Results for 'Panagiotis Piliouras'

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  1. True Belief in the Meno.Panagiotis Dimas - 1996 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 14:1-32.
  2.  9
    A philosophy for communism: rethinking Althusser.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the work of the French philosopher centered upon his deeply political conception of philosophy. Althusser's endeavour is presented as a quest for a new practice of philosophy that would enable a new practice of politics for communism, in opposition to idealism and teleology. The central point is that in his trajectory from the crucial interventions of the 1960s to the texts on aleatory materialism, Althusser remained a (...)
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    Towards applied semiotics: an analysis of iconic gestural signs regarding physics teaching in the light of theatre semiotics.Panagiotis Pantidos, Kostas Valakas, Evangelos Vitoratos & Konstantinos Ravanis - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):201-231.
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    Insider trading and the greek stock market.Panagiotis Lekkas - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (4):193–199.
    This article is divided into two parts: in the first we explore the academic debate conducted at an international level about insider trading (IT). In particular, we exame IT on three grounds: economic, ethical and legal. In each section we present the arguments in favour of and against IT and then we give our personal opinion. In the second part we present the situation in the Athens Stock Exchange. We examine its past record on the issue of IT and recent (...)
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  5. Thinking Beyond the Lockdown: On the Possibility of a Democratic Biopolitics.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2020 - Historical Materialism 28 (3):3-38.
    COVID-19 is not only a health emergency but also a strategic challenge for any politics of resistance, struggle and transformation. Understanding the social and political dynamics associated with morbidity and mortality and the many ‘ecologies of disease’ associated with the pandemic is necessary if we want to think beyond the limits of the lockdown strategy. It is here that the possibility of a democratic biopolitics emerges as part of a broader strategy for communism.
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  6. Las paradojas de la mímesis en tono personal.Panagiotis Deligiannakis - 2017 - In Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, José Luís Jobim, Méndez Gallardo & B. Mariana (eds.), Mímesis e invisibilización social: interdividualidad colectiva en América Latina. Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Problematizing Knowledge–Power Relationships: A Rancièrian Provocation for Music Education.Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2016 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 24 (1):24.
    This paper suggests a framework for re-thinking the relationships between power and knowledge in music education. Informed by Jacques Rancière’s notion of equality it explores how a dialectic between knowledge/mastery and ignorance/equality effects a rupture in the canonical relationships between knowledge and authority. Further, and based on a commentary of Alain Badiou, the paper explores the sense in which the Rancièrian perspective induces an understanding of equality as both a condition and a productive process: as a condition ignorance becomes the (...)
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    Un relief tardo-romain de Mélos au Musée national archéologique d’Athènes.Panagiotis Konstantinidis - 2011 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 135 (1):283-311.
    The present study proposes a new reconstruction and a new interpretation of a quite singular piece of sculpture with relief decoration, discovered on Melos at the beginning of the last century. It belongs to the permanent collection of Roman sculpture of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. After a detailed presentation and iconographical analysis of its relief decoration, we proceed to a new interpretation of its function, always in connection with the social, historical and artistic context of the Cyclades in (...)
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    Explanatory Coherence, Partial Truth and Diagnostic Validity in Psychiatry.Panagiotis Oulis - 2013 - In Vassilios Karakostas & Dennis Dieks (eds.), EPSA11 Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 429--440.
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    A Qualitative Analysis of the Global IFRS Adoption. Trustees Perspective.Gargalis Panagiotis - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (2):59-70.
    In this article, we take a closer look at the possible effects of adopting the IAS/fifrs standards around the globe. In order to determine what the IASB opinion regarding this impact is, we turned to the concerns of trustees. Using 3 interviews conducted with three of the trustees of IFRS on the possibility of creating a global accounting language, we realized a content analysis of the responses given. The results obtained after auto coding the responses of the trustees in NVivo, (...)
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  11. NEWS-Rebellion of Greek Youth.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 154:65.
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    Hegel ohne Ballast Geschichtsphilosophie in neuen Lektüren.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2016 - Philosophische Rundschau 63 (3):207.
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    Pädagogische Grundbegriffe.Panagiotis Xochellis - 1973 - München,: Ehrenwirth.
  14. Pädagogik oder Erziehungswissenschaft?: die wissenschaftstheoret.Panagiotis Xochellis - 1973 - München: Goldmann,:
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    The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Public Choice View.Panagiotis Karadimas - 2023 - Springer.
    This monograph evaluates public policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic through a public choice lens. The book compares two prominent, albeit mutually exclusive, theories in social sciences—public interest theory and public choice theory—and explores how their predictions perform within the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic. The chapters present different pandemic policies alongside empirical data in order to draw conclusions about their efficacy, and, in turn, draw conclusions about the veracity of each theory. By the end of the volume, the reader (...)
