Results for 'Péter Erdő'

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  1.  6
    The Erdős-Hajnal problem list.Péter Komjáth - forthcoming - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic:1-58.
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    Notes on some erdős–hajnal problems.Péter Komjáth - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):1116-1123.
    We make comments on some problems Erdős and Hajnal posed in their famous problem list. Let X be a graph on $\omega _1$ with the property that every uncountable set A of vertices contains a finite set s such that each element of $A-s$ is joined to one of the elements of s. Does then X contain an uncountable clique? We prove that both the statement and its negation are consistent. Do there exist circuitfree graphs $\{X_n:n<\omega \}$ on $\omega _1$ (...)
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    James E. Baumgartner. Generic graph construction. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 49 , pp. 234–240. - Matthew Foreman and Richard Laver. Some downwards transfer properties for ℵ2. Advances in mathematics, vol. 67 , pp. 230–238. - Saharon Shelah. Incompactness for chromatic numbers of graphs. A tribute to Paul Erdős, edited by A. Baker, B. Bollobas, and A. Hajnal, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, and Oakleigh, Victoria, 1990, pp. 361–371. [REVIEW]Peter Komjath - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (4):539-541.
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    Making all cardinals almost Ramsey.Arthur W. Apter & Peter Koepke - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (7-8):769-783.
    We examine combinatorial aspects and consistency strength properties of almost Ramsey cardinals. Without the Axiom of Choice, successor cardinals may be almost Ramsey. From fairly mild supercompactness assumptions, we construct a model of ZF + ${\neg {\rm AC}_\omega}$ in which every infinite cardinal is almost Ramsey. Core model arguments show that strong assumptions are necessary. Without successors of singular cardinals, we can weaken this to an equiconsistency of the following theories: “ZFC + There is a proper class of regular almost (...)
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    A consistency proof for some restrictions of Tait's reflection principles.Rupert McCallum - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (1-2):112-118.
    In 5, Tait identifies a set of reflection principles called equation image-reflection principles which Peter Koellner has shown to be consistent relative to the existence of κ, the first ω-Erdős cardinal 1. Tait also defines a set of reflection principles called equation image-reflection principles; however, Koellner has shown that these are inconsistent when m > 2, but identifies restricted versions of them which he proves consistent relative to κ 2. In this paper, we introduce a new large-cardinal property, the α-reflective (...)
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  6. Veganism versus Meat-Eating, and the Myth of “Root Capacity”: A Response to Hsiao.László Erdős - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (6):1139-1144.
    The relationship between humans and non-human animals has received considerable attention recently. Animal advocates insist that non-human animals must be included in the moral community. Consequently, eating meat is, at least in most cases, morally bad. In an article entitled “In Defense of Eating Meat”, Hsiao argued that for the membership in the moral community, the “root capacity for rational agency” is necessary. As non-human animals lack this capacity, so the argument runs, they do not belong to the moral community. (...)
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  7.  12
    Movement Synchrony Over Time: What Is in the Trajectory of Dyadic Interactions in Workplace Coaching?Tünde Erdös & Paul Jansen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundCoaching is increasingly viewed as a dyadic exchange of verbal and non-verbal interactions driving clients' progress. Yet, little is known about how the trajectory of dyadic interactions plays out in workplace coaching.MethodThis paper provides a multiple-step exploratory investigation of movement synchrony of dyads in workplace coaching. We analyzed a publicly available dataset of 173 video-taped dyads. Specifically, we averaged MS per session/dyad to explore the temporal patterns of MS across the cluster of dyads that completed 10 sessions, and a set (...)
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  8. On some problems involving inaccessible cardinals.Paul Erdös & Alfred Tarski - 1961 - In Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua & [From Old Catalog], Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics. Jerusalem,: Magnes Press. pp. 50--82.
  9.  22
    On chromatic number of graphs and set systems.P. Erdös, A. Hajnal & B. Rothchild - 1973 - In A. R. D. Mathias & Hartley Rogers, Cambridge Summer School in Mathematical Logic. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 531--538.
  10. Az etikai érték keletkezésének logikai, szociológiai háttere.Erdős Ferenc - 1981 - In László Hársing, Értékelméleti tanulmányok. [Budapest]: Művelődési Minisztérium, Marxizmus-Leninizmus Oktatási Főosztály.
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    Froiilich Jurg.Erdos Laszle - 2012 - In Jürg Fröhlich, Quantum theory from small to large scales. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 95.
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  12. On a Failed Defense of Factory Farming.Stephen Puryear, Stijn Bruers & László Erdős - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (2):311-323.
