Results for 'Otakar Kraus'

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  1. Otakar Kádner: pedagogika, školství a jejich dějiny.Otakar Kádner - 1981 - Praha: Státní pedagogické nakl.. Edited by Josef Cach.
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    Když se rákos chvěje nad hladinou: fragmenty, texty.Otakar A. Funda - 2009 - Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
    Jak je již z názvu patrné, tato kniha, třebaže obsahuje filosofické fragmenty a texty, je sbírkou spíše osobních autorových výpovědí a otevřeného přemítání než uzavřenou odbornou studií. Filozof, teolog a religionista Otakar A. Funda se v ní ohlíží za dosavadní cestou svého myšlenkového směřování. Kniha zachycuje jeho klíčová životní témata, dává nahlédnout do jeho myšlenkového vývoje i do současné názorové pozice. V tomto smyslu může čtenářům sloužit také jako klíč k lepšímu porozumění Fundovým předchozím textům. Publikace přináší rovněž kompletní (...)
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    Filozofické poradenstvo - kritika.Otakar Horák - 2014 - Filosofie Dnes 5 (2):62-86.
    Philosophical counseling is a helping profession that relates to the ancient concept of philosophy as a discipline with therapeutic potential. Unfortunately, there is no empirical evidence supporting the claim of therapeutic effects philosophy is supposed to have. Philosophical counselors do not have any exclusive methods – distinctive from the procedures used in psychotherapy – that we could find as sources of therapeutic effects. Philosophical counselors often do not understand the processes that generate therapeutic effects and mistakenly attribute these effects to (...)
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  4. Athena versus Artemis.Otakar A. Funda - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57 (3):415-422.
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    Mezi vírou a racionalitou.Otakar A. Funda - 2003 - Brno: L. Marek.
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    Znavená Evropa umírá.Otakar A. Funda - 2000 - Praha: Karolinum.
    Ačkoli v pozadí této knížky jsou odborné diskuse k problematice evropanství, kultury, civilizace, kulturní identity, ekologie a hranic i nových obzorů vědy a techniky, je poslední práce Otakara A. Fundy především "filosoficky laděným zamyšlením nad námi lidmi, nad naší planetou, nad naší civilizací, nad naší Evropou".
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    Studie a kritiky.Otakar Hostinský - 1974 - Praha,: Čs. spis., t. Stráž, Vimperk.
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  8. No deposits, big return.Otakar Jonas, William Steltz & Barry Dooley - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 149--3.
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    Tradition as definiens of culture.Otakar Nahodil - 1992 - World Futures 34 (3):187-200.
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    Opera Didactica OmniaJoannes Amos Comenius.Otakar Odlozilik - 1960 - Isis 51 (2):239-241.
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    Über den Jevonsschen Begriff des logischen Sinnes und verwandte Begriffe.Otakar Zich - 1961 - Theoria 27 (1):26-46.
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    Estetické vnímání hudby: estetika hudby.Otakar Zich & Milos J. uzl - 1981 - Praha: Editio Supraphon. Edited by Miloš Jůzl & Otakar Zich.
    Výbor z vědeckého díla předního českého estetika, hudebního vědce, kritika a skladatele O. Zicha zahrnuje kromě dosud nepublikovaných univerzitních přednášek o hudební estetice (převážně z r. 1932) také rukopisnoua idealismus v hudbě. Do výboru byla zařazena i dvoudilná Zichova habilitační práce. Estetické vnímání hudby, která představuje důležitý mezník v Zichově vědeckém postoji.
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  13. Estetické vnímání hudby ; Estetika hudby.Otakar Zich - 1981 - Praha: Editio Supraphon.
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    K metodologii experimentálních věd.Otakar Zich - 1959 - Praha,: Nakl. Československé akademie věd.
    Obsah: O. Zich: O některých logických a metodologických stránkách experimentu; I. Málek: Historická metoda a experiment; L. Tondl: Kauzální analýza a kauzální explikace.
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    Logika pro praxi.Otakar Zich - 1968 - Praha,: Práce.
