Results for 'Pascal-Olivier Dumas-Dubreuil'

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    Empreintes génétiques : pourquoi et pour qui?Olivier Pascal - 1998 - Médecine et Droit 1998 (32):1-5.
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  2. Competing for a desired reward in the stroop task: When attentional control is unconscious but effective versus conscious but ineffective.Pascal Huguet, Florence Dumas & Jean-M. Monteil - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (3):153-167.
  3. The Impact of Human Resource Management on Environmental Performance: An Employee-Level Study.Pascal Paillé, Yang Chen, Olivier Boiral & Jiafei Jin - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (3):451-466.
    This field study investigated the relationship between strategic human resource management, internal environmental concern, organizational citizenship behavior for the environment, and environmental performance. The originality of the present research was to link human resource management and environmental management in the Chinese context. Data consisted of 151 matched questionnaires from top management team members, chief executive officers, and frontline workers. The main results indicate that organizational citizenship behavior for the environment fully mediates the relationship between strategic human resource management and environmental (...)
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    Saturation and stability in the theory of computation over the reals.Olivier Chapuis & Pascal Koiran - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 99 (1-3):1-49.
    This paper was motivated by the following two questions which arise in the theory of complexity for computation over ordered rings in the now famous computational model introduced by Blum, Shub and Smale: 1. is the answer to the question P = ?NP the same in every real-closed field?2. if P ≠ NP for , does there exist a problem of which is NP but neither P nor NP-complete ?Some unclassical complexity classes arise naturally in the study of these questions. (...)
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  5. Environmental Behavior On and Off the Job: A Configurational Approach.Pascal Paillé, Nicolas Raineri & Olivier Boiral - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (1):253-268.
    The current literature on environmental sustainability acknowledges that habits are often shaped in private life and that experiences with environmental activities in a non-work setting positively influence environmental behaviors in the work domain. However, the conditions that lead individuals to behave responsibly at work based on their environmental commitment outside the workplace remain poorly understood. We address this issue by pursuing two objectives. First, we outline archetypes of environmental behavior on and off the job and classify individuals into four profiles: (...)
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    Definability of Geometric Properties in Algebraically Closed Fields.Olivier Chapuis & Pascal Koiran - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (4):533-550.
    We prove that there exists no sentence F of the language of rings with an extra binary predicat I2 satisfying the following property: for every definable set X ⊆ ℂ2, X is connected if and only if ⊧ F, where I2 is interpreted by X. We conjecture that the same result holds for closed subset of ℂ2. We prove some results motivated by this conjecture.
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    La limite Des theories de courbes generiques.Olivier Chapuis, Ehud Hrushovski, Pascal Koiran & Bruno Poizat - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):24-34.
    Ne estas prima orda formulo, kiu definas la Zariskijajn slositojn inter la konstruitoj, malpli ke la konektojn inter la slositoj.
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  8. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for the Environment: Measurement and Validation. [REVIEW]Olivier Boiral & Pascal Paillé - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):431-445.
    While the importance of employee initiatives for improving the environmental practices and performance of organizations has been clearly established in the literature, the precise nature of these initiatives has rarely been examined (particularly the issue of their discretionary or mandatory nature). The role of organizational citizenship behaviour in environmental management remains largely unexplored. The main objectives of this paper were to propose and validate an instrument for measuring organizational citizenship behaviour for the environment (OCBE). Exploratory (Study 1, N = 228) (...)
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    (1 other version)Malia.Olivier Pelon, Claude Baurain, Pascal Darcque, Colette Verlinden, Vassiliki Fotou, Jean-Pierre Olivier & Martin Schmid - 1986 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 110 (2):813-822.
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    Les partis politiques, des agences semi-étatiques: la thèse de la'cartellisation'revisitée.Pascal Delwit, Benoît Rihoux & Olivier Paye - 2004 - In Olivier Paye, Que reste-t-il de l'Etat?: érosion ou renaissance. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia-Bruylant.
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    Social Reporting as an Organisational Learning Tool? A Theoretical Framework.Jean-Pascal Gond & Olivier Herrbach - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (4):359-371.
    Social reporting has become an increasingly important dimension of the corporate social responsibility process. The growing necessity to include the social dimension in reporting practices raises important questions about the nature of social responsibility and its impact on corporate and individual behaviour and performance. The literature has yet to provide a reliable theoretical definition of corporate social responsibility and performance, however. Based on the approach proposed by Simons, we argue that organisational reporting about social responsibility can be viewed as a (...)
