Results for 'Obligation to assist'

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  1.  90
    (1 other version)Are We Morally Obligated to Assist Climate Change Migrants?Katrina M. Wyman - 2013 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 7 (2):185-212.
    There is considerable concern that climate change will displace many people in developing countries from their homes. This article examines whether developed countries are morally obligated to assist people displaced by climate change in developing countries. The article argues that there may not be a moral duty to assist climate change migrants as a category. Nonetheless, developed countries may have duties to assist vulnerable people elsewhere and may be obligated to assist climate change migrants along with (...)
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    Global Health Disparity and Pharmaceutical Companies’ Obligation to Assist.Anita Ho - 2017 - In Dien Ho (ed.), Philosophical Issues in Pharmaceutics: Development, Dispensing, and Use. Dordrecht: Springer.
    This chapter critically explores the extent to which pharmaceutical companies have a moral obligation to assist poor patients in least developed countries who currently have no or inadequate access to lifesaving medications. Focusing on the ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic in LDCs, the first section of this essay begins with some background information of the disproportionate burden of HIV/AIDS in LDCs. The second section provides a brief overview of some of the salient arguments for holding multinational antiretroviral treatment manufacturers as (...)
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    (1 other version)Welcoming, Wild Animals, and Obligations to Assist.Josh Milburn - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (6):1-20.
    What we could call ‘relational non-interventionism’ holds that we have no general obligation to alleviate animal suffering, and that we do not typically have special obligations to alleviate wild animals’ suffering. Therefore, we do not usually have a duty to intervene in nature to alleviate wild animal suffering. However, there are a range of relationships that we may have with wild animals that do generate special obligations to aid—and the consequences of these obligations can be surprising. In this paper, (...)
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  4. Moral obligations towards our fellows and towards strangers – Who are we obliged to assist?Marta Soniewicka - 2010 - Diametros:166-187.
    The paper considers arguments concerning the obligation to assist strangers. It analyzes the problem of specifying obligations, which the inhabitants of the world have toward one another. The considerations focus on two closely connected questions: what is the obligation to assist and what is its source? what is the scope of the obligation to assist? The author considers the assumptions that are to be made if we take the obligation to assist distant (...)
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    The West's Moral Obligation to Assist Developing Nations in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS.Samuel H. Nelson - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (1):87-108.
    The HIV/AIDS epidemic is increasingly a diseaseof the disadvantaged, a destroyer of nations,and a threat to global security and well-being.But this need not be so: the world has thescientific knowledge, technologicalinnovations, and financial resources tosignificantly reduce the spread and sufferingcaused by the disease. This paper argues thatthe wealthy nations of the world, led by theUnited States, have a moral obligation to offermuch greater assistance to developing countrieswhere the epidemic is most severe. UsingZimbabwe as a case study, this essay examinesthe (...)
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  6. Duties to assist others and political obligations.George Klosko - 2004 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (2):143-159.
    In response to recent criticisms of traditional theories of political obligation, scholars have advanced moral reasons for complying with the law that focus on natural duties to assist other people who are in need. In discussions of political obligation, these ‘rescue principles’ are presented as alternatives to traditional principles. I argue that theories of political obligation based on rescue principles are not able to fulfill the role theorists assign them. If the underlying assumptions of rescue theories (...)
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  7. Each year Cognition is obliged to request the help of a certain number of guest reviewers who assist in the assessment of manuscripts. Without their cooperation the journal would not be able to maintain its high standards. We are happy to be able to thank the following people for their help in refereeing manuscripts during 1991.Terry Kit-Fong Au, William Badecker, Irving Biderman, Manfred Bierwisch, Paul Bloom, Mark Bornstein, Brian Byrne, Ruth Byrne, Patricia Cheng & Herbert H. Clark - 1992 - Cognition 43:195.
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  8. ear Cognition is oblige to request the help of a certain number of guest reviewers who assist in the assessment of manuscripts. cooperation the journal would not be able to maintain its high are happy to be able to thank the following people for their help in refereeing manuscripts during 1988.J. Have11, A. Galaburda, W. Gallistel, E. Stabler, A. Treisman & S. Ullman - 1989 - Cognition 31:291.
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    Vulnerability, Dependence, and Special Obligations to Domesticated Animals: A Reply to Palmer.Eli Weber - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):683-694.