    Způsob výběru látky ukazuje, že autor dává přednost algebraickým postupům symbolické logiky, které se už svou povahou výrazně odlišují od běžných způsobů myšlení v životní praxi. Vychází od výrokové logiky a problematikylogických formulí, zabývá se logikou predikátovou, logikou tříd a logikou relací. Probírá relace reflexívní, symetrické a tranzitivní, irreflexívní, asymetrické, intranzitivní a relace typu ekvivalence. Tento typ je důležitýtím, že umožňuje definovat nové objekty a dostává se do popředí nejen v různých vědních oborech, ale i v praktickém životě všude tam, (...)
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  16. Zanimatelńai︠a︡ logika.Otakar Zich - 1966 - Moskva,: Nauka. Edited by Ė Kolʹman.
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  17. Umění a kýc.Otakar Mrkvička - 1946 - Praha,: Orbis.
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  18. Z pansofických studií J. A. Komenského.Otakar Odložilík - 1928 - Brno,: Edited by Johann Amos Comenius.
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    Christian Gottfried Krause: O hudební poezii.Christian Gottfried Krause - 2022 - Brno: Masarykova univerzita. Edited by Kateřina Alexandra Šťastná.
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    Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    In this book Sharon Krause argues that moral and political deliberation must incorporate passions, even as she insists on the value of impartiality.
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    Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation: The Nature of Inner Experience.Katharina T. Kraus - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    As the pre-eminent Enlightenment philosopher, Kant famously calls on all humans to make up their own minds, independently from the constraints imposed on them by others. Kant's focus, however, is on universal human reason, and he tells us little about what makes us individual persons. In this book, Katharina T. Kraus explores Kant's distinctive account of psychological personhood by unfolding how, according to Kant, we come to know ourselves as such persons. Drawing on Kant's Critical works and on his (...)
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    Nonmonotonic reasoning, preferential models and cumulative logics.Sarit Kraus, Daniel Lehmann & Menachem Magidor - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 44 (1-2):167-207.
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    Fiat iustitia: Recht als Aufgabe der Vernunft: Festschrift für Peter Krause zum 70. Geburtstag.Peter Krause & Maximilian Wallerath (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    On a quasi-set theory.Décio Krause - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (3):402--11.
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    Social class, solipsism, and contextualism: How the rich are different from the poor.Michael W. Kraus, Paul K. Piff, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Michelle L. Rheinschmidt & Dacher Keltner - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (3):546-572.
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  26. Beyond non-domination.Sharon R. Krause - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (2):187-208.
    The concept of non-domination is an important contribution to the study of freedom but it does not comprehend the whole of freedom. Insofar as domination requires a conscious capacity for control on the part of the dominant party, it fails to capture important threats to individual freedom that permeate many contemporary liberal democracies today. Much of the racism, sexism and other cultural biases that currently constrain the life-chances of members of subordinate groups in the USA are largely unconscious and unintentional, (...)
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    Music Listening Predicted Improved Life Satisfaction in University Students During Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Amanda E. Krause, James Dimmock, Amanda L. Rebar & Ben Jackson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Quarantine and spatial distancing measures associated with COVID-19 resulted in substantial changes to individuals’ everyday lives. Prominent among these lifestyle changes was the way in which people interacted with media—including music listening. In this repeated assessment study, we assessed Australian university students’ media use throughout early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, and determined whether media use was related to changes in life satisfaction. Participants were asked to complete six online questionnaires, capturing pre- and during-pandemic experiences. The results indicated (...)
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    The logical foundations of scientific theories. Languages, Structures, and Models.Decio Krause & Jonas R. B. Arenhart - 2016 - Nova Iorque, NY, EUA: Routledge. Edited by Becker Arenhart & R. Jonas.
    This book addresses the logical aspects of the foundations of scientific theories. Even though the relevance of formal methods in the study of scientific theories is now widely recognized and regaining prominence, the issues covered here are still not generally discussed in philosophy of science. The authors focus mainly on the role played by the underlying formal apparatuses employed in the construction of the models of scientific theories, relating the discussion with the so-called semantic approach to scientific theories. The book (...)
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  29. Is Identity Really so Fundamental?Décio Krause & Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (1):51-71.
    We critically examine the claim that identity is a fundamental concept. According to those putting forward this thesis, there are four related reasons that can be called upon to ground the fundamental character of identity: identity is presupposed in every conceptual system; identity is required to characterize individuality; identity cannot be defined; the intelligibility of quantification requires identity. We address each of these points and argue that none of them advances compelling reasons to hold that identity is fundamental; in fact, (...)
