Results for 'Oliver Bakoš'

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  1. Paradoxy vkusu: príspevok k poznaniu estetiky I. Kanta.Oliver Bakoš - 1989 - Bratislava: Pravda.
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  2. The Research and Teaching of Aesthetics in the Visegrad Countries: A Survey (Aesthetics in Central Europe).Ondřej Dadejík, Oliver Bakoš, Mária Valentová, Jana Sošková, Tomáš Hlobil, Jakub Stejskal, Piotr J. Przybysz, Monika Bokiniec & Zoltán Papp - 2009 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:203-218.
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  3. Psychologie d'Ibn Sina (Avicenne) d'après son oeuvre aš-Šifāʼ.Ján Avicenna & Bakos - 1956 - Prague: Editions de l'Académie tchécoslovaque des Sciences. Edited by Ján Bakoš.
    v. 1. Texte arabe -- v. 2. Traduction et notes.
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  4. Plural Logic.Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by T. J. Smiley.
    Alex Oliver and Timothy Smiley provide a new account of plural logic. They argue that there is such a thing as genuinely plural denotation in logic, and expound a framework of ideas that includes the distinction between distributive and collective predicates, the theory of plural descriptions, multivalued functions, and lists.
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  5. Substantivalist and Relationalist Approaches to Spacetime.Oliver Pooley - 2013 - In Robert Batterman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Physics. Oxford University Press USA.
    Substantivalists believe that spacetime and its parts are fundamental constituents of reality. Relationalists deny this, claiming that spacetime enjoys only a derivative existence. I begin by describing how the Galilean symmetries of Newtonian physics tell against both Newton's brand of substantivalism and the most obvious relationalist alternative. I then review the obvious substantivalist response to the problem, which is to ditch substantival space for substantival spacetime. The resulting position has many affinities with what are arguably the most natural interpretations of (...)
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    Patoč ka a slovensko.Vladimír Bakos - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (1).
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    Kant on Human Dignity.Oliver Sensen - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Immanuel Kant is often considered to be the source of the contemporary idea of human dignity, but his conception of human dignity and its relation to human value and to the requirement to respect others have not been widely understood. Kant on Human Dignity offers the first in-depth study in English of this subject. Based on a comprehensive analysis of all the passages in which Kant uses the term ;dignity, as well as an analysis of the most prominent arguments for (...)
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    Structuralism redivivus (Situation in the 1960s).V. Bakoš - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (10):746-760.
    Structuralism took part in the efforts to revive intellectual development in the former Czecho-Slovakia in the 1960s as an efficient methodological instrument, a scientific meta-theory, as well as an inovation in the field of philosophical theory . Open discussions were focused on the questions such as the relation between methodology and philosophy, system and structure, system and development, problem of the connection of synchronicity and diachronicity, the role of the subject, etc. Czecho-Slovak school applied the dynamic aspect of the structure (...)
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  9. Über ein neuntdecktes Fragment der Sárospatoker Ausgabe des Vestibuli et Januae lucidarium.Josef Bakos - forthcoming - Acta Comeniana.
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  10. Currents of Intellectual Modernism (100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Journal Prudy).Vladimir Bakos - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (10):913-928.
    The journal Prúdy served the liberal-democratic part of the Slovak intelligentsia as a platform for promoting Masarykian ideology. The young intellectuals grouped around it were familiar with the progressive thinking of that time and promoted the positivist realistic attitude and world-view. Similarly to Czech intellectuals the Slovak adherents of Masaryk contributed to introducing the rational approach, the principle of criticism and other progressive trends in Slovak cultural millieu. The journal offered the place for discussing the burning political and social, as (...)
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    Monuments and Ideologies.Ján Bakoš - 1991 - Human Affairs 1 (2):106-119.
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    Metamorphoses of Ownership and Dilemmas of Communist Monument Protection.Ján Bakoš - 2004 - Human Affairs 14 (1):57-70.
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    Neoliberalism and its Effect on Women in Poverty.Olivia Bako - 2011 - The Lyceum 1 (1):32-40.
    There is a negative influence of neoliberalism on poverty in Canada, specifically its impact on women in the lower socioeconomic sectors; the relationship between the government and women; and the importance of addressing women‟s issues in the context of welfare.
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    The topophrenic space and the double exile: Norman Manea.Alina Bako - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):655-669.