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  12. Visual motion disambiguation by a subliminal sound.Andre Dufour, Pascale Touzalin, Michèle Moessinger, Renaud Brochard & Olivier Després - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):790-797.
    There is growing interest in the effect of sound on visual motion perception. One model involves the illusion created when two identical objects moving towards each other on a two-dimensional visual display can be seen to either bounce off or stream through each other. Previous studies show that the large bias normally seen toward the streaming percept can be modulated by the presentation of an auditory event at the moment of coincidence. However, no reports to date provide sufficient evidence to (...)
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    Visual experience influences the interactions between fingers and numbers.Virginie Crollen, Marie-Pascale NoëL, Xavier Seron, Pierre Mahau, Franco Lepore & Olivier Collignon - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):91-96.
  14.  24
    Case Report: Multimodal Functional and Structural Evaluation Combining Pre-operative nTMS Mapping and Neuroimaging With Intraoperative CT-Scan and Brain Shift Correction for Brain Tumor Surgical Resection.Suhan Senova, Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur, Pierre Brugières, Samar S. Ayache, Sanaa Tazi, Blanche Bapst, Kou Abhay, Olivier Langeron, Kohtaroh Edakawa, Stéphane Palfi & Benjamin Bardel - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Maximum safe resection of infiltrative brain tumors in eloquent area is the primary objective in surgical neuro-oncology. This goal can be achieved with direct electrical stimulation to perform a functional mapping of the brain in patients awake intraoperatively. When awake surgery is not possible, we propose a pipeline procedure that combines advanced techniques aiming at performing a dissection that respects the anatomo-functional connectivity of the peritumoral region. This procedure can benefit from intraoperative monitoring with computerized tomography scan and brain (...)
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    Simondon. Édité par Pascal Chabot.Olivier Perru - 2003 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 101 (3):521-524.
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  16. Hyperstructures, genome analysis and I-cells.Patrick Amar, Pascal Ballet, Georgia Barlovatz-Meimon, Arndt Benecke, Gilles Bernot, Yves Bouligand, Paul Bourguine, Franck Delaplace, Jean-Marc Delosme, Maurice Demarty, Itzhak Fishov, Jean Fourmentin-Guilbert, Joe Fralick, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Bernard Gleyse, Christophe Godin, Roberto Incitti, François Képès, Catherine Lange, Lois Le Sceller, Corinne Loutellier, Olivier Michel, Franck Molina, Chantal Monnier, René Natowicz, Vic Norris, Nicole Orange, Helene Pollard, Derek Raine, Camille Ripoll, Josette Rouviere-Yaniv, Milton Saier, Paul Soler, Pierre Tambourin, Michel Thellier, Philippe Tracqui, Dave Ussery, Jean-Claude Vincent, Jean-Pierre Vannier, Philippa Wiggins & Abdallah Zemirline - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):357-373.
    New concepts may prove necessary to profit from the avalanche of sequence data on the genome, transcriptome, proteome and interactome and to relate this information to cell physiology. Here, we focus on the concept of large activity-based structures, or hyperstructures, in which a variety of types of molecules are brought together to perform a function. We review the evidence for the existence of hyperstructures responsible for the initiation of DNA replication, the sequestration of newly replicated origins of replication, cell division (...)
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    Constraint satisfaction over connected row-convex constraints.Yves Deville, Olivier Barette & Pascal Van Hentenryck - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2):243-271.
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    (1 other version)Malia.Claude Baurain, Pascal Darcque, Olivier Pelon, Jan Driessen & Alexandre Farnoux - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (2):671-682.
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    Mixed Martial Arts: Civilizing or Decivilizing Process? A Bibliometric Analysis.Robin Delory, Pascal Roland & Olivier Sirost - 2018 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (2).
    Within the sporting landscape much has changed from the proliferation and integration of new technologies, for example, the practice of mixed martial arts (MMA) has developed on the fringes of modern sport. It combines several martial arts, is practised in a cage, and allows ground strikes. MMA is presented here within a framework inspired by Norbert Elias’s theory of civilizing of aggressive impulses through sport. We reviewed more than 20 years of literature, with 785 international references and a triple analysis (...)
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    (1 other version)Malia.Jean-Claude Poursat, Jean-Pierre Olivier, Claude Baurain & Pascal Darcque - 1982 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 106 (2):677-683.