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    Hegel's hermeneutics of history.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2009 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 91 (1):70-94.
    “To him who looks at the world rationally, the world looks rational in return. The relation is mutual.” This emblematic sentence illustrates Hegel's philosophy of history as a hermeneutics of history which, opposed to the apriorism explicitly rejected, searches for its “empirical” verification in trying to “accurately apprehend” history. The much-celebrated “end of history” is not so much an empirical assertion about historical reality as a methodological requirement for an interpretative strategy founded upon the logical category of “true” or “genuine (...)
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    Thought Experiments and The Pragmatic Nature of Explanation.Panagiotis Karadimas - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (2):257-280.
    Different why-questions emerge under different contexts and require different information in order to be addressed. Hence a relevance relation can hardly be invariant across contexts. However, what is indeed common under any possible context is that all explananda require scientific information in order to be explained. So no scientific information is in principle explanatorily irrelevant, it only becomes so under certain contexts. In view of this, scientific thought experiments can offer explanations, should we analyze their representational strategies. Their representations involve (...)
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  18. Implications of Neuroplasticity to the Philosophical Debate of Free Will and Determinism.Panagiotis Kormas, Antonia Moutzouri & Evangelos D. Protopapadakis - 2022 - Handbook of Computational Neurodegeneration.
    Neuroplasticity, the capacity of the brain to induce changes in response to environmental stimuli, entails a continuous rearrangement of the neural network through a complex interaction between genetics and environment. Within this process, the plastic brain uses its internal representations to predict future conditions and proactively proceed to actions. It can be said that plasticity demands a rethinking of the concept of determinism as the process of coming-to-be is directly related to modifications produced by experience. Pure determinism and complete randomness (...)
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    Parameterised verification for multi-agent systems.Panagiotis Kouvaros & Alessio Lomuscio - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 234 (C):152-189.
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    Technological Competence Is a Pre-condition for Effective Implementation of Virtual Reality Head Mounted Displays in Human Neuroscience: A Technological Review and Meta-Analysis.Panagiotis Kourtesis, Simona Collina, Leonidas A. A. Doumas & Sarah E. MacPherson - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:481367.
    Immersive virtual reality (VR) emerges as a promising research and clinical tool. However, several studies suggest that VR induced adverse symptoms and effects (VRISE) may undermine the health and safety standards, and the reliability of the scientific results. In the current literature review, the technical reasons for the adverse symptomatology are investigated to provide suggestions and technological knowledge for the implementation of VR head-mounted display (HMD) systems in cognitive neuroscience. The technological systematic literature indicated features pertinent to display, sound, motion (...)
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  21. From Circular Facticity to Hermeneutic Tidings.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Research 29:47-71.
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  22. Covid-19, Public Policy and Public Choice Theory.Panagiotis Karadimas - 2022 - The Independent Review 27 (2):273-302.
    During the Covid-19 pandemic, public policy was not driven by findings from public health research, but by politicians’ desire to pursue their own interests. The media and politicians inflamed mass hysteria and then imposed ill-considered lockdowns to “solve” the problem. Lockdowns not only failed to protect those at risk from the virus, but also caused enormous collateral damage. Public choice theory helps explaining this decision-making. -/- .
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    The use of drama in science education: the case of “Blegdamsvej Faust”.Panagiotis Pantidos, Kalliopi Spathi & Evagelos Vitoratos - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (1-2):107-117.
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  24. On 80stalgia: discernments from contemporary Greece.Panagiotis Zestanakis - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4).
    Nostalgia for the 1980s, or 80stalgia, is a global phenomenon. This article explores the phenomenon in Greece and approaches 80stalgia as a cultural trend that marks media and pop culture. It combines digital ethnography through invisible observation (especially using Facebook, a social medium that favours nostalgic communities) and historicised content analysis to analyse 80stalgia in its interrelation with politics, and approaches it as having been influenced by international nostalgic trends and local politics, especially the political legacy of 1980s governments. Finally, (...)
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    Notes sur les fouilles de l'Acropole d'Athènes.Panagiotis Cavvadias - 1896 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 20 (1):382-383.
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  26. Ascending Toward Virtue in Earlier Plato: Plato's Earlier Conception of Virtue, Socrates' Disclaimers of Knowledge of What It is and the Epistemological Motivation for Introducing the Theory of Forms.Panagiotis Dimas - 1997 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    In this thesis I discuss the epistemological problems Socrates' faces as he inquires in the early Platonic dialogues into the nature of virtue , the way these problems are brought to a head in the Meno, and the way in which Plato resolves them in the Phaedo. ;I argue that Socrates conducts his investigation on the assumption that a human being will be virtuous, and happy, if and only if he is successful in instilling in his soul the arrangement that (...)
