Results for 'Paulo Guietti'

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  1.  15
    Il reale nel linguaggio. [REVIEW]Paulo Guietti - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (3):658-660.
    "Mass media have broadened the range of our knowledge and of what we are able to reach, but they have done it through an escalating number of cognitive mediations.... Media-society is the society of mediation, society of signs. While Peirce's semiotic does not give an adequate account of the cognitive relationship with the single sign, it offers, however, a very powerful image of the social life of signs themselves". This is one of the reasons that Fumagalli adduces for the growing (...)
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  2. Autopoietic enactivism, phenomenology and the deep continuity between life and mind.Paulo De Jesus - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):265-289.
    In their recent book Radicalizing Enactivism. Basic minds without content, Dan Hutto and Erik Myin make two important criticisms of what they call autopoietic enactivism. These two criticisms are that AE harbours tacit representationalists commitments and that it has too liberal a conception of cognition. Taking the latter claim as its main focus, this paper explores the theoretical underpinnings of AE in order to tease out how it might respond to H&M. In so doing it uncovers some reasons which not (...)
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    Bounded functional interpretation.Fernando Ferreira & Paulo Oliva - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 135 (1):73-112.
    We present a new functional interpretation, based on a novel assignment of formulas. In contrast with Gödel’s functional “Dialectica” interpretation, the new interpretation does not care for precise witnesses of existential statements, but only for bounds for them. New principles are supported by our interpretation, including the FAN theorem, weak König’s lemma and the lesser limited principle of omniscience. Conspicuous among these principles are also refutations of some laws of classical logic. Notwithstanding, we end up discussing some applications of the (...)
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    Um suplemento inofensivo: a bot'nica de Rousseau.Paulo Ferreira Junior - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):61-74.
    The aim of this work is to establish a relationship between the notion of supplement, particularly that of “dangerous supplement”, and the passion for botany in Rousseau. For that, I will take as a guide the interpretations of Jacques Derrida, Alain Grosrichard and Alexandra Cook to analyze some passages from Confessions, Reveries and Letters on the botany. I have the hypothesis that botanical activity can be considered as a kind of inoffensive supplement because it evokes an image that combines sex (...)
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    A trajetória do dado fenomenológico (1874-1945):: de Brentano a Merleau-Ponty, o panorama das ideias e as polêmicas.Paulo Henrique Reis de Sena - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 7 (1):26-42.
    O artigo versa sobre a aparição e os desdobramentos de algumas, dentre as principais abordagens da fenomenologia, no que se refere ao problema do sentido intuitivo do dado fenomenológico. Qual sua natureza? Como deve ser teorizada sua objetividade? Bem como, o sentido de sua imediaticidade? É um artigo bastante simplificador do problema, no qual se tem como objeto apresentar a dinâmica do trabalho fenomenológico no período entre 1874 e 1945 a partir de uma brevíssima exposição das polêmicas internas da tradição (...)
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    Introduction to IDTC Special Issue: Joule's Bicentenary History of Science, Foundations and Nature of Science.Raffaele Pisano, Paulo Mauricio & Philippe Vincent - 2020 - Foundations of Science 2 (25):1-21.
    James Prescott Joule’s (1818–1889) bicentenary took place in 2018 and commemorated by the IDTC with a Symposium—‘James Joule’s Bicentenary: Scientific and Pedagogical Issues Concerning Energy Conservation’—at the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS & BSHS), 14th–17th September, 2018, in London. This symposium had three main objectives: It aimed specifically to celebrate James Joule’s achievements considering the most recent historiographical works with a particular focus on the principle of conservation of energy; It served the purpose of discussing the scientific (...)
