations in goal-directed decision making.Nicholas Shea, Kristine Krug & Philippe N. Tobler - 2008 - Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 8 (4):418-428.
    Emerging evidence suggests that the long-established distinction between habit-based and goal-directed decision-making mechanisms can also be sustained in humans. Although the habit-based system has been extensively studied in humans, the goal-directed system is less well characterized. This review brings to that task the distinction between conceptual and nonconceptual representational mechanisms. Conceptual representations are structured out of semantic consituents - the use of which requires an ability to perform some language-like syntactic processing. Decision making - as investigated by neuroscience and psychology (...)
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    Cognitive Mapping Without Vision: Comparing Wayfinding Performance After Learning From Digital Touchscreen-Based Multimodal Maps vs. Embossed Tactile Overlays.Nicholas A. Giudice, Benjamin A. Guenther, Nicholas A. Jensen & Kaitlyn N. Haase - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Ludwig Wittgenstein on education.N. Burbules, C. Nicholas & M. A. Peters - unknown
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    Translating Copernicus.N. Swerdlow & Nicholas Copernicus - 1981 - Isis 72:73-82.
  32.  15
    Home Intravenous Antibiotic Treatment for a Patient with Opioid Use Disorder.Nicholas Sadovnikoff, Christin N. Price & Daniel A. Solomon - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (4):356-359.
    Intravenous drug abusers may incur bloodstream infections, in particular those involving the heart valves, that often require extended courses of antibiotics, commonly on the order of six weeks.Conventional wisdom has dictated that even when patients are sufficiently well to not need ongoing hospitalization, it is unsafe to complete their antibiotic course in any setting other than in a closely supervised facility, even if this is contrary to their wishes. The assumption has been that such patients would be at risk of (...)
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  33. Land of the Soviets: A Handbook of the U.S.S.R.Nicholas Mikhailov, T. A. Taracouzio & John N. Hazard - 1940 - Science and Society 4 (2):245-251.
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  34. Comparing dualities and gauge symmetries.Sebastian De Haro, Nicholas Teh & Jeremy N. Butterfield - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 59:68-80.
    We discuss some aspects of the relation between dualities and gauge symmetries. Both of these ideas are of course multi-faceted, and we confine ourselves to making two points. Both points are about dualities in string theory, and both have the ‘flavour’ that two dual theories are ‘closer in content’ than you might think. For both points, we adopt a simple conception of a duality as an ‘isomorphism’ between theories: more precisely, as appropriate bijections between the two theories’ sets of states (...)
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    Process Philosophy: A Survey of Basic Issues.Nicholas Rescher - 2000 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    _Process Philosophy_ surveys the basic issues and controversies surrounding the philosophical approach known as “process philosophy.” Process philosophy views temporality, activity, and change as the cardinal factors for our understanding of the real—process has priority over product, both ontologically and epistemically. Rescher examines the movement’s historical origins, reflecting a major line of thought in the work of such philosophers as Heracleitus, Leibniz, Bergson, Peirce, William James, and especially A. N. Whitehead. Reacting against the tendency to associate process philosophy too closely (...)
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    Prior target locations attract overt attention during search.Travis N. Talcott & Nicholas Gaspelin - 2020 - Cognition 201:104282.
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    The Contribution of Common and Specific Therapeutic Factors to Mindfulness-Based Intervention Outcomes.Nicholas K. Canby, Kristina Eichel, Jared Lindahl, Sathiarith Chau, James Cordova & Willoughby B. Britton - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:603394.
    While Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) have been shown to be effective for a range of patient populations and outcomes, a question remains as to the role of common therapeutic factors, as opposed to the specific effects of mindfulness practice, in contributing to patient improvements. This project used a mixed-method design to investigate the contribution of specific (mindfulness practice-related) and common (instructor and group related) therapeutic factors to client improvements within an MBI. Participants with mild-severe depression (N= 104; 73% female,Mage = 40.28) (...)
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    Examen del Corán.Cardinal Nicholas - 2013 - Pamplona: EUNSA. Edited by Víctor Sanz Santacruz & Nicholas.
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    The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica.Nicholas Griffin & Bernard Linsky (eds.) - 2013 - London and Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    To mark the centenary of the 1910 to 1913 publication of the monumental Principia Mathematica by Alfred N. Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, this collection of fifteen new essays by distinguished scholars considers the influence and history of PM over the last hundred years.
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    Clinical Image Consent Requirements: Variability among Top Ten Medical Journals.Juan N. Lessing, Nicholas M. Mark, Matthew K. Wynia & Ethan Cumbler - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (4):423-427.
