Results for 'Orthodoxy'

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  1.  9
    Diana Hess.Challenging Curricular Orthodoxy - 2008 - In Alexandra Miletta & Maureen McCann Miletta, Classroom Conversations: A Collection of Classics for Parents and Teachers. The New Press.
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    Romanian Orthodoxy, Between Ideology of Exclusion and Secularisation Amiable.Florin Lobont - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):46-69.
    The present study represents a preliminary theoretical attempt to analyse the socio-political influence and impact of the Romanian Orthodoxy within the Romanian public life and political culture since 1990, both through the relation between the Orthodox Church and the state, and its impact on the wider society. An open-ended reflection on a constantly unfolding reality, the approach focuses on demonstrating the profound “modernity”—not backwardness—of Orthodoxy’s implicit political theology and derived ideologies and their “modern” destructiveness. The pivotal segment of (...)
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  3. Grounding Orthodoxy and the Layered Conception.Gabriel Oak Rabin - 2018 - In Ricki Bliss & Graham Priest, Reality and its Structure: Essays in Fundamentality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 37-49.
    Ground offers the hope of vindicating and illuminating an classic philosophical idea: the layered conception, according to which reality is structured by relations of dependence, with physical phenomena on the bottom, upon which chemistry, then biology, and psychology reside. However, ground can only make good on this promise if it is appropriately formally behaved. The paradigm of good formal behavior can be found in the currently dominant grounding orthodoxy, which holds that ground is transitive, antisymmetric, irreflexive, and foundational. However, (...)
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    Emmanuel Levinas, Radical Orthodoxy, and an Ontology of Originary Peace.Brock Bahler - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (3):516-539.
    Radical Orthodoxy, a growing movement among contemporary Christian theologians, argues that the prominent philosophical paradigms of modern and postmodern thought lack transcendence, are ultimately nihilistic, and are guided by an ontology of violence. Among the thinkers Radical Orthodoxy criticizes are Hegel, Nietzsche, and Hobbes, but surprisingly also the Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, whom they claim offers an ethics for nihilists. In this essay, I analyze the claims of two prominent thinkers in Radical Orthodoxy, John Milbank and Catherine (...)
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    ›Orthodoxie‹ und ›Häresie‹ im öffentlichen Diskurs des vorrevolutionären Frankreich.Jörg Baur - 2001 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 43 (1):155-164.
    Jörg Baur compares the the entries ‘orthodoxe’, ‘orthodoxie’, ‘l’hérésie’ and ‘l’hérétique’ of the classic ‘Encyclopédie’ with the corresponding articles in the less well-known ‘Encyclopédie Méthodique’ of Abbé Bergier, who was confessor to members of the Royal Household in Paris. With France as the model, the analysis of these short texts serves to cast some light on the complex process which led to the dissolution of the ‘Constantinian’ alliance between the ruling political forces on the one hand and the church and (...)
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  6. Radical orthodoxy: a new theology.John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock & Graham Ward (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Radical Orthodoxy is a new wave of theological thinking that seeks to re-inject the modern world with theology. The group of theologians associated with Radical Orthodoxy are dissatisfied with conteporary theolgical responses to both modernity and postmodernity Radical Orthodoxy is a collection that aims to reclaim the world by situating its concerns and activities within a theological framework. By mapping the new theology against a range of areas where modernity has failed, these essays offer us way out (...)
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    Orthodoxy, Church, State, and National Identity in the Context of Tendential Modernity.Constantin Schifirnet - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):173-208.
    The article analyzes the interaction of Orthodoxy and the state and its role in asserting national identity in the context ofRomania’s modernization process. I have developed the concept of tendential modernity for studying the distinctive nature of Romanian modernity Modernity in Romania focused primarily on national and geostrategic problems, due to the absence of a state encompassing all Romanians. The Orthodox Church had been recognized as a symbol of national identity, therefore it was included among the basic institutions that (...)
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  8. Orthodoxy and Ecumenism (in Serbian) Православље и екуменизам.Aleksandar Djakovac (ed.) - 2005 - Beograd: Hriscanski kulturni centar.