    Clare Palmer has recently argued that most humans have special obligations to assist domesticated animals, because domestication creates vulnerable, dependent individuals, and most humans benefit from the institution of domestication. I argue that Palmer has given us no grounds for accepting this claim, and that one of the key premises in her argument for this claim is false. Next, I argue that voluntarism, which is the view that one acquires special obligations only by consenting to those obligations in some (...)
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    Coroners and the Obligation to Protect Public Health: The Case of the Failed UK vCJD Study.C. R. McGowan & A. M. Viens - 2011 - Public Health 125 (4):234-7.
    The Health Protection Agency has recently attempted to create a postmortem tissue archive to determine the prevalence of abnormal prion protein. The success of this archive was prevented because the Health Protection Agency could not convince coroners to support the study’s methodology and participate on that basis. The findings of this paper detail and support the view that the Coroners’ Society of England and Wales’s refusal to participate was misguided and failed to appreciate that coroners have a moral obligation (...)
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    Fulfilling Obligations to the Poor: How Should we Decide among Plausible Options?G. Brock - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):90-99.
    In Globalization and Global Justice , Nicole Hassoun offers advice on practical ways to fulfill obligations to the poor. Our recommendations must be well informed by empirical evidence, and so important research on poverty that suggests we sometimes focus inadvertently on the wrong objects in our attempted assistance efforts, deserves consideration here. We also need guidelines on how to choose from among plausible policy options on how to help the poor. I offer one and explain why some of Hassoun s (...)
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  12. How to Understand a Woman’s Obligations to the Fetus in Unwanted Pregnancies.Kristen Hine - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (2):239-247.
    Some have challenged Thomson’s case of the famous unconscious violinist (UV) by arguing that in cases of consensual sex a woman is partially morally responsible for the existence of a needy fetus; since she is partially responsible she ought to assist the fetus, and so abortion is morally wrong. Call this the Responsibility Objection (RO) to UV. In this paper, I briefly criticize one of the most widely discussed objections to RO and then suggest a new way to challenge (...)
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  13. Motives to Assist and Reasons to Assist: the Case of Global Poverty.Simon Keller - 2015 - Journal of Practical Ethics 3 (1):37-63.
    The principle of assistance says that the global rich should help the global poor because they are able to do so, and at little cost. The principle of contribution says that the rich should help the poor because the rich are partly to blame for the plight of the poor. This paper explores the relationship between the two principles and offers support for one version of the principle of assistance. The principle of assistance is most plausible, the paper argues, when (...)
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  14. Hume on the Moral Obligation to Justice.James A. Harris - 2010 - Hume Studies 36 (1):25-50.
    Our understanding of the philosophers of the past is not always assisted by the attempt to fit them under one or other of the categories that we currently use to map the philosophical landscape. We have grown used to the idea that there are three principal kinds of moral theory—deontological and broadly Kantian, consequentialist and broadly Millian, virtue-theoretic and broadly Aristotelian—and so historical approaches to moral philosophy tend to orientate themselves by assuming that each and every object of study must (...)
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  15. On Satisfying Duties to Assist.Christian Barry & Holly Lawford-Smith - 2019 - In Hilary Greaves & Theron Pummer (eds.), Effective Altruism: Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In this paper, we take up the question of whether there comes a point at which one is no longer morally obliged to do further good, even at very low cost to oneself. More specifically, they ask: under precisely what conditions is it plausible to say that that “point” has been reached? A crude account might focus only on, say, the amount of good the agent has already done, but a moment’s reflection shows that this is indeed too crude. We (...)
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    Our Ethical Obligation to Treat Opioid Use Disorder in Prisons: A Patient and Physician's Perspective.Curtis Bone, Lindsay Eysenbach, Kristen Bell & Declan T. Barry - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):268-271.
    The opioid epidemic has claimed the lives of more than 183,000 individuals since 1999 and is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Meanwhile, rates of incarceration have quadrupled in recent decades, and drug use is the leading cause of incarceration. Medication-assisted treatment or MAT is the gold standard for treatment of opioid use disorder. Incarcerated individuals with opioid use disorder treated with methadone or buprenorphine have a lower risk of overdose, lower rates of hepatitis C (...)
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  17. Each year@ ogn&~ n is obliged to request the help of a certain number of guest reviewers who assist in the assessment of manuscripts. Without their cooperation the journal would not be able to maintain its high standards. We are happy to be able to thank the following people for their help in refereeing manuscripts during 1989.J. Alegria, W. Badecker, M. Bar-Hillel, D. Bekerian, E. Bisiach, P. Bloom, K. Bock, G. Boolos, V. Bruce & B. Byrne - 1990 - Cognition 35:101.
