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Patrick Riley [106]P. Riley [5]Philip Boo Riley [5]Philip Riley [2]
Pamela Johnson Riley [1]Patrick G. D. Riley [1]
  1.  56
    Leibniz' universal jurisprudence: justice as the charity of the wise.Patrick Riley - 1996 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    The text includes fragments of his work that have never before been translated.
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  2.  86
    Will and political legitimacy : a critical exposition of social contract theory in Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, and Hegel.Patrick Riley (ed.) - 1982. - Replica Books.
    Presents an historical analysis of social contract theory by considering the works of prominent philosophers.
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  3. Leibniz' Universal Jurisprudence: Justice as the Charity of the Wise.Patrick Riley - 1996 - Studia Leibnitiana 30 (2):211-212.
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  4.  21
    Kant's political philosophy.Patrick Riley - 1983 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
  5.  90
    The general will before Rousseau.Patrick Riley - 1978 - Political Theory 6 (4):485-516.
  6.  23
    The General Will before Rousseau. The transformation of the Divine into the Civic.Patrick Riley - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (3):353-353.
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  7.  51
    Validating the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II) Using Set-ESEM: Identifying Psychosocial Risk Factors in a Sample of School Principals.Theresa Dicke, Herbert W. Marsh, Philip Riley, Philip D. Parker, Jiesi Guo & Marcus Horwood - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:333235.
    School principals world-wide report high levels of strain and attrition resulting in a shortage of qualified principals. It is thus, crucial to identify psychosocial risk factors that reflect principals’ occupational wellbeing. For this purpose, we used the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II), a widely used self-report measure covering multiple psychosocial factors identified by leading occupational stress theories. We evaluated the COPSOQ-II regarding factor structure and longitudinal, discriminant, and convergent validity using latent structural equation modeling in a large sample of Australian school (...)
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  8.  18
    The General Will Before Rousseau: The Transformation of the Divine Into the Civic.Patrick Riley - 1986 - Princeton University Press.
    Patrick Riley traces the forgotten roots of Rousseau's concept to seventeenth-century questions about the justice of God. If He wills that all men be saved, does He have a general will that produces universal salvation? And, if He does not, why does He will particularly" that some men be damned? The theological origin of the "general will" was important to Rousseau himself. He uses the language of divinity bequeathed to him by Pascal, Malebranche, Fenelon, and others to dignify, to elevate, (...)
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  9.  31
    Leibniz Tu.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Patrick Riley - 1972 - Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Patrick Riley.
  10.  19
    Rousseau, Dewey, and Democracy.Patrick Riley & Jennifer Welchman - 2003 - In Randall Curren, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 94–112.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Editor's Prologue Rousseau's Philosophy of Transformative, “Denaturing” Education Dewey.
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  11.  17
    Towards a World Theology: Faith and the Comparative History of Religion.Philip Boo Riley - 1984 - Philosophy East and West 34 (1):108-110.
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  12. On Kant as the Most Adequate of the Social Contract Theorists.Patrick Riley - 1973 - Political Theory 1 (4):450-471.
  13.  43
    How Coherent is the Social Contract Tradition?Patrick Riley - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (4):543.
  14. Kant against Hobbes in theory and practice.Patrick Riley - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (2):194-206.
    In the middle section of Theory and Practice, Kant speaks briefly `against Hobbes '; but for a fuller version of Kant's anti-Hobbesianism one must turn to the three Critiques, the Groundwork, and Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone. It is in those works that one learns that, for Kant, Hobbes 's notion of `will' as fully determined `last appetite' destroys the freedom needed to take `ought' or moral necessity as the motives for self-determined action; that Hobbes ' s version (...)
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  15. Introduction: Life and Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Patrick Riley - 2001 - In The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  16.  71
    Introduction To the Reading of Alexandre Kojève.Patrick Riley - 1981 - Political Theory 9 (1):5-48.
  17. In Memoriam: Michael Oakeshott, 1901-1990.Patrick Riley - 1991 - Political Theory 19 (3):334-335.
  18.  37
    The Social Contract Theorists: Critical Essays on Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.John Charvet, Joshua Cohen, David Gauthier, M. M. Goldsmith, Jean Hampton, Gregory S. Kavka, Patrick Riley, Arthur Ripstein & A. John Simmons (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This rich collection will introduce students of philosophy and politics to the contemporary critical literature on the classical social contract political thinkers Thomas Hobbes , John Locke , and Jean-Jacques Rousseau . A dozen essays and book excerpts have been selected to guide students through the texts and to introduce them to current scholarly controversies surrounding the contractarian political theories of these three thinkers.
