About this topic
Summary This leaf category includes all works by and about Brentano not covered in sibling categories. Big sub-groups include: scholarly works on Brentano's influence on later philosophers; works on his place in Central-European intellectual history; works by him on the history of philosophy and by others on his historiography of philosophy (including prominently studies of his relation to Aristotle); works by him or on him pertaining to philosophy of religion; works on Brentano's meta-philosophy (his proto-Quinean naturalism); as well as various otherwise unpublished letters and notes by Brentano.
Key works For Brentano's philosophy of religion, see Brentano 1987 (as well as Burgess 1974). For his approach to the history of philosophy, see Brentano 1994 (as well as Brentano et al 1994). A useful visual device for appreciating Brentano's philosophical influence is provided in Dewalque 2013.
Introductions For introductions to Brentano's philosophy as a whole that cover the "loose ends" categorized here, see McAlister 1976, Jacquette 2004, and Albertazzi 2006.

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  1. Brentano’s epistemology of history: inner experience and the reality of the past.Federico Boccaccini - forthcoming - Perspectives on Science.
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  2. Franz Brentano e as crises filosóficas nas quatro fases da sua história.Evandro Brito - 2023 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 29:86-97.
    Este trabalho analisa a polêmica "teoria das quatro fases da filosofia", tal como foi publicada por Franz Brentano em 1895, com o propósito de apresentar o papel das crises filosóficas no interior do movimento histórico-filosófico ocidental. Descrevemos, primeiramente, o modo como Brentano assume a clássica divisão da história em três períodos (antigo, medieval e moderno), para subdividir cada um desses períodos em quatro movimentos filosóficos distintos (movimento filosófico de interesse puro, movimento filosófico de interesse prático, movimento filosófico cético e movimento (...)
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  3. Brentano on psychologism and the background of phenomenology.Evandro O. Brito - 2023 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 39 (2).
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  4. Brentano on the Individuation of Mental Acts.Hamid Taieb - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):431-444.
    This paper aims to present and evaluate Brentano’s account of the individuation of mental acts. In his early works, Brentano assimilated mental acts to tropes; however, he encountered difficulties in explaining their individuation, since the usual solutions for the individuation of tropes were not readily applicable to his theory of mental acts. In a later period, Brentano introduced into his psychology what he called the “soul”, and this allowed him to explain the individuation of mental acts. Finally, after his “reistic” (...)
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  5. How to Divide a(n Individual) Mind: Ontological Complexity Instead of Mental Monism (for a book symposium on Mark Textor's "Brentano's Mind").Hamid Taieb - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (8):1404-1419.
    This paper addresses the issue of how to best account for the diversity of our (synchronic) mental activities. The discussion starts with Mark Textor’s mental monism. According to mental monism, our mental life is constituted by just one simple mental act, in which different sub-acts can be conceptually distinguished. Textor grounds this view in the work of the early Brentano and contrasts it with the theory of the later Brentano, who introduces a mental substance into his philosophy. According to Textor, (...)
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  6. Brentano’s Four Phases and the Rise of Scientific Philosophy in the Light of his Relation to his Students.Wolfgang Andreas Huemer - 2022 - In Ion Tanasescu, Alexandru Bejinariu, Susan Krantz Gabriel & Constantin Stoenescu, Brentano and the Positive Philosophy of Comte and Mill: With Translations of Original Writings on Philosophy as Science by Franz Brentano. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 401-14.
    Brentano’s position in the history of philosophy is often illustrated by the long list of important philosophers who have studied with him. Yet, the relations between Brentano and his students were not always without friction. In the present article I argue that Brentano’s students were most attracted by his conception of a scientific philosophy, which promised to leave the received tradition (German Idealism) behind and to mark the beginning of a new period in the history of philosophy – a project (...)
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  7. La rivoluzione intellettuale di Franz Brentano: "al servizio del maggior bene collettivo".Antonio Russo - 2022 - [Trezzano sul Naviglio]: Unicopli.
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  8. Brentano and the Positive Philosophy of Comte and Mill: With Translations of Original Writings on Philosophy as Science by Franz Brentano.Ion Tănăsescu, Alexandru Bejinariu, Susan Krantz Gabriel & Constantin Stoenescu (eds.) - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Before now, there has been no comprehensive analysis of the multiple relations between A. Comte’s and J.S. Mill’s positive philosophy and Franz Brentano’s work. The present volume aims to fill this gap and to identify Brentano’s position in the context of the positive philosophy of the 19th century by analyzing the following themes: the concept of positive knowledge; philosophy and empirical, genetic and descriptive psychology as sciences in Brentano, Comte and Mill; the strategies for the rebirth of philosophy in these (...)