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  18. Moral Individualism, Moral Relationalism, and Obligations to Non‐human Animals.Todd May - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):155-168.
    Moral individualists like Jeff McMahan and Peter Singer argue that our moral obligations to animals, both human and non‐human, are grounded in the morally salient capacities of those animals. By contrast, what might be called moral relationalists argue that our obligations to non‐human animals are grounded in our relationship to them. Moral relationalists are of various kinds, from relationalists regarding assistance to animals, such as Clare Palmer and Elizabeth Anderson, to relationalists grounded in a Wittgensteinian view of human practice, such (...)
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    Should Institutional Conscientious Objection to Assisted Dying be Accommodated?Jeffrey Kirby - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (1):15-20.
    The contentious, topical debate about whether faith-based health care organizations should be granted accommodation on the basis of institutional conscientious objection to medical assistance is dying (MAiD) is addressed through a comparative analysis of arguments on both sides of the issue that references such relevant considerations as: claimed ‘moral-authority’, competing rights-based claims, obligations arising from patient welfare principles, formal justice, dissimilarity in consequences, and two illustrative arguments from analogy. The analysis leads to the conclusion that nonconditional accommodation on the basis (...)
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    I Am My Brother’s Keeper: Communitarian Obligations to the Dying Person.Jason T. Eberl - 2018 - Christian Bioethics 24 (1):38-58.
    Contemporary arguments concerning the permissibility of physician-assisted suicide [PAS], or suicide in general, often rehearse classical arguments over whether individual persons have a fundamental right based on autonomy to determine their own death, or whether the community has a legitimate interest in individual members’ welfare that would prohibit suicide. I explicate historical arguments pertaining to PAS aligned with these poles. I contend that an ethical indictment of PAS entails moral duties on the part of one’s community to provide effective means (...)
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  21. Sustainability, Public Health, and the Corporate Duty to Assist.Julian Friedland - 2015 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 34 (2):215-236.
    Several European and North American states encourage or even require, via good Samaritan and duty to rescue laws, that persons assist others in distress. This paper offers a utilitarian and contractualist defense of this view as applied to corporations. It is argued that just as we should sometimes frown on bad Samaritans who fail to aid persons in distress, we should also frown on bad corporate Samaritans who neglect to use their considerable multinational power to undertake disaster relief or (...)
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  22. Duties to the Distant: Aid, Assistance, and Intervention in the Developing World.Dale Jamieson - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):151-170.
    In his classic article, Famine, Affluence, and Morality, pp. 229–243), Peter Singer claimed that affluent people in the developed world are morally obligated to transfer large amounts of resources to poor people in the developing world. For present purposes I will not call Singers argument into question. While people can reasonably disagree about exactly how demanding morality is with respect to duties to the desperate, there is little question in my mind that it is much more demanding than common sense (...)
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  23. Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide and the Professional Obligations of Physicians.Lucie White - 2010 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 3:1-15.
    Euthanasia and assisted suicide have proved to be very contentious topics in medical ethics. Some ethicists are particularly concerned that allowing physicians to carry out these procedures will undermine their professional obligations and threaten the very goals of medicine. However, I maintain that the fundamental goals of medicine not only do not preclude the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide by physicians, but can in fact be seen to support these practices in some instances. I look at two influential views (...)
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  24. Is there ever an obligation to commit welfare fraud?Stephen D’Arcy - 2008 - Journal of Value Inquiry 42 (3):377-387.
    All things considered, there are many public assistance recipients for whom there are compelling moral reasons to engage in welfare fraud. For many people, failure to defraud the welfare system, should they find themselves in a position to do so with impunity, would constitute a serious moral offense. This conclusion seems to fly in the face of prevailing notions of common sense. But this is misleading, since it is at the same time implied by principles that are widely embraced, assuming (...)
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    International Obligation and Human Health: Evolving Policy Responses to HIV/AIDS.Paul G. Harris & Patricia Siplon - 2001 - Ethics and International Affairs 15 (2):29-52.
    The world is in the early stages of what will be the greatest health crisis since the advent of modern medical technologies. Millions of people—particularly people in many of the world's poor countries—are infected with HIV. The vast majority of these people will go without modern medical intervention or substantial treatment, and will rapidly develop AIDS. The extent of this problem presents profound moral and ethical questions for the world's wealthy people and countries, for it is they who are most (...)
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  26. Should We Offer Assistance to Both Wild and Domesticated Animals?Clare Palmer - 2018 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 25:7-19.
