Results for 'Pamela Dickey Pamela Dickey Young'

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  1.  11
    The Resurrection of Whose Body? A Feminist Look at the Question of Transcendence.Pamela Dickey Young - 2002 - Feminist Theology 10 (30):44-51.
    This article takes a fresh look at the place of transcendence in feminist theology. The author argues that it is this concept that allows us to imagine the impossible and therefore has a central part to play. The article engages with process thought and so argues that God, which is part of the process is nevertheless more than the sum of the parts. Deity, it is argued, is the web in which all things take place.
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  2. Recreating the Church: Communities of Eros.Pamela Dickey Pamela Dickey Young - 2000
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    Handedness throughout the lifespan: cross-sectional view on sex differences as asymmetries change.Mukundhan Sivagnanasunderam, Dave A. Gonzalez, Pamela J. Bryden, Gordon Young, Amanda Forsyth & Eric A. Roy - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Editorial Board EOV.Rebecca A. Martusewicz, Pamela K. Smith, Sandra Spickard Prettyman, Chloe Wilson, Joe Bishop, Jeff Edmundson, Kelly Young, Steven Mackie, Richard Brosio & Abraham DeLeon - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (6).
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    Feminists Or “Postfeminists”?: Young Women’s Attitudes toward Feminism and Gender Relations.Pamela Aronson - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (6):903-922.
    In contrast to popular presumptions and prior research on women ofthe “postfeminist” generation, this study found anappreciation for recent historicalchanges in women’s opportunities, and an awareness of persisting inequalities and discrimination. The findings reveal support for feminist goals, coupled with ambiguity about the concept offeminism. Although some of the women could be categorized alonga continuum of feminist identification, half were “fence-sitters” or were unable to articulate a position. There were variations in perspectives amongthose with different life experiences, as well as (...)
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    The Markers and Meanings of Growing Up: Contemporary Young Women's Transition From Adolescence to Adulthood.Pamela Aronson - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (1):56-82.
    Growing up in the shadow of the women's movement dramatically influences how young women think about their life course transitions. Although prior research has examined the objective markers of adulthood, we know little about how young women themselves perceive these markers. This article examines the subjective meanings of the transition to adulthood among 42 young women who were part of the Youth Development Study. While interviewees saw becoming a parent and becoming financially independent as reflecting an adult (...)
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    Michèle Le Doeuff's "Primal Scene": Prohibition and Confidence in the Education of a Woman.Pamela Anderson - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):11-26.
    Michèle Le Doeuff's "Primal Scene": Prohibition and Confidence in the Education of a Woman My essay begins with Michèle Le Doeuff's singular account of the "primal scene" in her own education as a woman, illustrating a universally significant point about the way in which education can differ for men and women: gender difference both shapes and is shaped by the imaginary of a culture as manifest in how texts matter for Le Doeuff. Her primal scene is the first moment she (...)
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    Gender and the construction of consent in child-adult sexual contact: Beyond gender neutrality and male monopoly.Pamela Oliver & Andrea Nelson - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (5):554-577.
    Neither legalistic gender-neutral categories nor prior feminist theories adequately capture all of the gender dynamics of child sexual abuse. Surveys of 923 young adults, 88 of whom reported sexual contact with adults before they were 16, complemented by intensive follow-up interviews with 18 reporting contact, reveal that gendered constructions of sexuality and dominance make the experience of abuse significantly different for boys and girls. Girls nearly always had contact with men and tended to experience it as harmful abuse. Boys (...)
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    Shape-shifting discourses of anorexia nervosa: reconstituting psychopathology.Pamela K. Hardin - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (4):209-217.
    HARDIN PK. Nursing Inquiry 2003; 10: 209–217 Shape-shifting discourses of anorexia nervosa: reconstituting psychopathologyThis article explores how the circuitous relationship between individuals, the media, and discursive systems replicate and reinforce the act of self-starvation in young women. Using a feminist poststructuralist methodology, the focus of this article is on how discourses and institutional practices operate to position young women who take up the subject position of wanting to be diagnosed as anorexic. Utilizing data from online accounts and individual (...)
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    Images of Schoolteachers in America.Pamela Bolotin Joseph & Gail E. Burnaford (eds.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    This book explores images of schoolteachers in America from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, using a wide range of approaches to scholarship and writing. It is intended for both experienced and aspiring teachers to use as a springboard for discussion and reflection about the teaching profession and for contemplating these questions: _ What does it mean to be a teacher? What has influenced and sustained our beliefs about teachers? New in the second edition_ * The focus (...)
