Results for 'Packing Dimension'

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  1.  42
    Effective Packing Dimension and Traceability.Rod Downey & Keng Meng Ng - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (2):279-290.
    We study the Turing degrees which contain a real of effective packing dimension one. Downey and Greenberg showed that a c.e. degree has effective packing dimension one if and only if it is not c.e. traceable. In this paper, we show that this characterization fails in general. We construct a real $A\leq_T\emptyset''$ which is hyperimmune-free and not c.e. traceable such that every real $\alpha\leq_T A$ has effective packing dimension 0. We construct a real $B\leq_T\emptyset'$ (...)
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    Controlling Effective Packing Dimension of $Delta^{0}_{2}$ Degrees.Jonathan Stephenson - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (1):73-93.
    This paper presents a refinement of a result by Conidis, who proved that there is a real $X$ of effective packing dimension $0\lt \alpha\lt 1$ which cannot compute any real of effective packing dimension $1$. The original construction was carried out below $\emptyset''$, and this paper’s result is an improvement in the effectiveness of the argument, constructing such an $X$ by a limit-computable approximation to get $X\leq_{T}\emptyset'$.
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    Avoiding effective packing dimension 1 below array noncomputable C.e. Degrees.Rod Downey & Jonathan Stephenson - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (2):717-739.
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    A real of strictly positive effective packing dimension that does not compute a real of effective packing dimension one.Chris J. Conidis - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):447-474.
    Recently, the Dimension Problem for effective Hausdorff dimension was solved by J. Miller in [14], where the author constructs a Turing degree of non-integral Hausdorff dimension. In this article we settle the Dimension Problem for effective packing dimension by constructing a real of strictly positive effective packing dimension that does not compute a real of effective packing dimension one (on the other hand, it is known via [10, 3, 7] that (...)
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    A characterization of constructive dimension.Satyadev Nandakumar - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (2):185-200.
    In the context of Kolmogorov's algorithmic approach to the foundations of probability, Martin‐Löf defined the concept of an individual random sequence using the concept of a constructive measure 1 set. Alternate characterizations use constructive martingales and measures of impossibility. We prove a direct conversion of a constructive martingale into a measure of impossibility and vice versa such that their success sets, for a suitably defined class of computable probability measures, are equal. The direct conversion is then generalized to give a (...)
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    Effective fractal dimensions.Jack H. Lutz - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (1):62-72.
    Classical fractal dimensions have recently been effectivized by characterizing them in terms of real-valued functions called gales, and imposing computability and complexity constraints on these gales. This paper surveys these developments and their applications in algorithmic information theory and computational complexity theory.
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    Metaheuristic algorithms for one-dimensional bin-packing problems: A survey of recent advances and applications.Absalom E. Ezugwu & Chanaleä Munien - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):636-663.
    The bin-packing problem (BPP) is an age-old NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, which is defined as the placement of a set of different-sized items into identical bins such that the number of containers used is optimally minimized. Besides, different variations of the problem do exist in practice depending on the bins dimension, placement constraints, and priority. More so, there are several important real-world applications of the BPP, especially in cutting industries, transportation, warehousing, and supply chain management. Due to the (...)
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  8.  20
    Completeness, Compactness, Effective Dimensions.Stephen Binns - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (3):206-218.
  9.  18
    On New Notions of Algorithmic Dimension, Immunity, and Medvedev Degree.David J. Webb - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):532-533.
    We prove various results connected together by the common thread of computability theory.First, we investigate a new notion of algorithmic dimension, the inescapable dimension, which lies between the effective Hausdorff and packing dimensions. We also study its generalizations, obtaining an embedding of the Turing degrees into notions of dimension.We then investigate a new notion of computability theoretic immunity that arose in the course of the previous study, that of a set of natural numbers with no co-enumerable (...)
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  10.  54
    Compressibility and Kolmogorov Complexity.Stephen Binns & Marie Nicholson - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (1):105-123.