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  9. The Philosophy of Brentano: Contributions from the Second International Conference Graz 1977 & 2017. In memory of Rudolf Haller.Mauro Antonelli & Thomas Binder (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _The Philosophy of Brentano_ has as its goal to explore the significance and impact of Franz Brentano’s thought, to promote a deepening of the ongoing renaissance of interest in Brentano, and to advance the project of understanding Brentano’s actual philosophical positions and correcting entrenched misunderstandings.
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  10. The philosophy of Brentano: contributions from the Second International Conference Graz 1977-2017, in memory of Rudolf Haller.Mauro Antonelli, Thomas Binder & Rudolf Haller (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill, Rodopi.
    This volume, originating from the centennial Second International Conference Graz 1977-2017 on Franz Brentano's philosophy, collects eighteen essays written by nineteen distinguished specialists covering the main areas of Brentano's philosophy: his epistemology, ontology, ethics, and logic, and his contributions to psychology and philosophy of mind. Its goal is to explore the significance and impact of Brentano's thought, to promote a deepening of the ongoing renaissance of interest in Brentano, and to advance the project of understanding Brentano's actual philosophical positions and (...)
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  11. The philosophy of Brentano: contributions from the Second International Conference Graz 1977 & 2017, in memory of Rudolf Haller.Mauro Antonelli, Thomas Binder & Rudolf Haller (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill, Rodopi.
    This volume, originating from the centennial Second International Conference Graz 1977-2017 on Franz Brentano's philosophy, collects eighteen essays written by nineteen distinguished specialists covering the main areas of Brentano's philosophy: his epistemology, ontology, ethics, and logic, and his contributions to psychology and philosophy of mind. Its goal is to explore the significance and impact of Brentano's thought, to promote a deepening of the ongoing renaissance of interest in Brentano, and to advance the project of understanding Brentano's actual philosophical positions and (...)
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  12. The Philosophy of Franz Brentano.Thomas Binder & Mauro Antonelli (eds.) - 2021 - Brill.
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  13. Brentano on scientific philosophy and positivism.Flávio Vieira Curvello - 2021 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 62 (150):657-679.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I analyze Brentano’s fourth habilitation thesis, according to which the philosophical method should be none other than the natural scientific one. The meaning of this thesis can be initially assessed through an examination of Brentano’s views on the relationship between natural and human sciences. His arguments for methodological unity in this debate show that he actually argues for an overarching idea of scientific knowledge, which is not restricted to the fields already recognized as scientific, but which (...)
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  14. Misleading Expressions: The Brentano-Ryle Connection.Arnaud Dewalque - 2021 - In Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard, Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 95-118.
    This chapter argues that Gilbert Ryle’s account of misleading expressions, which is rightly considered a milestone in the history of analytic philosophy, is continuous with Brentano’s. Not only did they identify roughly the same classes of misleading expressions, but their analyses are driven by a form of ontological parsimony which sharply contrasts with rival views in the Brentano School, like those of Meinong and Husserl. Section 1 suggests that Ryle and Brentano share a similar notion of analysis. Section 2 spells (...)
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  15. The Occamization of 'Meaning': Ryle and Brentano.Arnaud Dewalque - 2021 - Logique & Analyse 256:511-532.
    To Occamize a nominal expression N is to show that, despite grammatical appearances, N does not name, or denote, an entity. This article argues that the Occamization of ‘meaning,’ which was central to Gilbert Ryle’s meta-philosophy, had already been advanced by Franz Brentano. The core thesis of the article is that Brentano’s notion of ‘content,’ albeit different from that of linguistic rules, does a similar job of eliminating expendable entities. If the meaning of a linguistic expression is not an entity (...)
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  16. Brentano and Mauthner on grammatical illusions.Denis Seron - 2021 - In Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard, Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This paper aims to suggest that Brentano’s theory of intentionality, at least in its later formulation, is not only about mind and also belongs to a tradition of deconstructing language that includes prominent figures of Austrian and German philosophy such as Mach, Vaihinger, and Wittgenstein. In order to establish this, the author explores some differences and similarities between this theory and Fritz Mauthner’s critique of language. He argues that the very starting point of both is one and the same fact: (...)
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  17. Experiencing the a priori.Denis Seron - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):371-379.
