Results for 'Patricia Schank'

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  1.  19
    WanderECHO: A connectionist simulation of limited coherence.Christopher M. Hoadley, Michael Ranney & Patricia Schank - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 421--426.
  2. A critique of pure vision.Patricia S. Churchland, V. S. Ramachandran & Terrence J. Sejnowski - 1994 - In Christof Koch & Joel L. Davis (eds.), Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. MIT Press. pp. 23.
    Anydomainofscientificresearchhasitssustainingorthodoxy. Thatis, research on a problem, whether in astronomy, physics, or biology, is con- ducted against a backdrop of broadly shared assumptions. It is these as- sumptionsthatguideinquiryandprovidethecanonofwhatisreasonable-- of what "makes sense." And it is these shared assumptions that constitute a framework for the interpretation of research results. Research on the problem of how we see is likewise sustained by broadly shared assump- tions, where the current orthodoxy embraces the very general idea that the business of the visual system is to (...)
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  3. Moral imagination and systems thinking.Patricia H. Werhane - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (1-2):33 - 42.
    Taking the lead from Susan Wolf's and Linda Emanuel's work on systems thinking, and developing ideas from Moberg's, Seabright's and my work on mental models and moral imagination, in this paper I shall argue that what is often missing in management decision-making is a systems approach. Systems thinking requires conceiving of management dilemmas as arising from within a system with interdependent elements, subsystems, and networks of relationships and patterns of interaction. Taking a systems approach and coupling it with moral imagination, (...)
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    A Framework for Authentic Ethical Decision Making in the Face of Grand Challenges: A Lonerganian Gradation.Patricia Larres & Martin Kelly - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):521-533.
    This paper contributes to the contemporary business ethics narrative by proposing an approach to corporate ethical decision making (EDM) which serves as an alternative to the imposition of codes and standards to address the ethical consequences of grand challenges, like COVID-19, which are impacting today’s society. Our alternative approach to EDM embraces the concept of reflexive thinking and ethical consciousness among the individual agents who collectively are the corporation and who make ethical decisions, often in isolation, removed from the collocated (...)
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    Hopeful and Concerned: Public Input on Building a Trustworthy Medical Information Commons.Patricia A. Deverka, Dierdre Gilmore, Jennifer Richmond, Zachary Smith, Rikki Mangrum, Barbara A. Koenig, Robert Cook-Deegan, Angela G. Villanueva, Mary A. Majumder & Amy L. McGuire - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):70-87.
    A medical information commons is a networked data environment utilized for research and clinical applications. At three deliberations across the U.S., we engaged 75 adults in two-day facilitated discussions on the ethical and social issues inherent to sharing data with an MIC. Deliberants made recommendations regarding opt-in consent, transparent data policies, public representation on MIC governing boards, and strict data security and privacy protection. Community engagement is critical to earning the public's trust.
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  6. Hobbes's Challenge to Descartes, Bramhall and Boyle: A Corporeal God.Patricia Springborg - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (5):903-934.
    This paper brings new work to bear on the perennial question about Hobbes's atheism to show that as a debate about scepticism it is falsely framed. Hobbes, like fellow members of the Mersenne circle, Descartes and Gassendi, was no sceptic, but rather concerned to rescue physics and metaphysics from radical scepticism by exploring corporealism. In his early letter of November 1640, Hobbes had issued a provocative challenge to Descartes to abandon metaphysical dualism and subscribe to a ?corporeal God?; a provocation (...)
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    Hidden Costs of Epistemic Conformity: Lessons from Information Cascade Simulations.Patricia Rich - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams.Patricia M. Shields, Maurice Hamington & Joseph Soeters (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams is a selective collection of original analyses offered by an international group of social and political theorists who have contributed to the burgeoning field of Addams Studies. This collection pays particular attention to her contributions to scholarly fields of sociology and philosophy as well as to more professional disciplines of public administration and social work. Furthermore, this volume signifies Addams's globalimpact as scholars from all over the world contribute to the tapestry of her intellectual (...)