    This paper continues the study of the metric topology on $2^{\mathbb {N}}$ that was introduced by S. Binns. This topology is induced by a directional metric where the distance from $Y\in2^{\mathbb {N}}$ to $X\in2^{\mathbb {N}}$ is given by \[\limsup_{n}\frac{C(X\upharpoonright n|Y\upharpoonright n)}{n}.\] This definition is closely related to the notions of effective Hausdorff and packing dimensions. Here we establish that this is a path-connected topology on $2^{\mathbb {N}}$ and that under it the functions $X\mapsto\operatorname{dim}_{\mathcal{H}}X$ and $X\mapsto\operatorname{dim}_{p}X$ are continuous. We also (...)
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  11.  13
    In Human Dimensions.A. Nagatkin - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 11 (4):373-380.
    The arguments over whether the "work-situation theme" in the arts was necessary always appeared to me to be both naive and lacking in content. Today it would seem that no one any longer doubts that it is necessary and indispensable. And I am in full agreement with Ianov's remarks in opening today's gathering: a literature that shamefacedly dodges the "work-situation theme" condemns itself to alienation from life and from its hero of today. How could it be otherwise? After all, we (...)
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  12.  23
    Some Consequences of And.Yinhe Peng, W. U. Liuzhen & Y. U. Liang - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1573-1589.
    Strong Turing Determinacy, or ${\mathrm {sTD}}$, is the statement that for every set A of reals, if $\forall x\exists y\geq _T x (y\in A)$, then there is a pointed set $P\subseteq A$. We prove the following consequences of Turing Determinacy ( ${\mathrm {TD}}$ ) and ${\mathrm {sTD}}$ over ${\mathrm {ZF}}$ —the Zermelo–Fraenkel axiomatic set theory without the Axiom of Choice: (1) ${\mathrm {ZF}}+{\mathrm {TD}}$ implies $\mathrm {wDC}_{\mathbb {R}}$ —a weaker version of $\mathrm {DC}_{\mathbb {R}}$.(2) ${\mathrm {ZF}}+{\mathrm {sTD}}$ implies that every (...)
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  13.  38
    A Perfect Set of Reals with Finite Self-Information.Ian Herbert - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (4):1229-1246.
    We examine a definition of the mutual information of two reals proposed by Levin in [5]. The mutual information iswhereK is the prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity. A realAis said to have finite self-information ifI is finite. We give a construction for a perfect Π10class of reals with this property, which settles some open questions posed by Hirschfeldt and Weber. The construction produces a perfect set of reals withK≤+KA+f for any given Δ20fwith a particularly nice approximation and for a specific choice of (...)
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  14.  26
    Remarks on nonmeasurable unions of big point families.Robert Rałowski - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (6):659-665.
    We show that under some conditions on a family A ⊂ I there exists a subfamily A0 ⊂ A such that ∪ A0 is nonmeasurable with respect to a fixed ideal I with Borel base of a fixed uncountable Polish space. Our result applies to the classical ideal of null subsets of the real line and to the ideal of first category subsets of the real line.
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    The Time of Animal Voices.Ted Toadvine - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (1):109-124.
    Phenomenology’s attention to the theme of animality has focused not on animal life in general but rather on the animal dimension of the human and its contested relation with humanity as such. Phenomenology thereby reproduces Agamben’s “anthropological machine” by which humanity is constructed through the “inclusive exclusion” of its animality. The alternative to this “inclusive exclusion” is not a return to kinship or commonality but rather an intensification of the constitutive paradox of our own inner animality, understood in terms (...)
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    The Portrait of a Miniature Giant.Paul Barolsky - 2021 - Arion 28 (3):157-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: The Portrait of a Miniature Giant PAUL BAROLSKY There was a time when the art of the sixteenth -century Florentine painter Agnolo Bronzino was reviled for its aesthetic excesses. Writing in his classic “The Cicerone: An Art Guide to Painting in Italy,” the great nineteenth -century scholar Jacob Burckhardt wrote that “as an historical painter,” Bronzino must “be placed among the Mannerists,” a judgement equivalent to placing him (...)
