Results for 'Pearl Jam'

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  1.  13
    Pearl Jam and philosophy.Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The first scholarly discussion on the band, Pearl Jam and Philosophy examines both the songs (music and lyrics) and the activities (live performances, political commitments) of one of the most celebrated and charismatic rock bands of the last 30 years. The book investigates the philosophical aspects of their music at various levels: existential, spiritual, ethical, political, and aesthetic. This philosophical interpretation is also dependent on the application of textual and poetic analysis: the interdisciplinary volume puts philosophical aspects of the (...)
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  2. Pearl Jam / Nirvana : A Dialectical Vortex that Revolves Around the Void.Alessandro Alfieri - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  3. Pearl Jam's Ghosts : The Ethical Claim Made from the Exiled Space(s) of Homelessness and War-An Aesthetic Response-Ability.Jacqueline Moulton - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  4. Pearl Jam : Responsible Music or the Tragedy of Culture?Cristina Parapar - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  5. Just Like Innocence" : Pearl Jam and the (Re)Discovery of Hope.Sam Morris - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  6. They Can Buy, But Can't Put On My Clothes" : Pearl Jam, Grunge, and Subcultural Authenticity in a Postmodern Fashion Climate.Stephanie Kramer - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  7. Contingency, (In)significance, and the All-Encompassing Trip: Pearl Jam and the Question of the Meaning of Life.Stefano Marino - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  8. The Tide on the Shell : Pearl Jam and the Aquatic Allegories of Existence.Andrea Schembari - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Making a Choice When There Is No "Better Man".Laura M. Bernhardt - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari, Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 79-94.
    The woman at the heart of Pearl Jam’s “Better Man” (Vitalogy, 1994) is trapped. She has committed herself to a relationship that makes her miserable, but she sees no viable alternative to staying in it. She mourns a past self who might have been able to leave and dreams of a dierent way things might be, but remains unable to move on. It is tempting to view her with a mixture of pity and frustration (reecting some of the personal (...)
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    My Soul's Been Psychedelicized: Electric Factory: Four Decades in Posters and Photographs.Larry Magid - 2011 - Temple University Press.
    A vibrant history with 250 full-color photographs covers the 40-year history of Philadelphia's Electric Factory music venue, which hosted such acts as Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Bette Midler, Elvis Presley, Pearl Jam and many more.
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    Hegel and the present of art's past character.Alberto L. Siani - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book reclaims Hegel's notion of the "end of art"-or, more precisely, of "art's past character"-not just as a piece of the history of philosophy but as a living critical and interpretive methodology. It addresses the presence of the past character of art both in Hegel and contemporary philosophy and aesthetics. The book's innovative contribution lies in unifying the Hegelian thesis with discussions of contemporary art and philosophy. The author not only offers a Hegelian exegesis but applies the idea of (...)
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  12. Phyi naṅ gi grub mthaʾ mdor bsdus su bkod pa ʾjam mgon źal luṅ: and commentary, Phyi naṅ gi grub mthaʾi rnam gźag ʾjam mgon źal luṅ gi ʾgrel pa ṅes don sñiṅ poʾi lam bzaṅ mthoṅ baʾi sgron me: a verse exegesis on comparative philosophical positions. ʾjam-Dbyaṅs-Blo-Gros-Gźan-Phan-Mthaʾ-Yas - 1983 - Gangtok, Sikkim: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama. Edited by Dkon-Mchog-Bstan-ʾdzin.
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  13. Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference.Judea Pearl - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Causality offers the first comprehensive coverage of causal analysis in many sciences, including recent advances using graphical methods. Pearl presents a unified account of the probabilistic, manipulative, counterfactual and structural approaches to causation, and devises simple mathematical tools for analyzing the relationships between causal connections, statistical associations, actions and observations. The book will open the way for including causal analysis in the standard curriculum of statistics, artificial intelligence, business, epidemiology, social science and economics.
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  14. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference.Judea Pearl - 1988 - Morgan Kaufmann.
    The book can also be used as an excellent text for graduate-level courses in AI, operations research, or applied probability.
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  15.  23
    The book of why: the new science of cause and effect.Judea Pearl - 2018 - New York: Basic Books. Edited by Dana Mackenzie.
    Everyone has heard the claim, "Correlation does not imply causation." What might sound like a reasonable dictum metastasized in the twentieth century into one of science's biggest obstacles, as a legion of researchers became unwilling to make the claim that one thing could cause another. Even two decades ago, asking a statistician a question like "Was it the aspirin that stopped my headache?" would have been like asking if he believed in voodoo, or at best a topic for conversation at (...)
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  16. Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference.Judea Pearl - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):201-202.
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  17.  31
    Comments on Nick Huntington–Klein's review ‘Pearl before economists: The Book of Why and empirical economics’.J. Pearl - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (1):63-67.
    This note aims to assist applied econometricians in understanding the tools of causal inference and to extend those discussed in Nick Huntington-Klein's review of The Book of Why.
