Results for 'Otto Lichti'

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  1.  18
    Kant Und Die Epigonen.Otto Liebmann - 2017 - Andesite Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  2. Nothingness as Nihilism: Nishitani Keiji and Karatani Kojin.Otto Lehto - manuscript
    This paper contrasts the conceptions of "Nothigness" and "nihility" in Western continental philosophy and Japanese philosophy. The experience of the Self, and the experiences of the transcendent, are constructed upon the prevalent assumptions of the culture that the individual finds herself in. The question of the relationship between the "I" and the "World" is differently solved (or stabilized, fixed) in different cultures. I seek to defend and interrogate the claim that Japan's core metaphysical stance is that of non-dualistic non-essentialism. In (...)
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  3. VII.—Universal Jargon and Terminology.Otto Neurath - 1941 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 41 (1):127-148.
  4. Power to the powerless: evolutionary liberalism and social emancipation.Otto Lehto - forthcoming - In Mikayla Novak (ed.), Liberal Emancipation: Explorations in Political and Social Economy. Springer.
    In his influential 1949 essay, The Intellectuals and Socialism, F.A. Hayek prophesied that the “revival of liberalism” must coincide with the resurgence of “the courage to be Utopian.” Today, at a time when liberalism is under attack from multiple fronts, we need courage more than ever. Indeed, the rediscovery of the Utopian potential of liberalism coincides with going back to its roots. My paper shows that liberalism, especially in its so-called “epistemic” or "evolutionary" branch whose notable theorists include Adam Smith, (...)
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  5. McDowell's revised theory of perception.Otto Lehto - manuscript
    In this paper, I assess John McDowell's paper "Avoiding the Myth of the Given" (2009) (AMG) and its theory of epistemological openness to the world. I trace its motivations back to Kantian, Sellarsian and Aristotelean roots. I argue that McDowell subscribes to a kind of Holistic Theory of Rationality (HTR). To explain the HTR, I will analyze the Sellarsian notions of the "Manifest Image," the "Myth of the Given" and the "logical space of reasons." I argue that the holistic nature (...)
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    Poverty Relief as a Rule-Based Discovery Procedure: Is Universal Basic Income Compatible with a Hayekian Welfare State?Otto Lehto - 2023 - In Alicja Sielska (ed.), Transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe: Austrian perspectives. London: Routledge. pp. 140-154.
    What does effective poverty relief entail? How are we to assess the capacity of advanced industrialized societies to solve the problem of poverty? What role, if any, is left for the welfare state? This chapter argues that poverty relief, far from being primarily a matter of post hoc redistribution, primarily consists in a Hayekian-Schumpeterian discovery (or innovation) procedure whereby the problems of the poor are continuously discovered, identified, and eventually solved from the bottom up. This suggests new avenues for reform. (...)
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  7. International Encyclopedia of Unified Science: Foundations of the unity of science...Otto Neurath, Rudolf Carnap & Charles William Morris - 1938 - University Press.
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    Radikaler Physikalismus und „Wirkliche welt”.Otto Neurath - 1934 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):346-362.
  9. Existenzphilosophie und Pädagogik.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1961 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 15 (3):491-494.
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  10. Le Développement du Cercle de Vienne et l'avenir de l'empirisme logique.Otto Neurath - 1936 - Erkenntnis 6 (1):270-271.
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  11. Der Denkweg Martin Heideggers.Otto Pöggeler - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (1):146-146.
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    Existenzphilosophie und Pädagogik: Versuch über unstetige Formen d. Erziehung.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1977 - Mainz: Kohlhammer.
  13. Liberal Neutrality and the Paradox of the Open Future.Otto Lehto - 2024 - In Leon Hartmann, Sebastian Kaufmann, Bernhard Neumärker & Andreas Urs Sommers (eds.), Political Participation and Universal Basic Income: Narratives of the Future. Berlin: Lit Verlag. pp. 147-168.
    Liberal-minded basic income scholars often argue that UBI has two key properties that work together to justify it. Let us call these the freedom justification and the narrative justification. On the one hand, UBI is defended because it gives people more freedom to do what they want to do. (Stigler, 1946, Friedman, 1962; Van Parijs, 1995; Widerquist, 2013) They exhibit primary concern for the purely formal properties of the regime of liberal neutrality. On the other hand, many scholars, including many (...)