    Timothy Hsiao attempts to defend industrial animal farming by arguing that it is not inherently cruel. We raise three main objections to his defense. First, his argument rests on a misunderstanding of the nature of cruelty. Second, his conclusion, though technically true, is so weak as to be of virtually no moral significance or interest. Third, his contention that animals lack moral standing, and thus that mistreating them is wrong only insofar as it makes one more disposed to mistreat other (...)
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  13.  18
    What Is Intelligence? Edited by Jean Khalifa. Pp. 207. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.) £19.95. [REVIEW]George Erdos - 1995 - Journal of Biosocial Science 27 (2):246-248.
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    A közjó az egyház társadalmi tanításában.Ferenc Beran & Péter Erdő (eds.) - 2008 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
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  15. Individuals: An Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics.Peter F. Strawson - 1959 - London, England: Routledge. Edited by Wenfang Wang.
    The classic, influential essay in 'descriptive metaphysics' by the distinguished English philosopher.
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  16. Intention and convention in speech acts.Peter F. Strawson - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (4):439-460.
  17. Logico-linguistic papers.Peter Frederick Strawson - 1974 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This reissue of his collection of early essays, Logico-Linguistic Papers, is published with a brand new introduction by Professor Strawson but, apart from minor ...
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  18. Imagination and perception.Peter F. Strawson - 1982 - In Ralph Charles Sutherland Walker, Kant on Pure Reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
  19. The new evil demon problem at 40.Peter J. Graham - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (2):478-504.
  20. Fighting Justly: The Russo-Ukrainian War and the Usefulness of Morality.Peter Olsthoorn - 2024 - In Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War. Leiden: Leiden University Press. pp. 385-395.
    War is almost always conducted with various restrictions in the form of rules, rituals, and taboos. Many of the norms that regulate warfare can be found in the tradition of just war. This tradition seeks to provide a middle ground between an unrealistic (at least for politicians) pacifism that does not even allow war in self-defence and a too realistic realism that claims there is no place for ethics in war. The tradition of just war does not have the force (...)
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  21. The challenge of brain death for the sanctity of life ethic.Peter Singer - 2018 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 8 (3-4):153-165.
    For more than thirty years, in most of the world, the irreversible cessation of all brain function, more commonly known as brain death, has been accepted as a criterion of death. Yet the philosophical basis on which this understanding of death was originally grounded has been undermined by the long-term maintenance of bodily functions in brain dead patients. More recently, the American case of Jahi McMath has cast doubt on whether the standard tests for diagnosing brain death exclude a condition (...)
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  22. On the tragic.Peter Wessel Zapffe - 2024 - New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Ryan L. Showler & Peter Wessel Zapffe.
    Originally published in Norwegian in 1941, this is the magnum opus of one of Norway's most celebrated philosophers, now made available in English for the first time. It examines the concept of the tragic and attempts to construct a more precise and useful definition, on the basis of a "biosophical" look at the situation of organisms in their environment and their attempt to realize interests on multiple fronts through abilities they possess in a variety of degrees. This is a theory (...)
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    Platons Dialektik: die frühen und mittleren Dialoge.Peter Stemmer - 1992 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien veröffentlicht. Gründungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe (Herausgeber bis 1991), Günther Patzig (bis 1999) und Wolfgang Wieland (bis 2003). Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von Jürgen Mittelstraß mitherausgegeben.
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    On Being Conscious as a Basic Liberty.Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu & Shunsuke Sugimoto - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (1):24-26.
    Crutchfield and Redinger (2024) maintain that “being conscious is a basic liberty,” and infer from this that without informed consent, deep sedation, by intruding upon one’s consciousness, is an in...
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    Knowing from Words.Peter Strawson - 1994 - In A. Chakrabarti & B. K. Matilal, Knowing from Words. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 23-27.
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    A trace theory of time perception.Peter R. Killeen & Simon Grondin - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (4):603-639.
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  27. Stable acceptance for mighty knowledge.Peter Hawke - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1627-1653.
    Drawing on the puzzling behavior of ordinary knowledge ascriptions that embed an epistemic (im)possibility claim, we tentatively conclude that it is untenable to jointly endorse (i) an unfettered classical logic for epistemic language, (ii) the general veridicality of knowledge ascription, and (iii) an intuitive ‘negative transparency’ thesis that reduces knowledge of a simple negated ‘might’ claim to an epistemic claim without modal content. We motivate a strategic trade-off: preserve veridicality and (generalized) negative transparency, while abandoning the general validity of contraposition. (...)
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  28. Standard State Space Models of Unawareness.Peter Fritz & Harvey Lederman - 2015 - Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge 15.
    The impossibility theorem of Dekel, Lipman and Rustichini has been thought to demonstrate that standard state-space models cannot be used to represent unawareness. We first show that Dekel, Lipman and Rustichini do not establish this claim. We then distinguish three notions of awareness, and argue that although one of them may not be adequately modeled using standard state spaces, there is no reason to think that standard state spaces cannot provide models of the other two notions. In fact, standard space (...)