    Zbornik tekstova različitih autora o odnosu pravoslavlja prema ekumenizmu i ekumenskom pokretu.
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    Placebo Orthodoxy in Clinical Research I: Empirical and Methodological Myths.Benjamin Freedman, Charles Weijer & Kathleen Cranley Glass - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):243-251.
    The use of statistics in medical research has been compared to a religion: it has its high priests, supplicants, and orthodoxy. Although the comparison may be more unfair to religion than to research, a useful lesson can nonetheless be drawn: the practice of clinical research may benefit—as does the spirit—from critical self-examination. Arguably, no aspect of the conduct of clinical trials is currently more controversial—and thus in as dire need of critical examination—than the use of placebo controls. The ethical (...)
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    Orthodoxie religieuse et sciences humaines suivi de orthodoxy, rationality and scientific knowledge.E. T. Dubois - 1983 - History of European Ideas 4 (3):346-348.
    (1983). Orthodoxie religieuse et sciences humaines suivi de (religious) orthodoxy, rationality and scientific knowledge. History of European Ideas: Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 346-348.
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    Placebo orthodoxy and the double standard of care in multinational clinical research.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (1):7-23.
    It has been almost 20 years since the field of bioethics was galvanized by a controversial series of multinational AZT trials employing placebo controls on pregnant HIV-positive women in the developing world even though a standard of care existed in the sponsor countries. The trove of ethical investigations that followed was thoughtful and challenging, yet an important and problematic methodological assumption was left unexplored. In this article, I revisit the famous “double standard of care” case study in order to offer (...)
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    4. Orthodoxy.Thomas Ahnert - 2014 - In The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690–1805. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 94-121.
  13. Eastern Orthodoxy Through Western Eyes.Donald Fairbairn - 2002
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    “Christian orthodoxy and religious pluralism”: A further rejoinder to Terrence Tilley.Gavin D'costa - 2007 - Modern Theology 23 (3):455-462.
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    Modern orthodoxy and morality: an uneasy partnership.Daniel Statman - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (2):167-180.
    Modern orthodoxy often perceives itself and is perceived by others as a movement which grants more importance to moral considerations in its interpretation of halakha and in its general worldview than does the ultra-orthodox movement. Accordingly, modern orthodox rabbis are often referred to as more “moderate” than their ultra-orthodox counterparts, a term which seems to imply that they are more open to moral arguments and more likely to adopt, or to develop, moral interpretations of halakha. A study of some (...)
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    L'orthodoxie.S. Bougalkoff - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43:430.
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  17. Radical Orthodoxy ist nicht orthodox.Daniel Von Wachter - 2017 - In Sven Grosse & Harald Seubert, Radical Orthodoxy. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. pp. 118-139.
    Die liberale Theologie geht davon aus, daß man die traditionelle christliche Lehre heute nicht mehr glauben kann und daß man sie deshalb verändern muß. Sie will sich nicht vom Christentum offen absagen, sondern das Christentum verändern oder eine neue Version des Christentums einführen. Radical Orthodoxy (RO), vor allem von John Milbank gegründet, will eine Gegenbewegung dazu sowie zum Säkularismus sein: „A theology which claims to be radical and orthodox“. In diesem Aufsatz möchte ich untersuchen, ob sie es wirklich ist, (...)
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    Orthodoxy as Personal Statement or Cultural Blueprint?Thomas Storck - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3/4):525-539.
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  19. Orthodoxy and Islam.Adrian Boldisor - 2016 - Studia Oecumenica 16 (16):401-419.
    Within the historical approach on interreligious dialogue, it should not be overlooked that the representatives of Orthodox Churches were actively involved in promoting and supporting interreligious dialogue by participating in the meetings that have focused on relations with people of other religions. In this context, the Orthodox Churches come with a whole tradition that stretches to the early centuries, the relations with Jews and Muslims being an integral part of the history of Orthodox Christianity. The Orthodox Christians, with their bi-millennium (...)
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    Political Orthodoxies: The Unorthodoxies of the Church Coerced by Cyril Hovorun.Olena Chemodanova - 2019 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 6:235-238.