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    Auditory and Somatosensory Interaction in Speech Perception in Children and Adults.Paméla Trudeau-Fisette, Takayuki Ito & Lucie Ménard - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:461413.
    Multisensory integration (MSI) allows us to link sensory cues from multiple sources and plays a crucial role in speech development. However, it is not clear whether humans have an innate ability or whether repeated sensory input while the brain is maturing leads to efficient integration of sensory information in speech. We investigated the integration of auditory and somatosensory information in speech processing in a bimodal perceptual task in 15 young adults (age 19–30) and 14 children (age 5–6). The participants (...)
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    Los otros monumentos. Un intento contemporáneo de resistir al olvido.Marcela Andruchow & Pamela Sofía Dubois - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e137.
    Este artículo reflexiona acerca de las especificidades de la constitución de los monumentos conmemorativos en vínculo con la historia reciente. Para ello, la mirada se centrará en la noción de contramonumentos, entendiendo a estos últimos como aquellas producciones que, inicialmente de la mano de un grupo de artistas alemanes, desafían las premisas del monumento tradicional. En base a esto, se expone, en primera instancia el desarrollo histórico del monumento, destacando determinados sucesos que se consideran significativos dentro de la extensa cronología (...)
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    What Is the Weather Prediction Task Good for? A New Analysis of Learning Strategies Reveals How Young Adults Solve the Task.Emilie Bochud-Fragnière, Pamela Banta Lavenex & Pierre Lavenex - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Weather Prediction Task was originally designed to assess probabilistic classification learning. Participants were believed to gradually acquire implicit knowledge about cue–outcome association probabilities and solve the task using a multicue strategy based on the combination of all cue–outcome probabilities. However, the cognitive processes engaged in the resolution of this task have not been firmly established, and despite conflicting results, the WPT is still commonly used to assess striatal or procedural learning capacities in various populations. Here, we tested young (...)
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    Scoping Review: Physical Activity and Social Functioning in Young People With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Nicole J. Reinders, Alexandra Branco, Kristen Wright, Paula C. Fletcher & Pamela J. Bryden - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Understanding social oocyte freezing in Italy: a scoping survey on university female students’ awareness and attitudes.Luciana Caenazzo, Gloria Spigarolo, Patrizia Nespeca, Antonio Fassina & Pamela Tozzo - 2019 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 15 (1):1-14.
    In Western countries, a social trend toward delaying childbearing has been observed in women of reproductive age for the last two decades. This delay is due to different factors related to lifestyle, such as the development of a professional career or the absence of the right partner. As a consequence, women who defer childbearing may find themselves affected by age-related infertility when they decide to conceive. Fertility preservation techniques are, therefore, proposed as a solution for these women. Among all possible (...)
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    Low-Resolution Place and Response Learning Capacities in Down Syndrome.Mathilde Bostelmann, Floriana Costanzo, Lorelay Martorana, Deny Menghini, Stefano Vicari, Pamela Banta Lavenex & Pierre Lavenex - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Down syndrome (DS), the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability, results from the partial or complete triplication of chromosome 21. Individuals with DS are impaired at using a high-resolution, allocentric spatial representation to learn and remember discrete locations in a controlled environment. Here, we assessed the capacity of individuals with DS to perform low-resolution spatial learning, depending on two competing memory systems: (1) the place learning system, which depends on the hippocampus and creates flexible relational representations of the environment; (...)
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    Equality and Prophecy.Michèle Le Doeuff - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):68-79.
    As a young philosopher, a third-generation atheist and already a feminist, Michèle Le Doeuff read the Bible on her own, without anybody’s guidance and on the basis of an assumed intellectual equality between the texts and herself. Later on, her friendship with Pamela Sue Anderson also developed thanks to their firm belief that a member of a given faith and an atheist can tolerate and indeed respect each other to the full through a common involvement in feminist philosophy. (...)
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    Four addresses by John Sloan Dickey, president of Dartmouth College.John Sloan Dickey - 1958 - Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College.
    The American design.--The liberating arts.--The threshold of independence.--Beyond independence.
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    Commentary on "Lumps and Bumps".Katherine Arens - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (1):15-16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Lumps and Bumps”Katherine Arens (bio)“Lumps and Bumps” offers a fresh look at nosological classifications in terms of their genesis in eighteenth-century philosophy by acknowledging the proximity of philosophy to the sciences of the mind in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, especially in Germany. Today, strict borders are drawn between these fields by mainstream practitioners, but work like Radden’s makes a strong case for acknowledging not only multiculturalism, (...)