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    Richard Rorty: Education, Philosophy, and Politics.Michael A. Peters, Paulo Ghiraldelli, Steven Best, Ramin Farahmandpur, Jim Garrison, Douglas Kellner, James D. Marshall, Peter McLaren, Michael Peters, Björn Ramberg, Alberto Tosi Rodrigues, Juha Suoranta & Kenneth Wain - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This distinctive collection by scholars from around the world focuses upon the cultural, educational, and political significance of Richard Rorty's thought. The nine essays which comprise the collection examine a variety of related themes: Rorty's neopragmatism, his view of philosophy, his philosophy of education and culture, Rorty's comparison between Dewey and Foucault, his relation to postmodern theory, and, also his form of political liberalism.
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    Neopragmatismo e Verdade: Rorty em conversação com Habermas.Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (29):67-78.
    There are two critical positions as to the rational certainty of knowledge. Habermas proposes a pragmatic position that contextualizes the sense of truth and its significant order, that is, truth is validated through a significant produced socially incommunicative interaction. Rorty considers an a..
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    O que há de real e de irreal com o realismo: Searle versus Rorty.Paulo Ghiraldelli Júnior - 1999 - Trans/Form/Ação 21 (1):119-129.
    O texto fala a respeito do debate entre Searle e Rorty sobre “irracionalismo” de Rorty. Ele tenta mostrar que a posição de Rorty está fora do campo “realismo versus anti-realismo” e o “irracionalismo” não é um bom adjetivo. Searle estaria sobre uma linha incorreta em sua abordagem do tema da verdade em Rorty.
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  10. (1 other version)Richard Rorty: da filosofia da linguagen á filosofia política democrática.Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr & Alberto Tosi Rodríguez - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Iberoamericana y Teoría Social 16:9-28.
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  11.  45
    Entre Refinamento e Civilização.Pedro Paulo G. Pimenta - 2011 - Dois Pontos 8 (1).
    Trata-se de examinar, a propósito da crítica de Hume ao Ensaio de Ferguson sobre a história da sociedade civil, o alcance e os limites da noção de civilização, tão importante para o pensamento das Luzes que a própria palavra foi forjada, pela primeira vez, nessa época. The aim of the article is to study the scope of the notion of civilization as it occurs in Hume's reading of Ferguson's Essay on history of civil society. The importance of the topic in (...)
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  12.  35
    Simultaneous temporal processing.Russell M. Church, Paulo Guilhardi, Richard Keen, Mika Macinnis & Kimberly Kirkpatrick - 2003 - In Hede Helfrich (ed.), Time and Mind II: Information Processing Perspectives. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. pp. 3-19.
    There is considerable evidence that animals can time multiple intervals that occur separately or concurrently. Such simultaneous temporal processing occurs both in temporal discrimination procedures and in classical conditioning procedures. The first part of the chapter will consist of the review of the evidence for simultaneous temporal processing, and the conditions under which the different intervals have influences on each other. The second part of the chapter will be a brief description of two timing theories: Scalar Timing Theory and a (...)
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  13. A organização dos dados da pesquisa em cenas. En: MAV Bicudo.A. Detoni & R. Paulo - forthcoming - Fenomenologia: Confrontos E Avanços.
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    A Finite Axiomatization For Fork Algebras.Marcelo Frias, Armando Haeberer & Paulo S. Veloso - 1997 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 5 (3):1-10.
    Proper fork algebras are algebras of binary relations over a structured set. The underlying set has changed from a set of pairs to a set closed under an injective function. In this paper we present a representation theorem for their abstract counterpart, that entails that proper fork algebras — whose underlying set is closed under an injective function — constitute a finitely based variety.1.
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    Les limites externes de la démocratie.Sergio Paulo Rouanet & Daniel Arapu - 2008 - Diogène 220 (4):6-14.
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  16. Intuiciones sobre la noción de obra del arte.Paulo Vélez León - 2012 - In Vélez León Paulo & Pacurucu Hernán (eds.), Políticas al borde. Una investigación estética sobre el arte contemporáneo cuencano en los discursos políticos actuales. Redesep. pp. 25-56.
