Results for 'Pantheismusstreit'

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  1.  16
    Der Pantheismusstreit: Spinozas Weg zur deutschen Philosophie und Kultur.Józef Piórczyński - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Der Autor stellt in seinem Buch zum Pantheismusstreit dezidierte historische und struktural-theoretische Überlegungen zur Spinoza-Rezeption in Deutschland an. Der Streit darüber, ob Lessing Pantheist war, geht in einen Streit um die Philosophie Spinozas und den Rationalismus über. Im Laufe der Zeit wird der Korrespondenzstreit zwischen Jacobi und Mendelssohn öffentlich und spricht das deutsche Bewusstsein und Unterbewusstsein an, daher engagiert sich das gesamte "gebildete Deutschland" in dieser philosophischen Auseinandersetzung. Die Arbeit hat grosse Bedeutung für das Verständnis der Situation der deutschen (...)
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  2. El Pantheismusstreit.Luca Fonnesu - 2022 - In Maximiliano Hernández Marcos, Estal Sánchez & Héctor del (eds.), Conceptos en disputa, disputas sobre conceptos. Madrid: Dykinson.
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    Der pantheismusstreit - einebestandsaufnahme.Jürg Freudiger - 1993 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (5):39-48.
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    Pantheismusstreit, natura i dialektyka oświecenia.Marek Woszczek - 2022 - Civitas 29:39-78.
    Tak zwany spór o panteizm był istotnym wydarzeniem filozoficznym w niemieckim krajobrazie intelektualnym dwóch ostatnich dekad XVIII wieku, który spowodował jednocześnie odrodzenie zainteresowania Spinozą w Niemczech. Istnieje ogromna literatura dotycząca tego sporu z perspektywy zarówno filozoficznej, jak i czysto historiograficznej, jednakże pomimo intensywnie dyskutowanej tetralogii Jonathana I. Israela na temat historii oświecenia, wciąż brakuje nowej, szerszej debaty wokół relacji sporu o panteizm do globalnej dynamiki późnego oświecenia i jego wewnętrznych napięć. W artykule omawiane są kluczowe idee sformułowane przez Herdera, Goethego, (...)
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    Georg Essen/Christian Danz (Hgg.), Philosophisch-theologische Streitsachen. Pantheismusstreit – Atheismusstreit – Theismusstreit.Günter Mensching - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (2):422-423.
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    Kant’s Critique of Spinoza.Omri Boehm - 2014 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Contemporary philosophers frequently assume that Kant never seriously engaged with Spinoza or Spinozism --certainly not before the break of Der Pantheismusstreit, or within the Critique of Pure Reason. Offering an alternative reading of key pre-critical texts and to some of the Critique's most central chapters, Omri Boehm challenges this common assumption. He argues that Kant not only is committed to Spinozism in early essays such as "The One Possible Basis" and "New Elucidation," but also takes up Spinozist metaphysics as (...)
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  7. Insight and the Enlightenment: Why Einsicht in Chapter Six of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit?Jeffrey Reid - 2016 - Hegel Bulletin (2):1-23.
    Hegel uses the term Einsicht (‘insight’) throughout several key subsections of Chapter Six of the Phenomenology of Spirit (notably in ‘Faith and Pure Insight’ and ‘The Struggle of the Enlightenment with Superstition’). Nowhere else in his work does the term enjoy such a sustained treatment. Commentators generally accept Hegel’s use of the term in the Phenomenology as simply referring to the type of counter-religious reasoning found in the French Enlightenment. I show how Hegel derives the term, through the lens of (...)
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  8.  46
    Spinoza and other heretics: Reply to critics.Yirmiyahu Yovel - 1992 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):81 – 112.
    In part I I reply to Seymour Feldman's criticism of volume 1 of The Marrano of Reason. I try to show that Professor Feldman misreads me, first, by overlooking the transformation of Spinoza's Marrano traits from the world of religion to the world of reason; second, by failing to recognize the diversity of Marrano responses as part of my own thesis; and thirdly, by paying no heed to the mental (or, phenomenological) structures and analysis upon which a good deal of (...)
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  9.  50
    Panteísmo y panenteísmo: Schelling, Schlegel y la polémica en torno al panteísmo.Ana Carrasco Conde - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 54:93-109.
    Desde la polémica mantenida entre Jacobi y Mendelssohn en 1785 sobre el supuesto spinozismo de Lessing, se ha considerado que sistema de razón , fatalismo y panteísmo (y con él el spinozismo como forma más perfecta) constituyen una tríada de conceptos inseparables, de ahí la afirmación clave de Schlegel en el Indierbuch : “der Pantheismus ist das System der reinen Vernunft” (KA VIII, 249; Cit. por Schelling en SW I/VII 339, n. a ; 117). De esta manera, Schelling no deja (...)
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    The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought ed. by Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina Totaro (review).Piet Steenbakkers - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):325-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought ed. by Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina TotaroPiet SteenbakkersAntonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina Totaro, editors. The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 333. Leiden: Brill, 2022. Pp. xiv + 303. Hardback, €135.16.This volume has its origins (...)
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  11. Exotericism after Lessing: The Enduring Influence of F. H. Jacobi on Leo Strauss.William Altman - 2007 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 15 (1):59-83.