    The present study sets out to discuss a literary work as a reflection of topophrenia, a space of anguish, which contains the data of both the abandoned space and of the new home, which are hypostasized in positive or negative emotions that the exiled writer experiences. Focusing on the exile and the space in Norman Manea’s works, this article proves the existence of an original view about this experience. Manea’s last novel, The Exiled Shadow (2021) is also included in our (...)
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  15. Vlastimil zatka: Kantova teorie estetiky.O. Bakos - 1995 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 32 (2):33-36.
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    Echitatea în dreptul penal substanțial =.Monica-Marcela Dinu-Bakoș - 2018 - București: Universul Juridic.
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  17. The Hole Argument.Oliver Pooley - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 145-158.
    This paper reviews the hole argument as an argument against spacetime substantivalism. After a careful presentation of the argument itself, I critically review possible responses.
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    The Colonization of Psychic Space: A Psychoanalytic Social Theory of Oppression.Kelly Oliver - 2004 - U of Minnesota Press.
    We are, Julia Kristeva writes, strangers to ourselves; and indeed much of contemporary theory describes the human condition as one of alienation. Eloquently arguing that we cannot explain the developement of individuality or subjectivity apart from its social context, Kelly Oliver makes a powerful case for recognizing the social aspects of alienation and the psychic aspects of oppression.
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    Daniel Oliver-Lalana. Analytical Theories of Legal Systems (Rezensionsabhandlung).Daniel Oliver-Lalana - 2011 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 97 (2):275-278.
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  20. An Introduction to Classical Islamic Philosophy.Oliver Leaman - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Oliver Leaman.
    Islamic philosophy is a unique and fascinating form of thought, and particular interest lies in its classical period, when many of the ideas of Greek philosophy were used to explore the issues and theoretical problems which arise in trying to understand the Qur'an and Islamic practice. In this revised and expanded 2001 edition of his classic introductory work, Oliver Leaman examines the distinctive features of Classical Islamic philosophy and offers detailed accounts of major individual thinkers. In contrast to many (...)
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  21. The possibility of knowing the essence of bodies through scientific experiments in Spinoza’s controversy with Boyle.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-25.
    In this paper, I argue for a novel reading of Spinoza’s position in his exchangewith Boyle about Boyle’s experiment with nitre. Boyle claimed to have shownthrough experiments that nitre ceased to be nitre after heating. Spinozadisagreed and proposed the alternative hypothesis that nitre has changed itsstate and not its nature. Spinoza’s position was construed in the literature asrational scepticism denying that experiments can yield knowledge ofessences because all sensory experience is underdetermined and open tomultiple interpretations. I argue for an alternative (...)
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  22. (1 other version)On the Mathematics and Metaphysics of the Hole Argument.Oliver Pooley & James Read - forthcoming - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We make some remarks on the mathematics and metaphysics of the hole argument, in response to a recent article in this journal by Weatherall ([2018]). Broadly speaking, we defend the mainstream philosophical literature from the claim that correct usage of the mathematics of general relativity `blocks' the argument.
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    Womanizing Nietzsche: Philosophy's Relation to the "Feminine".Kelly Oliver - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Womanizing Nietzsche,__ Kelly Oliver uses an analysis of the position of woman in Nietzsche's texts to open onto the larger question of philosophy's relation to the feminine and the maternal. Offering readings from Nietzsche, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, Freud and Lacan, Oliver builds an innovative foundation for an ontology of intersubjective relationships that suggests a new approach to ethics.
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  24. Background Independence, Diffeomorphism Invariance, and the Meaning of Coordinates.Oliver Pooley - 2016 - In Dennis Lehmkuhl, Gregor Schiemann & Erhard Scholz (eds.), Towards a Theory of Spacetime Theories. New York, NY: Birkhauser.
    Diffeomorphism invariance is sometimes taken to be a criterion of background independence. This claim is commonly accompanied by a second, that the genuine physical magnitudes (the ``observables'') of background-independent theories and those of background-dependent (non-diffeomorphism-invariant) theories are essentially different in nature. I argue against both claims. Background-dependent theories can be formulated in a diffeomorphism-invariant manner. This suggests that the nature of the physical magnitudes of relevantly analogous theories (one background free, the other background dependent) is essentially the same. The temptation (...)