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  9. Aesthetics of the Natural Environment.Patricia Matthews - 2004 - Environmental Values.
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    Business Ethics Pioneers: Pat Werhane.Patricia Werhane - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (3):359-366.
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    A Feminist Case for the Decolonial: Research and Teaching Notes.Patricia A. Schechter - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):646.
    Abstract:This essay suggests that the word decolonial offers analytic power for feminist historians of women. As a category, it creates interpretive space for female experience beyond the elite/subaltern binary, where arguably most women live and work in the modern period. As a reading practice, the decolonial fosters intellectual awareness of social and intellectual practices that neither address the state, as in “anti-imperialism,” nor proffer counter nationalism or counter racialization as responses to coloniality. Offering examples from the archive, the media, and (...)
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    Justice and trust.Patricia H. Werhane - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 21 (2-3):237 - 249.
    With the demise of Marxism and socialism, the United States is becoming a model not merely for free enterprise, but also for employment practices worldwide. I believe that free enterprise is the least worst economic system, given the alternatives, a position I shall assume, but not defend, here. However, I shall argue, a successful free enterprise political economy does not entail mimicking US employment practices. I find even today in 1998, as I shall outline in more detail, these practices, when (...)
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    Family Members’ Requests to Extend Physiologic Support after Declaration of Brain Death: A Case Series Analysis and Proposed Guidelines for Clinical Management.Patricia A. Mayer, Martin L. Smith & Anne Lederman Flamm - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (3):222-237.
    We describe and analyze 13 cases handled by our ethics consultation service (ECS) in which families requested continuation of physiological support for loved ones after death by neurological criteria (DNC) had been declared. These ethics consultations took place between 2005 and 2013. Patients’ ages ranged from 14 to 85. Continued mechanical ventilation was the focal intervention sought by all families. The ECS’s advice and recommendations generally promoted “reasonable accommodation” of the requests, balancing compassion for grieving families with other ethical and (...)
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  14.  64
    Formal organizations, economic freedom and moral agency.Patricia Hogue Werhane - 1980 - Journal of Value Inquiry 14 (1):43-50.
  15.  95
    The Role of Self-interest in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.Patricia H. Werhane - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (11):669-680.
  16. What Can Humans Cognize about the Self from Experience? Comments on Corey Dyck’s “The Development of Kant’s Psychology during the 1770’s”.Patricia Kitcher - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 3:345-352.
    I agree with Dyck’s basic claim that Kant follows the methodology of Rational Psychology in setting up his critique of it: He starts as it starts, with an existential proposition ‘I think.’ On the other hand, I am not convinced of Dyck’s use of the Dreams essay in establishing a timeline for the development of Kant’s views on inner sense. That essay is evidence that Kant thinks that Schwendenborg’s metaphysics is ungrounded, because he has a crazy sort of inner sense, (...)
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  17.  46
    Locke's moral philosophy.Patricia Sheridan - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  18.  26
    Blended learning environments and learning resources.Patricia Fidalgo, Ieda Santos & Joan Thormann - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  19.  17
    La maternité lesbienne, un analyseur social.Patricia Mercader - 2019 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3:55-76.
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    Does the Disease of the Person Receiving Care Affect the Emotional State of Non-professional Caregivers?Patricia Otero, Ángela J. Torres, Fernando L. Vázquez, Vanessa Blanco, María J. Ferraces & Olga Díaz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Research on mental health of non-professional caregivers has focused on caregivers of people with specific diseases, especially dementia. Less is known about caregivers of people with other diseases. The aims of this study were (a) to determine the caregivers’ emotional state in a random sample of caregivers of people in situations of dependency, (b) to analyze the association between each disease of the care-recipient (a variety of 23 diseases included in the International Classification of Diseases) and the emotional state of (...)
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    Individual differences in voice adaptability are specifically linked to voice perception skill.Patricia E. G. Bestelmeyer & Constanze Mühl - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104582.