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    The Parity and Disparity between Inner and Outer Experience in Kant.Katharina Kraus - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (2):171-195.
    This article advocates a new interpretation ofinner experience– the experience that one has of one’s empirical-psychological features ‘from within’ – in Kant. It argues that for Kant inner experience is the empirical cognition of mental states, but not that of a persistent mental substance. The schema of persistence is thereby substituted with the regulative idea of the soul. This view is shown to be superior to two opposed interpretations: the parity view that regards inner experience as empirical cognition of a (...)
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  31. The soul as the ‘guiding idea’ of psychology: Kant on scientific psychology, systematicity, and the idea of the soul.Katharina T. Kraus - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 71:77-88.
    This paper examines whether Kant’s Critical philosophy offers resources for a conception of empirical psychology as a theoretical science in its own right, rather than as a part of applied moral philosophy or of pragmatic anthropology. In contrast to current interpretations, this paper argues that Kant’s conception of inner experience provides relevant resources for the theoretical foundation of scientific psychology, in particular with respect to its subject matter and its methodological presuppositions. Central to this interpretation is the regulative idea of (...)
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  32. A formal framework for quantum non-individuality.Décio Krause & Steven French - 1995 - Synthese 102 (1):195 - 214.
    H. Post's conception of quantal particles as non-individuals is set in a formal logico-mathematical framework. By means of this approach certain metaphysical implications of quantum mechanics can be further explored.
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    Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness as the Form of Reflexivity.Katharina T. Kraus - 2024 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 131 (2):114-124.
    Boyle’s account of self-consciousness is inspired by a long-standing theme in Kant and the post-Kantian idealist tradition, according to which “self-consciousness transforms the general character of human knowing” (Boyle 2023, 12). In this paper, I explore similarities and differences between Kant’s view (as I understand it) and Boyle's Sartrean view. I will argue, first, that the kind of pre-reflective self-consciousness that Boyle locates in Sartre’s conception of non-positional (self-)consciousness can also be retrieved from Kant’s account of transcendental self-consciousness. Second, I (...)
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    Environmental Domination.Sharon R. Krause - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (4):443-468.
    In their vulnerability to arbitrary, exploitative uses of human power, many of Earth’s nonhuman parts are subject to environmental domination. People too are subject to environmental domination in ways that include but also extend beyond the special environmental burdens borne by those who are poor and marginalized. Despite the substantial inequalities that exist among us as human beings, we are all captured and exploited by the eco-damaging collective practices that constitute modern life for everyone today. Understanding the complex, interacting dynamics (...)
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  35. Identity in physics: a historical, philosophical, and formal analysis.Steven French & Décio Krause - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Decio Krause.
    Steven French and Decio Krause examine the metaphysical foundations of quantum physics. They draw together historical, logical, and philosophical perspectives on the fundamental nature of quantum particles and offer new insights on a range of important issues. Focusing on the concepts of identity and individuality, the authors explore two alternative metaphysical views; according to one, quantum particles are no different from books, tables, and people in this respect; according to the other, they most certainly are. Each view comes with certain (...)
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    Using Self-Determination Theory to Examine Musical Participation and Well-Being.Amanda E. Krause, Adrian C. North & Jane W. Davidson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:439908.
    A recent surge of research has begun to examine music participation and well-being; however, a particular challenge with this work concerns theorizing around the associated well-being benefits of musical participation. Thus, the current research used Self-Determination Theory to consider the potential associations between basic psychological needs (competence, relatedness, and autonomy), self-determined autonomous motivation, and the perceived benefits to well-being controlling for demographic variables and the musical activity parameters. A sample of 192 Australian residents (17-85, Mage = 36.95), who were currently (...)
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    Bodies in Action: Corporeal Agency and Democratic Politics.Sharon R. Krause - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):299-324.
    A better appreciation of the material, distributed quality of human agency can illuminate subtle dynamics of domination and oppression and reveal resources for potentially liberatory political action. Materialist accounts of agency nevertheless pose challenges to the notion of personal responsibility that is so crucial to political obligation and democratic citizenship. To guard against this danger, we need to sustain the close connection between agency and a sense of selfhood that is individuated, reflexive, and responsive to norms. Yet we should acknowledge (...)
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  38. Deliberative Exchange, Truth, and Cognitive Division of Labour: A Low-Resolution Modeling Approach.Ulrich Krause & Rainer Hegselmann - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):130-144.