    This study shows that despite the fact that Leo Strauss published little about Jacobi, the misunderstood thinker about whom he wrote his doctoral dissertation exercised a crucial influence on what is often thought to be Strauss's most enduring achievement: his rediscovery of exotericism. A consideration of several of Strauss's writings that do mention Jacobi but remained unpublished at the time of his death—in particular his studies on Moses Mendelssohn, who was Jacobi's principal target in the Pantheismusstreit —reveal that Strauss (...)
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  12.  19
    Herder, lecteur de Kant: De la métaphysique a l'esthétique.Myriam Bienenstock - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    L'Essai sur l'être, traduit ci-dessous pour la première fois en français, fut rédigé par Herder en 1763-1764, pendant ses années d'études à Königsberg, à l'écoute de Kant. Reprenant et discutant certains des arguments développés par Kant dans ses conférences et écrits précritiques consacrés à la métaphysique, Herder pose les bases philosophiques de son œuvre future. L'étude du texte permet de réévaluer la thèse, jadis avancée par Dilthey, selon laquelle le futur protagoniste de Jacobi dans le débat sur le spinozisme infléchit (...)
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    Was heisst sich orientieren?: von der Krise der Aufklärung zur Orientierung der Vernunft nach Kant.Bernhard Jensen - 2003 - München: Fink.
    Nach Orientierung fragt man erst, wenn man sie verloren hat. Kant hat das Bedürfnis nach Orientierung sowohl in den unscheinbarsten Regungen des Alltags wie in den großen Fragen des Glaubens aufgespürt. Die Idee zu einer Philosophie der Orientierung findet sich bereits in seinen vorkritischen Schriften. Kant hat sie jedoch erst anläßlich des Pantheismusstreits zwischen Mendelssohn und Jacobi expliziert, als seine Vernunftkritik ihren Kredit unter den Zeitgenossen und bei der preußischen Obrigkeit zu verlieren drohte. Insbesondere die These einer Leiblichkeit der Orientierung (...)
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  14.  28
    Spinozism, Kabbalism, and Idealism from Johann Georg Wachter to Moses Mendelssohn.Mogens Lærke - 2021 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 3 (1):3.
    The paper studies the historical background for the ‘idealist’ reading of Spinoza usually traced back to British and German Idealism. Here, I follow this history further back than and focus on one earlier idealist reading, indeed perhaps the mother of them all. It can be found in the _Elucidarius cabalisticus, sive reconditae Hebraeorum philosophiae brevis et succincta recensio_ by Johann Georg Wachter, a kabbalist interpretation of Spinoza published in 1706. I am principally interested in the importance that Wachter’s book may (...)
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  15.  30
    Proč se hovoří o panteismu v renesanční filosofii?Tomáš Nejeschleba - 2018 - Pro-Fil 19 (1):2.
    Článek se zabývá pojmem panteismus v období renesance. Ačkoli termín panteismus se objevil až na konci 17. století a později v kontextu tzv. “Pantheismusstreit”, za předchůdce moderního panteistického myšlení byl označen renesanční filosof Giordano Bruno. Následně i Mikuláš Kusánský, a to jakožto pokračovatel myšlení Mistra Eckharta, začal být považován za panteistu. Jak Kusánský, tak Bruno v určitém smyslu obhajovali imanenci božského ve světě, avšak zároveň oba zdůrazňovali rozdíl mezi Bohem a přírodou a připisovali Bohu transcendenci nebo přinejmenším transcendentální aspekty. (...)
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  16.  23
    Die Bestimmung des Menschen.Ives Radrizzani - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:154-180.
    The Vocation of Man is Fichte’s response to Jacobi. Fichte follows a double strategy: he provides us with his defense against the accusations made to the Doctrine of Science in Jacobi’s Letter to Fichte (subjectivism, solipsism, nihilism), on the other part, he tries to build a link to the non-knowledge of Jacobi. With the ternary structure of the work, Fichte shows its commitment to the position that was already his at the time of the pantheism controversy: he still believes in (...)
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  17.  21
    Interpreting Schelling: Critical Essays ed. by Lara Ostaric.Jason M. Wirth - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (4):684-685.
    As a sign that interest in Schelling is growing beyond its initial reception within more continentally inflected studies, Lara Osteric has collected eleven generally impressive essays that are organized around the chronological development of Schelling’s thinking, and that reassess his place in the history of philosophy.Eric Watkins enters the debate around the decisive influences on Schelling’s early thinking. Conceding the well-known influences of Hölderlin, Fichte, Jacobi, and the Pantheismusstreit, his reactionary Tübingen teachers, and Reinhold’s attempt to provide a firm (...)
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  18. Morning Hours, or Lectures on God's Existence.Moses Mendelssohn, Daniel Dahlstrom & Corey W. Dyck - 2011 - Springer.
    Morning Hours is the first English translation of Morgenstunden by Moses Mendelssohn, the foremost Jewish thinker of the German Enlightenment. Published six months before Mendelssohn's death on January 4, 1786, Morning Hours is the most sustained presentation of his mature epistemological and metaphysical views, all elaborated in the service of presenting his son with proofs for the existence of God. But Morning Hours is much more than a theoretical treatise. It also plays a central role in the drama of the (...)
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