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  18. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference.J. Pearl, F. Bacchus, P. Spirtes, C. Glymour & R. Scheines - 1988 - Synthese 104 (1):161-176.
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  19.  26
    Further Addenda and Corrigenda to the revised edition of Lynn Thorndike and Pearl KibreArticle author querykibre p [Google Scholar].Pearl Kibre - 1968 - Speculum 43 (1):78-114.
    The following Addenda and some Corrigenda were derived for the most part from manuscripts examined in the summer of 1964 and in the spring and summer of 1965, 1967 at Bologna University ; London, British Museum ; Munich, Bayerische Staats-Bibliothek, Codex Latinus Monacensis ; Orlèans; Oxford, the Bodleian ; and Merton College ; Paris, Bibliotheque nationale , and University ; Tours; Vatican, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana ; and Vienna, National-Bibliothek . A number are noted from other sources, namely Silvestre , Wickersheimer (...)
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  20. Erratum for: Structural Counterfactuals: A Brief Introduction, by Judea Pearl in Cognitive Science, 37 (6).Judea Pearl - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7).
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  21.  19
    Fusion, propagation, and structuring in belief networks.Judea Pearl - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 29 (3):241-288.
  22. Bsdus grwaʾi don kun bsdus pa legs bśad mkhas paʾi dgaʾ ston bźugs so. ʾjam-Dpal-ʾphrin-Las-Yon-Tan-Rgya-Mtsho - 1978 - [Mundgod: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
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    Blo rig daṅ rtags rigs kyi rnam bźag phyin ci ma log pa bśad pa źes bya ba bźugs so. ʼjam-Dpal-ʼphrin-Las-Yon-Tan-Rgya-Mtsho - 1986 - Mundgod, N.K., Karnataka State, India: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
    Exegesis of Blo rig and Rtags rigs, treatise in logic in Tibetan Buddhism.
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  24. Bsdus sbyor gyi sñiṅ po kun bsdus rig paʼi mdzod. ʼJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-paʼi-rdo-rje - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med, Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  25.  8
    Dbu maʼi dkaʼ gnad brgyad kyi zab don ʼbyed paʼi legs bshad ʼphral gyi lde mig. ʼjam-Dpal-Mkhyen-Brtse - 2019 - Dharamsala: Bod-kyi dpe-mdzod-khang.
    Study on Mādhyamika philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism.
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  26.  7
    Grub mthaʾ rin chen ʾphreṅ ba la brten nas grub mthaʾ smra ba dag gi ʾdod tshul bśad pa grub mthaʾi spyi don ʾchar baʾi me loṅ źes bya. ʼjam-Dbyaṅs-Grags-Pa - 2004 - Pe-cin: Kruṅ-goʾi Bod rig pa dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Critical study on philosophical positions (sidhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hinduism.
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  27.  6
    Gaṅs-ljoṅs rig bcuʼi sñiṅ bcud chen mo bźugs so.Tshul-Khrims ʼjam-Dpal-Dgyes-Paʼi-Blo-Gros (ed.) - 200u - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    -- v. 4. Tshad ma rig pa -- v. 5. Dbu ma -- v. 6. Mdzod ʼdul.
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  28. Gźi thams cad yod par smra baʼi Dge tshul gyi tshig leʼur byas paʼi mchan ʼgrel nor buʼi phreṅ ba. ʼjam-Mgon-Mi-Pham-Rgya-Mtsho - 2016 - In Thub-Bstan-Brtson-ʼgrus, Rtags rigs kyi rnam gzhag Dge tshul Kā ri kā rtsa ʼgrel bcas bzhugs so. Bylakuppe: Snga-ʼgyur rig-mdzod rtsis-ʼphrul sde-tshan.
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    Sde bdun la ʾjug paʾi sgo rigs lam legs bśad kun btus blo gsal lde mig ces bya ba bźugs so.Ơ Jam-Dbyaṅs-Rgya-Mtsho - 2003 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Study on Buddhist logic according to Candrakīrti.
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  30. Tshad ma rigs gter rtsa ʼbrel. ʼjam-Dbyangs-Blo-Gter-Dbang-Po - 2016 - [Si-khron]: Si-khron Bod-yig dpe-rnying bsdu-sgrig Khang.
    Study of Tshad ma rigs gter, classic work on logic and epistemology by Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta.
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    Tshad ma rig paʼi rmaṅ gźiʼi śes bya byis ʼjug bde lam źes bya ba bźugs so. ʼjam-Dpal-nor-Bu - 2011 - Lhassa: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  32.  52
    Divine action: Is it credible?Jams S. Nelson - 1995 - Zygon 30 (2):267-280.
    The concept of God's acting in the world has been seen to be problematic in light of the claims of scientific knowledge that the regularity of a law like universe rules out divine action. There are resources in both scientific knowledge and religion that can render meaningful and credible divine action. The new physics, chaos theory, cognitive psychology, and the concept of top‐down causation are used to understand how God acts in the world. God's action is not an intervention, but (...)