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    Hypaithros: A Numismatic Contribution to the Military History of Cappadocia.Panagiotis P. Iossif & Catharine C. Lorber - 2010 - História 59 (4):432-447.
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    Trolley, transplant and consent.Panagiotis Dimas - 1996 - Ratio 9 (2):184-190.
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    Platonism and Christian Thought in Late Antiquity.Panagiotis G. Pavlos, Lars Fredrik Janby, Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson & Torstein Theodor Tollefsen (eds.) - 2019 - London: Taylor & Francis.
    Platonism and Christian Thought in Late Antiquity examines the various ways in which Christian intellectuals engaged with Platonism both as pagan competitors and as a source of philosophical material useful to the Christian faith. The chapters are united in their goal to explore transformations that took place in the reception and interaction process between Platonism and Christianity in this period. The contributions in this volume explore the reception of Platonic material in Christian thought, showing that the transmission of cultural content (...)
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    Dying in a transhumanist and posthuman society.Panagiotis Pentaris - unknown
    Exploring both the intrapersonal (moral) and interpersonal (ethical) nature of death and dying in the context of their development (philosophical), Dying in a Transhumanist and Posthuman Society shows how death and dying have been and will continue to be governed in any given society. Drawing on transhumanism and discourses about posthumanity, life prolongation and digital life, the book analyses death, dying and grief via the governance of dying. It states that the bio-medical dimensions of our understanding of death and dying (...)
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    Byzantine Matters by Averil Cameron (review).Panagiotis Roilos - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (4):719-722.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Byzantine Matters by Averil CameronPanagiotis RoilosAveril Cameron. Byzantine Matters. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2014. xviii + 164 pp. 3 black-and-white maps. Cloth, $22.95.From C. P. Cavafy to W. B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, and more recently, Julia Kristeva, literary authors and intellectuals have eloquently (and as a rule more effectually than academics) shown that Byzantine matters are of noteworthy relevance to broader, i.e., not only scholarly, domains of (...)
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  32. Louis Althusser Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism Althusser: The Detour of Theory.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (4):121-142.
    In the past few years there has been a renewed interest in the work of Louis Althusser, although, in some cases, this interest has been one-sided, focusing mainly on his later writings on aleatory materialism. The three books reviewed in this article, however, offer balanced and insightful overviews of the totality of Althusser's work, placing it in the wider context of Marxist political and theoretical debates and stressing both its originality and strengths, but also its contradictions.
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    Beyond Legislation, Close to Philosophy.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2005 - Philosophical Inquiry 27 (1-2):45-56.
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    Existenzphilosophie und Hermeneutik im 20. Jahrhundert.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2011 - In Christof Rapp & Klaus Corcilius (eds.), Aristoteles-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 530-535.
    Unter den philosophischen Strömungen des 20. Jh.s zeichnen sich die Existenzphilosophie und die Hermeneutik dadurch aus, dass sie sich nicht nur vielfach mit Aristoteles auseinandersetzten, sondern sich gerade durch diese Auseinandersetzung zu allererst entwickelten und ausgestalteten. Beide Disziplinen verbindet nicht nur das Lehrer-Schüler Verhältnis ihrer Hauptvertreter Martin Heidegger und Hans-Georg Gadamer, sondern auch eine sachliche Affinität – die aber in ihren Details strittig bleibt. Ebenso kontrovers sind Inhalt, Charakter und Intention der jeweiligen Bezugnahme der beiden Philosophen auf Aristoteles; generell konzentriert (...)
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    The Ontological Difference in Parmenides.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2008 - Philosophical Inquiry 30 (1-2):23-37.
  36. Erziehung am Wendepunkt?: Grundstrukturen d. pädagog. Bezuges in heutiger Sicht.Panagiotis Xochellis - 1974 - München: Ehrenwirth.
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    Children's Early Reflections on Improvised Music-making as the Wellspring of Musico-philosophical Thinking.Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2007 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (2):119-141.
    Panagiotis Kanellopoulos explores children's talk about musical thinking through the study of their reflections on their own improvised music. He accepts the possibility that children's discourse on music is the beginning of their philosophizing about music, an idea that is related to the larger issue of how to develop a music education perspective that gives voice to the learners and welcomes experimentation, constantly questioning the assumptions we bring as music educators. Based on particular examples of discussions with eight-year old (...)
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    Logos and Forms in Phaedo 96a–102a.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2003 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 8 (1):1-19.