    This paper develops a formal framework to model a process in which the formation of individual opinions is embedded in a deliberative exchange with others. The paper opts for a low-resolution modeling approach and abstracts away from most of the details of the social-epistemic process. Taking a bird's eye view allows us to analyze the chances for the truth to be found and broadly accepted under conditions of cognitive division of labour combined with a social exchange process. Cognitive division of (...)
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  39. Axioms for Collections of Indistinguishable Objects.Décio Krause - 1996 - Logique Et Analyse 39 (153/154):69–93.
    The search for axioms like those of set theories for dealing with collections of indistinguishable elementary particles was posed by Yu. I. Manin, in 1974, as one of the important problems of present day researches on the foundations of mathematics. In this paper we presented a quasi-set theory which stands for a mathematical framework for dealing with collections of indistinguishable objects, whose ’intended interpretation’ is precisely the behaviour of elementary particles as described by non-relativistic quantum mechanics. A sketch of the (...)
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  40. Logical aspects of quantum (non-)individuality.Décio Krause - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (1):79-94.
    In this paper I consider some logical and mathematical aspects of the discussion of the identity and individuality of quantum entities. I shall point out that for some aspects of the discussion, the logical basis cannot be put aside; on the contrary, it leads us to unavoidable conclusions which may have consequences in how we articulate certain concepts related to quantum theory. Behind the discussion, there is a general argument which suggests the possibility of a metaphysics of non-individuals, based on (...)
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    The Limits of Hobbesian Contractarianism.Jody S. Kraus - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1994 book constitutes a sustained, comprehensive, and rigorous critique of contemporary Hobbesian contractarianism as expounded in the work of Jean Hampton, Gregory Kavka, and David Gauthier. Professor Kraus argues that the attempts by these three philosophers to use Hobbes to answer current political and moral questions fail. The reasons why they fail are related to fundamental problems intrinsic to Hobbesian contractarianism: first, the problem of collective action arising out of the tension in Hobbes's theory between individual and collective (...)
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  42. Franz Brentano. Zur Kenntnis Seines Lebens Uns Seiner Lehre.Oskar Kraus (ed.) - 1919 - München,: Beck.
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    Reaching agreements through argumentation: a logical model and implementation.Sarit Kraus, Katia Sycara & Amir Evenchik - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 104 (1-2):1-69.
  44. [no title].Jens-Uwe Krause - unknown
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    Multiagent negotiation under time constraints.Sarit Kraus, Jonathan Wilkenfeld & Gilad Zlotkin - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 75 (2):297-345.
  46. Morality and the theory of rational choice.Jody S. Kraus & Jules L. Coleman - 1987 - Ethics 97 (4):715-749.
  47. Structures and Structural Realism.Décio Krause - 2003 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (1):113-126.
    The ‘ontic’ form of structural realism , roughly speaking, admits a complete elimination of the objects in the discourse of scientific theories, leaving us with structures only. As put by the defenders of such a claim, the idea is that all there is are structures and, if the relevant structures are to be set-theoretical constructs , as it has also been claimed, then the relations which appear in such structures should be taken to be ‘relations without the relata’. As far (...)
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    Trait anxiety is linked to increased usage of priors in a perceptual decision making task.N. Kraus, M. Niedeggen & G. Hesselmann - 2021 - Cognition 206:104474.
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  49. Sobre una teoría ‘pura’ de casi-conjuntos y su aplicación a una ontología cuántica de propiedades.Décio Krause & Juan Pablo Jorge - manuscript
    In this paper, we introduce a quasi-set theory without atoms. The quasi-sets (qsets) can have as elements completely indiscernible things which do not turn out to be the very same thing as it would be implied if its underlying logic was classical logic. A quasi-set can have a cardinal, called its quasi-cardinal, but this is made so that, at least for the finite case, the quasi-cardinal is not an ordinal, and hence the indistinguishable elements of a quasi-set cannot be ordered. (...)
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    Wie erfahren wir uns selbst sinnlich? Ein Lösungsvorschlag zu Kants Paradox der Selbstaffektion.Katharina T. Kraus - 2022 - In Giuseppe Motta, Dennis Schulting & Udo Thiel, Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Theory of Apperception: New Interpretations. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 613-640.
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