Results for 'Osman Bi̇lgen'

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  1.  23
    Buhârî’ni̇n si̇yer ve meğâzî ri̇vâyetleri̇ne yaklaşimi.Osman Bilgen - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (30):1-1.
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    The mediating role of organizational intelligence in the relationship between quantum leadership and innovative behavior.Ayşe Bilgen & Meral Elçi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present study aims to examine the mediator effect of organizational intelligence between quantum leadership and innovative behavior of employees in health organizations. It is aimed to examine the mediator effect of organizational intelligence between quantum leadership and innovative behavior of employees in health organizations. The data of the study were collected from 626 healthcare professionals working in hospitals and health centers in Istanbul, Turkey, by survey method. After the analysis of normality, validity and reliability, the hypotheses of the research (...)
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    Success Ideology In The Self Improvement Books: Example Of Mumin Sekman.Bilgen Aydin Sevi̇m - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:17-35.
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    On Voicing Up: A Conversation by Holger Schulze with Shanti Suki Osman on her Piece Voicing Up.Shanti Suki Osman - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (1):147-152.
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    Nietzsche, New School. Osman Choque en conversación con Christian Niemeyer.Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2024 - Yachay 41:187-196.
    Una conversación con Christian Niemeyer acerca de su nuevo libro: Nietzsche, New School.
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    “Don’t Forget Me My Brothers in Turkey”: Yeniden Doğmak Series and Politics of Affect.Seçkin Sevi̇m & Bilgen Aydin Sevi̇m - 2022 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 17 (2):327-345.
    Bulgaria brought its assimilation policies against the Turkish minority up to an extreme level in the winter of 1984-1985. Weightlifter Naim Süleymanoğlu's asylum in Turkey in 1986 further strained the relations between Bulgaria and Turkey. The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) began broadcasting the TV series Yeniden Doğmak in 1987, which is about Bulgaria's assimilation policies. Bringing to the fore the story of a broken family who immigrated to Turkey by leaving their daughters behind, the series stimulated the nationalist (...)
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    Ahmet Mekin Kandemir. Mu‘tezilî Düşüncede Tabiat ve Nedensellik.Osman Demir - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):188-193.
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    The practice of defensive medicine among hospital doctors in the United Kingdom.Osman Ortashi, Jaspal Virdee, Rudaina Hassan, Tomasz Mutrynowski & Fikri Abu-Zidan - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):42.
    Defensive medicine is defined as a doctor’s deviation from standard practice to reduce or prevent complaints or criticism. The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of the practice of defensive medicine in the UK among hospital doctors and the factors affecting it.
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    Abortion Laws in Muslim Countries: Modern Reconfiguration of Pre-modern Logic.Amr Osman - 2022 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 19 (1):19-52.
    In most countries where Islam is acknowledged as a, or the, source of legislation, abortion is permitted under certain conditions and at certain stages of pregnancy. This article examines some of these laws and argue that they represent a continuation of the logic that governed the views of pre-modern Muslim jurists on abortion, that is, harm aversion. However, these laws also add a ‘modernist’ twist to that logic – rather than repealing that logic altogether, modernist views on ‘rights’ and the (...)
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  10.  54
    Overstepping the boundaries of free choice: Folk beliefs on free will and determinism in real world contexts.Magda Osman - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 77:102860.
  11.  40
    Kant ist kein Rassist Volker Gerhardt im Gespräch mit Osman Choque.Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:8-13.
    2024 jährt sich der Geburtstag Immanuel Kants, dem neben Hegel, Marx und Wittgenstein wohl bekanntesten deutschen Philosophen, zum 300. Mal. In jüngster Zeit gab es eine Reihe von Veröffentlichungen, in denen behauptet wurde, Kant sei ein „Rassist“ gewesen. Was ist von diesen Vorwürfen zu halten? Diese Frage haben wir Volker Gerhardt, dem Initiator und Mitherausgeber der neuen Akademie-Ausgabe der Werke Kants gestellt. Er lehrt als Seniorprofessor an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
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    Three-year-olds’ memory for a person met only once at the age of 12months: Very long-term memory revealed by a late-manifesting novelty preference.Osman Skjold Kingo, Søren Risløv Staugaard & Peter Krøjgaard - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 24:49-56.