    Brentano clearly asserts, in his Vienna lectures of 1887–1888, that his descriptive psychology is an a priori or “exact” science. Since he rejects Kant's idea of a synthetic a priori, this means that the descriptive psychologist's laws are analytic. My aim in this paper is to clarify and discuss this view. I examine Brentano's epistemology in the Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint and then its later developments. I conclude with a difficulty inherent in Brentano's psychological approach to a priori knowledge.
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  18. (1 other version)Franz Brentano’s Philosophy After One Hundred Years: From History of Philosophy to Reism.Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette & Hynek Janoušek (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This volume brings together contributions that explore the philosophy of Franz Brentano. It looks at his work both critically and in the context of contemporary philosophy. For instance, Brentano influenced the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the theory of objects of Alexius Meinong, the early development of the Gestalt theory, the philosophy of language of Anton Marty, the works of Carl Stumpf in the psychology of tone, and many others. Readers will also learn the contributions of Brentano's work to much debated (...)
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  19. Brentanian Association of Ideas.Hamid Taieb - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (2):203-222.
    This paper presents and evaluates the Brentanian theory of association of ideas. The topic of association usually brings to mind British Empiricism, which is often thought to have a monopoly on the matter. Brentano, however, adopts an original, alternative account of association. He argues that all cases of association can be placed under a single general law, that of “habit”. His explicit account of the topic is rather brief; however, his most faithful pupil, Anton Marty, thoroughly developed his master’s views. (...)
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  20. Franz Brentano: critical assessments of leading philosophers.Mauro Antonelli & Federico Boccaccini (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
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  21. Brentano's Case for Optimism.Arnaud Dewalque - 2019 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 111 (4):835-847.
    Call metaphysical optimism the view that this world is the best of all possible worlds. This article addresses Franz Brentano’s case for metaphysical optimism. I argue that, although Brentano does not offer any conclusive argument in favour of the latter, he disentangles many related issues which are interesting in their own right. The article has five sections corresponding to five claims, which I argue are central to Brentano’s view, namely: metaphysical optimism is best spelled out as the view that this (...)
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  22. Einleitung: Franz Brentano Vermischte Schriften.Denis Fisette - 2019 - In Franz Brentano, Vermischte Schriften. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This is the introduction to volume IX of Brentano’s Complete Published Writings: Sämtliche veröffentlichte Schriften: Vermischte Schriften. Brentano’s writings reproduced in this volume provide a substantial complement to important aspects of Brentano's philosophy which are less explicit in the other works he published during his lifetime. This volume contains thirteen writings: three of them belong to the period of Würzburg, two to the Italian period, and the others belong to the period of his teaching in Vienna. They can be grouped (...)
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  23. KRIEGEL, URIAH, Brentano’s Philosophical System. Mind, Being, Value, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, 308 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz-de-Landázuri - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (2):432-434.
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  24. Franz Brentano, Essais et conférences I, translation edited and directed by D. Fisette and G. Fréchette, Paris: Vrin, 2018, 424 pp., €38, ISBN: 978‐2‐7116‐2797‐4. [REVIEW]Sébastien Richard - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (4):591-597.
    Dialectica, Volume 73, Issue 4, Page 591-597, December 2019.
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  25. Monism and Particularism: Methodology in Brentano’s Psychology.Ion Tănăsescu - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (4):397-412.
    The paper argues that Brentano was the exponent of a methodological monism, which is based on the requirement that science should be grounded on experience, and not on a speculative-idealistic principle, as in the case of German idealism. In Brentano’s psychological writings, this methodological requirement concretized in two different theses: The method of psychology is identical with the method of natural science; The method of psychology is inspired by the method of natural science. The thesis of this study is that (...)
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  26. Franz Brentano. Sources and Legacy / Intentionality and Philosophy of Mind / Metaphysics, Logic, Epistemology / Ethics, Aesthetics, Religion (Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers).Mauro Antonelli & Federico Boccaccini (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Franz Brentano was a leading philosopher and psychologist of the nineteenth century. Indeed, the impact of his scholarship was so great that he became synonymous with a school of thought and a new approach in scientific philosophy. The Brentano School stood against the Idealistic and post-Kantian German tradition and Brentano played a crucial role in the founding of Austrian philosophy. He had an enormous impact on the work of Husserl and Heidegger, as well as on Moore’s _Ethics_ and Stout and (...)
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  27. Ontologický důkaz Boží existence.Franz Brentano - 2018 - Studia Neoaristotelica 15 (3):1-61.
    A translation by Hynek Janoušek into Czech of Brentano on the ontological argument for the existence of God.
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  28. Essais et conférences, tome I : Sur l'histoire de la philosophie.Franz Brentano - 2018 - Paris: Vrin.