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    Die Politische Differenz: Zum Denken des Politischen Bei Nancy, Lefort, Badiou, Laclau Und Agamben.Oliver Marchart - 2010 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  26. Kant's Conception of Human Dignity.Oliver Sensen - 2009 - Kant Studien 100 (3):309-331.
    In this article I argue that Kant's conception of dignity is commonly misunderstood. On the basis of a few passages in the Grundlegung scholars often attribute to Kant a view of dignity as an absolute inner value all human beings possess. However, a different picture emerges if one takes into account all the passages in which Kant uses ‘dignity’. I shall argue that Kant's conception of dignity is a more Stoic one: He conceives of dignity as sublimity ( Erhabenheit ) (...)
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  27. Oliver, Athenian Commissions of Seventeen.H. L. Oliver - 1950 - Classical Weekly 44:203.
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  28. Relationalism rehabilitated? I: Classical mechanics.Oliver Pooley & Harvey R. Brown - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):183--204.
    The implications for the substantivalist–relationalist controversy of Barbour and Bertotti's successful implementation of a Machian approach to dynamics are investigated. It is argued that in the context of Newtonian mechanics, the Machian framework provides a genuinely relational interpretation of dynamics and that it is more explanatory than the conventional, substantival interpretation. In a companion paper (Pooley [2002a]), the viability of the Machian framework as an interpretation of relativistic physics is explored. 1 Introduction 2 Newton versus Leibniz 3 Absolute space versus (...)
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    The Landscape in Black and White: Oliver Schuchard Photographs, 1967-2005.Oliver Schuchard - 2005 - University of Missouri.
    More than sixty-five black-and-white photographs as well as explanations on the aesthetic rationale and techniques used in order to produce these artworks, are featured in a representative collection of the author's thirty-eight years of ...
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  30. Reading Kristeva: Unraveling the Double Bind.Kelly Oliver - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (4):157-161.
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  31. О aprioristickych zäkladoch umenovedy.Jan Bakos - 1968 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 5:336.
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    Kapitoly z dejín slovenského myslenia.Vladimír Bakoš - 1995 - Bratislava: Polygrafia SAV.
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  33. Le concept de loi de la beauté chez Marx.O. Bakos - 1988 - Filozofia 43 (4):457-468.
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    Masaryk and the Slovak Question. A Contribution to the History of Ideas and Concepts.Vladimir Bakoš - 1994 - Human Affairs 4 (1):30-45.
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  35. „Otázniky nad dejinami slovenskej filozofie.".V. Bakoš - 2003 - Filozofia 58:671-6.
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    The Coexistence of Scientism and Surrealism in Slovak Culture.Vladimir Bakoš - 2002 - Human Affairs 12 (2):186-197.
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  37. Handedness, parity violation, and the reality of space.Oliver Pooley - 2002 - In Katherine Brading & Elena Castellani (eds.), Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 250--280.
    In the first part of this paper a relational account of incongruent counterparts is defended against an argument due to Kant. I then consider a more recent attack on such an account, due to John Earman, which alleges that the relationalist cannot account for the lawlike left--right asymmetry manifested in parity-violating phenomena. I review Hoefer's, Huggett's and Saunders' responses to Earman's argument and argue that, while a relationalist account of parity-violating laws is possible, it comes at the cost of non-locality.
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    Deficient Letter-Speech Sound Integration Is Associated With Deficits in Reading but Not Spelling.Ferenc Kemény, Melanie Gangl, Chiara Banfi, Sarolta Bakos, Corinna M. Perchtold, Ilona Papousek, Kristina Moll & Karin Landerl - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Deepfakes and trust in technology.Oliver Laas - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-34.
    Deepfakes are fake recordings generated by machine learning algorithms. Various philosophical explanations have been proposed to account for their epistemic harmfulness. In this paper, I argue that deepfakes are epistemically harmful because they undermine trust in recording technology. As a result, we are no longer entitled to our default doxastic attitude of believing that P on the basis of a recording that supports the truth of P. Distrust engendered by deepfakes changes the epistemic status of recordings to resemble that of (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of Friedrich Nietzsche.Kelly Oliver & Marilyn Pearsall (eds.) - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Nietzsche has the reputation of being a virulent misogynist, so why are feminists interested in his philosophy? The essays in this volume provide answers to this question from a variety of feminist perspectives. The organization of the volume into two sets of essays, "Nietzsche's Use of Woman" and "Feminists' Use of Nietzsche," reflects the two general approaches taken to the issue of Nietzsche and woman. First, many debates have focused on how to interpret Nietzsche's remarks about women and femininity. Are (...)