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    Molière, philosophie.Olivier Bloch - 2000
    " Se moquer de la philosophie, c'est vraiment philosopher. " Ce propos de Pascal, Olivier Bloch l'illustre et le confirme par le présent ouvrage, en s'attachant à démontrer la part de philosophie inhérente au texte de Molière et le jeu théâtral auquel elle renvoie. La philosophie, dont le terme et le concept courent tout au long de l'œuvre de Molière, c'est celle de son temps, au premier chef celle de Descartes, mais aussi les philosophies antagonistes comme celle de (...)
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    Anouk Barberousse, Max Kistler et Pascal Ludwig, La philosophie des sciences au XXe siècle.Olivier Perru - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1-2):300-306.
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    Early visual deprivation does not prevent the emergence of basic numerical abilities in blind children.Virginie Crollen, Hélène Warusfel, Marie-Pascale Noël & Olivier Collignon - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104586.
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    Démocratie inc. : quand les citoyens reprennent leur pouvoir. Avec les contributions de Gwendoline Etheve et Julien Bechereau.Marie-Christine Aubin-Côté, Virgil Dupras, Jonathan Durand-Folco, Olivier Legendre & Pascale-Marie Milan - 2012 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale (vol. 14, n° 1).
    À la suite du printemps arabe, nombre de citoyens des démocraties occidentales se sont regroupés sur les places publiques pour afficher ouvertement leur indignation par rapport aux dérives du système démocratique affaibli par un pouvoir financier grandissant. Ce texte retrace le chemin qui a amené les auteurs à investir l’espace public. Pensée comme un espace inclusif où le citoyen peut se réapproprier son pouvoir par la discussion, l’écoute et l’autoéducation au vivre ensemble, l’occupation se définit d’abord par sa pratique. Ce (...)
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    Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison, Haine(s), Philosophie et politique.Pascal Sévérac - 2003 - Astérion 1 (1).
    Le livre d’O. Le Cour Grandmaison est un bel exemple, comme le dit E. Balibar dans sa préface, d’un ouvrage de « philosophie populaire » éclairant et suggestif. Pourquoi un ouvrage de philosophie populaire ? Parce qu’il s’agit, à partir de la pensée spinoziste, d’analyser la nature et les effets d’un affect particulier – la haine – dans le champ des relations interhumaines ; et il s’agit de le faire philosophiquement, c’est-à-dire non pas en évaluant normativement tel ou tel comportement (...)
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    Journées maliotes Malia, ville et territoire : organisation des espaces et exploitation des ressources, colloque organisé a l'Ecole française d'Athènes les 2-3 novembre 2007. [REVIEW]Maia Pomadère, Julien Zurbach, Martin Schmid, Jean-Claude Poursat, René Treuil, Olivier Pelon, Pascal Darcque, Aleydis Van de Moortel, Charlotte Langohr, Quentin Letesson, Hubert Fiasse, Piraye Haciguzeller, Maud Devolder, Jan Driessen, Sylvie Müller Celka, Carl Knappett, Dario Puglisi, Laurent Lespez, Tatiana Théodoropoulou, Anaya Sarpaki, Emmanuelle Vila & Daniel Helmer - 2007 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 131 (2):821-887.
    Les Journées maliotes organisées à l'École française d'Athènes les 2 et 3 novembre 2007 portaient sur l'organisation des espaces et l'exploitation des ressources, thèmes qui permettaient d'unir les approches effectuées ces dernières années selon deux échelles différentes, celle de l'agglomération et de l'urbanisme d'une part, celle de l'organisation du territoire d'autre part. Les contributions portent toutes sur des recherches en cours, dont la publication est récente ou proche. Elles sont publiées ici sous forme de résumés argumentés et reflètent fidèlement les (...)
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    Compte rendu d'Olivier Hanse, Rythme et civilisation dans la pensée allemande autour de 1900.Michon Pascal - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Olivier HANSE, Rythme et civilisation dans la pensée allemande autour de 1900, thèse de Doctorat en Études germaniques, 2007. À paraître bientôt aux Presses Universitaires de Saint-Étienne. Voir la présentation ici. La thèse d'Olivier Hanse apporte une contribution de très grande valeur à notre connaissance de l'Allemagne des années 1900-1940, tout particulièrement de ces mouvements de réforme de la vie qui ont constitué l'un des terreaux du - Études germaniques – Nouvel article.
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  28. Cédric Lemogne, Pascale Piolino, Stéphanie Friszer, Astrid Claret, Nathalie Girault, Roland Jouvent, Jean-François.Philippe Fossati Allilaire, Frédérique de Vignemont, Tiziana Zalla, Andrés Posada, Anne Louvegnez, Olivier Koenig, Nicolas Georgieff, Nicolas Franck, Arnaud DÕArgembeau & Martial Van der Linden - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15:232-233.