    Algunas de las preguntas fundamentales de la filosofía del arte son: 1) ¿Qué es una obra de arte?, 2) ¿Qué es Arte?, 3) ¿Qué es el arte? Responderlas es determinar el sentido del arte. Este tipo de preguntas están planteadas bajo la fórmula ¿Qué es X?, es decir, preguntas en las cuales en lo simple esta lo complejo, preguntas en donde lo simple no quiere decir que sean sencillas; son preguntas que traen dentro de si su naturaleza y carácter metafísico-ontológico-gnoseológico, (...)
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  17.  52
    On bounded functional interpretations.Gilda Ferreira & Paulo Oliva - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (8):1030-1049.
  18.  9
    Political Ethics and European Constitution.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 2015 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    Is the dream of EU endangered? This book reviews classic and modern values and virtues, and uses them in order to rethink Europe's present politics and its future. The idea of the Republic was born with the political ethics of ancient Greece. The current international crisis obliges Europe to face the mirror of truth: What has become of the European Idea and how fares the European Constitution? It has been a long road from the Greek Politeia to the present lack (...)
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  19. Ciência e religião : crença contra crença?Sergio Paulo Rouanet - 2010 - In Adauto Novaes (ed.), Mutações: a invenção das crenças. São Paulo, SP: Edições SESC SP.
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    Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder for Brazilian Children and Adolescents: Factor Analysis, Invariance and Factor Score.João Paulo Abreu Moreira, Mariana Calábria Lopes, Marcio Vidigal Miranda-Júnior, Nadia Cristina Valentini, Guilherme Menezes Lage & Maicon Rodrigues Albuquerque - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  21.  32
    [Recensão a] Ovídio - Amores e arte de amar.Pedro Paulo A. Funari - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:159-160.
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  22. Presentation of the Editors.Sofia Miguens & Paulo Tunhas - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 6:13-17.
    In this text we present the articles contained in issue 6 of Con-Textos Kantianos, which is dedicated to the relation between Kant’s philosophy and current discussions in philosophy of mind and epistemology. The articles are organized in three sections, dedicated respectively to sensory consciousness and judgement, spontaneity and Kantianism and science.
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    Diderot e “a mais antiga das guerras”.Pedro Paulo Pimenta - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (2).
    O artigo pretende examinar o significado da expressão “a mais antiga das guerras”, empregada por Diderot no Suplemento à viagem de Bougainville para se referir ao conflito entre o homem e outros animais predadores, inserindo-a na tradição hobbesiana, na qual o estado de natureza é representado a partir de uma analogia entre os homens e esses mesmos animais. Pretende-se mostrar que, em ambas essas teorias, o móbile dessas guerras não é a necessidade, mas o desejo.
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  24.  10
    One More Story: Racial Relations and Stereotypes in Brazilian Literature.Paulo V. Baptista da Silva - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (3-4):168-180.
  25.  30
    Antropologia de um ponto de vista pragmático, de Immanuel Kant.Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta - 2007 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 9.
  26. Um Problema a Respeito de Subst'ncia e Relativo em Aristóteles.Christopher Shields & Paulo Ferreira - 2003 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 13 (2).
    If form qualifies as substance, as it is claimed in Metaphysics, then we seem to have a problem: a form appears to be a relative, while evidently no relative is a substance. At any rate, Aristotle had held in the Categories that no primary substance could be a relative; so, if it turns out that form in the Metaphysics is primary substance, then either Aristotle has contradicted himself or else he has revised his categorial ontology to the point where he (...)
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  27.  48
    Apresentação a Panorama do progresso da sociedade na Europa, de William Robertson.Pedro Paulo Pimenta - 2010 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 17:228-248.
    Tradução do texto Panorama do progresso da sociedade na Europa.
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    Foucault, Wind e a ironia de Kant.Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta - 2008 - Discurso 38:239-246.