  13.  14
    Future-minded: the psychology of agency and control.Magda Osman - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What drives us to make decisions? Future-Minded explores the psychological processes of agency and control. If you've ever wondered why we think of coincidences as matters of fate rather than the result of the laws of probability, this book provides the answer. From memory and reasoning to our experiences of causality and consciousness, it unpicks the mechanisms we use on a daily basis to help us predict, plan for and attempt to control the future. Future-Minded - Features a wealth of (...)
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    Observation Can Be as Effective as Action in Problem Solving.Magda Osman - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (1):162-183.
    The present study discusses findings that replicate and extend the original work of Burns and Vollmeyer (2002), which showed that performance in problem solving tasks was more accurate when people were engaged in a non-specific goal than in a specific goal. The main innovation here was to examine the goal specificity effect under both observation-based and conventional action-based learning conditions. The findings show that goal specificity affects the accuracy of problem solving in the same way, both when the learning stage (...)
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  15.  42
    Kıraat İlminde R' (ر) Harfi: Son Dönem Osmanlı Kurr'larından Tedkîk-i Mes'hif-i Şerîfe Meclisi Âzası Bursalı Süleyman Vehbi Efendi’nin Ris'le-i R'iyye Adlı Eseri Özelinde Bir İnceleme.Osman Bostan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):592-618.
    Bu makalede, râ harfinin tefhîm/kalın ve terkîk/ince okunmasına dair hususlar son dönem Osmanlı kurrâlarından Bursalı Süleyman Vehbi’nin (öl. 1334/1916) Risâle-i Râiyye adlı eseri ekseninde ele alınmıştır. Kur’ân harflerinin seslendiriliş biçimini ifade eden fonetik farklılıklar kıraat ilminin amelî/pratik boyutunu oluşturan en önemli unsurdur. Bu minvalde Kur’ân alfabesindeki harfler genel olarak, birbirinin zıddı olan tefhîm-terkîk sıfatlarından biriyle seslendirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte lâm ve râ harfleri bazen kalın bazen de ince okunmaktadır. Lâm harfinde aslolanın terkîkle telaffuz edilmesi olup bazı durumlarda tağlîzle/tefhîmle okunduğu hususunda ittifak (...)
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    Şeyhüli̇slam sâdeddi̇n efendi̇’ni̇n fetvalari çerçevesi̇nde osmanli hukukunda kazaî hükmün kaynaklari.Süleyman Kaya, Osman Güman & Rabia Salur - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:141-164.
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    Re-branding academic institutions with corporate advertising: a genre perspective.Hajibah Osman - 2008 - Discourse and Communication 2 (1):57-77.
    The end of the 1990s witnessed the corporatization of public universities in Malaysia resulting in the publication of corporate literature in these universities and the type of writing Fairclough refers to as the marketization of academic discourse. Marketization is necessary in public universities due to stiff competition in attracting students among the public universities as well as from the increasing number of private universities. This article reports how Malaysian universities re-brand themselves using the results of an investigation on corporate brochures (...)
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  18. Positive transfer and Negative transfer/Anti-Learning of Problem Solving Skills.Magda Osman - unknown
    In problem solving research insights into the relationship between monitoring and control in the transfer of complex skills remain impoverished. To address this, in four experiments participants solved two complex control tasks that were identical in structure but varied in presentation format. Participants learnt either to solve the second task, based on their original learning phase from the first task, or learnt to solve the second task, based on another participant’s learning phase. Experiment 1 showed that, under conditions in which (...)
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  19.  35
    What are the essential cognitive requirements for prospection (thinking about the future)?Magda Osman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:88995.
    Placing the future centre stage as a way of understanding cognition is gaining attention in psychology. The general modern label for this is “prospection” which refers to the process of representing and thinking about possible future states of the world. Several theorists have claimed that episodic and prospective memory, as well as hypothetical thinking (mental simulation) and conditional reasoning are necessary cognitive faculties that enable prospection. Given the limitations in current empirical efforts connecting these faculties to prospection, the aim of (...)
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    Müteşâbi̇h âyetleri̇n yorumu kapsaminda i̇bn fûrek’i̇n tefsîri̇.Osman Bodur - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (30):135-135.
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    Universities in Turkey.Osman Okyar - 1968 - Minerva 6 (2):213-243.
  22. Nietzsche, Levinas. Body and Narrative. Nietzsche, Levinas. Cuerpo y narrativa.Choque-Aliaga Osman & Bautista Milton - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:123-136.
