Results for 'Paul Lieber'

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  1.  77
    Ethical considerations of public relations practitioners: An empirical analysis of the tares test.Paul S. Lieber - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (4):288 – 304.
    This study conducted the first empirical testing of Baker and Martinson's TARES test of ethical consideration factors for public relations practitioners. The TARES test is composed of 5 interconnected parts: truthfulness of the message, authenticity of the persuader, respect for the persuadee, equity of the appeal, and social responsibility for the common good. Results of an online exploratory survey indicate that the TARES test is better suited for a 3-factor configuration based on Day's definition of moral knowledge and that ethical (...)
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    Passing the Ethical Litmus Test.Colin Higgins, Paul Lieber & Patti Poole - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:15-17.
    This short paper provides preliminary findings into the level of moral development and ethical decision-making patterns of public relations practitioners inAustralia and New Zealand. Our findings suggest that most PR practitioners rely on their own sense of right or wrong when addressing ethical dilemmas. However, these practitioners also only exhibit very low levels of concern for Kohlberg’s postconventional stages of moral reasoning.
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    Max Scheler im Gegenwartsgeschehen der Philosophie.Max Scheler & Paul Good (eds.) - 1975 - Bern: Francke.
    Heidegger, M. Andenken an Max Scheler.--Gadamer, H.-G. Max Scheler, der Verschwender.--Plessner, H. Erinnerungen an Max Scheler.--Kuhn, H. Max Scheler als Faust.--Dempf, A. Schelers System christlicher Geistphilosophie als Grundlage einer religiösen Erneuerung.--Scheler, M. Neun Briefe an Karl Muth.--Rombach, H. Die Erfahrung der Freiheit.--Landgrebe, L. Geschichtsphilosophische Perspektiven bei Scheler und Husserl.--Theunissen, M. Wettersturm und Stille.--Good, P. Anschauung und Sprache.--Welsch, W. Mit Scheler.--Avé-Lallement, E. Die phänomenologische Reduktion in der Philosophie Max Schelers.--Gehlen, A. Rückblick auf die Anthropologie Max Schelers.--Schoeps, H. J. Die Stellung des (...)
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    Brief 20: Grete Hermann an Paul Bernays.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 497-500.
    Lieber Herr Bernays! Das Datum Ihres Briefs liegt in einigen Tagen ein Vierteljahr zurück. Es ist schandbar, dass ich noch nicht auf Ihre erstattete Kritik, für die ich Ihnen sehr dankbar bin, eingegangen bin. Nun aber endlich!
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    Brief 25: Grete Hermann an Paul Bernays.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 509-511.
    Lieber Herr Bernays! Soviel ich weiss, habe ich Ihnen noch von Bremen aus geschrieben, dass die geplante naturphilosophische Zusammenkunft doch wieder von den Pfingstferien auf den September verlegt werden musste. Es steht nun so, dass die Aussichten, Anfang September zusammenzukommen[,] im Ganzen so günstig sind, dass wir diesen Termin festlegen und die Teilnehmer der Tagung bitten können, fest mit diesem Zeitpunkt – wir denken vom 5. September bis zum 7. oder 8. – zu rechnen. Von Ihnen habe ich zwar (...)
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    The Brain and the Meaning of Life.Paul Thagard - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    The book integrates decades of multidisciplinary research, but its clear explanations and humor make it accessible to the general reader.
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  7. Powerful Logic: Prime Matter as Principle of Individuation and Pure Potency.Paul Symington - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (3):495-529.
    A lean hylomorphism stands as a metaphysical holy grail. An embarrassing feature of traditional hylomorphic ontologies is prime matter. Prime matter is both so basic that it cannot be examined (in principle) and its engagement with the other hylomorphic elements is far from clear. One particular problem posed by prime matter is how it is to be understood both as a principle of individuation for material substances and as pure potency. I present Thomas Aquinas’s way of squeezing some intelligibility out (...)
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  8. Quantum mechanics and haecceities.Paul Teller - 1998 - In Elena Castellani (ed.), Interpreting Bodies: Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics. Princeton University Press. pp. 114--141.
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    Intellectual Virtues and Internet-Extended Knowledge.Paul Smart & Robert Clowes - 2021 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (1):7-21.