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    What’s the Harm in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?Peter M. Koch - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (6):603-612.
    In clinical ethics, there remains a great deal of uncertainty regarding the appropriateness of attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for certain patients. Although the issue continues to receive ample attention and various frameworks have been proposed for navigating such cases, most discussions draw heavily on the notion of harm as a central consideration. In the following, I use emerging philosophical literature on the notion of harm to argue that the ambiguities and disagreement about harm create important and oft-overlooked challenges for the (...)
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  30. Israel’s attack on gaza: some philosophical reflections [online].Peter Cave - 2024 - Daily Philosophy.
    The attachment for download here merely references my 5,500-word final and extended article, criticising those who seek to justify Israeli attacks on Gaza. The article is published online by Daily Philosophy, 5th January 2024, link shown below. -/- After a background of facts (probably well-known by readers concerned about the matters), the article examines typical arguments much used in the media as attempts to justify Israel’s determined destruction of Gaza, involving well over twenty thousand Palestinians killed, hundreds of thousands suffering (...)
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  31. The Depth of Margaret Cavendish's Ecology.Peter West & Manuel Fasko - 2025 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 12 (2).
    We examine Margaret Cavendish’s ecological views and argue that, in the Appendix to her final published work, Grounds of Natural Philosophy (1668), Cavendish is defending a normative account of the way that humans ought to interact with their environment. On this basis, we argue that Cavendish is committed to a form of what, for the purposes of this paper, we call ‘deep ecology,’ where that is understood as the view that humans ought to treat the rest of nature as something (...)
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    Social criticism as medical diagnosis? On the role of social pathology and crisis within critical theory.Peter J. Verovšek - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 155 (1):109-126.
    The critical theory of the Frankfurt School starts with an explanatory-diagnostic analysis of the social pathologies of the present followed by anticipatory-utopian reflection on possible treatments for these disorders. This approach draws extensively on parallels to medicine. I argue that the ideas of social pathology and crisis that pervade the methodological writings of the Frankfurt School help to explain critical theory’s contention that the object of critique identifies itself when social institutions cease to function smoothly. However, in reflecting on the (...)
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  33. Testimony and the Scope of the A Priori.Peter Graham - forthcoming - In Dylan Dodd & Elia Zardini, Beyond Sense? New Essays on the Significance, Grounds, and Extent of the A Priori. Oxford University Press.
    Tyler Burge famously argues in his 1993 paper "Content Preservation" that it is not only a priori true that we enjoy a prima facie warrant to take what others assert as true, but also that there our warrant to believe what we are told in certain special cases is a priori. So just as our warrant for believing certain mathematical truths might be a priori, so too there are cases of belief through testimony that are a priori. Then in a (...)
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    A Sideways Look at Faithfulness for Quantum Correlations.Peter W. Evans - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (1):28-42.
    Despite attempts to apply causal modeling techniques to quantum systems, Wood and Spekkens argue that any causal model purporting to explain quantum correlations must be fine tuned; it must violate the assumption of faithfulness. This paper is an attempt to undermine the reasonableness of the assumption of faithfulness in the quantum context. Employing a symmetry relation between an entangled quantum system and a “sideways” quantum system consisting of a single photon passing sequentially through two polarizers, I argue that Wood and (...)
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    British Empiricism.Peter West & Manuel Fasko - 2024 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    ‘British Empiricism’ is a name traditionally used to pick out a group of eighteenth-century thinkers who prioritised knowledge via the senses over reason or the intellect and who denied the existence of innate ideas. The name includes most notably John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume. The counterpart to British Empiricism is traditionally considered to be Continental Rationalism that was advocated by Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, all of whom lived in Continental Europe beyond the British Isles and all embraced innate (...)
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  36. Kant's schematism of the categories and the problem of pattern recognition.Peter Krausser - 1976 - Synthese 33 (2-4):175 - 192.
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    On artificial intelligence.Peter H. Schönemann - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):241-242.
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    Student and Staff Understanding and Reaction: Academic Integrity in an Australian University.Peter Busch & Ayse Bilgin - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (3):227-243.
    Academic integrity is becoming increasingly important to managing academic institutions. Accordingly there are efforts to uniformly assess campus attitudes to such issues as cheating in assessments along with the policies and procedures in place to address them. This paper seeks to summarize and understand the attitude of the students and academic staff at an Australian university towards academic integrity, as reflected in the results of a campus-wide survey, using both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The main finding of the quantitative results (...)
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  39. Moderation or the middle way: Two approaches to anger.Peter Vernezze - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (1):2-16.