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  14. Foundations of the Unity of Science Toward an International Encyclopedia of Unified Science.Otto Neurath - 1955 - University of Chicago Press.
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  15. International Encyclopedia of Unified Science: Vol. I, Foundations of the Unity of Science.Otto Neurath, Niels Bohr, John Dewey, Bertrand Russell, Rudolph Carnap & Charles W. Morris - 1939 - Ethics 49 (4):498-500.
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    Marking the success or end of global multi-stakeholder governance? The rise of national sustainability standards in Indonesia and Brazil for palm oil and soy.Otto Hospes - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):425-437.
    The RSPO and RTRS are global private partnerships that have been set up by business and civil society actors from the North to curb de-forestation and to promote sustainable production of palm oil or soy in the South. This article is about the launch of new national standards in Indonesia and Brazil that are look-alikes of the global standards but have been set up and supported by government or business actors from the South. The two main questions of this article (...)
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  17. The waning of opposition in parliamentary regimes.Otto Kirchheimer - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  18. (1 other version)Die mathematische Method.Otto Hölder - 1925 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 32 (1):13-14.
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  19. Neue Geborgenheit: das Problem einer Überwindung des Existentialismus.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 1972 - Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
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    Encyclopedia and Unified Science.Otto Neurath - 1947 - University of Chicago Press.
  21.  63
    The social sciences and unified science.Otto Neurath - 1939 - Erkenntnis 8 (1):430-433.
  22. (1 other version)Inventory of the Standard of Living.Otto Neurath - 1937 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 6:140.
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    A Latent Factor Analysis of Working Memory Measures Using Large-Scale Data.Otto Waris, Anna Soveri, Miikka Ahti, Russell C. Hoffing, Daniel Ventus, Susanne M. Jaeggi, Aaron R. Seitz & Matti Laine - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Studien zur geschichte der sprachphilosophie.Otto Funke - 1927 - Bern,: Verlag A. Francke a.-g..
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    Kant Und Die Epigonen Eine Kritische Abhandlung.Otto Liebmann & Bruno Bauch (eds.) - 1865 - Reuther & Reichard.
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  26. The hermeneutics of the technological world: The heidegger‐heisenberg dispute.Otto Pöggeler - 1993 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1 (1):21-48.
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    Stigma as a barrier to recovery from mental illness.Otto F. Wahl - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):9-10.
  28.  92
    The Collapse and Reconstitution of the Cinematic Narrative: Interactivity vs. Immersion in Game Worlds.Otto Lehto - 2009 - Ec - Rivista Dell'associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici:21-28.
    This article analyses the phenomenology and ontology of videogames through the lens of semiotics. The difference between games and more traditional narrative models (such as those found in books and movies) lies on the structural level. The game narrative needs to be ‘written’ (played) before it can be ‘read’ (interpreted). Games provide fluidity of interactive immersion: the interface as the place of the merger between the player and the game. A connection, without delay, is established between the movement of the (...)
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  29.  64
    Oikeus sananvapauteen: onko haitallisen puheen sallimisesta jotain hyötyä?Otto Lehto - 2019 - In Maija Aalto-Heinilä & Visa Kurki (eds.), Mitä oikeudet ovat? Filosofian ja oikeustieteen näkökulmia. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. pp. 191-205.
    Tämä artikkeli esittelee utilitaristisen valistusliberalismin käsityksen sananvapaudesta. Sen perusväite on, että tiedonhaluinen, kehittyvä ja demokraattinen yhteiskunta hyötyy pitkällä tähtäimellä enemmän laajan sananvapauden sallimisesta kuin sen maltillisestakin rajoittamisesta. Tämän näkökulman mukaan haitallisen puheen – kuten vihapuheen ja muun loukkaavan puheen – tukahduttaminen on epätoivottavaa mutta tilannekohtaisesti hyötylaskelmien mukaan perusteltavissa, jos laajan sananvapauden pitkän tähtäimen hyödyt on otettu riittävästi huomioon. Ongelma onkin siinä, että näitä pitkän tähtäimen hyötyjä ei yleensä ole otettu riittävästi huomioon. Sananvapauden haitat ovat kiistattomia, joten sananvapauden uskottavan puolustuksen tulee (...)
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    Friedrich Albert Lange.Otto Adolf Ellissen - 1894 - Leipzig,: J. Baedeker.
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  31. Empirische soziologie.Otto Neurath - 1931 - Wien,: J. Springer.