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  22. What Should a Correspondence Theory Be and Do?Patricia Marino - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (3):415-457.
    Correspondence theories are frequently either too vaguely expressed – “true statements correspond to the way things are in the world,” or implausible – “true statements mirror raw, mind-independent reality.” I address this problem by developing features and roles that ought to characterize what I call ldquo;modest” correspondence theories. Of special importance is the role of correspondence in directing our responses to cases of suspected non-factuality; lack of straightforward correspondence shows the need for, and guides us in our choice of, various (...)
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    Native American land ethics: Implications for natural resource management.Patricia M. Jostad, Leo H. McAvoy & Daniel McDonald - 1996 - Society and Natural Resources 9 (6):565-581.
    Native American land ethics are not well understood by many governmental natural resource managers. This article presents the results of interviews with selected tribal elders, tribal land managers, and tribal content experts concerning traditional beliefs and values forming a land ethic and how these influence tribal land management practices. The Native American land ethic that emerged from this study includes four belief areas: “All Is Sacred”; ; “Right Action”; ; “All Is Interrelated”; ; and “Mother Earth”;. Traditional Native American beliefs (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment.Patricia Werhane & Jeffrey Doering - 1995 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 4 (3):47-81.
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    (1 other version)Women Leaders in a Globalized World.Patricia H. Werhane - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (4):425-435.
    This article will defend a very simple thesis. In a diverse globalized “flat” world with expanding economic opportunities and risks, we will need to revisit and revise our mindsets about free enterprise, corporate governance, and leadership. That we can change our mindsets and world view is illustrated by studies of primate behavior, and the kind of leadership necessary in a global economy is, interestingly, exemplified by women.
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    You Are Standing in a Doorway: California, Fall 2020.Patricia Contaxis - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (2):79-81.
    My Back Is To A Life Passed. A year, maybe more, in liminal space. Waiting. For a vaccine. For better therapeutics. For a political climate to shift. All the while, the actual climate turns against us.The waters rise in the East. Fires rage in the West.My back is to a life passed. Retirement, just before the pandemic. Post-retirement and lockdown, simultaneous. A turn to a writing life—solitary, self-directed, coming at a time when my options are limited. My go-to places for (...)
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    “Drinkers Like Me”: A Thematic Analysis of Comments Responding to an Online Article About Moderating Alcohol Consumption.Patricia Irizar, Jo-Anne Puddephatt, Jasmine G. Warren, Matt Field, Andrew Jones, Abigail K. Rose, Suzanne H. Gage & Laura Goodwin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThere has been media coverage surrounding the dangers of heavy drinking and benefits of moderation, with TV and radio presenter, Adrian Chiles, documenting his experience of moderating alcohol consumption in an online article for the Guardian. By analysing the comments in response to Chiles’ article, this study aimed to explore posters’ attitudes or beliefs toward moderating alcohol and posters’ experiences of moderating or abstaining from alcohol.MethodA secondary qualitative analysis of online comments in response to an article about moderating alcohol consumption. (...)
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    Different Reality? Generations’ and Religious Groups’ Views of Spirituality Policies in the Workplace.Patricia Jolliffe & Scott Foster - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):451-470.
    AbstractOver the past 20 years, there has been considerable expansion, particularly spirituality theory in the workplace. Simultaneously, there has been a growth of research, most especially in practitioner publication into generational differences. The study's context is human resource (HR) policy and procedures in the workplace. Through this prism, generational perspectives and religious theory are compared and scrutinised within the United Kingdom. Two major religious groups (Muslim and Christian) and three-generational categories (Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers) were selected to explore (...)
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    Changes in Native Sentence Processing Related to Bilingualism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Patricia Román & Irene Gómez-Gómez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The native language changes as a result of contact with a second language, and the pattern and degree of such change depend on a variety of factors like the bilingual experience or the linguistic level. Here, we present a systematic review and meta-analysis of works that explore variations in native sentence comprehension and production by comparing monolinguals and bilinguals. Fourteen studies in the meta-analysis provided information regarding the bilingual experience and differences at the morphosyntactic level using behavioral methods. Overall, we (...)