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    Preface.Matt Richardson & Ashwini Tambe - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):559.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface That an overtly white-nationalist misogynist demagogue was voted into power in the United States is cause for alarm and despair. As the election results sink in and analyses take shape, we at Feminist Studies mark this moment via poetry, a tradition of feminist expression that we have long nurtured. We include in this issue a special section on poems responding to the election. Raw by necessity, they allow (...)
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    Hegel: religion, economics, and the politics of spirit, 1770-1807.Laurence Winant Dickey - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This major study of Hegel's intellectual development up to the writing of The Phenomonology of Spirit argues that his work is best understood in the context of the liberalisation of German Protestantism in the eighteenth century. 'The scholarship with which Dickey presents his case is remarkable for both its depth and its range: his account of German protestantism, for example, involves a discussion of the theological doctrines of St Clement, St Augustine and Pelagius, and, despite his scepticism about the (...)
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  22. Hegel on religion and philosophy.Laurence Dickey - 1993 - In Frederick C. Beiser, The Cambridge Companion to Hegel. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 301--347.
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    The Imagination as Glory: The Poetry of James Dickey.Laurence Goldstein, James Dickey, Bruce Weigl & T. R. Hummer - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 22 (2):118.
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    Pride, hypocrisy and civility in Mandeville's social and historical theory.Laurence Dickey - 1990 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 4 (3):387-431.
    This paper seeks to show that Bernard Mandeville's primary purpose in The Fable of the Bees was to historicize the concept of self?love (amour?propre) articulated by seventeenth?century French Jansenists and moralistes; that in doing so Mandeville constructed a theory designed to explain the inter?subjective constraints and forces of social discipline which characterize commercial societies; and that a full understanding of Mandeville's achievement depends upon an appreciation of the way in which pride in his theory becomes socialized into hypocrisy at a (...)
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    De Finetti Coherence and Logical Consistency.James M. Dickey, Morris L. Eaton & William D. Sudderth - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (2):133-139.
    The logical consistency of a collection of assertions about events can be viewed as a special case of coherent probability assessments in the sense of de Finetti.
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    Latin Forms of Address: From Plautus to Apuleius.Eleanor Dickey - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    A lively and engaging study of Roman culture and Latin literature as reflected in the system of address, based on a corpus of 15,441 addresses from literary and non-literary sources. A valuable resource for Latin teachers and active users of the language; the text will be enjoyed even by those with no prior knowledge of Latin.
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    Columnar translation: An ancient interpretive tool that the Romans gave the greeks.Eleanor Dickey - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):807-821.
    Among the more peculiar literary papyri uncovered in the past century are numerous bilingual texts of Virgil and Cicero, with the Latin original and a Greek translation arranged in distinctive narrow columns. These materials, variously classified as texts with translations or as glossaries, were evidently used by Greek-speaking students when they first started to read Latin literature. They thus provide a unique window into the experience of the first of many groups of non-native Latin speakers to struggle with reading the (...)
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    Doux-commerce and humanitarian values: Free Trade, Sociability and Universal Benevolence in Eighteenth-Century Thinking.Laurence Dickey - 2001 - Grotiana 22 (1):271-317.
  29. (1 other version)Hegel. Religion, Economics, and the Politics of Spirit.Laurence Dickey - 1991 - Critica 23 (69):155-162.
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    An emerging civilization.Christina Robinson Dickey - 1952 - Dallas: Story Book Press.
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    Ancient Greek Scholarship: A Guide to Finding, Reading and Understanding Scholia: Commentaries, Lexica, and Grammatical Treatises, From.Eleanor Dickey - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Ancient greek sholarship constitutes a precious resource for classicists, but one that is underutilized because graduate students and even mature scholars lack familiarity with its conventions. The peculiarities of scholarly Greek and the lack of translations or scholarly aids often discourages readers from exploiting the large body of commentaries, scholia, lexica, and grammatical treatises that have been preserved on papyrus and via the manuscript tradition. Now, for the first time, there is an introduction to such scholarship that will enable students (...)
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  32. Bears in the Streets: Three Journeys Across A Changing Russia.Lisa Dickey - 2017
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    Expressions of Agency in Ancient Greek.Eleanor Dickey - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (4):459-460.