    A tradução de Foucault da Antropologia de Kant, realizada como tese complementar à História da loucura na idade clássica e publicada pela primeira vez em 1964, é precedida, na edição que ora vem a lume (Vrin, 2008), de uma longa introdução originalmente apresentada à comissão julgadora e posteriormente omitida pelo autor – que contraria assim a recomendação da banca e prefere considerá-la como uma espécie de esboço preparatório ao dito “livro dos signos”, publicado em 1966 com o título de Les (...)
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  29.  17
    Les passions intellectuelles, de Élisabeth Badinter.Pedro Paulo Pimenta - 2014 - Discurso 44:261-268.
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  30.  12
    CONSELHO PROFISSIONAL DE ARQUIVOLOGIA : percepção dos arquivistas sobre a sua criação.Natanael Vitor Sobral & Paulo Roberto Meireles da Silva Lessa - 2020 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 6 (2):157-177.
    Buscou analisar as percepções dos profissionais arquivistas sobre a elaboração de um Conselho Profissional de Arquivologia em âmbito nacional. Sobre os procedimentos metodológicos, distinguem-se as seguintes etapas: 1) Levantamento de literaturas bibliográficas; 2) Pesquisa documental sobre os Conselhos de Classe; 3) Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um questionário com o propósito de conhecer as percepções dos Arquivistas acerca do assunto. Após os envios eletrônicos, obtiveram-se 43 questionários respondidos; 4) Análise das informações obtidas no questionário. Enquanto principais resultados, percebeu-se, que: 95,3% dos (...)
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    Evangélicos e conservadorismo – afinidades eletivas: as novas configurações da democracia no Brasil.Paulo Gracino de Souza Junior & Carlos Henrique Pereira de Souza - forthcoming - Horizonte:1188.
    Neste artigo partimos da hipótese de que a afinidade que atrai evangélicos e conservadorismo está muito mais ligada às condições discursivas que engendram os sujeitos e suas subjetividades, do que as características intrínsecas à teologia cristã ou, especificamente, evangélica pentecostal. Com isso não queremos dizer que conformações teológicas específicas não ensejaram discursos religiosos regressivos, que a maioria de nós classificaria como conservador. Assim, chamamos a atenção, tanto para o caráter relacional, posicional das identidades evangélicas, que engendram o discurso conservador, quanto (...)
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  32. The View Held by the Other, the View Taken of the Other.Sergio Paulo Rouanet - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (193):3-11.
    I hope I will not be accused of mental colonialism by attributing to Europe the role which belongs to it historically: that of the Self, which leaves the position of the Other for us. Consequently, this text ought to begin with the view taken of the Other (the European view of the Brazilians) and continue with the view held by the Other (the Brazilian view of the Europeans).
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    No title available.Werner Stegmaier & João Paulo Simões Vilas Bôas - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (2):241-277.
    The following translation is a reduced and revised version of the paper Schicksal Nietzsche? Zu Nietzsches Selbsteinschätzung als Schicksal der Philosophie und der Menschheit " - originally published in Nietzsche-Studien 37 - which was specially prepared to be presented in lecture organized by the Grupo de Pesquisa Spinoza & Nietzsche, in the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, on September 14, 2009. In the text, the autor employs his own philological-hermeneutical methodology, which is called contextual interpretation, in the purpose to (...)
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  34.  18
    Natural Deduction for ‘Generally’.Leonardo Vana, Paulo Veloso & Sheila Veloso - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):775-800.
    Logics for ‘generally’ were introduced for handling assertions with vague notions , which occur often in ordinary language and in science. LG’s provide a framework for distinct notions of ‘generally’: one builds a specific logic for the notion one has in mind. We introduce deductive systems, in natural deduction style, for LG’s and show that these systems are normalizable.
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    An Application of Logic Engineering.Sheila Veloso, Paulo Veloso & Renata de Freitas - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (1):29-46.
    We consider a paradigm of applications of Logic Engineering to illustrate the information interchange among different areas of knowledge, through the formal approach to some aspects of computing. We apply the paradigm to the area of distributed systems, taking the demand for specification formalisms, treated in three areas of knowledge: modal logics, first-order logic and algebra. In doing so, we obtain transfer of intuitions and results, establishing that, as far as input/output representation is concerned, these three formalisms are equivalent.