    Arguments for the extended mind suggest the possibility of extended knowers, individuals whose epistemic standing is tied to the operation of cognitive circuits that extend beyond the bounds of skin and skull. When applied to the Internet, this idea yields the possibility of Internet-extended knowledge, a form of extended knowledge that derives from our interactions and engagements with the online environment. This, however, yields a tension: proponents of the extended mind have suggested that cognitive extension requires the automatic endorsement of (...)
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    The aesthetics of disappearance.Paul Virilio - 1980 - Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext. Edited by Philip Beitchman.
    Focusing on the logistics of perception, this title introduces the author's understanding of 'picnolepsy' - the epileptic state of consciousness produced by speed, or rather, the consciousness invented by the subject through its very absence: the gaps, glitches, and speed bumps lacing through and defining it.
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  11.  13
    The World Wide Web.Paul Smart - 2018 - In David Coady & James Chase (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Applied Epistemology. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 15–27.
  12. Is blindsight like normal, near-threshold vision?Paul Azzopardi & Alan Cowey - 1997 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 94 (25):14190-14194.
  13.  33
    The model of the legislator: Political theory, policy, and realist utopianism.Paul Raekstad - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):727-748.
    Is realism in political theory compatible with utopianism? This article shows that it is, by reconstructing a highly restrictive realist approach to political theory for guiding legislation and public policy, drawn from the work of Adam Smith, and showing how it can accommodate Piketty’s utopian proposal for a global tax on capital. This shows not only that realism and utopianism are compatible; but how realist and utopian political theory can be carried out in concrete cases. This moves debates to more (...)
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    (1 other version)Function and concatenation.Paul Pietroski - 2002 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Logical Form and Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 91--117.
    Paul M. Pietroski, University of Maryland For any sentence of a natural language, we can ask the following questions: what is its meaning; what is its syntactic structure; and how is its meaning related to its syntactic structure? Attending to these questions, as they apply to sentences that provide evidence for Davidsonian event analyses, suggests that we reconsider some traditional views about how the syntax of a natural sentence is related to its meaning.
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  15. Thought insertion and the inseparability thesis.Paul J. Gibbs - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (3):195-202.
    The essay examines the impact of thought insertion on typical conceptions of self-consciousness. Stephens and Graham have recently argued that thought insertion is compatible with the inseparability thesis, which maintains that with regard to self-consciousness subjectivity is a proper part of introspection--introspection and subjectivity are inseparable. They argue that thought insertion is an error of agency and not an error of subjectivity. The essay contends that even if they are correct in their interpretation that thought insertion is an error of (...)
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  16. Epistemicism and Commensurability.Paul Forrester - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Abstract: The topic for this paper is the phenomenon of apparent value incommensurability—two goods are apparently incommensurable when it appears that neither is better than the other nor are they equally good. I shall consider three theories of this phenomenon. Indeterminists like Broome (1997) hold that the phenomenon is due to vagueness: when two goods appear to be incommensurable, this owes to the fact that “better than” is vague. Incommensurabilists like Chang (2002) hold that some goods appear to be incommensurable (...)
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  17. The Ontology of Events.Paul Forrester - manuscript
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  18. The Consequentializing Argument Against...Consequentializing?Paul Hurley - 2022 - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics 12:253-275.
    Consequentializing involves both a strategy and conditions for its successful implementation. The strategy takes the features a target theory holds to be relevant to deontic evaluation of actions, and builds them into a counterpart ranking of outcomes. It succeeds if the result is 1) a substantive version of consequentialism that 2) yields the same deontic verdicts as the target theory. Consequentializers typically claim and their critics allow that all plausible alternative theories can be consequentialized. I demonstrate that even standard alternatives (...)
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  19. Concurrent Awareness Desire Satisfactionism.Paul Forrester - 2023 - Utilitas 35 (3):198-217.
    Desire satisfactionists are united by their belief that what makes someone well-off is the satisfaction of their desires. But this commitment obscures a number of underlying differences, since there are several theoretical choice points on the way to making this commitment precise. This article is about two of the most important choice points. The first concerns an epistemic requirement on well-being. Suppose that one's desire that P is satisfied. Must one also know (or believe, or justifiably believe) that one's desire (...)