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  34. "Form" and "Simple Nature" in Bacon's Philosophy.William M. Dickey - 1923 - The Monist 33:428.
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    Harold!: Photographs From the Harold Washington Years.Antonio Dickey, Marc PoKempner & Salim Muwakkil - 2007 - Northwestern University Press.
    This handsome book captures in words and pictures the powerful emotions that have circled around Chicagos popular mayor, Harold Washington, and gives readers a glimpse of a man who has won over an entire city.
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    How to say 'please' in classical latin.Eleanor Dickey - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):731-748.
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  37. ΚΥΡΙΕ, ΔΕΣΠΟΤΑ, Domine. Greek Politeness in the Roman Empire.Eleanor Dickey - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:1-11.
    Why did the Greeks of the Roman period make such extensive use of the vocative kurie, when Greeks of earlier periods had been content with only one vocative meaning ¿master¿, despota? This study, based primarily on a comprehensive search of documentary papyri but also making extensive use of literary evidence (particularly that of the Septuagint and New Testament), traces the development of both terms from the classical period to the seventh century ad. It concludes that kurie was created to provide (...)
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    Me autem nomine appellabat: avoidance of Cicero's name in his dialogues.Eleanor Dickey - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):584-.
    Cicero's dialogue De Finibus depicts three conversations between the author and his friends. In the course of these conversations Cicero depicts himself as addressing his interlocutors directly, using the vocative case, on 45 occasions; the other characters, however, never address Cicero at all. What is the reason for this imbalance?
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    Mabel Louise Lang (1917-2010).Eleanor Dickey - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (4):504-504.
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    (2 other versions)No Title available: Reviews.Laurence Dickey - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (1):169-176.
  41.  41
    O egregie grammatice: the vocative problems of Latin words ending in -ius.Eleanor Dickey - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (2):548-562.
    A long-lasting and sometimes acrimonious debate over the correct vocative form of second-declension Latin words in -ius began more than 800 years ago. For the past century most classicists have considered the matter to be settled, and little discussion on the subject has taken place. Yet the century-old conclusions we now so unthinkingly accept are based on very little evidence and are internally inconsistent in some of their details. The past hundred years have provided us not only with more Latin (...)
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    The Greek address system of the Roman period and its relationship to Latin.Eleanor Dickey - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (02):494-527.
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    Prediction during sentence comprehension in aphasia.Dickey Michael, Warren Tessa, Hayes Rebecca & Milburn Evelyn - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Verb-based anticipatory processing in aphasia.Dickey Michael, Warren Tessa, Milburn Evelyn, Hayes Rebecca & Lei Chia-Ming - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Continued Need for Diversity in Fraud Research.Vikas Anand, M. Tina Dacin & Pamela R. Murphy - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (4):751-755.
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    Pamela Joy M. Mariano Light+ Write-Photographs.Pamela Joy M. Mariano - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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    Factors Related to the Differential Development of Inter-Professional Collaboration Abilities in Medicine and Nursing Students.Nancy Berduzco-Torres, Begonia Choquenaira-Callañaupa, Pamela Medina, Luis A. Chihuantito-Abal, Sdenka Caballero, Edo Gallegos, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Principal Theory and Principle Theory: Ethical Governance from the Follower’s Perspective.Cam Caldwell, Ranjan Karri & Pamela Vollmar - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2-3):207-223.
    Organizational governance has historically focused around the perspective of principals and managers and has traditionally pursued the goal of maximizing owner wealth. This paper suggests that organizational governance can profitably be viewed from the ethical perspective of organizational followers - employees of the organization to whom important ethical duties are also owed. We present two perspectives of organizational governance: Principal Theory that suggests that organizational owners and managers can often be ethically opportunistic and take advantage of employees who serve them (...)
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  49. The power of the subliminal: On subliminal persuasion and other potential applications.Ap Dijksterhuis, Henk Aarts & Pamela K. Smith - 2005 - In Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman & John A. Bargh, The New Unconscious. Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 77-106.
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    Conducting Empirical Research on Informed Consent: Challenges and Questions.Greg A. Sachs, Gavin W. Hougham, Jeremy Sugarman, Patricia Agre, Marion E. Broome, Gail Geller, Nancy Kass, Eric Kodish, Jim Mintz, Laura W. Roberts, Pamela Sankar, Laura A. Siminoff, James Sorenson & Anita Weiss - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (5):S4.
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