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    Investigating moral distress over a shortage of organs for transplantation.João Paulo Victorino & Donna M. Wilson - 2020 - Revista Bioética 28 (1):83-88.
    We verified moral distress related to organ shortage for transplantation in nursing students. This quantitative pilot study analyzed data from 104 nursing undergraduate students. Data were collected through a survey composed of four questions and two sociodemographic items. The chi-squared test was used to examine categorical variables, whereas continuous variable data were analyzed using ANOVA and the Pearson Product Moment correlational test for determining the existence of moral distress regarding the availability of one heart for four individuals susceptible to heart (...)
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    O Cilindro e o Cone.Paulo Vieira Neto - 2005 - Dois Pontos 2 (1).
    Examinamos a argumentação de Cícero contra o estoicismo no De Fato tentando reconstruir a melhor argumentação de Crisipo para a posição de uma filosofia que concilie a postulação do destino com a da liberdade humana. Fazemos isso, contudo tendo em vista a maneira como esse programa estóico é lembrado por Leibniz na Teodicéia. A estratégia para tanto consiste em examinar primeiro a maneira como Crisipo e Cícero poderiam traduzir o problema da relação do destino em termos causais, sugerindo uma diferença (...)
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    Explaining as Mediated Action.Renato Rodrigues, Paulo Lima Junior & Alexsandro Pereira - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (3 - 4):343-362.
    Explaining is one of the most important everyday practices in science education. In this article, we examine how scientific explanations could serve as cultural tools for members of a group of pre-service physics teachers. Specifically, we aim at their use of explanations about forces of inertia in non-inertial frames of reference. A basic assumption of our study is that explanatory tools shape the ways we think and speak about the world. Drawing on the theory of mediated action, analysis illustrates three (...)
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  39.  22
    Convergence in Cold War Physics: Coinventing the Maser in the Postwar Soviet Union.Climério Paulo Silva Neto & Alexei Kojevnikov - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (4):375-399.
    At the height of the Cold War, in the 1950s, the process of parallel invention of masers and lasers took place on the opposing sides of the Iron Curtain. While the American part of the story has been investigated by historians in much penetrating detail, comparable Soviet developments were described more superficially. This study aims at, to some extent, repairing this discrepancy by analyzing the Soviet path towards the maser from a comparative angle. It identifies, on the one hand, significant (...)
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  40.  19
    The Paulo Freire reader.Paulo Freire - 1998 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Ana Maria Araújo Freire & Donaldo P. Macedo.
    These readings have been chosen by Ana Maria Araujo Freire and Donaldo Macedo, who also provide a cogent introduction to the life and times: -- From Pedagogy of the Oppressed, The Fear of Freedom, The "Banking" Concept of Education -- From Education for Critical Consciousness, Education and Conscientizacao -- From Pedagogy in Process, the introduction -- A dialogue between Freire and Macedo, Literacy in Guinea-Bissau Revisited -- Selections from Learning to Question -- From Pedagogy of the City, The Challenges of (...)
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  41.  63
    Systematic reviews showed insufficient evidence for clinical practice in 2004: what about in 2011? The next appeal for the evidence‐based medicine age. [REVIEW]Paulo José Fortes Villas Boas, Regina Stella Spagnuolo, Amélia Kamegasawa, Leandro Gobbo Braz, Adriana Polachini do Valle, Eliane Chaves Jorge, Hugo Hyung Bok Yoo, Antônio José Maria Cataneo, Ione Corrêa, Fernanda Bono Fukushima, Paulo do Nascimento, Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo, Marise Silva Teixeira, Edison Iglesias de Oliveira Vidal, Solange Ramires Daher & Regina El Dib - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (4):633-637.