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    »Radical Orthodoxy« – Darstellung und Würdigung einer herausfordernden Theologie.Sven Grosse - 2013 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 55 (4):437-464.
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    Orthodoxy at a Hundred.Ralph C. Wood - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3/4):667-675.
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    Marshall, Orthodoxy and the Professionalisation of Economics.John Maloney - 1985 - Cambridge University Press.
    Alfred Marshall was the most retiring and unworldly of all the great economists. Yet, he used his reign as Professor of Political Economy at Cambridge to construct for himself an overbearing economic orthodoxy not just around his own theories but also around his vision of the economics of the future. Dr Maloney's study of the Marshallian establishment sheds much light on how, and why, early in the twentieth century, one set of economic ideas came to exert a dominant influence (...)
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  24. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity.Walter Bauer, Georg Strecker, Robert A. Kraft & Gerhard Krodel - 1971
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  25. Trois orthodoxies. 1. L'orthodoxie païenne. 2. L'orthodoxie juive.Alain Besancon - 2004 - Nova et Vetera 79 (4):65-89.
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    Two Orthodoxies and Science: Comparative Reflections.Yakov M. Rabkin - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):583-586.
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    Radical Orthodoxy and Post-Structuralism: An Unholy Alliance.Lars Albinus - 2009 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 51 (3):340-354.
    The article points to similarities between Radical Orthodoxy and the Post-Structuralist critique of rationalistic secularism together with a shared appraisal of aesthecism. However, although the people of Radical Orthodoxy are sympathetic to the modern experience of immanence, they criticize the flattened immanence which seems to result from a post-structuralist perspective, and claim instead that immanence has to be appreciated as creational (and therefore participating in the divine) in order to withstand the threat of nihilism. Thus, Post-Structuralism is only (...)
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  28. Orthodoxies, critiques and alternatives.J. R. Ravetz - 1989 - In R. C. Olby, G. N. Cantor, J. R. R. Christie & M. J. S. Hodge, Companion to the History of Modern Science. Routledge. pp. 898--908.
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    The Prodigal Daughter: Orthodoxy Revisited.Jenny Daggers - 2007 - Feminist Theology 15 (2):186-201.
    The article argues on behalf of a neglected tradition of feminist engagement with orthodox Christian theological themes, which deserves recognition as an aspect of feminist theology. As a preface to this argument, the heritage and current vibrancy of feminist liberation theology as a struggle for justice is first affirmed, then Christian theological currents are mapped by means of crosscutting coordinates. Evidence of feminist engagement across this theological map, and of the map operating within feminist theology, is presented to show that (...)
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    Heresy and Orthodoxy Now: The Zigzagging Paths of the Lawful.Marta Zając - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):213-222.
    In this article I consider a certain characteristic of our times as a “secular age,” namely, a series of complications in our understanding of transgression. Transgression implies the presence of some rules and laws which can be violated. As long as the rules and laws are perceived as right, as a way of protecting the values which would otherwise perish, transgression appears to be a wrong thing to do, a misdeed, a criminal act. Needless to say, the very conceptual structure (...)
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    Ukrainian Orthodoxy from the View of A.Richinsky.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 41:85-91.
    In printed editions and reports at scientific conferences there is sometimes a discussion about the legitimacy of the use of the term "Ukrainian Orthodoxy". It is said, in particular, that the term "Ukrainian Church" should be used, and not "Ukrainian Orthodoxy", because the former is allegedly used by Metropolitan Hilarion and the latter is not. Some consider the use of the term "Ukrainian Orthodoxy" as another manifestation of "Ukrainian nationalism", because, see, Orthodoxy is a universal phenomenon (...)
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    Orthodoxy.G. K. Chesterton - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):11-13.
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    Orthodoxy and reason of state.H. Hopfl - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (2):211-237.
    In the later sixteenth century, 'reason of state' was a vogue term in practical discourse, not a theory-backed concept. In order to cope with what they thought it designated, orthodox Catholic and Protestant thinkers had first to construct a coherent identity for it. In doing so, they also conflated it with 'Machiavellism' and the politiques. 'Reason of state' thereby acquired theorization and canonical authors. This essay seeks to show that defenders of Catholic religious and moral orthodoxy, notably Jesuit writers, (...)