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  29. L'Église de la Gloire dans l'oeuvre d'Olivier Messiaen.Marie Pascal - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 80 (1):29-56.
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    Maguy Marin – L'aujourd'hui encore aujourd'hui demain.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans la revue Théâtre/public, octobre-décembre 2017, n° 226, p. 17-22. Nous remercions Olivier Neveux de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Une partie des chorégraphies mentionnées ci-dessous est visible dans la section GALERIE DE DANSE. Socialement et individuellement, l'homme est un animal rythmique. Marcel Mauss Quelques chorégraphies de Maguy Marin. Quelques notes prises à la volée. MAY B Au début, une scansion d'ahans, de corps trottinant. La marche hébétée - Danse, théâtre et spectacle (...)
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    Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies: The State of Nature.Benoît Dubreuil (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Benoît Dubreuil explores the creation and destruction of hierarchies in human evolution. Combining the methods of archaeology, anthropology, cognitive neuroscience and primatology, he offers a natural history of hierarchies from the point of view of both cultural and biological evolution. This volume explains why dominance hierarchies typical of primate societies disappeared in the human lineage and why the emergence of large-scale societies during the Neolithic period implied increased social differentiation, the creation of status hierarchies, and, eventually, (...)
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    Autour d'Althusser: penser un matérialisme aléatoire: problèmes et perspectives.Annie Ibrahim (ed.) - 2012 - Paris: Le Temps des cerises.
    Etienne Balibar, Olivier Bloch, Jean-Claude Bourdin, Isabelle Garo, Alain Gigandet, Pascale Gillot, Annie Ibrahim, Irène Pereira et André Tosel se penchent dans cet ouvrage sur les problèmes et les perpectives induites par le matérialisme althusserien. " Jamais un coup de dés n'abolira le hasard ". Althusser fait un bref commentaire de cette célèbre sentence mallarméenne dans un texte de 1982 - Le courant souterrain du matérialisme de la rencontre. II y conclut que l'histoire n'est que la révocation permanente du (...)
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  33. Paleolithic public goods games: Why human culture and cooperation did not evolve in one step.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (1):53-73.
    It is widely agreed that humans have specific abilities for cooperation and culture that evolved since their split with their last common ancestor with chimpanzees. Many uncertainties remain, however, about the exact moment in the human lineage when these abilities evolved. This article argues that cooperation and culture did not evolve in one step in the human lineage and that the capacity to stick to long-term and risky cooperative arrangements evolved before properly modern culture. I present evidence that Homo heidelbergensis (...)
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  34. Punitive emotions and Norm violations.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Philosophical Explorations 13 (1):35 – 50.
    The recent literature on social norms has stressed the centrality of emotions in explaining punishment and norm enforcement. This article discusses four negative emotions (righteous anger, indignation, contempt, and disgust) and examines their relationship to punitive behavior. I argue that righteous anger and indignation are both punitive emotions strictly speaking, but induce punishments of different intensity and have distinct elicitors. Contempt and disgust, for their part, cannot be straightforwardly considered punitive emotions, although they often blend with a colder form of (...)
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    Leaving Politics: Bios, Zōē, Life.Laurent Dubreuil & Clarissa C. Eagle - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (2):83-98.
    This article explores the category of biopolitics through the use Roberto Esposito and Giorgio Agamben make of two Greek words, bios and ōē. In particular, I argue that the separation of bios and ōē as introduced in Homo Sacer has no "natural" nor "lingual" relevance. The exposition of such a fabulous antinomy simply ruins the historical matter of Agamben's discourse on biopolitics. Here, Esposito's research could be read as an attempt to found the category of biopolitics anew without repeating the (...)
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  36. Anger and Morality.Benoît Dubreuil - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):475-482.
    The emotion of anger has a long love–hate relationship with morality. On the one hand, anger often motivates us to sanction wrongdoing and uphold demanding moral standards. On the other hand, it can prompt aggression behaviors that are at odds with morality and even lead to moral disasters. This article describes this complex relationship. I argue that the intensity of anger elicited by moral transgressions is highly sensitive to key variables, including the identity of the person wronged, the nature of (...)
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    Poetry and mind: tractatus poetico-philosophicus.Laurent Dubreuil - 2018 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    "What one cannot compute, one must poetize." So concludes this remarkable sequence of propositions on the centrality of poetry for what we call cognition. Developed through brief, lucid, and eloquent logical elaborations that are punctuated by incisive readings of a range of poems--Western and non-Western, low culture and high--Poetry and Mind offers to theorists and practitioners of literature, together with logicians and cognitive scientists, a more sophisticated account of the extraordinary regimes of human mental experience. Poetry grants us the ability (...)