    Ce premier tome de Essais et conférences de Franz Brentano comporte seize études qui, pour la plupart, paraissent pour la première fois en traduction française. Ces textes sont regroupés dans quatre sections qui portent respectivement sur l'état de la philosophie et ses principes, sa philosophie de l'histoire et sa théorie des quatre phases, ses réflexions sur les philosophes Auguste Comte, Plotin, Schelling et Thomas d'Aquin, et finalement son débat avec Édouard Zeller, l'auteur de La philosophie des Grecs, autour de l'interprétation (...)
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  29. Brentano, la philosophie et son histoire : introduction.Denis Fisette - 2018 - In Franz Brentano, Essais et conférences, tome I : Sur l'histoire de la philosophie. Paris: Vrin. pp. 7-39.
    Introduction au premier tome de Essais et conférences de Franz Brentano.
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  30. Brentano's Philosophical System: Mind, Being, Value. [REVIEW]Susan Krantz Gabriel - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (2):387-388.
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  31. Brentano's conception of philosophy as rigorous science.Wolfgang Huemer - 2018 - Brentano Studien 16 (1):53-72.
    Abstract: Brentano’s conception of scientific philosophy had a strong influence on his students and on the intellectual atmosphere of Vienna in the late nineteenth century. The aim of this article is to expose Brentano’s conception and to contrast his views with that of two traditions he is said to have considerably influenced: phenomenology and analytic philosophy. I will shed light on the question of how and to what extent Brentano’s conception of philosophy as a rigorous science has had an impact (...)
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  32. Franz Brentano et la néoscolastique allemande.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2018 - In Claude Brunier-Coulin, Philosophies et théologies au XXIe siècle. Paris: Orizons. pp. 281-308.
    A look to the neoscholastic roots of Brentano and his reception of Aquinas. German Neoscholasticism helped Brentano to bild a "scientific" philosophy and to defend the liberty of thought. After some years as a catholic priest, he believed that Catholic faith was implausible and he tried to support his own position through a bad exegesis of Aquinas.
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  33. (1 other version)The Rise of the Brentano School.Arnaud Dewalque - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel, The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 225-235.
    In this chapter, I give a bird’s eye view of the Brentano School from a rather historical perspective. My leading hypothesis is that one crucial factor explaining the rise of the school is Brentano’s unique strategy, within the academic context of the time, to promote the revival of philosophy as a rigorous science. After a brief introduction, I reconstruct the three main phases in the school’s development, namely Brentano’s teaching in Würzburg, his teaching in Vienna, and Anton Marty’s teaching in (...)
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  34. The Unity of the Brentano School.Arnaud Dewalque - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel, The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 236-248.
    Franz Brentano’s works are not just full of deep and innovative insights into mind, world and values. His views also turned out to be highly influential upon several generations of students, who made them the basis of their own philosophical investigations, giving rise to what is known as the Brentano School (Albertazzi et al. 1996; Fisette & Fréchette 2007). In this chapter, I give a bird’s eye view of the Brentano School from a rather historical perspective. My leading hypothesis is (...)
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  35. Franz Brentano.Denis Fisette and Guillaume Fréchette (ed.) - 2017 - Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger.
    Special issue of the journal Revue philosophique in homage to the centenary of Franz Brentano's death. Contains a substantial introduction and contributions from Alain de Libera, Kevin Mulligan, Barry Dainton, and Uriah Kriegel.
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  36. Vorwort.Franz Antonelli - 2015 - In Gustav Theodor Fechner & Franz Brentano, Briefwechsel Über Psychophysik, 1874-1878. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  37. Editorische Vorbemerkungen.Mauro Antonelli - 2015 - In Gustav Theodor Fechner & Franz Brentano, Briefwechsel Über Psychophysik, 1874-1878. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 77-80.
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  38. Themes from Brentano. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Huemer - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (2):391-393.
    Franz Brentano’s impact on the philosophy of his time and on 20th-century philosophy is considerable. The “sharp dialectician” and “genial master” influenced philosophers of various allegiances, being acknowledged not only as the “grandfather of phenomenology” but also as an analytic philosopher “in the best sense of this term” . The fourteen new essays gathered together in this volume give an insight in three core issues of Brentano’s philosophy: consciousness , intentionality and ontology and metaphysics . Two further sections of the (...)
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  39. Experiencing the Present.Uriah Kriegel - 2015 - Analysis 75 (3):407-413.