    El artículo aborda la relación entre Nietzsche y Levinas, en particular se enfrenta a la concepción de cuerpo y narración sostenida por cada autor. En ese sentido se afirma que la aparente distancia que existe entre ambos pensadores puede reducirse a partir de las temáticas que se estudian en este trabajo. A la luz de todo ello, la lectura del cuerpo de Nietzsche y la comprensión de narración de Levinas no habrían sido solo reflexiones filosóficas, sino más bien el pretexto (...)
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  23. Nietzsche and Experimental philosophy. Studies and perspectives. Nietzsche y la filosofía experimental. Estudios y perspectivas.Osman Choque - 2021 - Praxis Filosófica 53:109-132.
    The expression experimental philosophy has taken on a lively interest in recent research on Nietzsche, as the growing shows number of interpreters. This reflection occupied a small place in the discussions at the end of the 20th century; a situation that changed dramatically at the beginning of our century. To understanding the questions that revolve around this philosophy, it is necessary to consider its limits and scope and, above all, the space it occupies in the work of the German thinker. (...)
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  24. Ach, dass ich doch erst befreiter wäre | Wahrheit, ewige wiederkehr, wille zur macht.Osman Choque - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 28:136-139.
    Reseña de Benedikt Maria Trappen, Ach, dass ich doch erst Befreiter wäre. Friedrich Nietzsche. Eine Lebensgeschichte in Briefen, München: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, 2020, p. 144. Benedikt Maria Trappen, Wahrheit, Ewige Wiederkehr, Wille zur Macht: Grundthemen Nietzsches in der Auslegung von Karl Jaspers, München: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, 2020, p. 120.
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    Tawhid and science: essays on the history and philosophy of Islamic science.Osman Bakar - 1991 - Kuala Lumpur, Penang: Secretariat for Islamic Philosophy and Science.
  26.  37
    Prediction and Control in a Dynamic Environment.Magda Osman & Maarten Speekenbrink - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  27.  25
    Conception of Aesthetics in Islamic Thought by S. Tekingür.Osman Bayraktutan - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:1):291-300.
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    Kommentar zu Nietzsches "Unzeitgemässen Betrachtungen".Osman Choque - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:239-241.
    Reseña de los libros: Barbara Neymeyr - Kommentar zu Nietzsches "Unzeitgemässen Betrachtungen": I. David Strauss der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller, II. Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2020 Barbara Neymeyr - Kommentar zu Nietzsches "Unzeitgemässen Betrachtungen": III. Schopenhauer als Erzieher, IV. Richard Wagner in Bayreuth, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2020.
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  29. Seeing is as good as doing.Magda Osman - unknown
    Given the privileged status claimed for active learning in a variety of domains (visuo-motor learning, causal induction, problem solving, education, skill learning), the present study examines whether action-based learning is a necessary, or a sufficient, means of acquiring the relevant skills needed to perform a task typically described as requiring active learning. To achieve this, the present study compared the effects of action-based and observation-based learning on controlling a complex dynamic task environment. Both action- and observationbased learners either learnt by (...)
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    Philosophical Concepts in Akkirmani's Iklil al-Tarajim by Neslihan Dağ.Osman Bayraktutan - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:3):877-881.
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    Kant as Prolegomenon to Post-Kantian Philosophy.Osman Nemli - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (4):391-408.
    ABSTRACT The following article highlights post-Kantian philosophical moments in Kant’s Critique of Judgment. Post-Kantian is less a temporal designation and more a conceptual category indicating the absence of a unified Critical system. This article focuses on three specific areas where conceptual commitments in the first two Critiques are questioned and undermined in the third Critique leading to an incomplete system. The purpose of this article is to move away from a reading of Kant that simultaneously privileges the Critique of Pure (...)
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    After Black(ness).Osman Mubirumusoke Nemli - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 83:105-120.
    This paper traces the tenuous relationship of prestige television, the culture industry and blackness. The opening section aims to get a hold on what is meant by prestige television. We review literature that introduces and problematizes the intuitive arguments of prestige television’s elevated status as high art and ultimately conclude with a sociopolitical argument that minimises the distinction between form and content in order to emphasise and show the hierarchy inherent in the culture industry based on legitimacy. The second section (...)
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  33. Neutrosophy in Arabic Philosophy (Arabic version).Salah Osman & Florentin Smarandache - 2007 - Alexandria, Egypt: Al Maaref Establishment Press. Edited by Salah Osman.