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  20. 10. Selection, Drift, and the “Forces” of Evolution Selection, Drift, and the “Forces” of Evolution (pp. 550-570).Paul Teller, Stefano Gattei, Kent W. Staley, Eric Winsberg, James Hawthorne, Branden Fitelson, Patrick Maher, Peter Achinstein & Mathias Frisch - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4).
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    Ockham's Nominalist Metaphysics: Some Main Themes.Paul Vincent Spade - 1999 - In The Cambridge Companion to Ockham. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  22. Coherent and creative conceptual combinations.Paul R. Thagard - 1997 - In T. B. Ward, S. M. Smith & J. Vaid (eds.), Creative Thought: An Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes. American Psychological Association.
    Conceptual combinations range from the utterly mundane to the sublimely creative. Mundane combinations include a myriad of adjective-noun and noun-noun juxtapositions that crop up in everyday speaking and writing, such as blue car, cooked carrots, and radio phone. Creative combinations include some of the most important theoretical constructions in science, such as sound wave, bacterial infection, and natural selection. Both mundane and creative conceptual combinations are essential to our attempts to make sense of the world and people's utterances about it. (...)
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    After Parmenides: Idealism, Realism, and Epistemic Constructivism by Tom Rockmore.Paul M. Livingston - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (4):827-829.
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    Fire of Justice, Breath of Life: Exodus 3 as Foundational Narrative for Ecopolitical Theology.Paul J. Schutz - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (6):1178-1193.
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    What is religion?Paul Tillich - 1969 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    The German theologian examines the philosophical foundations of the religions practiced by Western man.
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  26. Wittgensteins Begriff der Familienähnlichkeit. Interpretationen von 1960 bis heute.Paul Hasselkuß & Markus Schrenk - 2020 - In Bernhard Ritter & Dennis Sölch (eds.), Wittgenstein und die Philosophiegeschichte. Freiburg i. Br.: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 376-429.
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    Identity-Directed Norm Transformations and Moral Progress.Paul Morrow - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (3):493-509.
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    A world-championship-level Othello program.Paul S. Rosenbloom - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (3):279-320.
  29.  6
    Le développement de la physique cartésienne, 1646-1712.Paul Mouy - 1934 - New York: Arno Press.
  30.  46
    Atoms, Categorization and Conceptual Change.Paul Thagard & Ethan Toombs - unknown
  31.  34
    Fostering the trustworthiness of researchers: SPECS and the role of ethical reflexivity in novel neurotechnology research.Paul Tubig & Darcy McCusker - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (2):143-161.
    The development of novel neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interface (BCI) and deep-brain stimulation (DBS), are very promising in improving the welfare and life prospects many people. These include life-changing therapies for medical conditions and enhancements of cognitive, emotional, and moral capacities. Yet there are also numerous moral risks and uncertainties involved in developing novel neurotechnologies. For this reason, the progress of novel neurotechnology research requires that diverse publics place trust in researchers to develop neural interfaces in ways that are overall (...)
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  32.  10
    Making Sense: A Theory of Interpretation.Paul Thom - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Critics and artists claim the title of 'interpreter' for themselves. Scientists do not so readily describe themselves in this way. But is the formulation of explanatory hypotheses in science so different from the interpretive work of artists? Making Sense recognizes that whenever interpretation occurs there may be a plurality of competing successful interpretations. It offers a philosophical theory that views the interpretive enterprise as an attempt to make sense of things by representing them in ways that can be accommodated within (...)
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  33.  33
    (1 other version)The Limitations of Physics as a Chemical Reducing Agent.Paul A. Bogaard - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:345 - 356.
  34.  13
    Beyond all appearances.Paul Weiss - 1974 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    An internationally renowned philoso­pher propounds a way to advance be­yond appearance to ultimate realities and a final ideal. “One of philosophy’s main functions is to arouse thought, to awaken and redirect. It asks others to think through, to assess, and at the same time to be flexible and steady. Author and reader must, despite the printed page, despite differences in age and experience, training and knowl­edge, philosophize together,” writes Paul Weiss in his brilliant new book. And this is exactly (...)