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    Radical Orthodoxy’s Poiēsis.Wayne J. Hankey - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (1):1-21.
    For Radical Orthodoxy participatory poiēsis is the only form of authentic postmodern theology and determines its dependence upon, as well as the character of, its narrative of the history of philosophy. Th is article endeavors to display how the polemical anti-modernism of the movement results in a disregard for the disciplines of scholarship, so that ideological fables about our cultural history pass for theology. Because of the Radical Orthodox antipathy to philosophy, its assertions cannot be proven rationally either in (...)
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    Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, and Locke’s Arguments for Toleration.Bryan Hall & Erica Ferg - 2022 - Locke Studies 22:1-26.
    A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689) comprises John Locke’s mature thoughts on religious toleration. In it, Locke offers three political arguments against state religious coercion. He argues that it is impossible, impermissible, and inadvisable for the civil magistrate to enforce ‘true religion,’ which Locke defines as the ‘inward and full persuasion of the mind’ (Works, 6:10). Notwithstanding the various internecine conflicts within Christianity, conflicts which motivated Locke’s concern with toleration, all of the many-splendored sects of Christianity nonetheless share the notion that (...)
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    Ecumenical Orthodoxy through the prism of statistics.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 4:39-48.
    We provide some statistics about the Orthodox churches of the world. These data are not final - the quantitative characteristics and legal subordination of some church formations are constantly changing, but in general this will help form a general idea of Orthodoxy in the world and trends in its development.
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    Orthodoxy and the Silver Chair.Richard J. Johnston - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (3):349-355.
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    Reformed Orthodoxy in Puritanism.Randall J. Pederson - 2016 - Perichoresis 14 (3):45-59.
    This paper explores the relationship between early modern English Puritanism and Reformed orthodoxy through a fresh examination of three ministers who have been described as Puritans: John Owen, Richard Baxter, and John Goodwin. By assessing their attitudes toward the Bible and specifically the doctrine of justification, this paper uncovers an evolving consensus of orthodox thought in the period. Their attitudes and approaches to doctrine and church tradition led to diverse interpretations and directions in the codification of their religion. Their (...)
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    Placebo Orthodoxy in Clinical Research II: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Myths.Benjamin Freedman, Kathleen Cranley Glass & Charles Weijer - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):252-259.
    Placebo-controlled trials are held by many, including regulators at agencies like the United States Food and Drug Administration, to be the gold standard in the assessment of new medical interventions. Yet the use of placebo controls in clinical trials has been the focus of considerable controversy. In this two-part article, we challenge a number of common beliefs concerning the value of placebo controls. Part I critiques statistical and other scientific justifications for the use of placebo controls in clinical research. The (...)
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  40. Intuition, Orthodoxy, and Moral Responsibility.John Ross Churchill - 2016 - Faith and Philosophy 33 (2):179-199.
    Many Christian philosophers hold that moral responsibility is incompatible with causal determinism, a thesis known as incompatibilism. But there are good reasons for resisting this trend. To illustrate this, I first examine an innovative recent case for incompatibilism by a Christian philosopher, one that depends crucially on the claim that intuitions favor incompatibilism. I argue that the case is flawed in ways that should keep us from accepting its conclusions. I then argue for a shift in the way that this (...)
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    Radical Orthodoxy.David B. Burrell - 2004 - Philosophy and Theology 16 (1):73-76.
    The author presents a brief appreciation of the merits of the Radical Orthodoxy movement. That appreciation centers on four themes: (1) theology as sacra doctrina, (2) countering secular reason in its latest avatar of “post-modernism,” (3) Radical Orthodoxy’s offering a theology of culture, and (4) the Thomism of Radical Orthodoxy. The author concludes with some remarks concerning the reception of Radical Orthodoxy in the United States.
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  42. ›Orthodoxie‹ und ›Häresie‹ im öffentlichen Diskurs des vorrevolutionären Frankreich.Oswald Bayer - 2001 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 43 (1).