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    Paulo Margutti & José Crisóstomo de Souza sobre o artigo “Nota sobre linguagem e realidade, práticas e coisas”.Paulo Margutti & José Crisóstomo de Souza - 2019 - Cognitio 20 (1):150-158.
    Paulo Margutti e José Crisóstomo discutem sobre a possiblidade ou a impossibilidade de ultrapassar o representacionismo correspondentista e principalmente o eventual linguocentrismo da filosofia contemporânea, pós-virada linguística, em que parece que da linguagem pode-se passar apenas à linguagem, a cujo círculo mágico estaríamos, desse modo, inevitavelmente presos. Sendo assim, o mundo “aí fora” novamente nos escapa e o relativismo, o agnosticismo e o ceticismo de novo nos espreitam. Em Nietzsche, é a linguagem, sempre metafórica, que se adéqua aos nossos (...)
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    Hermeneutic of Aquinas’s Texts: Notes on the Index Thomisticus.Paolo Guietti - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):667-686.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HERMENEUTIC OF AQUINAS'S TEXTS: NOTES ON THE INDEX THOMISTICUS PAOLO GurnTTI Universita Cattolica Augustinianum Milan, Italy I. Introduction: First Impressions of the Index Thomisticus UPON ENTERING an excellent library of philosophy, one cannot help but notice the 56 volumes of the Inde:c Thomisticus.1 Anyone with a scholarly interest in Saint 1 Index Thomisticus: Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Operum omnium Indices et concordantiae... (Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 1974-1980). Reference to this work in (...)
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    Paulo Freire: anistiado político brasileiro.Moacir Gadotti, Paulo Abrão & Balduino Antonio Andreola (eds.) - 2012 - Brasília: Projeto Marcas e Memória, Comissão de Anistia, Ministério da Justiça, Governo Federal Brasil.
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    Entrevistas con Paulo Freire.Paulo Freire & Carlos Alberto Torres Novoa - 1977 - México: Ediciones Gernika. Edited by Carlos Alberto Torres.
  46. A Reading of Hegel’s Master / Slave Relationship.Paolo Guietti - 1993 - The Owl of Minerva 25 (1):47-60.
    The question concerning the meaning of the figures of the second stage of the Phenomenology of Spirit - desire, the master/slave relation, and universal self-consciousness - opens up a vast territory of possible interpretations. These few pages have indeed a density and a richness which is rare in philosophy. One could say that this section alone of the Phenomenology contains more matter for thought than the complete works of many philosophers. Hegel synopsizes this well known section with one paragraph.
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  47. Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire.Paulo Freire, James W. Fraser, Donaldo P. Macedo & Tanya McKinnon - 1997 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    Mentoring the Mentor recreates a Freirian dialogue in a printed format. In this volume, sixteen distinguished scholars engage in a critical and thoughtful exchange with Paulo Freire. While some contributors voice appreciation for Freire's ideas and for what it means to «reinvent Freire» in a North American context, others offer sharp critiques of Freire's philosophy and, of equal importance, of the various interpretations of his work. A variety of chapters describe specific uses which have been made of Freire's ideas (...)
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  48. David Hume's Philosophy of the Passions.Paolo Guietti - 1998 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    This dissertation distinguishes Hume's anti-rationalist position from irrationalism. Hume's skepticism is a form of anti-rationalism, basically a defense of common life and tradition against the conceit of the rationalists' concept of reason. Modern rationalism is based on two fundamental dogmas. The first is the "principle of autonomy," which leads to the systematic elimination of the other as the irrational. In modern epistemology this means the disappearance of intentionality and, at the summit of modern moral philosophy, all forms of heteronomy are (...)
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    Learning to question: a pedagogy of liberation.Paulo Freire - 1989 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Antonio Faundez.
    Discusses the role of education in liberating the oppressed people of the Third World.
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  50. Pedagogy of the oppressed.Paulo Freire - 2004 - In David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton (eds.), The Curriculum Studies Reader. Routledge.
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