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    Moraliser les conventions.Benoit Dubreuil - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (2):261-280.
    ABSTRACT : Many philosophers and psychologists think that moral norms have a different nature as rules from convention: while we are obliged to respect moral norms because of what they are in themselves, our respect for conventions depends on our attitude toward a particular social context. I question this distinction between moral norms and conventions and argue that conventions depend on social context because the context structures the agents’ expectations, sets reference points for the assessment of gains and losses, and (...)
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    Images >> Jean-Xavier Renaud.Laurent Dubreuil - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (3):150-156.
    Renaud, the illuminator. Renaud, the chronicler. “JXR” is not exactly recording facts and documents, although he often paints on the basis of “found images,” taking digital photos he collects from websites as a basis for his own work. He is not an archivist either, although he uses collage and routinely incorporates pictures or logotypes into his digital drawings. The chronicling work remains. In Renaud’s oeuvre, the times are being shown in all their glorious stupidity. An optimist nevertheless, the artist exhibits (...)
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  40. Are moral norms distinct from social norms? A critical assessment of Jon Elster and Cristina Bicchieri.Benoît Dubreuil & Jean-François Grégoire - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (1):137-152.
    This article offers a critical assessment of Cristina Bicchieri and Jon Elster’s recent attempt to distinguish between social, moral, and quasi-moral norms. Although their typologies present interesting differences, they both distinguish types of norms on the basis of the way in which context, and especially other agents’ expectations and behavior, shapes one’s preference to comply with norms. We argue that both typologies should be abandoned because they fail to capture causally relevant features of norms. We nevertheless emphasize that both Bicchieri (...)
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    Archeology and the language-ready brain.Benoît Dubreuil & Christopher Stuart Henshilwood - forthcoming - Language and Cognition.
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  42. Fight Club et la culture du psycho-pathologique.BenoÎt Dubreuil - 2001 - Phares 2 (2).
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    Bookmarking genes for activation in condensed mitotic chromosomes.Ronald R. Dubreuil & Tatyana Grushko - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (4):275-279.
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    Introduction.Laurent Dubreuil & Diane Berrett Brown - forthcoming - Diacritics 40 (1):iii-iii.
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    L’individualisme de Jon Elster : une position méthodologique ou ontologique1?Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Philosophiques 37 (2):509-526.
    En épistémologie des sciences sociales, Jon Elster est connu pour sa défense de l’individualisme méthodologique et sa critique des explications de haut niveau. Cette note critique la plus récente formulation de sa position . D’une part, nous montrons que les problèmes relatifs aux explications au niveau agrégé s’appliquent également aux explications en termes de mécanismes psychologiques, privilégiées par Elster. Si les mécanismes psychologiques contribuent à l’explication en sciences sociales, ce n’est pas parce qu’ils font explicitement référence à des états intentionnels, (...)
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    Les fruits symboliques. Sur le « vol des poires » d'Augustin (Confessions, II).Laurent Dubreuil - 2001 - Rue Descartes 32 (2):61-76.
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    La grande scène des primates.Laurent Dubreuil - 2012 - Labyrinthe 38 (38):81-102.
    Peut-être que je devrais commencer par cette scène. Je me retrouve avec des inconnus dans le grand hall intérieur d’un bâtiment aux aspects brutalistes. En face de nous se situe l’autre partie de la construction, rendue visible par de longues baies vitrées, et où réside une famille. Lorsqu’à l’automne 2010, je suis en ce lieu, à attendre pour la première fois ce qui est clairement mis en scène comme une apparition, je connais bien les différents acteurs par des livres et (...)
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    Le refus de la politique.Laurent Dubreuil - 2012 - Paris: Hermann.
    Non, tout n'est pas politique. Il faut sans doute vivre en compagnie des autres, avec des lois et des forces de coercition pour garantir la subsistance commune. Mais cela ne constitue que les conditions du niveau de vie dont la chose publique s'occupe (souvent si mal): il nous reste alors a rendre nos existences vivables. Pour preparer l'insurrection de vivre, ne comptons guere sur la representation nationale, les lois du marche, la technologie, les comportements citoyens, ni non plus les derniers (...)
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    No Title available: Dialogue.BenoîT Dubreuil - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (4):902-905.
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    On Experimental Criticism: Cognition, Evolution, and Literary Theory.Laurent Dubreuil - 2009 - Diacritics 39 (1):3-23.
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