    : Most of us tend to be Aristotelians when it comes to anger. While admitting that uncontrolled anger is harmful and ought to be avoided, we reject as undesirable a state of being that would not allow us to express legitimate outrage. Hence, we seem to find a compelling moral attitude in Aristotle’s belief that we should get angry at the right time and for the right reasons and in the right way. Buddhism and Stoicism, however, carve out a position (...)
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  40. Beyond the Goods-Services Continuum.Peter Koch & Barry Smith - 2023 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (Icbo).
    Governments standardly deploy a distinction between goods and services in assessing economic health and tracking national income statistics, of which medical goods and services carry significant importance. In what follows we draw on Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) to introduce a third kind of entity called patterns, which help capture the various ways in which goods and services are intertwined and help also to show how many services generate a new kind of non-goods-related products. Patterns are an overlooked yet essential features (...)
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    Literary Interpretation is Not Just About Meaning.Peter Lamarque - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):3-17.
    The paper proposes a radical change of focus for understanding the fundamental purpose and value of literary interpretation. It criticises an orthodox view in analytical philosophy of literature, according to which theories of meaning in the philosophy of language, in particular Gricean or speech act or other pragmatic theories, offer the most illuminating way to grasp the relevant principles of interpretation. The argument here is that the application of such theories in this context is not just wrong in detail (this (...)
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  42. Durand of St.-Pourçain’s Moderate Reductionism about Hylomorphic Composites.Peter John Hartman - 2023 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97 (4):441-462.
    According to a standard interpretation of Aristotle, a material substance, like a dog, is a hylomorphic composite of matter and form, its “essential” parts. Is such a composite some thing in addition to its essential parts as united? The moderate reductionist says “no,” whereas the anti-reductionist says “yes.” In this paper, I will clarify and defend Durand of St.-Pourçain’s surprisingly influential version of moderate reductionism, according to which hylomorphic composites are nothing over and above their essential parts and the union (...)
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    Dimensions of Global Justice in Taxing Multinationals.Peter Dietsch & Thomas Rixen - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 11 (2):319-347.
    Widespread tax evasion and avoidance have recently led to both significant reforms of international tax governance and increased attention from theorists of global tax justice. Against the background of an analysis of the double challenge of effectiveness and distribution facing the taxation of multinational enterprises, this paper puts forward a taxonomy of recent contributions of the tax justice literature. This taxonomy not only opens up an original angle of interpretation on global tax justice, but also provides a vantage point from (...)
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    Context Matters: A Response to Autzen and Okasha’s Reply to Takacs and Bourrat.Peter Takacs & Pierrick Bourrat - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (3):170-176.
    In a recent reply to Takacs and Bourrat’s article (Biol Philos 37:12, 2022), Autzen and Okasha (Biol Philos 37:37, 2022) question our characterization of the relationship between the geometric mean and arithmetic mean measures of fitness. We here take issue with the claim that our characterization falls prey to the mistakes they highlight. Briefly revisiting what Takacs and Bourrat (Biol Philos 37:12, 2022) accomplished reveals that the key issue of difference concerns cases of deterministic but nonconstant growth. Restricting focus to (...)
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  45. Artistic value.Peter Lamarque - 2009 - In John Shand, Central Issues of Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Defining and Defending Personhood: Lessons from the Disease Debate.Peter H. Schwartz - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (1):41-43.
    Blumenthal-Barby (2024) presents strong arguments that bioethicists should stop using the concept “personhood.” She points out that “person,” meaning an entity with full moral rights, is defined in...
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    The eudaimonist ethics of al-Fārābī and Avicenna.Peter Tarras - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (6):1498-1502.
    Volume 32, Issue 6, December 2024, Page 1498-1502.
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    Medical ethics education as translational bioethics.Peter D. Young, Andrew N. Papanikitas & John Spicer - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (3):262-269.
    We suggest that in the particular context of medical education, ethics can be considered in a similar way to other kinds of knowledge that are categorised and shaped by academics in the context of wider society. Moreover, the study of medical ethics education is translational in a manner loosely analogous to the study of medical education as adjunct to translational medicine. Some have suggested there is merit in the idea that much as translational research attempts to connect the laboratory scientist's (...)
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    Economic Performance, Social Progress and Social Quality.Peter Herrmann - 2012 - International Journal of Social Quality 2 (1):41-55.
    This article concerns challenges arising from the development of economic globalization as the so-called “creator of a new world order“ and its tendency to deteriorate the foundation of a global order in terms of social justice, solidarity, and human dignity. As main point of referral functions, the report of the “Commission Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi cs“ on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress that refers to the European Commission's strategy of development, acknowledges the need for these values. On (...)
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    Real Impairments, Real Treatments.Peter D. Kramer - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (3):62-63.
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