    In this paper, I consider whether we should offer assistance to both wild and domesticated animals when they are suffering. I argue that we may have different obligations to assist wild and domesticated animals because they have different morally-relevant relationships with us. I explain how different approaches to animal ethics, which, for simplicity, I call capacity-oriented and context-oriented, address questions about animal assistance differently. I then defend a broadly context-oriented approach, on which we have special obligations to assist (...)
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  27. Matters to address prior to introducing new life support technology in Japan: three serious ethical concerns related to the use of left ventricular assist devices as destination therapy and suggested policies to deal with them.Atsushi Asai, Sakiko Masaki, Taketoshi Okita, Aya Enzo & Yasuhiro Kadooka - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):12.
    Destination therapy is the permanent implantation of a left ventricular assist device in patients with end-stage, severe heart failure who are ineligible for heart transplantation. DT improves both the quality of life and prognosis of patients with end-stage heart failure. However, there are also downsides to DT such as life-threatening complications and the potential for the patient to live beyond their desired length of life following such major complications. Because of deeply ingrained cultural and religious beliefs regarding death and (...)
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  28. How to Help when It Hurts: The Problem of Assisting Victims of Injustice.Cheryl Abbate - 2016 - Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (2):142-170.
    In The Case for Animal Rights, Tom Regan argues that, in addition to the negative duty not to harm nonhuman animals, moral agents have a positive duty to assist nonhuman animals who are victims of injustice. This claim is not unproblematic because, in many cases, assisting a victim of injustice requires that we harm some other nonhuman animal(s). For instance, in order to feed victims of injustice who are obligate carnivores, we must kill some other animal(s). It seems, then, (...)
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    Ethics of humanitarian action: on aid-recipients’ vulnerability and humanitarian agencies’ distinct obligation.Chin Ruamps - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (8):647-657.
    Humanitarian assistance in conflicts sometimes undermines local coping strategies, reinforces wartime economies, and strengthens the existing power structures. This article argues that some victims of conflicts are made extremely vulnerable and uniquely dependent on humanitarian agencies. In this case, humanitarian agencies have a distinct obligation to assist them. This article considers one novel account that justifies the continued provision of aid to victims of conflicts and rejects the widespread view that aid should be withdrawn to avoid its negative (...)
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    “I haven’t had to bare my soul but now I kind of have to”: describing how voluntary assisted dying conscientious objectors anticipated approaching conversations with patients in Victoria, Australia.Louise Anne Keogh & Casey Michelle Haining - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundDealing with end of life is challenging for patients and health professionals alike. The situation becomes even more challenging when a patient requests a legally permitted medical service that a health professional is unable to provide due to a conflict of conscience. Such a scenario arises when Victorian health professionals, with a conscientious objection (CO) to voluntary assisted dying (VAD), are presented with patients who request VAD or merely ask about VAD. The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic) recognizes the (...)
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  31. Population and Third World Assistance – A Comment on Hardin’s Lifeboat Ethics.Jesper Ryberg - 1997 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 14 (3):207–219.
    Many philosophers have defended the view that well‐off people or nations have an obligation to assist people who suffer from famine in less developed areas of the world. However, in contrast to this outlook, some theorists have claimed that it is ethically wrong to provide this kind of assistance. In this article the non‐assistance view is discussed. It is argued that even if a neo‐Malthusian population theory is correct and if we accept a maximizing policy which allows the (...)
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    Unlocking the beauty of the imperfect duty to aid: Sen's idea of the duty of assistance.Susan Murphy - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (3):369-383.
    This paper examines the links between acting upon a duty to assist, responsibility for these actions, and how such actions link with incremental moral duties that can amass as a consequence of such action. More specifically, this paper is concerned with practices of international aid and assistance, whereby public and privately funded donations enable the actions of parties outside of the territorial and jurisdictional boundaries of a community and state to directly influence the functioning of that community, and the (...)
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  33. The Duty to Rescue and Investigators' Obligations.Douglas MacKay & Tina Rulli - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (1):71-105.
    The duty to rescue is a highly plausible and powerful ethical principle. It requires agents to assist others in extreme need in cases where doing so does not conflict with some weighty moral aim; requires little personal sacrifice; and is likely to significantly benefit the recipients.1 As a general obligation, it binds all persons simply qua persons, and it is owed to all persons simply qua persons. Clinical investigators working in low-income countries frequently encounter sick or destitute people (...)