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    Unified characterizations of lowness properties via Kolmogorov complexity.Takayuki Kihara & Kenshi Miyabe - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (3-4):329-358.
    Consider a randomness notion C\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal{C}}$$\end{document}. A uniform test in the sense of C\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal{C}}$$\end{document} is a total computable procedure that each oracle X produces a test relative to X in the sense of C\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal{C}}$$\end{document}. We say that a binary sequence Y is C\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal{C}}$$\end{document}-random uniformly relative to (...)
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  18. Chaucer, ethics, and gender.Alcuin Blamires - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book makes a vigorous reassessment of the moral dimension in Chaucer's writings. For the Middle Ages, the study of human behavior generally signified the study of the morality of attitudes, choices, and actions. Moreover, moral analysis was not gender neutral: it presupposed that certain virtues and certain failings were largely gender-specific. Alcuin Blamires, mainly concentrating on The Canterbury Tales, discloses how Chaucer adapts the composite inherited traditions of moral literature to shape the significance and the gender implications of (...)
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  19.  27
    Moral Quality in Adjudication: On Judicial Virtues and Civic Friendship.Iris van Domselaar - 2015 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 44 (1):24-46.
    Moral Quality in Adjudication: On Judicial Virtues and Civic Friendship How best to account for moral quality in adjudication? This article proposes a six-pack of judicial virtues as part of a truly virtue-centred approach to adjudication. These virtues are presented as both constitutive and indispensible for realizing moral quality in adjudication. In addition, it will be argued that in order to honour the inherent relational dimension of adjudication a judge should not only possess these judicial virtues to a sufficient (...)
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  20.  20
    On the Line.John Johnston (ed.) - 1983 - Semiotext(E).
    A rhizome may be broken, shattered at a given spot, but it will start up again on one of its old lines, or on new lines. You can never get rid of ants because they form an animal rhizome that can rebound time and again after most of it has been destroyed... There is a rupture in the rhizome whenever segmentary lines explode into a line of flight, but the line of flight is part of the rhizome. That is why (...)
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  21.  7
    Structure and Form in Design: Critical Ideas for Creative Practice.Michael Hann - 2012 - Berg.
    Introduction -- The fundamentals and their role in design -- Underneath it all -- Tiling the plane without gap or overlap -- Symmetry, patterns and fractals -- The stepping stone of Fibonacci and the harmony of a line divided -- Polyhedra, spheres and domes -- Structures and form in three dimensions -- Variations on a theme: modularity, closest packing and partitioning -- Structural analysis in the decorative arts, design and architecture -- A designer's framework.
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  22. THIS IS NICE OF YOU. Introduction by Ben Segal.Gary Lutz - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):43-51.
    Reproduced with the kind permission of the author. Currently available in the collection I Looked Alive . © 2010 The Brooklyn Rail/Black Square Editions | ISBN 978-1934029-07-7 Originally published 2003 Four Walls Eight Windows. continent. 1.1 (2011): 43-51. Introduction Ben Segal What interests me is instigated language, language dishabituated from its ordinary doings, language startled by itself. I don't know where that sort of interest locates me, or leaves me, but a lot of the books I see in the stores (...)
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    Le temps des voix animales.Ted Toadvine - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:269-282.
    Phenomenology’s attention to the theme of animality has focused not on animal life in general but rather on the animal dimension of the human and its contested relation with humanity as such. Phenomenology thereby reproduces Agamben’s “anthropological machine” by which humanity is constructed through the “inclusive exclusion” of its animality. The alternative to this “inclusive exclusion” is not, however, a return to kinship or commonality but rather an intensification of the constitutive paradox of our own inner animality, understood in (...)
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    Final Fantasy and Philosophy: The Ultimate Walkthrough.William Irwin, Jason P. Blahuta & Michel S. Beaulieu (eds.) - 2009 - Wiley.
