Results for 'Nigbur Roland'

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  1.  20
    How task-set-size influences cognitive control: alpha power and medial-frontal negativities reflect cognitive effort.Nigbur Roland & Ullsperger Markus - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Is pain necessary?Roland Puccetti - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (July):259-69.
    Many writers have been struck by what Ronald Melzack, a leading investigator of pain mechanisms, calls the ‘puzzle’ of pain. Thus the surgeon Leriche, often quoted in this connection, says: Defence reaction? Fortunate warning? But as a matter of fact the majority of illnesses, even the most serious, attack us without warning. Sickness is nearly always a drama in two acts, of which the first takes place, cunningly enough, in the dim silence of bur tissues, with the lights out, before (...)
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    To prevent means to know: Explicit but no implicit agency for prevention behavior.Roland Pfister, Solveig Tonn, Lisa Weller, Wilfried Kunde & Katharina A. Schwarz - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104489.
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    Maladie: de la phénomenologie a la thérapie.Roland Vaschalde - 2007 - Phainomenon 13 (1):155-162.
    We would like to conduct a phenomenological analysis of illness beyond the characteristics which define it scientifically, in order to consider the suffering experience of the sick person which, in reality, constitute its authentic truth. Following Michel Henry’s philosophy which defines life as pathetic self-affection, we will understand that illness may and must first of all be considered as an intense form of this unsurmountable link to one’s self which concerns the very essence of everyone of us as a living (...)
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    Annual address to the members of the south-african philosophical society.Roland Trimen - 1881 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 3 (1):lxx-lxxxii.
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    Note on teeth of the ziphioid whale,mesoplodon layardii, exhibited at the meeting of the south african philosophical society.Roland Trimen - 1886 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 5 (2):295-297.
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    The Political Economy Of Centralization And The European Community.Roland Vaubel - 1992 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 3 (1):11-48.
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    Semantic similarity, predictability, and models of sentence processing.Douglas Roland, Hongoak Yun, Jean-Pierre Koenig & Gail Mauner - 2012 - Cognition 122 (3):267-279.
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    Perceiving by proxy: Effect-based action control with unperceivable effects.Roland Pfister, Christina U. Pfeuffer & Wilfried Kunde - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):251-261.
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    Abstractions and exemplars: The measure noun phrase alternation in German.Roland Schäfer - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (4):729-771.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    On Morals.Roland J. Teske (ed.) - 2013 - Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
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    Chapiteaux ioniques de Thasos.Roland Martin R. - 1972 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 96 (1):303-325.
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    The Neutral: Lecture Course at the College de France (1977-1978).Roland Barthes (ed.) - 2005 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    "I define the Neutral as that which outplays the paradigm, or rather I call Neutral everything that baffles paradigm." With these words, Roland Barthes describes a concept that profoundly shaped his work and was the subject of a landmark series of lectures delivered in 1978 at the Collège de France, just two years before his death. Not published in France until 2002, and appearing in English for the first time, these creative and engaging lectures deepen our understanding of (...) Barthes's intellectual itinerary and reveal his distinctive style as thinker and teacher. The Neutral (_le neutre_), as Barthes describes it, escapes or undoes the paradigmatic binary oppositions that structure and produce meaning in Western thought and discourse. These binaries are found in all aspects of human society ranging from language to sexuality to politics. For Barthes, the attempt to deconstruct or escape from these binaries has profound ethical, philosophical, and linguistic implications. _The Neutral_ is comprised of the prewritten texts from which Barthes lectured and centers around 23 "figures," also referred to as "traits" or "twinklings," that are possible embodiments of the Neutral (sleep, silence, tact, etc.) or of the anti-Neutral (anger, arrogance, conflict, etc.). His lectures draw on a diverse set of authors and intellectual traditions, including Lao-tzu, Tolstoy, German mysticism, classical philosophy, Rousseau, Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin, and John Cage. Barthes's idiosyncratic approach to his subjects gives the lectures a playful, personal, and even joyous quality that enhances his rich insights. In addition to his reflections on a variety of literary and scholarly works, Barthes's personal convictions and the events of his life shaped the course and content of the lectures. Most prominently, as Barthes admits, the recent death of his mother and the idea of mourning shape several of his lectures. (shrink)
  14. Emergence of Mind From Brain: The Biological Roots of the Hermeneutic Circle.Roland Fischer - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (138):1-25.