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  35.  37
    Experimental parapsychology as a rejected science.Paul D. Allison - 1979 - In Roy Wallis (ed.), On the margins of science: the social construction of rejected knowledge. Keele: University of Keele. pp. 271--291.
  36.  25
    The genetic control of tissue polarity in Drosophila.Paul N. Adler - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (11):735-741.
    The cuticular surface of Drosophila is decorated by parallel arrays of polarized structures such as hairs and sensory bristles; for example, on the wing each cell produces a distally pointing hair. These patterns are termed [tissue polarity]. Several genes are known whose activity is essential for the development of normal tissue polarity. Mutations in these genes alter the orientation of the hair or bristle with respect to neighboring cells and the body as a whole. The phenotypes of mutations in these (...)
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  37. The Socialist Decision.Paul Tillich - 1980 - Studies in Soviet Thought 21 (1):105-108.
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  38. The duel between body and soul.Paul Bloom - unknown
    New Haven - What people think about many of the big issues that will be discussed in the next two months - like gay marriage, stem-cell research and the role of religion in public life - is intimately related to their views on human nature. And while there may be differences between Republicans and Democrats, one fundamental assumption is accepted by almost everyone. This would be reassuring - if science didn't tell us that this assumption is mistaken.
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  39. The New Being.Paul Tillich - 1955
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    Blacks in Antiquity.Paul MacKendrick & Frank M. Snowden - 1973 - American Journal of Philology 94 (2):212.
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  41. Patrick Suppes: Scientific Philosopher.Paul Humphreys (ed.) - 1992 - Kluwer.
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  42. (1 other version)The Meaning of Persons.Paul Tournier - 1957
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    Masse und Geist: Studien zur Philosophie der Masse.Paul Tillich - 1922 - Verlag der Arbeitgemeinschaft.
    Paul Tillich ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- Var. 382 t-1/2.
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    Non-foundational criticality? On the need for a process ontology of the psychosocial.Paul H. D. Stenner - 2007 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 9 (2):44-55.
    The articulation of critical dialects of psychology has typically involved a questioning of the foundational assumptions of the so-called mainstream. This has included critiques in the name of more adequate scientific foundations, but more recently these have been accompanied by critiques in the name of an absence of foundations altogether, and critiques that suggest a rethinking of the concept of foundation. These latter versions are usually influenced by the great 20 th Century non-foundational philosophies of figures such as Bergson, Whitehead, (...)
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    Keeping track: the function of the Current State Buffer.Paul Abeles & John Morton - 2000 - Cognition 75 (3):179-208.
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    The Secret of Consciousness: How the Brain Tells 'the Story of Me'.Paul Ableman - 1999 - Marion Boyars.
    This book is about you. How does your brain work and where do your thoughts and dreams come from? How can you harness their creative power? Ableman posits a crucial relationship between language and memory and thus between language and self-awareness. Most startlingly he maintains that the human 'person' is essentially the language component of a large-brained animal. Ableman has researched his theory using existing data derived from the malfunctioning mind as manifested in schizophrenia, sleepwalking, autism, 'out of body' experiences (...)
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  47. (7 other versions)Romans.Paul J. Achtemeier - 1985
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  48. The New Testament Witness for Preaching: Mark.Paul J. Achtemeier, D. Moody Smith & Frederick W. Danker - 1976
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    A Dissertation on Plato’s Theory of Forms and on the Concepts of the Human Mind.Paul Shorey - 1982 - Ancient Philosophy 2 (1):1-59.
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    Philosophy and Kafka.Paul Alberts, Ronald Bogue, Chris Danta, Paul Haacke, Rainer Nagele, Brian O'Connor, Andrew R. Russ, Peter Schwenger, Kevin W. Sweeney, Dimitris Vardoulakis & Isak Winkel Holm - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Philosophy and Kafka is a collection of original essays interrogating the relationship of literature and philosophy. The essays either discuss specific philosophical commentaries on Kafka’s work, consider the possible relevance of certain philosophical outlooks for examining Kafka’s writings, or examine Kafka’s writings in terms of a specific philosophical theme, such as communication and subjectivity, language and meaning, knowledge and truth, the human/animal divide, justice, and freedom.
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