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  41. Experts: What they are and how we recognize them—a discussion of Alvin goldman’s views.Oliver R. Scholz - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 79 (1):187-205.
    What are experts? Are there only experts in a subjective sense or are there also experts in an objective sense? And how, if at all, may non-experts recognize experts in an objective sense? In this paper, I approach these important questions by discussing Alvin I. Goldman's thoughts about how to define objective epistemic authority and about how non-experts are able to identify experts. I argue that a multiple epistemic desiderata approach is superior to Goldman's purely veritistic approach.
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  42. Human dignity in historical perspective: The contemporary and traditional paradigms.Oliver Sensen - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (1):71-91.
    Over the last 60 years the idea of human dignity has become increasingly prominent in the political discourse on human rights. In United Nations documents, for instance, human dignity is currently presented as the justification for human rights. In this paper I shall argue that the contemporary way in which human dignity is thought to ground human rights is very different from the way human dignity has been understood traditionally. My aim is to contrast the contemporary paradigm of dignity to (...)
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  43. Inherence of False Beliefs in Spinoza’s Ethics.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2016 - Society and Politics 10 (2):74-94.
    In this paper I argue, based on a comparison of Spinoza's and Descartes‟s discussion of error, that beliefs are affirmations of the content of imagination that is not false in itself, only in relation to the object. This interpretation is an improvement both on the winning ideas reading and on the interpretation reading of beliefs. Contrary to the winning ideas reading it is able to explain belief revision concerning the same representation. Also, it does not need the assumption that I (...)
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    Kant on Moral Autonomy.Oliver Sensen (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The concept of autonomy is one of Kant's central legacies for contemporary moral thought. We often invoke autonomy as both a moral ideal and a human right, especially a right to determine oneself independently of foreign determinants; indeed, to violate a person's autonomy is considered to be a serious moral offence. Yet while contemporary philosophy claims Kant as the originator of its notion of autonomy, Kant's own conception of the term seems to differ in important respects from our present-day interpretation. (...)
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  45. Morality is fundamentally an evolved solution to problems of social cooperation.Oliver Curry & Mark Alfano - forthcoming - Critique of Anthropology.
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    From the humanism of critical theory to critical humanism.Oliver Kozlarek - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (2):246-263.
    Following Max Horkheimer, I will first attempt to reconstruct an anthropology that essentially wants to be understood as critical social research. I will then pursue the question of humanism in critical theory. In doing so, I want to show that a reference to a normatively substantive humanism does actually exist in critical theory. On the other hand, I want to show that this humanism is anything but unambiguously and systematically formulated but has been reflected and articulated differently by different representatives (...)
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    Knock Me Up, Knock Me Down: Images of Pregnancy in Hollywood Films.Kelly Oliver - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    No longer is pregnancy a repulsive or shameful condition in Hollywood films, but an attractive attribute, often enhancing the romantic or comedic storyline of a female character. Kelly Oliver investigates this curious shift and its reflection of changing attitudes toward women's roles in reproduction and the family. Not all representations signify progress. Oliver finds that in many pregnancy films, our anxieties over modern reproductive practices and technologies are made manifest, and in some cases perpetuate conventions curtailing women's freedom. (...)
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    A Makarenko-hatás magyarországi történetéhez.Gyöngyi Bakó - 1988 - Budapest: Művelődési Minisztérium. Edited by Ildikó Bárdossy & László Gáspár.
  49. Ethical dimensions of the pure judgement of taste in Kant's aesthetics.O. Bakos - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (3):147-154.
    The paper deals with pure judgments of taste in Kant's aesthetics regarding the meaning they achieve due to the presence of the other subject. In his Critique of Judgment Kant defines the subject as a physical individual endowed with feelings, related not only to objects, but rather expanding this relation on the community of others. Therefore, the aesthetic relation to an object, which is the precondition of the pure judgment of taste, involves implicitly a recquirement on the subject to renounce (...)
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  50. La controverse sur la philosophie moderne en Slovaquie à la charnière du XXe siècle.V. Bakos - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (4):453-466.
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