    Socrates’ autobiography in Phaedo signifies an attempt to incorporate earlier philosophical thinking in a progressive evolution culminating in the Platonic theory of Forms. In the “second sailing”, the “hypothesis of Forms” is not a hypothetical assumption, an arbitrary claim or conjecture, but something to be “sup-posed” prior to any further knowledge or statement. The careful reading and reconstruction of the famous simile of the “sun in eclipse” leads to crucial consequences concerning the attempt to “take refuge in the logoi”. The (...)
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    Public and private death in Psellos: Maria Skleraina and Styliane Psellaina.Panagiotis A. Agapitos - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2):555-607.
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    The Boogeyman in the Closet: A Cognitive-Behavioral Account of Epicurean Emotions.Panagiotis Poulakidas - 2024 - Rhizomata 12 (2):246-269.
    Vain emotions are, according to Epicurus, the source of our mental disturbance. The aim of this paper is to discuss and analyze this connection by clarifying the structure of vain emotions in Epicurean philosophy. In order to achieve this, I present, first, the major lines of interpretation regarding the structure of epicurean emotions. Second, I highlight potential problems for each one of these interpretations. Third, I conclude that the existing interpretations cannot capture the whole picture regarding the epicurean structure of (...)
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    Revisiting the Passive Revolution.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (3):3-45.
    Passive revolution is one of the most debated notions to come out of the Prison Notebooks. It belongs to the notions that have been used as ‘established’ descriptions of historical and political sequences. However, a reading of Gramsci’s texts suggests that passive revolution is not a ‘historical phase’ and is not limited to the historical interpretation of a particular historical period. Nor is it part of an historical ‘canon’ that would suggest that, in the absence of a ‘proper’ Jacobin revolution, (...)
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  42. Envisioning Autonomy through Improvising and Composing: Castoriadis visiting creative music education practice.Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (2):151-182.
    Do psychological perspectives constitute the only way through which the role of musical creativity in education can be addressed, researched and theorised? This essay attempts to offer an alternative view of musical creativity as a deeply social and political form of human praxis, by proposing a perspective rooted in the thought of the political philosopher and activist Cornelius Castoriadis (1922–1997). This is done in two steps. First, an attempt is made to place the pursuit of the concept of musical creativity (...)
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    How the minimalist model of ownership psychology can aid in explaining moral behaviors under resource constraints.Panagiotis Mitkidis & Christian T. Elbaek - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e343.
    The model of ownership psychology as a cognitive adaptation proposes that people flexibly navigate cognitive systems of cooperation and competition, thus enabling them to justify unethical behavior. We discuss how this model captures previous accounts of unethical behavior and propose that a disengagement heuristic can help us understand recent findings in the interconnection between scarcity psychology and unethical behavior.
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    Simplicity and complexity in gene evolution: tracing the origin of complexity in DNA sequences.Panagiotis A. Tsonis & Anastasios A. Tsonis - 1997 - Complexity 2 (5):23-30.
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    Editorial: Trust: The Limits of Human Moral.Panagiotis Mitkidis, Michaela Porubanova & Andreas Roepstorff - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  46. Art et société à l'aube du vingt-et-unième siècle.Panagiotis Christias - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 110:3-10.
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    Plato's Philebus: a philosophical discussion.Panagiotis Dimas, Russell E. Jones & Gabriel Richardson Lear (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The Philebus is an extraordinarily creative and profound examination of what makes for a good human life, containing some of Plato's most sophisticated discussions of moral psychology, knowledge, metaphysics, and philosophical methodology. The Philebushad a far greater influence on Aristotle's ethics than the frequently studied Republic - yet historians of philosophical ethics have relatively neglected it and existing commentaries tend to emphasize certain aspects at the expense of others. This edited volume, the first of its kind, brings together leading scholars (...)
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    Auteurs grecs et paysages coloniaux romains.Panagiotis N. Doukellis - 2007 - História 56 (3):302-321.
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    Le contexte géomorphologique et historique de l'aqueduc de Nicopolis.Panagiotis Doukellis, Eric Fouache & Jean-Jacques Dufaure - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (1):209-233.
    La fondation de Nicopolis est la réponse donnée par Rome aux problèmes de l'organisation politique, administrative et sociale de l'Épire méridionale et de l'Acarnanie. Aussi les constructions telles que l'aqueduc constituent-elles, par leur inscription dans le paysage urbain et rural, un symbole majeur de la romanisation. Or le tracé de cet aqueduc, long de près de soixante-dix kilomètres, est encore imparfaitement connu. Nous en avons donc repris l'étude en nous attachant à reconstituer les contraintes auxquelles sa construction avait été soumise, (...)
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    Doing fieldwork within fear and silences.Panagiotis Geros - 2008 - In Heidi Armbruster & Anna Lærke (eds.), Taking Sides: Ethics, Politics, and Fieldwork in Anthropology. Berghahn Books. pp. 89--118.
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