    لأننا نعيش في عالم يكتنفه الغموض من كل جانب؛ عالم تتسم معرفتنا لأحداثه ووقائعه بالتناقض واللاتحديد، وتُفصح قضايانا اللغوية الواصفة له عن الصدق تارة وعن الكذب تارة أخرى، فنحن في حاجة إلى فلسفة جديدة تعكس حقيقة رؤيتنا النسبية لهذا العالم وقصور معرفتنا به؛ ونحن في حاجة إلى نسقٍِ منطقي يُلائم معطياته غير المكتملة ويُشبع معالجاتنا لها، سواء على مستوى ممارسات الحياة اليومية أو على مستوى الممارسة العلمية بمختلف أشكالها. والفلسفة التي يقترحها هذا الكتاب هي «النيوتروسوفيا»؛ تلك النظرية التي قدمها الفيلسوف (...)
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    Laura Hassan. Ash‘arism Encounters Avicennism: Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī on Creation.Osman Demir - 2023 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 9 (1):115-122.
    Laura Hassan. Ash‘arism Encounters Avicennism: Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī on Creation. Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press LLC, 2020. xi+317 sayfa. ISBN:‎ 9781463207199.
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    Taking consent for granted: A case for rethinking hegemony.Sonny Osman - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    This paper focuses on the position of consent in prevailing models of hegemony. It is argued that the commonly invoked consent assumption is a weakness in the hegemony construct that demands review. Consent is purportedly a crucial element of the hegemony dynamic, yet is often overlooked in favour of dominance and resistance. To illustrate this, the paper provides a genealogical account of the consent premise as it is formulated in notable models of political hegemony. This reveals a declining interest in (...)
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    Yahudilikte Levirat Evlilik -Geleneğin Tutsak Ettiği Kadınlar-.Ali Osman Kurt - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 17):221-221.
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  37. Young Egyptians: Their Society and Future.Tarek Osman - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (2):299-322.
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    Unveiling the philosophical foundations: On Cantor’s transfinite infinites and the metaphorical accounts of infinity.Osman Gazi Birgül - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-25.
    This paper consists of two parts and has two aims. The first is to elaborate on the historical-philosophical background of Cantor’s notions of infinity in the context of Spinoza’s influence on him. To achieve this aim, in the first part I compare Spinoza’s and Cantor’s conceptions of actual infinity along with their mathematical implications. Explaining the metaphysical, conceptual, and methodological aspects of Cantor’s expansion of the orthodox finitist conception of number of his time, I discuss how he adopts Spinoza’s motifs (...)
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    Theodicy in Leibniz and Kant by Mustafa Çağrı Günday.Osman Bayraktutan - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:2):269-273.
  40.  10
    Eight Poems.Ekhmetjan Osman & Joshua L. Freeman - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (1):12-17.
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    Badiou´s Social Ontology: Another Theory of the Subject.Osman Nemli - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (2):51-76.
    This article tackles a thorny issue within the reception of Badiou’s philosophy, i.e., the question of the role of the “social” within the ontological framework it outlines. Acknowledging that the question of the social is underdeveloped in Badiou’s system, the paper argues that there are resources in it to develop a social ontology, and attempos to flesh it out through an original and sustained reading of Badiou’s key formula on the distinction between democratic materialism and materialist dialectic: “there are only (...)
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    The Two Faces of Faith: A Study on Spandrel and Fitrah.Osman Zahid Çifçi - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:3):705-734.
    A study on the two concepts of spandrel and fitrah, which appear to have the same meaning but are interpreted differently due to differences in perspective. Both concepts recognise the existence of certain innate faculties in humans and posit that these faculties predispose humans to belief. Spandrel posits that these innate faculties are a by-product of adaptations that enable us to survive in the evolutionary process, whereas fitrah asserts that these faculties are bestowed by God. The impetus for this study (...)
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    Fıkıh Usulü Tarihinde Kavramların Mantıkla Kesişimi: Âmm Lafızlar Tümel midir?Osman Said Evdüzen - 2023 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 9 (1):1-30.
    Fıkıh usulünün dil ve yorum bahislerinde yer alan konulardan biri âmm lafızlardır. İlk dönemlerde umum ifadelerin tanımına, varlığına ve kapsamına dair tartışmalar yer alırken Gazzâlî sonrasında klasik mantığın konularından olan tümeller de tartışmada yerini aldı. Bu makale âmm lafızların gönderimde bulunduğu anlamın tümelliğini sorgulamakta ve klasik sonrası usul düşünürlerinin umum-tümel ilişkisine dair teorik açıklamalarını incelemektedir. Makalenin iddiası şudur: Fıkıh usulünün elfâz bahislerinde ele alınan umum ifadelerin tümellere delâletini savunan ve bunu dilin zihnî suretlere vaz olunmasına bağlayan ilk usulcü Gazzâlî’dir (ö. (...)