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    Editorial: Temporal Cognition: Its Development, Neurocognitive Basis, Relationships to Other Cognitive Domains, and Uniquely Human Aspects.Patricia J. Brooks & Danielle DeNigris - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    La importancia del juego y sus beneficios en las áreas de desarrollo infantil.Patricia Solís García - 2019 - Voces de la Educación 4 (7):44-51.
    We present a reflection about the importance of playing as an activity inherent to the human being and its benefits in the different areas of child development: affectivity, motor skills, intelligence, creativity and sociability. Currently the game has gone into the background in early childhood education compared to other more academic tasks, however numerous studies point out its many benefits.
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    (1 other version)The Neuro-Image. Alain Resnais's Digital Cinema without the Digits.Patricia Pisters - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (2):23-38.
    Der Beitrag schlägt vor, das Kino des digitalen Zeitalters als einen neuen Typus des Bildes zu lesen: als Neuro-Bild. Im Rückgriff auf Gilles Deleuzes Kino-Bücher sowie sein Werk Differenz und Wiederholung argumentiert der Beitrag, dass das Neuro-Bild in der Zukunft begründet sei. Abschließend wird das Kino von Alain Resnais als Neuro-Bild und digitales Kino avant la lettre vorgestellt. This paper proposes to read cinema in the digital age as a new type of image, the neuroimage. Going back to Gilles Deleuze's (...)
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  33.  18
    ‘But Most of all mi Love me Browning’: The Emergence in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Jamaica of the Mulatto Woman as the Desired.Patricia Mohammed - 2000 - Feminist Review 65 (1):22-48.
    One of the most common threads in the Caribbean tapestry races which have populated the region over the last five centuries largely through forced or voluntary migration, is that there have emerged mixtures of the different racial groups. A large proportion of Caribbean women and men are referred to euphemistically as ‘mixed race’. The terms used to describe people of mixed race vary by territory and have been incrementally added to or changed over time. The original nomenclatures such as sambo, (...)
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    Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy.Patricia Ann Easton - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (4):614-616.
  35. Resisting the Scaffold: Self-Preservation and Limits of Obligation in Hobbes's Leviathan.Patricia Sheridan - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (2):137-157.
    The degree to which Hobbes's citizenry retains its right to resist sovereign power has been the source of a significant debate. It has been argued by a number of scholars that there is a clear avenue for legitimate rebellion in Hobbes's state, as described in the Leviathan - in this work, Hobbes asserts that subjects can retain their natural right to self-preservation in civil society, and that this represents an inalienable right that cannot, under any circumstances, be transferred to the (...)
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    Barriers Encountered Conducting Informed Consent Research.Patricia Agre, Bruce Rapkin, James Dougherty & Roger Wilson - 2002 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 24 (4):1.
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  37. Women as Interpreters of the Bible.Patricia Demers - 1991
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  38.  16
    A natureza e o princípio dos regimes na filosofia de Montesquieu.Patrícia Carvalho Reis - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):371-381.
    O presente artigo faz considerações sobre dois conceitos essenciais na filosofia de Montesquieu: a natureza e o princípio dos regimes. Num primeiro momento, demonstramos os tipos de regimes existentes no pensamento de Montesquieu. Como ressaltamos, Montesquieu apresenta uma tipologia de regimes diferente da apresentada por Aristóteles. Uma questão que abordamos corresponde ao fato de que, para Montesquieu, o despotismo é considerado um regime próprio e não, um desvio. Após tratar dessa questão, analisamos o conceito de natureza e princípio dos regimes. (...)
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  39.  12
    Some Musings About the Future of Business Ethics Scholarship.Patricia H. Werhane - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (1):1-2.
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    Loneliness and Lament: A Journey to Receptivity.Patricia J. Huntington - 2009 - Indiana University Press.