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    Balancing competing interests and obligations in mental health‐care practice and policy.Jeffrey Kirby - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (6):699-707.
    It is often challenging for mental health‐care providers and health organizations to perform their various roles and to meet their varied obligations. In complex mental health‐care circumstances the concurrent application of relevant ethical principles and values often leads to the emergence of completing obligations that need to be carefully weighed and balanced in the making of care‐related decisions. Although some clinical circumstances, such as those potentially triggering the duty to warn, are adequately guided by existing rules based on legal precedents, (...)
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    Committing to endangerment: medical teams in the age of corona in Jewish ethics.Tsuriel Rashi - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):27-34.
    Doctors have been treating infectious diseases for hundreds of years, but the risk they and other medical professionals are exposed to in an epidemic has always been high. At the front line of the present war against COVID-19, medical teams are endangering their lives as they continue to treat patients suffering from the disease. What is the degree of danger that a medical team must accept in the face of a pandemic? What are the theoretical justifications for these risks? This (...)
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    Infertility and assisted reproduction technologies through a gender lens.Karolína Davidová & Olga Pechová - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (3):363-375.
    We live in an era when increasing numbers of babies are conceived through assisted reproduction technologies (ART). Using a comprehensive approach, the present research seeks to contribute to the understanding of gender differences in experiencing and coping with infertility, and in dealing with ART treatment. Our sample consisted of 10 heterosexual couples aged 24 to 43 and the data were collected through semi-structured interviews. In the studied sample, gender differences existed not only in experiences of infertility, but also in understanding (...)
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    Who Cares? Moral Obligations in Formal and Informal Care Provision in the Light of ICT-Based Home Care.Elin Palm - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (2):171-188.
    An aging population is often taken to require a profound reorganization of the prevailing health care system. In particular, a more cost-effective care system is warranted and ICT-based home care is often considered a promising alternative. Modern health care devices admit a transfer of patients with rather complex care needs from institutions to the home care setting. With care recipients set up with health monitoring technologies at home, spouses and children are likely to become involved in the caring process and (...)
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    A call from justice to support the people in Gaza.Zohar Lederman, Shmuel Lederman & Emily Shepp Daniels - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (2):116-122.
    Using Madison Powers and Ruth Faden's definition of ‘well‐being,’ the authors argue that Israel, the international community and public health practitioners have a justice‐based obligation to assist the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Focusing on Palestinians in Gaza, the authors first outline a normative framework of justice, as articulated by Powers and Faden. Following Powers and Faden's assumption that empirical assessments of justice can be made using the six dimensions of well‐being, the authors next present current (...)
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    Customary Norms, General Principles of International Environmental Law, and Assisted Migration as a Tool for Biodiversity Adaptation to Climate Change.Maksim Lavrik - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (2):99-129.
    Assisted migration (AM) is a translocation of the representatives of species to areas outside their natural habitats as a response to climate change. This article seeks to identify how customary norms and general principles of international environmental law could guide the development of regulation of AM maximizing the benefits of using AM and minimizing AM-related risks. Among the customary norms and principles of international environmental law discussed in the article and relevant to the regulation of AM are the permanent sovereignty (...)
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    Understanding the Voices of Disability Advocates in Physician-Assisted Suicide Debates.Devan Stahl - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (3):279-297.
    Christians have an obligation to attend to the voices of persons who are crying out that their dignity and very lives are in jeopardy when physician-assisted suicide becomes legalized. The following essay begins with an account of the concept of “disability moral psychology,” which elucidates the unique ways persons with disabilities perceive the world, based on their phenomenological experience. The author then explores the disability critique of PAS and the shared social conditions of persons who are chronically disabled and (...)
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  41. "Assisting" the Global Poor.Thomas W. Pogge - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 13:189-215.
    We citizens of the affluent countries tend to discuss our obligations toward the distant needy mainly in terms of donations and transfers, assistance and redistribution: How much of our wealth, if any, should we give away to the hungry abroad? Using one prominent theorist to exemplify this way of conceiving the problem, I show how it is a serious error — and a very costly one for the global poor.
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    Liability for Wrongful Assistance: On Causing Unjust Harm in the Course of Suboptimal Rescue.Helen Frowe - 2022 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):23-37.
    Several states, including the United Kingdom, the United States, and France, have recently engaged in the high-profile supporting of foreign rebel fighters, providing them with training, weapons, and financial resources. Justifications for providing this assistance usually invoke, at least in part, our obligations to prevent harm to the citizens of oppressive and violent regimes. Providing such assistance is often presented as a morally safe ‘middle ground’ between doing nothing and putting one’s own troops at risk. Yet this assistance typically enables (...)
