Results for 'Nosson Slifkin'

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  1.  9
    Nature's song: an elucidation of Perek shirah, the ancient text that lists the philosophical and ethical lessons of the natural world.Nosson Slifkin - 2001 - Nanuet, NY: Feldheim.
    A fascinating study of the nature of scientific laws, the age of the universe, and the development of life. Offers a unified approach to Torah and science.
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    Rabbi Scherman on chinuch: practical, perceptive answers to contemporary questions.Nosson Scherman - 2017 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications.
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    Is the concept of object still a suitable notion?Marie-Dominique Giraudo & Andrew B. Slifkin - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):707-708.
    The model and framework presented in the target article by Thelen et al. is an interesting effort that is able to account for the contextual variability in the A-not-B performance of 7–12-month-old infants. In the process of developing their framework, the authors discounted the concept of object as a useful notion in discussions of A-not-B performance. For Piaget and other developmentalists, the main evidence for the acquisition of the concept of object was the disappearance of A-not-B errors after age 12 (...)
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  4. The Pirkei Avos treasury: Ethics of the Fathers: the sages' guide to living.Moshe Lieber & Nosson Scherman (eds.) - unknown - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications.
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  5.  26
    Fitts’ Law in the Control of Isometric Grip Force With Naturalistic Targets.Zachary C. Thumser, Andrew B. Slifkin, Dylan T. Beckler & Paul D. Marasco - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Rural and Urban Differences in Children's Medicaid and CHIP Participation.Jennifer King, George M. Holmes & Rebecca T. Slifkin - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (2):150-161.
  7.  20
    De heilige natuur: niet-westerse stemmen over dier, mens en klimaat.Willem Jozef Meine Martens - 2022 - Gorredijk, Nederland: Noordboek Filosofie. Edited by Marloes van de Goor.
    Twaalf inheemse en religieuze leiders uit verschillende werelddelen spreken zich in dit boek uit over de heiligheid van de natuur. Hun eeuwenoude wijsheden inspireren ons om anders te gaan denken over onze omgang met alles wat leeft. Aan het woord komen de Groenlandse sjamaan Angakkorsuaq, de Amerikaanse indianenleider Chief Lane Jr., masaileider Mwarabu, de boeddhistische geestelijke Shih, de dichtende islamgeleerde Ur Rehman Chishti, orthodox rabbijn Slifkin, Maya-priester Sac Coyoy, hindoe-prins Jhala, Aztekenleider Sanchez, leider van de Canadese Bear Clan Wawatie, (...)
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