    There are several differences between (i) seeing rain outside one’s window and (ii) episodically remembering seeing rain outside one’s window. One difference appears to pertain to felt temporal orientation: in episodically remembering seeing the rain, we experience the rain, and/or the seeing of it, as (having occurred in the) past; in perceiving the rain, we experience the rain as (in the) present. However, according to (what is widely regarded as) the most plausible metaphysics of time, there are no such properties (...)
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  40. Franz Kafka’s story The metamorphosis in the light of the theory of intentional object in Franz Brentano and Anton Marty.Kamińska Sonia - 2015 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 5 (1):35-50.
    How does it feel to be a worm? No doubt, it feels Kafkaesque. The metamorphosis (1915) is a story of an ordinary man, Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning as an ungeheures Ungeziefer or ‘giant vermin’. Is this only a bodily change, or has his mind been transformed as well? And how do the people around him cope with this transformation? In this paper, I am going to examine these issues by using tools from Franz Brentano’s (1838–1917) and Anton (...)
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  41. Denis Fisette and Guillaume Fréchette , Themes From Brentano, Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie, Gegründet von Rudolf Haller Herausgegeben von Mauro Antonelli, Vol. XLIV, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2013, 530 pp., US$ 130 , ISBN. [REVIEW]Biagio G. Tassone - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (2):231-248.
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  42. Themes from Brentano, ed. Fisette et Fréchette, Amsterdam/New York, rodopi, 2013 , 530 P. [REVIEW]Maxime Julien - 2014 - Dialogue 53 (2):341-346.
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  43. Pleasure and Its Contraries.Olivier Massin - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (1):15-40.
    What is the contrary of pleasure? “Pain” is one common answer. This paper argues that pleasure instead has two natural contraries: unpleasure and hedonic indifference. This view is defended by drawing attention to two often-neglected concepts: the formal relation of polar opposition and the psychological state of hedonic indifference. The existence of mixed feelings, it is argued, does not threaten the contrariety of pleasure and unpleasure.
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  44. (1 other version)Mélanges chromatiques. La théorie brentanienne des couleurs multiples à la loupe.Olivier Massin & Marion Haemmerli - 2014 - In C.-E. Niveleau, Vers une philosophie scientifique. Le programme de Brentano. Demopolis.
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  45. (1 other version)Mélanges Chromatiques: la théorie brentanienne des couleurs multiples à la loupe [Chromatic Mixtures: Brentano on Multiple Colors].Olivier Massin & Marion Hämmerli - 2014 - In Charles Niveleau, Vers Une Philosophie Scientifique: Le Programme de Brentano. Paris: Editions Demopolis.
    Some colors are compound colors, in the sense that they look complex: orange, violet, green..., by contrast to elemental colors like yellow or blue. In the chapter 3 of his Unterschungen zur Sinnespsychologie, Brentano purports to reconcile the claim that some colors are indeed intrinsically composed of others, with the claim that colors are impenetrable with respect to each other. His solution: phenomenal green is like a chessboard of blue and yellow squares. Only, such squares are so small that we (...)
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  46. Vers Une Philosophie Scientifique: Le Programme de Brentano.Charles Niveleau (ed.) - 2014 - Paris: Editions Demopolis.
    Face à l'essor considérable des sciences cognitives, qu'est-on en droit d'attendre aujourd'hui de la philosophie? Cette question est celle que se pose Brentano au XIXe siècle dans un contexte où l'explosion des sciences de la nature place la philosophie dans une crise sans précédent. Loin de se limiter à une simple épistémologie des sciences, Brentano saisit l'opportunité de cette crise pour non seulement asseoir de nouveau la philosophie sur le sol de l'expérience mais, également, définir la philosophie en tant que (...)
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  47. We owe it to Sigwart! A new look at the content/object distinction in early phenomenological theories of judgment from Brentano to Twardowski.Arianna Betti - 2013 - In Mark Textor, Judgement and Truth in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Palgrave. pp. 74.
  48. Modern errors concerning the knowledge of the laws of inference.Franz Brentano - 2013 - In Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette, Themes from Brentano. New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
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  49. Moderne Irrthumer uber die Erkenntnis der Gesetze des Schliessens.Franz Brentano - 2013 - In Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette, Themes from Brentano. New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
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  50. The Madness of Franz Brentano: Religion, Secularisation and the History of Philosophy.Richard Schaefer - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (4):541-560.
    In recent decades, scholars have shown a distinct new willingness to concede the important place of religion in the life and thought of the philosopher Franz Brentano. However, these studies are still dominated by the presumption that Brentano's life and thought are best understood according to a model of secularisation as a progressive waning of religion. This essay asks whether such a presumption is the best way of understanding the complex interconnections between various elements of his philosophical and religious ideas. (...)
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