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  19. On DeLue's Review of Arendt's Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy.Patrick Riley - 1984 - Political Theory 12 (3):435-439.
  20.  62
    Leibniz's Scottish Connection: The Correspondence with Thomas Burnett of Kemney.Patrick Riley - 2003 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 1 (1):69-85.
  21.  51
    Malebranche and Ideas.Treatise on Nature and Grace.Lisa Downing, Steven Nadler, Nicolas Malebranche & Patrick Riley - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (1):122.
  22.  18
    Fenelon Philosophe.Patrick Riley & Henri Gouhier - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (2):285.
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  23.  77
    Leibniz's Political and Moral Philosophy in the "Novissima Sinica", 1699-1999.Patrick Riley - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Leibniz’s Political and Moral Philosophy in the Novissima Sinica, 1699–1999Patrick RileyThe Preface to Leibniz’s Novissima Sinica 1 contains an important but highly compressed and abbreviated quintessence of his theory of justice or jurisprudence universelle—a version so compressed and abbreviated that one must have a broader and fuller understanding of this universal jurisprudence before one can entirely appreciate what Leibniz has to say about Christian charity, Platonism, and geometry in (...)
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  24.  40
    6 Rousseau's General Will.Patrick Riley - 2001 - In The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 124.
  25. (3 other versions)Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe: Allgemeiner Politischer und Historischer Briefwechsel.Patrick Riley - 2002 - The Leibniz Review 12:107-121.
    The latest volume of Leibniz’s “General Political and Historical Correspondence” in the great Berlin-Brandenburg Academy Edition, covering the period May to December 1699, contains a number of letters bearing on Leibniz’s central practical idea—that “universal” justice, rightly conceived, is a positive, other-aiding caritas sapientis seu benevolentia universalis ; that such justice “contains” or encloses all of the moral virtues; and that it relates to “the common good” or “the perfection of the universe” or “the glory of God”— where these three (...)
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  26. Leibniz’ Méditation sur la notion commune de la justice: A Reply to Andreas Blank.Patrick Riley - 2005 - The Leibniz Review 15:185-216.
    To mark the 300th anniversary of the composition of Leibniz’ most important mature writing on justice, the Méditation sur la notion commune de la justice, I published an interpretation of this work in The Leibniz Review. But Dr. Andreas Blank, dissatisfied with my Platonizing “reading” of the Méditation, published his own commentary in the same Review —treating not just my 2003 article but also my Leibniz’ Universal Jurisprudence: Justice as the Charity of the Wise and several smaller writings from the (...)
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  27. G. W. Leibniz.Patrick Riley - 1996 - The Leibniz Review 6:127-131.
    For forty years all Leibniz-scholars have been deeply indebted to André Robinet, who is incontrovertibly the most important French Leibniz-interpreter since the much-lamented Gaston Grua. Indeed it was in the very year of Grua’s premature death that Robinet began four decades of Leibniz-illumination with his magisterial Malebranche et Leibniz: Rélations personnelles. The year 1962 saw the arrival of Robinet’s splendid edition of Leibniz’ Nouveaux Essais—as Volume VI, vi of the great Academy Edition of the Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Further important (...)
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  28. Telemachus, Son of Ulysses.François de Fénelon & Patrick Riley - 1996 - Utopian Studies 7 (1):103-107.
  29.  7
    Religion in Context: Recent Studies in Lonergan.Timothy P. Fallon & Philip Boo Riley - 1988 - Upa.
    The essays in this book contextualize religion within a variety of cultural transformations. The methodological proposals of theologian and philosopher Bernard Lonergan, S.J. provide the inspiration and framework for these studies; and each makes its own distinct contribution beyond Lonergan's original work.
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  30. Anti-Imperialism*/bysankarmuthu.Patchen Markell Lukes, Pratap Mehta, Jim Miller, Anthony Pagden, Jennifer Pitts, Melvin Richter, Patrick Riley, Richard Tuck & Linda Zerilli - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (4).
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  31.  11
    Acknowledgments.Patrick Riley - 1987 - In The General Will before Rousseau. The transformation of the Divine into the Civic. Presses Universitaires de France.
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    Academy Edition.Patrick Riley - 2008 - The Leibniz Review 18:171-192.