    The consent process for publication of clinical images in medical journals varies widely. The extent of this variation is not known. It is also not known whether journals follow their own stated best practices or the guidance of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. We assessed consent requirements in a sample of 10 top impact factor general medicine journals that publish clinical images, examining variability in consent requirements for clinical image publication and congruence of requirements with the recommendations of (...)
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    Libro llamado Fedrón: Plato's Phaedo.Nicholas Grenville Plato, Pero Round & Díaz de Toledo - 1993 - Rochester, NY: Distributors, United States and Canada, Boydell & Brewer. Edited by Pero Díaz de Toledo & Nicholas Grenville Round.
    The earliest -- c.1446-7 --complete translation of an authentic dialogue of Plato into a Western vernacular language.
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  42.  6
    Semʹ velikikh taĭn kosmosa.Nicholas Roerich - 1999 - Moskva: "Ėksmo-Press".
    У цій книзі розповідається про ставок з білими водяними ліліями, який знаходиться в міському парку поруч з нашим будинком. На ньому мешкає багато диких птахів, яких приваблює рясна годівля, регулярно роздавав їм відвідувачами парку. Люди з розчуленням спостерігають картину єднання людини з дикою природою, але особливо радіють діти. Книга стане гарним подарунком для вашої дитини.
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    A Complex Story: Universal Preference vs. Individual Differences Shaping Aesthetic Response to Fractals Patterns.Nichola Street, Alexandra M. Forsythe, Ronan Reilly, Richard Taylor & Mai S. Helmy - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:195648.
    Fractal patterns offer one way to represent the rough complexity of the natural world. Whilst they dominate many of our visual experiences in nature, little large-scale perceptual research has been done to explore how we respond aesthetically to these patterns. Previous research (Taylor et al., 2011) suggests that the fractal patterns with mid-range fractal dimensions have universal aesthetic appeal. Perceptual and aesthetic responses to visual complexity have been more varied with findings suggesting both linear (Forsythe et al., 2011) and curvilinear (...)
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    Law and economics: philosophical issues and fundamental questions.Aristides N. Hatzis & Nicholas Mercuro (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Law and Economics approach to law dominates the intellectual discussion of nearly every doctrinal area of law in the US and its influence is growing steadily outside America as well. 2013 marked the fortieth anniversary of the publication of Richard Posner's Economic Analysis of Law, the book that launched the Law and Economics movement. The eighth edition of the book was published in 2011, this time competing against over twenty textbooks, collections and casebooks on law and economics. Although there (...)
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    Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America.James Brodman, J. N. Hillgarth, James F. Powers, Thomas N. Bisson, William M. Bowsky, Nancy Partner, Gene Brucker, Karl F. Morrison, Nancy van Deusen, Paul W. Knoll, Maureen Boulton, Malcolm B. Parkes, Margaret Switten, David Nicholas, Walter Prevenier & Bryce Lyon - 2003 - Speculum 78 (3):1044-1055.
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    The Christian-Sogdian Manuscrip: C 2.Richard N. Frye & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):165.
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    Commentary on: Marcin Koszowy's "Polish logical studies from an informal logic perspective".Nicholas Griffin - unknown
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    (1 other version)T. N. granovskii: On the meaning of history.Nicholas S. Racheotes - 1978 - Studies in East European Thought 18 (3):197-221.
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    Swallow Motor Pattern Is Modulated by Fixed or Stochastic Alterations in Afferent Feedback.Suzanne N. King, Tabitha Y. Shen, M. Nicholas Musselwhite, Alyssa Huff, Mitchell D. Reed, Ivan Poliacek, Dena R. Howland, Warren Dixon, Kendall F. Morris, Donald C. Bolser, Kimberly E. Iceman & Teresa Pitts - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:511045.
    Afferent feedback can appreciably alter the pharyngeal phase of swallow. In order to measure the stability of the swallow motor pattern during several types of alterations in afferent feedback, we assessed swallow during a conventional water challenge in four anesthetized cats, and compared that to swallows induced by fixed (20 Hz) and stochastic (1-20Hz) electrical stimulation applied to the superior laryngeal nerve. The swallow motor patterns were evaluated by electromyographic activity (EMG) of eight muscles, based on their functional significance: laryngeal (...)
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    U.S. Health Care Values: An Historical Perspective.Marilyn L. Bach, Nicholas A. Bryant, Jeri L. Boleman & Charles N. Oberg - 1993 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 2 (1):141-167.
    Stark disparities exist in the United States' health care system. Thirty-five million Americans are uninsured, severely impeding their access to necessary health care. Concurrently, others receive health care services that are of unproven necessity and benefit. We assert that this situation is unjust and morally indefensible.
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