Results for 'Ottfried Jarren'

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    Verantwortungskultur durch Kommunikationspolitik?Ottfried Jarren - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2020 (1):15-26.
    With the establishment of social media, the media and communication system changes fundamentally: new norms and rules of social communication are formed. Above all, new, active forms of media use show massive disruptions in public and private communication. Social media institutionalize new forms of individual, group, network, organizational and mass communication. The new institutional- ization processes need to be shaped politically so that a new culture of responsibil- ity can be established. The communication policy approach is developed and justi- fied (...)
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    Heilsaneignung und Heilsverwirklichung.Ottfried Kietzig - 1964 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 8 (1):156-178.
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    Ist es theologisch legitim, bei der Behandlung von Glaubensaussagen von "Erleben" zu sprechen?Ottfried Kietzig - 1976 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 12 (1):105-117.
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    Die Communio Sanctorum als sozial religiöses Erlebnis.Ottfried Kietzig - 1967 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 9 (1):211-212.
    Meinem Lehrer Adolf Deissmann aus Anlaß seines 100. Geburtstages am 7. 11. 1966 in dankbarer Erinnerung gewidmet.
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    Heilsaneignung und Heilsverwirklichung in den Stellungnahmen naturgebundener Gemeinschaft.Ottfried Kietzig - 1964 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 8 (1):156-185.
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    Einmaligkeit und allgemeine Gültigkeit von Bekehrung: Dargestellt an der Bekehrung des Paulus.Ottfried Kietzig - 1962 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 7 (1):105-134.
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  7. Objekt und Objektivität in der Wissenschaft.Ottfried Büthe - 1960 - [Mainz,:
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    Book Review: Das Schuldproblem in Theologie und Tiefenpsychologie. Beiträge zur prakt. [REVIEW]Ottfried Kietzig - 1967 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 9 (1):375-377.
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    Book Review: Das Religiöse Erlebnis und seine Strukturen. [REVIEW]Ottfried Kietzig - 1975 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 11 (1):300-302.
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    Book Review: Einübung ins Meditieren am Neuen Testament. [REVIEW]Ottfried Kietzig - 1967 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 9 (1):371-373.
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    Book Review: Grundzüge der Sozialpsychologie. Betrachtungen über die Problematik der sozialen Wirklichkeit. [REVIEW]Ottfried Kietzig - 1967 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 9 (1):377-379.
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  12. Book Review: Gericht ohne Gnade? Ein evangelischer Christ und Staatsbürger zur Ost-Denkschrift des Rates der EKD. [REVIEW]Ottfried Kietzig - 1967 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 9 (1):373-375.
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    The platformization of the public sphere and its challenge to democracy.Renate Fischer & Otfried Jarren - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):200-215.
    Democracy depends on a vivid public sphere, where ideas disseminate into the public and can be discussed – and challenged - by everyone. Journalism has contributed significantly to this social mediation by reducing complexity, providing information on salient topics and (planned) political solutions. The digital transformation of the public sphere leads to new forms of media provision, distribution, and use. Journalism has struggled to adapt to the new conditions. Journalistic news values, relevant to democracy, are being replaced by ones relevant (...)
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    Ottfried Dascher: „Es ist etwas Wahnsinniges mit der Kunst“. Alfred Flechtheim – Sammler, Kunsthändler, Verleger (= Quellenstudien zur Kunst, Band 6), Wädenswil: Nimbus Verlag, 2011, 511 S. [REVIEW]Ines Sonder - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (1):94-96.
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    Ève Gran-Aymerich – Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg, L’Antiquité partagée. Correspondances franco-allemandes . Karl Benedikt Hase, Désiré Raoul-Rochette, Karl Ottfried Müller, Otto Jahn, Theodor Mommsen.Sarah Rey - 2015 - Klio 97 (2):844-846.
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    Decisionism and Politics: Weber as Constitutional Theorist.Stephen Turner & Regis A. Factor - 2014 - In Sam Whimster & Dr Scott Lash (eds.), Max Weber, Rationality and Modernity. Routledge.
    The N ational Assembly held in the Frankfurt Paulskirche in 1848, which opened w ith high hopes for the unification o f Germ any on parliam entary constitutional principles, was left to die a year later, in the telling phrase o f D onoso Cortes, ‘like a street w om an in the gu tter’. In the period o f reaction that followed, during w hich the Paulskirche convention came to be described as the ‘parliam ent o f pro­ fessors’, (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche: Jenseits von Gut und Böse ed. by Marcus Andreas Born.Phillip H. Roth - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (2):311-314.
    It is definitely a welcome contribution to Nietzsche scholarship that a volume on Beyond Good and Evil has been published in the German series Klassiker Auslegen, established by Ottfried Höffe. The series aims at providing cooperative commentaries by leading scholars in the field on the most important works in the history of philosophy. As with the other “classics” that have been covered, the order of contributions follows the order of the original publication; in the case of Beyond Good and (...)
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