    Brain functions are stochastic processes without intentionality whereas mind emerges from brain functions as a Hegelian “change from quantity”, that is, on the order of 1012 profusely interconnected neurons, “into a new quality”: the collective phenomenon of the brain's self-experience. This self-referential and self-observing quality we have in mind is capable of (recursively) observing its self-observations, i.e., interpreting change that is meaningful in relation to itself. The notion of self-interpretation embodies the idea of a “hermeneutic circle”, that is, (in interpretation (...)
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    Language and Reasoning.Roland Hall - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (50):86-87.
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    Zoroastrian Studies: The Iranian Religion and Various Monographs.Roland G. Kent & A. V. Williams Jackson - 1929 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 49:286.
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    Altersquoten.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause (eds.), Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause (eds.) - 2008 - De Gruyter Recht.
    Friends, colleagues, and students honor Hansjorg Otto, scholar and teacher, on his 70th birthday with this commemorative publication. ".
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    Schiedsgerichte in Arbeitssachen.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause (eds.), Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Variants of expectancy and subjective probability in P300 research.Roland W. Scholz - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (3):396.
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    Voraussetzungen und Grenzen des Diskriminierungsschutzes für Organmitglieder.Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause - 2008 - In Roland Schwarze & Rüdiger Krause (eds.), Festschrift Für Hansjörg Otto Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 23. Mai 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    The concept of human nature in Noam Chomsky.Norman Roland Madarasz & Daniel Peres Santos - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):1092-1126.
    One of the constants in Noam Chomsky’s philosophical, linguistic and ethical positions is the existence of what he calls “human nature”. Following Marx, Darwin and last century’s revolutions in the social sciences, human nature has been one of the most contested conceptual holdovers from modern European philosophy. Chomsky’s discoveries and models on syntax and language make up one of the frameworks to most critically offset the traditional moral dimension of human nature. Contrary to most traditions prior to his work, language (...)
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    When the Ends Justify the Mean: The Endpoint Leverage Effect in Distribution Perception.Jonas Ebert & Roland Deutsch - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13455.
    Previous research described different cognitive processes on how individuals process distributional information. Based on these processes, the current research uncovered a novel phenomenon in distribution perception: the Endpoint Leverage Effect. Subjective endpoints influence distribution estimations not only locally around the endpoint but also influence estimations across the whole value range of the distribution. The influence is largest close to the respective endpoint and decreases in size toward the opposite end of the value range. Three experiments investigate this phenomenon: Experiment 1 (...)
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    (1 other version)Physicalism and the Evolution of Consciousness.Roland Puccetti - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 5 (sup2):171-183.
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    Das ‚Referenzkorpus Altdeutsch‘ als Lesekorpus. Grammatisch annotierte und mit Wörterbüchern verknüpfte Texte für Lehre und Selbststudium.Ralf Plate & Roland Mittmann - 2019 - Das Mittelalter 24 (1):173-187.
    Working with Old High German and Old Saxon texts has become rare in German language and literature studies. Nowadays, the brief introductions to historical linguistics and philology do not suffice to enable students to explore the oldest German texts in significant depth. A new tool could at least help move closer to this dept of textual exploration: an on-line publication of all Old High German and Old Saxon texts with a morphological word-by-word annotation. The data has been collected by the (...)
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  26.  55
    Saint Augustine as Philosopher.Roland J. Teske - 1992 - Augustinian Studies 23:7-32.
  27. Unboxing the Concepts in Newcomb’s Paradox: Causation, Prediction, Decision in Causal Knowledge Patterns.Roland Poellinger - manuscript
    In Nozick’s rendition of the decision situation given in Newcomb’s Paradox dominance and the principle of maximum expected utility recommend different strategies. While evidential decision theory seems to be split over which principle to apply and how to interpret the principles in the first place, causal decision theory seems to go for the solution recommended by dominance. As a reply to the CDT proposal by Wolfgang Spohn, who opts for “one-boxing” by employing reflexive decision graphs, I will draw on the (...)
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  28. The Internationalism of Human Rights.Roland Burke - 2017 - In Glenda Sluga & Patricia Clavin (eds.), Internationalisms: a twentieth-century history. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Der Mensch im Kosmos: Weltbild und Menschenbild: Astronomie und Philosophie im Dialog.Roland Buser - 2020 - Liestal: Verlag Basel-Landschaft.
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    The visual discrimination of geometric forms.Roland Carl Casperson - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (5):668.
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    Erfindergeist und Technikkritik; der Beitrag Amerikas zur Modernisierung und die Technikdebatte seit 1900.Roland Stromberg - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (5):712-713.
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    Uncertainties and Obscurities about the League of Nations.Roland N. Stromberg - 1972 - Journal of the History of Ideas 33 (1):139.