    In diesem Aufsatz geht der Autor der Frage nach, ob und in wiefern die theologische Annahme, daß das Christusgeschehen paradigmatisch für den Begriff des Handeln Gottes ist, verständlich ist. Der Verfasser analysiert dafür die Geschichte der Leben-Jesu-Forschung und versucht die christologischen Konsequenzen der verschiedene Interpretationen für die Konstruktion eines Modells des Handeln Gottes herauszufinden. Er benützt Gedanken geschichtsphilosophischer Art um eine solche Ausdehnung der Vorstellung des Christusgeschehens zu verteidigen, daß auch andere Zeiten als das erste Jahrhundert einzuschließen sind. Damit zeigt (...)
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  43. Radical Orthodoxy: Une première impression.Olivier-Thomas Venard - 2001 - Revue Thomiste 101 (3):409-444.
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    Open Orthodoxy as an alternative and perspective.Iurii Kovalenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:48-57.
    In this research, author analyzes and interprets data of sociological researches of the Razumkov Centre concerning the religious self-identification of Ukrainian citizens, their attitude towards the Church in general and towards the denominations and religions presented in Ukraine in the dynamics from the year 2000 to nowadays. The author also considers external and internal outlook trends and shows a dangerous contradiction between them. As an alternative to solve this conflict, the author suggests the idea of Open Orthodoxy and presents (...)
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    Orthodox orthodoxy in the world of religious postmodernity.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 35:189-207.
    After a long period of apology for the new "symphony" of the Church and the Soviet authorities since the mid-1960s. Ukraine has begun to understand the latest trends in Orthodoxy. At the same time, a current emerged in world culture, which was later dubbed the postmodern. Amorphous at first, a phenomenon that manifested itself more quickly in literature and the visual arts, for several decades, has left its mark on other spheres of human life, including and religious, including (...). (shrink)
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    Orthodoxy of pre-war Ukraine : the main tendencies of development.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 19:44-54.
    The violent events of the revolutionary 1917 rocked the church life in Ukraine. Church movement began to become quite controversial in its content of national-political character. In the new political conditions, not only the clergy but also secular authorities, public organizations and private individuals took an active part in discussing the problems of church life, which politicized in some way Orthodoxy. The Civil War of 1918-1920 did all the efforts of church activists and clergy dependent on the state of (...)
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    Orthodoxy of Ukraine and national security.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:246-257.
    Is it possible and whether it is necessary to consider the events of the inter-church and inter-church Orthodox life of Ukraine through the prism of national security? What are the pain points in relations between the Ukrainian state and the Orthodox Churches? Does the legislation in Ukraine regulate state-church relations in Ukraine and whether it is Ukrainian-centric? These and other issues were the subject of consideration of the Expert Round Table on "Fighting Identities in Orthodoxy of Ukraine after the" (...)
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    Overcoming Exclusion in Eastern Orthodoxy: Human Dignity and Disability from a Christological Perspective.Petre Maican - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (4):496-509.
    ‘The Russian Orthodox Church’s Basic Teaching on Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights’ has been a constant source of controversy since its release in 2008. While most scholars debated the document for its political implications, little attention has been paid to its anthropological consequences, particularly those deriving from linking a dignified life with the ethical use of freedom. The article highlights that if the sole criteria for living a dignified life is freedom then the most vulnerable categories in society (persons with (...)
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    Radical Orthodoxy and Christian Philosophy.John Montag - 2004 - Philosophy and Theology 16 (1):89-100.
    The author discusses the origins and basic themes of the Radical Orthodoxy movement. Two major objections raised against the Radical Orthodoxy movement are canvassed, noting historical misconstruals of the neoplatonic tradition and Thomas Aquinas. The author concludes that the Radical Orthodoxy movement has not yet been able to find a lasting place in the theological conversation because of the difficulty of navigating the “range of tonalities” its name evokes in its readers.
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    Aquinas and radical orthodoxy: a critical inquiry.Paul J. DeHart - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The book describes Radical Orthodoxy's orientation and highlights those anti-secular strategies and intellectual influences that have shaped its appeal to Aquinas.
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