    An unauthorized look behind one of the greatest video game franchises of all time, Final Fantasy The Final Fantasy universe is packed with compelling characters and incredible storylines. In this book, you'll take a fascinating look at the deeper issues that Final Fantasy forces players to think about while trying to battle their way to the next level, such as: Does Cloud really exist? Is Kefka really insane? Are Moogles part of a socialist conspiracy? Does the end of the game (...)
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  25.  14
    Thinking beyond the brain: a wider science of consciousness.David Lorimer (ed.) - 2001 - Edinburgh: Floris Books.
    Consciousness is the hot topic in scientific circles--its precise nature holding huge implications for the future of science as a viable discipline. And with so many recent advances in brain studies, questions of mind and consciousness have become critically important for both theorists and hard scientists. Are we "nothing but a pack of neurons" that will in due course reveal their secrets in the laboratory? Or do our conscious mind and self-awareness stem from some dimension beyond material investigation? How, (...)
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  26. Exploring Ethical Decision Making in Responsible Innovation: The case of innovations for healthy food.V. Blok, T. H. Tempels, Pietersma Edwin & L. Jansen - 2017 - In Blok V., Tempels T. H., Edwin Pietersma & Jansen L. (eds.), Responsible Innovation 3. Springer International Publishing. pp. 209-230.
    In order to strengthen RI in the private sector, it is imperative to understand how companies organise this process, where it takes place, and what considerations and motivations are central in the innovation process. In this chapter, the questions of whether and where normative considerations play a role in the innovation process, and whether dimensions of RI are present in the innovation process, are addressed. In order answer these research questions, a theoretical framework is developed based on Jones’s theory of (...)
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    Amor Mundi: Reading Arendt Alongside Native American Philosophy.Justin Pack - 2021 - Sophia 60 (2):277-286.
    What is the significance of Arendt considering the title Amor Mundi for what we now are familiar with as The Human Condition? Read alongside Native American philosophers, it is clear that The Human Condition does not explain what it is like to love the world. Instead, it is a powerful genealogy of world alienation and earth alienation in the Western tradition. In other words, The Human Condition shows how Western thought lost and/or undermines amor mundi. By comparing and contrasting Arendt (...)
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  28.  18
    Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire.Roger A. Pack & G. W. Bowersock - 1971 - American Journal of Philology 92 (2):337.
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    How the Neoliberalization of Academia Leads to Thoughtlessness: Arendt and the Modern University.Justin Pack - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    As the modern university is increasingly run like a business, students and faculty are losing the time and space to wonder and think under the hypercompetitive demands to produce. The goals of critical self-knowledge and good citizenship are being undermined by the demands of profit.
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  30. Smith's Humean criticism of Hume's account of the origin of justice.Spencer J. Pack & Eric Schliesser - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):47-63.
    It is argued that Adam Smith criticizes David Hume's account of the origin of and continuing adherence to the rule of law for being not sufficiently Humean. Hume explained that adherence to the rule of law originated in the self-interest to restrain self-interest. According to Smith, Hume does not pay enough attention to the passions of resentment and admiration, which have their source in the imagination. Smith's offers a more naturalistic and evolutionary account of the psychological pre-conditions of the establishment (...)
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    The life of John Stuart Mill.Michael St John Packe - 1954 - London,: Secker & Warburg.
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    Excavations at Nessana, Volume 2: Literary Papyri.Roger Pack, Lionel Casson & Ernest L. Hettich - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (2):155.
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    Corrigendum Bibliographicum: Two Classical Forgeries.Roger A. Pack - 1990 - American Journal of Philology 111 (2).
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  34. Aristotle’s Difficult Relationship With Modern Economic Theory.Spencer J. Pack - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3):265-280.
    This paper reviews Aristotle’s problematic relationship with modern economic theory. It argues that in terms of value and income distribution theory, Aristotle should probably be seen as a precursor to neither classical nor neoclassical economic thought. Indeed, there are strong arguments to be made that Aristotle’s views are completely at odds with all modern economic theory, since, among other things, he was not necessarily concerned with flexible market prices, opposed the use of money to acquire more money, and did not (...)