    Patricia Joy Huntington reflects that loneliness does not only consist of the heartfelt absences of a friend, partner, spouse, or child, but rather stems from a radical breach in one's life journey. In this conceptually rigorous and warmly poetic book, Huntington develops a unique philosophy of receptivity and an original portrait of redemptive suffering. By fully exploring notions of pain, she also examines how the relation between the heart's musical attunement and meaning-filled life passages can lead one to a (...)
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  41. Constructing Jewish identity in Ptolemaic Egypt : the case of Artapanus.Patricia D. Ahearne-Kroll - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow (eds.), The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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    Reasoning in a subtle world.Patricia Kitcher - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (S1):187-195.
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    Morality and Population Policy.Patricia Mcauliffe - 1982 - Philosophical Books 23 (3):177-179.
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    Employer Leadership in the Era of Workplace Rationing.Patricia Illingworth - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10 (2):172-183.
    Recent figures show that 151.7 million nonelderly Americans who had private insurance received that insurance from their employers (out of 167.5 million with private insurance). Employers who contract with health plans on behalf of their employees influence the health of their employees and, in turn, the nature and quality of the healthcare system in the United States. Despite the magnitude of their influence, they have been relatively free from both government and ethical guidance with respect to the specific substantive benefits (...)
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    Hobbes and Schmitt on the name and nature of Leviathan revisited.Patricia Springborg - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (2-3):297-315.
    Hobbes's Leviathan transformed forever the meaning of the term, long debated by Biblical commentators. Alternatively, in the Book of Job chapter 41, a great chthonic beast, or Lucifer?like ?King of all the Children of Pride?, Leviathan for Hobbes was a figure for the modern state. Recent work by Quentin Skinner and Noel Malcolm treats Leviathan as in part a story about representation. But by juxtaposing the thesis of Carl Schmitt, juridical architect of the Third Reich, and author if his own (...)
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    (2 other versions)Organization Ethics in Healthcare.Patricia H. Werhane & Mary V. Rorty - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (2):145-146.
    Bioethics, clinical ethics, and professional ethics are mature, well-developed fields of applied ethics that focus on medical research, patient autonomy and patient care, patient–healthcare professional relationships, and issues that arise in clinical and other medical settings. However, despite these developments, little attention has been paid to the organizational aspects of healthcare in these fields. This is surprising, because in the last 30 years healthcare has become more and more institutionalized in provider, management, and insurer organizations. Despite JCAHO's preoccupation with organizational (...)
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    Evolution, Sociobiology, and the Atonement.Patricia A. Williams - 1998 - Zygon 33 (4):557-570.
    This essay views Christian doctrines of the atonement in the light of evolution and sociobiology. It argues that most of the doctrines are false because they use a false premise, the historicity of Adam and the Fall. However, two doctrines are not false on those grounds: Abelard’s idea that Jesus’ life is an example and Athanasius’s concept that the atonement changes human nature. Employing evolution’s and sociobiology’s concepts of the egocentric and ethnocentric nature of humanity and the synergy between genes (...)
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    The Problem of Evil: A Solution From Science.Patricia A. Williams - 2001 - Zygon 36 (3):563-574.
    In this essay, I attempt to solve the problem of the existence of evil in a world created by an omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent God. I conclude that evil exists because God wanted to create moral creatures. Because choice is necessary for morality, God created creatures with enormous capacities for choice—and therefore enormous capacities for evil. Material creatures are subject to pain and death because, for such creatures, moral choices are deeply serious. The laws that underlie the material world and from (...)
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    Verbal and nonverbal communication of factory workers.Patricia Tway - 1976 - Semiotica 16 (1).
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    Contribución al problema de la cronología y las fuentes de la Vita Basilii.Patricia Varona - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (2):739-775.
    One of the main trends of research on the Vita Basilii has been focused on the connections between this text and the rest of the historical work into which it was subsumed, the so-called Continuation of Theophanes. This research has significant implications for the chronology and the sources of the Vita, and for its function and meaning as well. Even if the circumstances of composition of both texts are far from being clear, and the same can be said of its (...)
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