Results for 'O. Schefer'

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  1. Les «Fichte-Studien» de Novalis et la Tathandlung a l'épreuve de la transcendance: Philosophie allemande.O. Schefer - 2000 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1:134-135.
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    The ordinary man of cinema.Jean Louis Schefer - 2016 - South Pasadena, CA.: Semiotext(e). Edited by Max Cavitch, Paul Grant & Noura Wedell.
    When it was first published in French in 1980, The Ordinary Man of Cinema signaled a shift from the French film criticism of the 1960s to a new breed of film philosophy that disregarded the semiotics and post-structuralism of the preceding decades. Schefer describes the schizophrenic subjectivity the cinema offers us: the film as a work projected without memory, viewed by (and thereby lived by) a subject scarred and shaped by memory. The Ordinary Man of Cinema delineates the phenomenology (...)
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    Platon und Apollon: vom Logos zurück zum Mythos.Christina Schefer - 1996 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Ein neuer Zugang zu Platon?Christina Schefer - 1999 - Hermes 127 (4):422-436.
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    L'image et l'Occident: sur la notion d'image en Europe latine.Jean Louis Schefer - 2017 - Paris: P.O.L.
    Il y a bien eu, dans le refus d'un culte des images en Europe latine, la construction d'un dogme des images portant prescription de leur usage conforme à leur pouvoir d'évocation du passé (un art de mémoire), aux manipulations de figures dans la machinerie des rêves. La théologie et les philosophies en ont fait l'instrument approché de toute connaissance conçue comme la lecture d'un tableau, possible parce que nous en participons par notre nature. Que signifient les formules de la création (...)
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    La mort, le corps, rien.Jean-Louis Schefer - 1976 - Substance 5 (14):117.
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    On the Object of Figuration.Jean-Louis Schefer, Dalia Judovitz & Timothy Corrigan - 1983 - Substance 12 (2):26.
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    Platons unsagbare Erfahrung: ein anderer Zugang zu Platon.Christina Schefer - 2001 - Basel: Schwabe.
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    L'Homme ordinaire du cinema.Paul Smith & Jean Louis Schefer - 1983 - Substance 12 (2):119.
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  10. Origine de la poésie et du droit.Giambattista Vico, Catherine Henri, Anne Henry & J. Schefer - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (4):566-567.
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    Mutants We All: Jean-Louis Schefer and our Cinematic Civilization.Hunter Vaughan - 2012 - Substance 41 (3):147-165.
  12. Survey Article: Philosophy and Public Policy after Piketty.Martin O'Neill - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (3):343-375.
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  13. XIII—Hearing Properties, Effects or Parts?Casey O'callaghan - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (3pt3):375-405.
    Sounds are audible, and sound sources are audible. What is the audible relation between audible sounds and audible sources? Common talk and philosophy suggest three candidates. The first is that sounds audibly are properties instantiated by their sources. I argue that sounds are audible individuals and thus are not audibly instantiated by audible sources. The second is that sounds audibly are effects of their sources. I argue that auditory experience presents no compelling evidence that sounds audibly are causally related to (...)
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  14. Subjectivity and Mineness.Donnchadh O’Conaill - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (2):325-341.
    Recent work on consciousness has distinguished between the qualitative character of an experience (what a particular experience is like) and its subjective character or subjectivity (the for-me-ness of any experience). It is often suggested that subjectivity is a characteristic inner awareness subjects enjoy of their own occurrent experiences. A number of thinkers have also suggested that not only is each subject aware of her own experiences, but that in having these experiences she is aware of them as her own. This (...)
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  15. Generation Y attitudes towards e-ethics and internet-related misbehaviours.O. Freestone & V. Mitchell - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (2):121 - 128.
    Aberrant consumer behaviour costs firms millions of pounds a year, and the Internet has provided young techno-literate consumers with a new medium to exploit businesses. This paper addresses Internet related ethics and describes the ways in which young consumers misdemean on the Internet and their attitudes towards these. Using a sample of 219 generation Y consumers, the study identified 24 aberrant behaviours which grouped into five factors; illegal, questionable activities, hacking related, human Internet trade and downloading. Those perceived as least (...)
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  16. Modern Moral Conscience.Tom O’Shea - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (4):582-600.
    This article challenges the individualism and neutrality of modern moral conscience. It looks to the history of the concept to excavate an older tradition that takes conscience to be social and morally responsive, while arguing that dominant contemporary justifications of conscience in terms of integrity are inadequate without reintroducing these social and moral traits. This prompts a rethinking of the nature and value of conscience: first, by demonstrating that a morally-responsive conscience is neither a contradiction in terms nor a political (...)
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  17. The Aesthetics of Theory Selection and the Logics of Art.Ian O’Loughlin & Kate McCallum - 2018 - Philosophy of Science (2):325-343.
    Philosophers of science discuss whether theory selection depends on aesthetic judgments or criteria, and whether these putatively aesthetic features are genuinely extra-epistemic. As examples, judgments involving criteria such as simplicity and symmetry are often cited. However, other theory selection criteria, such as fecundity, coherence, internal consistency, and fertility, more closely match those criteria used in art contexts and by scholars working in aesthetics. Paying closer attention to the way these criteria are used in art contexts allows us to understand some (...)