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  35.  14
    Money and Thoughtlessness: A Genealogy and Defense of the Traditional Suspicions of Money and Merchants.Justin Pack - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, Justin Pack proposes a genealogy of the traditional suspicion of money and merchants. This genealogy is framed both by how money itself has changed and how different traditions responded to money. Money and merchants became heavily debated concerns in the Axial Age, which coincided with the spread of coinage. A deep suspicion of money and merchants was particularly notable in the Greek, Confucian and Christian traditions, and continued into the Middle Ages. These traditions wrestled with a new (...)
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    Magister lodocus: Regule phisonomie.Roger A. Pack - 1980 - Mediaeval Studies 42 (1):212-237.
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  37. Rodericus de Majoricis. Tractatus Ciromancie.R. A. Pack & R. Hamilton - 1971 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 38.
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    Two Classical Forgeries.Roger A. Pack - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (3).
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    The reflection and transmission of shock waves I: The reflection of a detonation wave at a boundary.D. C. Pack - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (14):182-188.
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  40. The Life of John Stuart Mill.Michael St John Packe - 1956 - Science and Society 20 (2):170-173.
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  41.  12
    The Need for an Ethics of Sustainable Knowledge Production.Justin Pack - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (4):551-562.
    The modern research university is an unsustainable institution. It normalizes academic activity along the lines of a scientist engaged in normal science and seeks to measure the success or failure of academics based largely on the quantity of their contributions to a particular discipline, often measured in terms of papers published and conference presentations. The ensuing race to produce academic studies is creating unprecedented mountains of academic studies, but often in haphazard, unstructured, and unsustainable ways, especially in the humanities and (...)
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  42.  29
    Planning and acting in partially observable stochastic domains.Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Michael L. Littman & Anthony R. Cassandra - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 101 (1-2):99-134.
  43.  60
    Environmental Philosophy in Desperate Times.Justin Pack - 2022 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _Environmental Philosophy in Desperate Times_ examines environmental philosophy in the context of climate denial, inaction, and thoughtlessness. It introduces readers to the varied theories and movements of environmental philosophy. But more than that, it seeks to unsettle our received understanding of the world and our role in it, especially through consideration of Indigenous, feminist, and radical voices.
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    The Philosophies of America Reader: From the Popol Voh to the Present ed. by Kim Díaz and Mathew A. Foust.Justin Pack - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (3):406-408.
    The editors of this new collection are clear with their intention: "The Philosophies of America Reader aims to widen the scope of American philosophy beyond its traditionally traced borders". This actually undersells what they are doing, which is an effort to carve out a new space that could perhaps best be labelled "Philosophies of the Americas" and includes Latin American philosophy, Native American philosophy, African American philosophy, American Transcendentalism, Pragmatism and some Asian American philosophy. There are thus multiple potential audiences (...)
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  45. Reflection : Marx On Human Nature / Spencer J. Pack - 2022 - In Karolina Hübner (ed.), Human: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    The reflection and transmission of shock waves II: The effect of shock waves on an elastic target of finite thickness.D. C. Pack - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (14):189-195.
  47.  28
    Ricardo F. Crespo's Philosophy of the economy: an Aristotelian approach, Springer, 2013, 154 pp.; and of A reassessment of Aristotle's economic thought, Routledge, 2014, 145 pp. [REVIEW]Spencer J. Pack - 2014 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 7 (2):155.
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    A medieval critic of macrobius' cosmometrics.Roger A. Pack - 1981 - Vivarium 19 (2):146-151.
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    Planning under time constraints in stochastic domains.Thomas Dean, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Jak Kirman & Ann Nicholson - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 76 (1-2):35-74.
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    Indigenizing Education and the Phenomenology of Place.Justin Pack - 2019 - Educational Theory 69 (5):603-613.
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