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    Rethinking the liberian predicament in anti-Black terms: On repatriation, modernity, and the ethno-racial choreographies of civil war.Ola Osman - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (3-4):34-48.
    Liberia’s protracted civil conflict was sustained for a period of fourteen years, killing approximately 250,000 Liberians and displacing half of the population. Liberia’s war, like othe...
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    Science and Values: A philosophical perspective on the justifiability of evidence based policymaking.Osman Dede - 2021 - Dissertation, Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics
    Science is widely regarded as the most reliable epistemic source of providing knowledge about the world. Policymakers intend to make purposeful changes in the world. The practice of policymakers relying on scientific experts to make informed decisions about which policies to implement is called Evidence Based Policymaking. This thesis provides a perspective from the philosophy of science in order to discuss the justifiability of Evidence Based Policymaking (EBP) with respect to broadly democratic and liberal values. Justifying EBP with broadly democratic (...)
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    Contributions of Philosophical Thought to the Science of Recitation.Osman Bayraktutan - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:2):509-523.
    Bu makale, felsefi düşüncenin Kıraat İlmi üzerindeki etkisini, özellikle metodoloji, yorumlama ve analitik derinlik üzerindeki etkisine odaklanarak incelemektedir. Temel felsefi kavramların, özellikle ontoloji, epistemoloji ve aksiyolojinin, bu disiplindeki yorumlama kapasitesini büyük ölçüde artırdığını savunmaktadır. Dil felsefesi, temel metinlerin doğru anlaşılması ve yorumlanmasında kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Metodolojik ilerlemelerin ötesinde, felsefi söylem, metinsel yapılar ve anlamların detaylı incelenmesi için sağlam bir teorik çerçeve sağlar. Eleştirel düşünce ve ontolojik içgörülerin entegrasyonuyla, Kıraat İlmi metinsel analizde daha derin bir seviyeye ulaşır, katmanlı anlamları ortaya (...)
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    Bir Mûcize Örneği Olarak Hz. Peygamber’in İnsanları Dönüştürme Kabiliyeti.Osman Nuri Demir - 2022 - Atebe 8:47-67.
    Kelâm âlimleri “mûcize” kavramını iki farklı şekilde tarif etmişlerdir. Bunlardan ilkinde mûcize “Peygamber olduğunu ileri süren kimsenin elinde, onun doğruluğunu kanıtlamak için meydana gelen hârikulâde olay” şeklinde tanımlanmıştır. İkinci tarife göre ise mûcize: “Peygamberlik iddia eden bir zâtın elinde, inkârcılara meydan okuduğu bir sırada, kendisini doğrular mâhiyette, başkalarının benzerini yapamadıkları, Allah tarafından yaratılan, olağanüstü olay”lara verilen addır. Tanımlardan da anlaşılacağı üzere “mûcize” kelimesiyle genel olarak “hissî mûcize”lere işaret edilmektedir. Zaten erken dönemden itibaren görünür olmaya başlayan İcazu’l-Kur’ân çalışmalarını dışarıda tutarsak “mûcize” (...)
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    The Right to be Forgotten: an Islamic Perspective.Amr Osman - 2023 - Human Rights Review 24 (1):53-73.
    In a landmark 1994 case, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that individuals had the right to ask for Internet links that contained certain information about them to be delisted by search engines. This came to be known as the “right to be forgotten.” This paper discusses the extent to which this right is consistent with the Islamic tradition. Following an overview of some aspects of the right to be forgotten and why it is endorsed in the (...)
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    On the Onto-Epistemological Status of the Empty Set and the Pure Singleton.Osman Gazi Birgül - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1111-1128.
    This article discusses the quiddity of the empty set from its epistemological and linguistic aspects. It consists of four parts. The first part compares the concept of _nihil privativum_ and the empty set in terms of representability, arguing the empty set can be treated as a negative and formal concept. It is argued that, unlike Frege’s definition of zero, the quantitative negation with a full scope is what enables us to represent the empty set conceptually without committing to an antinomy. (...)
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    Reseña de: Byung-Chul Han, Vita contemplativa.Osman Daniel Choque Aliaga - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0036.
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