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  18. ‘Obsessive Thoughts and Inner Voices’.Lucy O'Brien - 2013 - Philosophical Issues 23 (1):93-108.
    My concern is this paper is to consider the nature of obsessive thoughts with the aim of getting a clearer idea about the extent to which they are rightly identified as passive or as active. The nature of obsessive thoughts is of independent interest, but my concern with the question is also rooted in a general concern to map the extent of mental activity, and to defend the importance and centrality of a view of self-knowledge that appeals to agency. I (...)
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  19. Intervention, integration and translation in obesity research: Genetic, developmental and metaorganismal approaches.Maureen O'Malley & Karola Stotz - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:2.
    Obesity is the focus of multiple lines of inquiry that have -- together and separately -- produced many deep insights into the physiology of weight gain and maintenance. We examine three such streams of research and show how they are oriented to obesity intervention through multilevel integrated approaches. The first research programme is concerned with the genetics and biochemistry of fat production, and it links metabolism, physiology, endocrinology and neurochemistry. The second account of obesity is developmental and draws together epigenetic (...)
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  20. Ordinary self-consciousness.Lucy O'Brien - 2011 - In JeeLoo Liu & John Perry, Consciousness and the Self: New Essays. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 101-122.
  21. An assessment of the proposed academy of marketing science code of ethics for marketing educators.O. C. Ferrell - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 19 (2):225 - 228.
    The development of a professional code of ethics should provide an explanation of the professional values and principals that guide a body of persons engaged in an important role in society. Most professions find ethical standards of conduct are necessary to codify acceptable behavior to develop public trust, reliability, and consistency in their performance. The proposed AMS Code of Ethics for Marketing Educators is the first step in developing communication, debate, and hopefully, agreement about the social responsibility of the marekting (...)
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    Consciousness.Brian O'Shaughnessy - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 10 (1):49-62.
  23. Why Dependence Grounds Duties of Trade Justice.Tadhg Ó Laoghaire - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (4):461-479.
    This essay asks what it is about the practice of trade that grounds duties of justice between states as trade partners. The answer advanced is that such duties are grounded in the dependence that trade generates. The essay puts forward four conditions that a plausible account of grounding in trade must meet: it must admit of degrees, explain the distinctly international character of trade justice, ground both procedural and distributive duties, and it must be a necessary feature of all trade (...)
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  24. Schefer, Jean-Louis. 2016. The Ordinary Man of Cinema. [REVIEW]Ekin Erkan - 2020 - Comparative Cinema 8 (14):82-85.
    Book review of Jean-Louis Schefer's The Ordinary Man of Cinema (2016) with particular attention to Schefer's conception of affect and its influence on Deleuze.
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    Taboos and clinical research in West Africa.O. O. Ajayi - 1980 - Journal of Medical Ethics 6 (2):61-63.
    Moral principles or the rules of conduct are based in the society. If the purpose of ethics in research is to take into consideration the needs and the rights of the experimental subject, his social milieu must then largely determine the ethical considerations of a projected study. The inability to comprehend such rights may often be due to ignorance, disease and his societal values. Blood letting, biopsy and post-mortem examinations may so conflict with local beliefs that so called 'consent' to (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Le Système d'Aristote.O. Hamelin - 1920 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 27 (4):1-2.
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  27. Consent: Historical Perspectives in Medical Ethics.Tom O'Shea - 2017 - In Peter Schaber & Andreas Müller, The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 261-271.
    This chapter provides an outline of consent in the history of medical ethics. In doing so, it ranges over attitudes towards consent in medicine in ancient Greece, medieval Europe and the Middle East, as well as the history of Western law and medical ethics from the early modern period onwards. It considers the relationship between consent and both the disclosure of information to patients and the need to indemnify physicians, while attempting to avoid an anachronistic projection of concern with patient (...)
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  28. Civic Republican Disability Justice.Tom O'Shea - 2018 - Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability.
    This chapter develops a civic republican approach to disability justice. It begins by articulating a republican account of liberty as nondomination before showing how such domination can shape the relationships of people with disabilities. This leads to a consideration of whether disability justice can be defined in terms of maximizing or sufficient nondomination. Instead, the chapter provides a civic framework within which republican disability justice can be understood, encompassing both the absence of oppressive relationships and the presence of capabilities of (...)
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  29. The Incarnation: the critical issues.Gerald O'Collins - 2002 - In Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall & Gerald O'Collins, The Incarnation. Oxford Up. pp. 1--27.
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  30. Pessimism, Political Critique, and the Contingently Bad Life.Patrick O'Donnell - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Life 12 (1):77-100.
    It is widely believed that philosophical pessimism is committed to fatalism about the sufferings that characterize the human condition, and that it encourages resignation and withdrawal from the political realm in response. This paper offers an explanation for and argument against this perception by distinguishing two functions that pessimism can serve. Pessimism’s skeptical mode suggests that fundamental cross-cultural constraints on the human condition bar us from the good life (however defined). These constraints are often represented as immune to political amelioration, (...)