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    Misbehavior During Penalty Kicks and Goalkeepers Holding the Ball Too Long as Trivial Offenses in Football.Otto Kolbinger & Michael Stöckl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Hillel Steiner: Territorial Justice.Otto Lehto - 2023 - In Kevin W. Gray (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Territorial Rights. Springer. pp. 1-9.
    Hillel Steiner’s applied theory of territorial rights is part of his broader left-libertarian theory of rights. Steiner believes that all individuals have the libertarian right to self-ownership and to an equal share of the value of (global) natural resources. He thus views territorial rights as being ultimately reducible to the lower-level rights of free and equal individuals. This view challenges most accounts of nationalism (and territorial collectivism) as well as the normative theories of state sovereignty based on them. It thus (...)
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    Nineteenth-Century Medical Psychology: Theoretical Problems in the Work of Griesinger, Meynert, and Wernicke.Otto Marx - 1970 - Isis 61 (3):355-370.
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    Liebig on Francis Bacon and the utility of science.Otto Sonntag - 1974 - Annals of Science 31 (5):373-386.
  36. Kierkegaard in English. II.Otto F. Kraushaar - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (22):589-607.
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  37. Artificial Intelligence.Otto Neumaier - 1987 - St Martin's Press.
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    Heidegger: Perspektiven zur Deutung seines Werks.Otto Pöggeler - 1984
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  39. Das Prooimion des Orphischen Hymnenbuches.Otto Kern - 1940 - Hermes 75 (1):20-26.
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    For the Discussion: Just Annotations, Not a Reply.Otto Neurath - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (4):526-528.
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  41. Temporale Interpretation und hermeneutische Philosophie.Otto Pöggeler - 1989 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 43 (168):5-32.
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    On Feasibility and Algorithmic Fairness: A Reply to Erman, Furendal, and Möller.Otto Sahlgren - 2025 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-4.
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  43. The Socratic Problem: A History.Otto Linderborg - manuscript
    This article overviews the scholarly history of research centred on the Socratic problem. Eight breaking points in this history are identified and the developments emerging from them are analysed. 1) The pre-history of the Socratic problem began with the varying and conflicting portrayals of Socrates that sprang up during his lifetime and shortly after his death. 2) The problem was first explicitly admitted in the 18 th century with the earliest historical investigations critically pursuing the truth behind the fiction. 3) (...)
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    Studying the cognitive states of animals.Otto Lehto - 2009 - Sign Systems Studies 37 (3-4):369-420.
    The question of cognitive endowment in animals has been fiercely debated in the scientific community during the last couple of decades (for example, in cognitive ethology and behaviourism), and indeed, all throughout the long history of natural philosophy (from Plato and Aristotle, via Descartes, to Darwin). The scientific quest for an empirical, evolutionary account of the development and emergence of cognition has met with many philosophical objections, blind alleys and epistemological quandaries. I will argue that we are dealing with conflicting (...)
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    Theophrastvs De Pietate.Otto Achelis - 1911 - Classical Quarterly 5 (04):236-.
    Iacobvs Bernays uir sagacissimus, exposuit in Porphyrii de abstinentia libris exstare excerpta ex Theophrasti de pietate libro satis magna, quae antea partim inscientia, partim neglegentia uirorum doctorum erant neglecta. Ad haec fragmenta coniecturas quasdam profero, usus Nauckii editione altera.
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    Der Dichter des in uigurisch–türkischem Dialect geschriebenen Kudatku bilik (1069—70 p. Chr.) ein Schüler des Avicenna.Otto Alberts - 1901 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 14 (3):319-336.
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    Amputation bei einer Patientin mit einer Psychose in der Vorgeschichte?Otto Allwein - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 2 (2):128.
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  48. (1 other version)Beiträge zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie.Otto Apelt - 1891 - Leipzig: Teubner.
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    Menon: Griechisch - Deutsch.Otto Apelt & Else Zekl - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    Der Dialog »Menon« (399 v. Chr.) handelt von der Erkennbarkeit und Lehrbarkeit der Tugend. Ausgehend von dieser Fragestellung begründet und entwickelt Platon die Form und Methode hypothetischer Erkenntnis; der Dialog bietet daher auch eine gute Einführung in die Philosophie Platons.
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    XV. Bemerkungen zu Plutarchs Moralia.Otto Apelt - 1903 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 62 (1):276-291.
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