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    Penser l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui avec Paulin Hountondji.Roland Techou - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Bernadin Boko.
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    Herejía e imaginación en san Agustín.Roland J. Teske & Juan Cruz Lacarra - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):291-296.
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    In Memory of Robert John O’Connell, S.J. 1925-1999.Roland J. Teske, Ronnie J. Rombs & Joseph T. Lienhard - 2000 - Augustinian Studies 31 (1):41-58.
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    Spirituality: A Key Concept in Augustine's Thought.Roland J. Teske - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):53 - 71.
    The article claims that the concept of spirit or of incorporeal substance is a key concept in the thought of St. Augustine. It first recalls how the concept of spirit, which Augustine learned to conceive from the Platonists in Milan, permitted Augustine to extricate himself from Manicheism. Augustine, after all, was one of the very first in the Latin West to be able to think of God and of the soul as incorporeal. The paper shows how Augustine used the concept (...)
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    Spirituals and Spiritual Interpretation in Augustine.Roland J. Teske - 1984 - Augustinian Studies 15:65-81.
  38.  14
    William of Auvergne.Roland J. Teske - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 680–687.
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    L'École française d'Athènes, 1846-1996.Roland Etienne - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (1):3-22.
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    When is a Physical Theory Relativistic?Roland Sypel & Harvey R. Brown - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:507 - 514.
    Considerable work within the modern 'space-time theory' approach to relativity physics has been devoted to clarifying the role and meaning of the principle of relativity. Two recent discussions of the principle within this approach, due to Arntzenius (1990) and Friedman (1983), are found to contain difficulties.
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    Chercher Dieu aux frontières du langage.Landry Roland Koudou - 2015 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 65 (3):57-66.
    Le langage, comme moyen d’expression de la croyance religieuse, entretient un malentendu : il apparaît comme un discours sur des vérités d’une supériorité telle que le croyant peut s’autoriser à faire des jugements d’ordre éthique ou esthétique envers – ou à l’encontre – d’autres personnes. Pourtant, loin d’être un discours logique sur des faits de connaissance, le discours sur la croyance religieuse est un jeu de langage qui manifeste une adhésion à une forme de vie.
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    The Path Not Taken.Jane Roland Martin - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (3):744-756.
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    (2 other versions)God in the World: Lenin, Hegel, and the God‐Builders.Roland Boer - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6).
    This article reassesses a rarely noted aspect of the Russian Revolution: the long interaction between Lenin and Anatoly Lunacharsky, the ‘God-builder’. It traces the way Lunacharsky first outlined the God-building position in his Religion and Socialism, a text virtually lost to scholarship and interpretations of the Russian revolution. It explores Lenin's initial condemnation, for political but above all theoretical reasons, only to find him reassessing his whole argument six years later in light of his re-engagement with Hegel in 1914. Seeing (...)
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  44. William of Auvergne's spiritualist concept of the human being.Roland J. Teske - 2005 - In Franco Morenzoni & Jean-Yves Tilliette (eds.), Autour de Guillaume d'Auvergne (+1249). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
  45. On the Free Choice of the Will, on Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings.Roland Teske - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
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  46. Zur Systematik der Beschreibung verbaler und nonverbaler Kommunikation: Semiotik als Propädeutik der Medienanalyse.Roland Posner - 1986 - In Hans G. Bosshardt (ed.), Perspektiven Auf Sprache: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge Zum Gedenken an Hans Hörmann. De Gruyter. pp. 267-314.
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    Beiträge zur Entwicklung der Philosophie bei den Ostslawen im 19. Jahrhundert: Pamfil D. Jurkevyc̆ (1826-1874).Roland Pietsch - 1992 - Ulm: Humboldt-Studienzentrum, Universität Ulm.
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    Cosmopolitism, Global Justice and International Law.Roland Pierik & Wouter Werner - 2005 - The Leiden Journal of International Law 18 (4):679-684.
    Along with the exploding attention to globalization, issues of global justice have become central elements in political philosophy. After decades in which debates were dominated by a state-centric paradigm, current debates in political philosophy also address issues of global inequality, global poverty, and the moral foundations of international law. As recent events have demonstrated, these issues also play an important role in the practice of international law. In fields such as peace and security, economic integration, environmental law, and human rights, (...)
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    The Reagan Effect: Self-presentation in humans and computers.Roland Posner - 2000 - Semiotica 128 (3-4):445-486.
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    Glass on Racism.Roland P. Puccetti - 1981 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):69 - 71.
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