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    Birthright Entitlements and Obligations in an Intergenerational Political Society.Janna Thompson - 2023 - The Monist 106 (2):132-144.
    Political societies are essentially intergenerational—not only because they often last for many generations and because they maintain their existence largely through members having or adopting children, but because the children of members acquire entitlements simply as a result of being born or adopted by members. Even in a liberal political society, members by birth or adoption are supposed to enjoy from birth the irrevocable status of membership and the privileges it entails. They have opportunities and civil rights that outsiders cannot (...)
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  44. Dignity and Assisted Dying: What Kant Got Right (and Wrong).Michael Cholbi - 2017 - In Sebastian Muders (ed.), Human Dignity and Assisted Death. New York, NY: Oup Usa. pp. 143-160.
    That Kant’s moral thought is invoked by both advocates and opponents of a right to assisted dying attests to both the allure and and the elusiveness of Kant’s moral thought. In particular, the theses that individuals have a right to a ‘death with dignity’ and that assisting someone to die contravenes her dignity appear to gesture at one of Kant’s signature moral notions, dignity. The purposes of this article are to outline Kant’s understanding of dignity and its implications for the (...)
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  45. The Friendship Model of Filial Obligations.Nicholas Dixon - 1995 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (1):77-87.
    ABSTRACT This paper [1] is a defence of a modified version of Jane English's model of filial obligations based on adult children's friendship with their parents. Unlike the more traditional view that filial obligations are a repayment for parental sacrifices, the friendship model puts filial duties in the appealing context of voluntary, loving relationships. Contrary to English's original statement of this view, which is open to the charge of tolerating filial ingratitude, the friendship model can generate obligations to help our (...)
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  46. A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should Be Uncivil.Candice Delmas - 2018 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    What are our responsibilities in the face of injustice? How far should we go to fight it? Many would argue that as long as a state is nearly just, citizens have a moral duty to obey the law. Proponents of civil disobedience generally hold that, given this moral duty, a person needs a solid justification to break the law. But activists from Henry David Thoreau and Mohandas Gandhi to the Movement for Black Lives have long recognized that there are times (...)
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    Refusing care as a legal pathway to medical assistance in dying.Jocelyn Downie & Matthew J. Bowes - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):73-82.
    Une personne compétente peut-elle refuser des soins afin de rendre son décès naturel raisonnablement prévisible pour être admissible à l’aide médicale à mourir (AMM)? Prenons l’exemple d’un patient compétent atteint d’une paralysie du côté gauche à la suite d’un accident vasculaire cérébral droit qui ne devrait pas mourir avant de nombreuses années ; normalement, la cause de son décès ne serait pas prévisible. Cependant, il refuse de se retourner régulièrement, de sorte que son médecin peut prédire que des plaies de (...)
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    Medically Assisted Death and the Ends of Medicine.Eric Vogelstein - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (2):249-259.
    This paper aims to refute a common line of argument that it is immoral for physicians to engage in medical assistance in death (MAiD), i.e., the practices of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. The argument in question is based on the notion that participating in MAiD is contrary to the professional-role obligations of physicians, due to MAiD’s putative inconsistency with the ends of medicine. The paper describes several major flaws from which that argument suffers.
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    ‘Migrants in a Feverland’: State Obligations towards the Environmentally Displaced.Megan Bradley - 2012 - Journal of International Political Theory 8 (1-2):147-158.
    This paper considers whether states have a duty to accept those who cross borders to escape environmental disasters associated with climate change. It then examines how such a responsibility might be distributed, focusing on the predicament of the citizens of small island states expected to be inundated by rising sea levels. In assessing states' responsibility to admit these individuals, I draw on Walzer's theory of mutual aid, demonstrating that even under this narrow conception of states' obligations, a duty to accept (...)
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  50. Adventures in Moral Consistency: How to Develop an Abortion Ethic through an Animal Rights Framework.Cheryl E. Abbate - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (1):145-164.
    In recent discussions, it has been argued that a theory of animal rights is at odds with a liberal abortion policy. In response, Francione (1995) argues that the principles used in the animal rights discourse do not have implications for the abortion debate. I challenge Francione’s conclusion by illustrating that his own framework of animal rights, supplemented by a relational account of moral obligation, can address the moral issue of abortion. I first demonstrate that Francione’s animal rights position, which (...)
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