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  33.  8
    al-Sababīyah ʻinda al-Ashāʻirah: dirāsah naqdīyah.Jamʻān ibn Muḥammad Shahrī - 2011 - Makkah: Dār Ṭaybah al-Khaḍrāʼ.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis (master's)-- Jamiat Umm al-Qura.
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    Manhaj Ibn Ḥazm al-maʻrifī: ususuhu wa-ālīyātuhu wa-taṭbīqātuh.Jamʻān ibn Muḥammad Shahrī - 2018 - Bayrūt: Markaz Namāʼ lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
    Zahirites; Islamic philosophy; knowledge, theory of (Islam).
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  35. Tshul-Khaṅ Bla-ma Rin-po-cheʼi gsuṅ rtsom phyogs bsdus. x02bc, Jam-Dpal-ʼ & Phrin-Las-Yon-Tan-Rgya-Mtsho - 2005 - New Delhi: Ldi-li Bod kyi khaṅ pa nas dpar skrun źus. Edited by Doboom Tulku.
    Selected works of author's predominantly on Buddhist dialectical studies and mind training (Blo-sbyoṅ).
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  36.  18
    Distributed revision of composite beliefs.Judea Pearl - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (2):173-215.
  37. Causal inference in statistics. An overview.Judea Pearl - 2009 - Statistics Surveys 3:96-146.
  38.  55
    Direct and indirect effects.Judea Pearl - manuscript
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  39. Structural Counterfactuals: A Brief Introduction.Judea Pearl - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (6):977-985.
    Recent advances in causal reasoning have given rise to a computational model that emulates the process by which humans generate, evaluate, and distinguish counterfactual sentences. Contrasted with the “possible worlds” account of counterfactuals, this “structural” model enjoys the advantages of representational economy, algorithmic simplicity, and conceptual clarity. This introduction traces the emergence of the structural model and gives a panoramic view of several applications where counterfactual reasoning has benefited problem areas in the empirical sciences.
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  40.  16
    Question of time: Freud in the light of Heidegger's temporality.Joel Pearl (ed.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Rodopi.
    In A Question of Time, Joel Pearl offers a new reading of the foundations of psychoanalytic thought, indicating the presence of an essential lacuna that has been integral to psychoanalysis since its inception. Pearl returns to the moment in which psychoanalysis was born, demonstrating how Freud had overlooked one of the most principal issues pertinent to his method: the question of time. The book shows that it is no coincidence that Freud had never methodically and thoroughly discussed time (...)
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  41.  19
    Embracing causality in default reasoning.Judea Pearl - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 35 (2):259-271.
  42.  16
    Evidential reasoning using stochastic simulation of causal models.Judea Pearl - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 32 (2):245-257.
  43.  93
    (1 other version)Probabilities of causation: Three counterfactual interpretations and their identification.Judea Pearl - 1999 - Synthese 121 (1-2):93-149.
    According to common judicial standard, judgment in favor ofplaintiff should be made if and only if it is more probable than not thatthe defendant''s action was the cause for the plaintiff''s damage (or death). This paper provides formal semantics, based on structural models ofcounterfactuals, for the probability that event x was a necessary orsufficient cause (or both) of another event y. The paper then explicates conditions under which the probability of necessary (or sufficient)causation can be learned from statistical data, and (...)
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  44.  35
    Asymptotic properties of minimax trees and game-searching procedures.Judea Pearl - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 14 (2):113-138.
  45.  26
    How stands collapse II.Philip Pearle - 2009 - In Wayne C. Myrvold & Joy Christian, Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle. Springer. pp. 257--292.
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    On evidential reasoning in a hierarchy of hypotheses.Judea Pearl - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (1):9-15.
  47.  21
    On the nature of pathology in game searching.Judea Pearl - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 20 (4):427-453.
  48.  73
    Wavefunction Collapse and Conservation Laws.Philip Pearle - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (8):1145-1160.
    It is emphasized that the collapse postulate of standard quantum theory can violate conservation of energy-momentum and there is no indication from where the energy-momentum comes or to where it goes. Likewise, in the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) dynamical collapse model, particles gain energy on average. In CSL, the usual Schrödinger dynamics is altered so that a randomly fluctuating classical field interacts with quantized particles to cause wavefunction collapse. In this paper it is shown how to define energy for the (...)
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  49.  22
    The Structural Theory of Causation.Judea Pearl - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo, Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press.
  50. Gravity, energy conservation, and parameter values in collapse models.Philip Pearle & Euan Squires - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (3):291-305.
    We interpret the probability rule of the CSL collapse theory to mean to mean that the scalar field which causes collapse is the gravitational curvature scalar with two sources, the expectation value of the mass density (smeared over the GRW scale a) and a white noise fluctuating source. We examine two models of the fluctuating source, monopole fluctuations and dipole fluctuations, and show that these correspond to two well-known CSL models. We relate the two GRW parameters of CSL to fundamental (...)
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