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  31. A Civic Republican Analysis of Mental Capacity Law.Tom O'Shea - 2018 - Legal Studies 1 (38):147-163.
    This article draws upon the civic republican tradition to offer new conceptual resources for the normative assessment of mental capacity law. The republican conception of liberty as non-domination is used to identify ways in which such laws generate arbitrary power that can underpin relationships of servility and insecurity. It also shows how non-domination provides a basis for critiquing legal tests of decision-making that rely upon ‘diagnostic’ rather than ‘functional’ criteria. In response, two main civic republican strategies are recommended for securing (...)
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    Трансформация метафизики в эпоху поздней античности.Dominic O'Meara - 2009 - Schole 3 (2):416-432.
    The paper discusses the development of metaphysics understood as a philosophical discipline or science. I would like to propose that the last period of Greek philosophy, that going from about the 3rd to the 6th centuries A.D., made new and interesting contributions to metaphysics as a philosophical discipline, indeed made metaphysics into a metaphysical science, while also bringing out the limits of such a science. The paper has four parts. In part I, I introduce the way in which the great (...)
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    Lotze's influence on the psychology of William James.O. F. Kraushaar - 1936 - Psychological Review 43 (3):235-257.
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    Distinguishing Family from Friends.Rick O’Gorman & Ruth Roberts - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (3):323-343.
    Kinship and friendship are key human relationships. Increasingly, data suggest that people are not less altruistic toward friends than close kin. Some accounts suggest that psychologically we do not distinguish between them; countering this is evidence that kinship provides a unique explanatory factor. Using the Implicit Association Test, we examined how people implicitly think about close friends versus close kin in three contexts. In Experiment 1, we examined generic attitudinal dispositions toward friends and family. In Experiment 2, attitude similarity as (...)
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  35. Fifty Years of Chinese Philosophy.O. Briere & Laurence G. Thompson - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (127):373-374.
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    III.—An Impossible Auditory Experience.Brian O'Shaughnessy - 1957 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 57 (1):53-82.
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    Augustine and Aquinas on Demonic Possession: Theoria and Praxis.Seamus O’Neill - 2016 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 90:133-147.
    Augustine asserted that demons have material bodies, while Aquinas denied demonic corporeality, upholding that demons are separated, incorporeal, intelligible substances. Augustine’s conception of demons as composite substances possessing an immaterial soul and an aerial body is insufficient, in Thomas’s view, to account for certain empirical phenomena observed in demoniacs. However, Thomas, while providing more detailed accounts of demonic possession according to his development of Aristotelian psychology, does not avail of this demonic incorporeal eminence when analysing demonic attacks: demonic agency is (...)
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    A tight-binding calculation of the Compton profile of NaF.O. Aikala, K. Mansikka, L. Ekström & K. F. Berggren - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (5):997-1001.
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    Calculation of anisotropy effects in compton profiles of crystals.O. Aikala - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (2):333-341.
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  40. Watashi no aruita michi.Ōrō Akahane - 1982 - Nagano: Shinano Kyōikukai Shuppanbu. Edited by Kazuo Nakamura & Ōrō Akahane.
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  41. Introducción a la historia del pensamiento colombiano.Antonio Avendaño González - 1994 - Barranquilla, Colombia: Editorial Antillas.
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  42. Cuerpo erótico y cuerpo planetario : por quE el cuidado de sii y del mundo pasa por una autonomización de la regla capitalista.Ariane Aviñó - 2017 - In Teresa Oñate & Teresa Oñate Y. Zubía, Hermenéuticas del cuidado de sí: cuerpo alma mente mundo. Madrid: Editorial Dykinson.
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    To the question of strategies in humanities (a case study of the Russian latin american studies). Part 1.O. Y. Bondar - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):514-523.
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  44. Vida ou morte, esperança ou desespero?Carlos R. Brandão - 1982 - In Carlos Rodrigues Brandão & Encontro Nacional de Supervisores de Educação, O Educador, vida e morte: escritos sobre uma espécie em perigo. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Graal.
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  45. Pregiudizio e discriminazione verso gli stranieri: una ricerca empirica.O. Casacchia & L. Natale - 1994 - Polis 8 (3):445-462.
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  46. Aesthetics and Ethics: Essays at the Intersection: Edited by Jerrold Levinson.O. Conolly - 2000 - British Journal of Aesthetics 40 (3):393-395.
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  47. La filosofia frente a la fisica moderna.O. N. Derisi - 1985 - Sapientia 40 (157):171-184.
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    The Budé Mela.O. A. W. Dilke - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):285-.
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    Unemployment: A Social Study. B. Seebohm Rowntree, Bruno Lasker.O. P. Eckhard - 1912 - International Journal of Ethics 22 (4):493-494.
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  50. Ficheiro de revistas.O. Francella, A. CaturelU & N. A. Corona - 1976 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 32 (1):102.
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