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  33.  45
    A Preface to an Unpublished MS by Michael Oakeshott on Hobbes's Leviathan.Patrick Riley - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (6):833-833.
  34.  41
    Allgemeiner Politischer und Historischer Briefwechsel, Fünfzehnter Band.Patrick Riley - 1999 - The Leibniz Review 9:65-85.
    The publication of the fifteenth volume of Leibniz’ “General Political and Historical Correspondence,” covering the period January to September 1698, does not revolutionize our view of Leibniz’ practical philosophy. But it does throw valuable light on his moral, political, jurisprudential and religious thought in general, and on two extremely important works in particular: the Novissima Sinica, which Leibniz had published in 1697 and was about to revise and re-publish in 1699, and the Unvorgreiffliches Bedencken, which he began in 1698 with (...)
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  35.  95
    A Retrospective on the Political Theory of George Armstrong Kelly.Patrick Riley - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (3):502-510.
  36.  48
    An unpublished lecture by Leibniz on the greeks as founders of rational theology: Its relation to his "universal jurisprudence".Patrick Riley - 1976 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 14 (2):205-216.
  37.  46
    An unpublished MS of Leibniz on the allegiance due to sovereign powers.Patrick Riley - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (3):319-336.
  38.  64
    Brückenschläge: Daniel Ernst Jablonski im Europa der Frühaufklärung, ed. H. Rudolph.Patrick Riley - 2013 - The Leibniz Review 23:141-142.
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  39.  21
    (5 other versions)Books in Review.Patrick Riley - 1982 - Political Theory 10 (2):324-327.
  40. Bullying, stress and health in school principals and medical professionals : experiences at the "front line".Philip Riley & Janice Langan-Fox - 2013 - In Ronald J. Burke, Human frailties: wrong choices on the drive to success. Burlington: Gower Publishing.
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  41.  7
    Contents.Patrick Riley - 1987 - In The General Will before Rousseau. The transformation of the Divine into the Civic. Presses Universitaires de France.
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  42.  39
    Character and conversion in autobiography: Augustine, Montaigne, Descartes, Rousseau, and Sartre.Patrick Riley - 2004 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    Moving from a purely religious rebirth to works grounded in a personal philosophy or aesthetic vocation, the autobiographies considered in this book stand as episodes in a genealogy of conversion.
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  43.  38
    Contraception: A Worldwide Calamity?Patrick G. D. Riley - 2005 - Catholic Social Science Review 10:319-323.
    The author discusses the effects of contraception, which have borne out the predictions of Pope Paul VI's encyclical Humanae Vitae: the explosion of out-of-wedlock births, lack of respect for women, STD's, HIV/AIDS, etc. The overpopulation claims that fed the acceptance and promotion of contraception have been discredited by demographers; now the social costs of underpopulation are increasingly apparent. Acceptance of contraception has now also led to an embracing of morally objectionable technologies like cloning. This is the latest consequence of the (...)
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  44. Engaging argument: Selected papers from the 2005 NCA/AFA Summer Conference on Argumentation.P. Riley (ed.) - 2005 - National Communication Association.
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  45.  9
    6 Eine mögliche Erklärung des Gemeinwillens1 (I 7, II 1–3).Patrick Riley - 2000 - In Reinhard Brandt & Karlfriedrich Herb, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag oder Prinzipien des Staatsrechts. Akademie Verlag. pp. 109-135.
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    6. Eine mögliche Erklärung des Gemeinwillens1.Patrick Riley - 2000 - In Reinhard Brandt & Karlfriedrich Herb, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag oder Prinzipien des Staatsrechts. Akademie Verlag. pp. 107-133.
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  47.  11
    Essays on political philosophy.Patrick Riley (ed.) - 1941 - Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press.
    Twenty-three influential essays on political philosophy, culled from the published riches of the JHIover the past half-century.
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    Four. The General Will Socialized: The Contribution of Montesquieu.Patrick Riley - 1987 - In The General Will before Rousseau. The transformation of the Divine into the Civic. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 138-180.
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  49.  25
    Five. The General Will Completed: Rousseau and the Volonté Générale of the Citizen.Patrick Riley - 1987 - In The General Will before Rousseau. The transformation of the Divine into the Civic. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 181-250.
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  50.  35
    George Armstrong Kelly (1932-1987).Patrick Riley - 1988 - Political Theory 16 (2):179-185.
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