Results for ' ʾjam-Dbyaṅs-Blo-Gros-Gźan-Phan-Mthaʾ-Yas'

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  1. Phyi naṅ gi grub mthaʾ mdor bsdus su bkod pa ʾjam mgon źal luṅ: and commentary, Phyi naṅ gi grub mthaʾi rnam gźag ʾjam mgon źal luṅ gi ʾgrel pa ṅes don sñiṅ poʾi lam bzaṅ mthoṅ baʾi sgron me: a verse exegesis on comparative philosophical positions.ʾjam-Dbyaṅs-Blo-Gros-Gźan-Phan-Mthaʾ-Yas - 1983 - Gangtok, Sikkim: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama. Edited by Dkon-Mchog-Bstan-ʾdzin.
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    Bsdus sbyor sñiṅ poʾi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed pa kun gsal me loṅ ; Rtags rigs kyi mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas cuṅ zad bśad pa rin po cheʾi phreṅ ba ; Blo rig gi mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas cuṅ zad bśad pa rin po cheʾi phreṅ ba: three works on the fundamentals of Buddhist logic explaining difficult points in Kun-mkhyen ʾJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-paʾs yig cha used in the ʾBras-spuṅs Sgo-maṅ Grwa-tshaṅ and its affiliates.Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho - 1984 - Mundgod, Distt. North Kanara, Karnataka State, India: Kesang Thabkhes.
  3.  7
    Dbu maʾi mthaʾ dpyod luṅ rigs gter mdzod kyi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed paʾi ñin byed snaṅ ba zab lam lta baʾi mig byed: a detailed exegesis of ʾJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-paʾi-rdo-rjeʾs ʾDbu ma la ʾjug paʾi mthaʾ dpyod,ʾ basic presentation of Madhyamika philosophy of the Sgo-maṅ tradition.Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho - 1974 - Delhi: Kesang Thabkhes.
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  4. Kun mkhyen ʾJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-paʾi-rdo-rjes mdzad paʾi blo rig gi rnam gźag ñuṅ gsal legs bśad gser gyi ʾphreṅ mdzes kyi mchan ʾgrel gser gyi lde mig.ʾbaʾ-Laṅ Dkon-Mchog-Chos-ʾphel Gyis Mdzad - 1999 - In Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rje Guṅ-thaṅ Blo-gros-rgya-mtshoʾs mdzad paʾi blo rtags mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas daṅ. Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  5.  12
    Rje Guṅ-thaṅ Blo-gros-rgya-mtshoʾs mdzad paʾi blo rtags mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas daṅ.Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho - 1999 - Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
    On the fundamental essence of Buddhist logic and dialectical studies.
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    Grub mthaʾ rin chen ʾphreṅ ba la brten nas grub mthaʾ smra ba dag gi ʾdod tshul bśad pa grub mthaʾi spyi don ʾchar baʾi me loṅ źes bya. ʼjam-Dbyaṅs-Grags-Pa - 2004 - Pe-cin: Kruṅ-goʾi Bod rig pa dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Critical study on philosophical positions (sidhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hinduism.
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  7.  10
    Sde bdun la ʾjug paʾi sgo rigs lam legs bśad kun btus blo gsal lde mig ces bya ba bźugs so.Ơ Jam-Dbyaṅs-Rgya-Mtsho - 2003 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Study on Buddhist logic according to Candrakīrti.
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  8. Rgyan drug mchog gñis kyi rnam thar daṅ lta ba mdor bsdus pa: lives and brief accounts of the philosophy of the eight Mahāyāna sages of India known as the "Rgyan drug Mchog gñisʼ and Śer leʼi rnam bśad blo bzaṅ rgyan: a commentary on the ninth chapter of the Bodhicaryāvatāra of Śāntideva.Blo-Gros-Bzaṅ-Po - 1979 - Delhi: Jamyang Samten. Edited by Blo-Gros-Bzaṅ-Po.
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  9.  13
    Kun mkhyen lam bzaṅ gsal baʼi rin chen sgron meʼi snaṅ ba. Blo-bzaçn-rdo-rje, Rgyal-Mtshan-Mgon-Po & Bsod-Nams-Rgya-Mtsho - 1990 - [Zi-liṅ]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram. Edited by Rgyal-Mtshan-Mgon-Po & Bsod-Nams-Rgya-Mtsho.
    Literal explanation of the ʼJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-pa Ṅag-dbaṅ-brtson-ʼgrus's text Grub mthaʼi rnam par bźag pa ʼkhrul spoṅ gdoṅ lṅaʼi sgra dbyaṅs kun mkhyen lam bzaṅ gsal baʼi rin chen sgron me, deals on comparative study of the philosophical systems (siddhānta) of Buddhism and Hinduism.
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  10. Blo rig gi mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnad cuṅ zad bśad pa rin po cheʾi phreṅ.Rje Guṅ-Thaṅ Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtshos Mdzad - 1999 - In Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rje Guṅ-thaṅ Blo-gros-rgya-mtshoʾs mdzad paʾi blo rtags mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas daṅ. Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  11.  6
    Gaṅs-ljoṅs rig bcuʼi sñiṅ bcud chen mo bźugs so.Tshul-Khrims ʼjam-Dpal-Dgyes-Paʼi-Blo-Gros (ed.) - 200u - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    -- v. 4. Tshad ma rig pa -- v. 5. Dbu ma -- v. 6. Mdzod ʼdul.
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  12. Rtags rigs kyi mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas cuṅ zad bśad pa rin po cheʾi phreṅ ba.Rje Guṅ-Thaṅ Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtshos Mdzad - 1999 - In Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rje Guṅ-thaṅ Blo-gros-rgya-mtshoʾs mdzad paʾi blo rtags mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas daṅ. Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  13. Grub mthaʾi rnam bśad kun bzaṅ źiṅ gi ñi ma.ʾjam-Dbyaṅs-BźAd-Pa ṄAg-Dbaṅ-Brtson-ʾgrus - 1994 - [Lanzhou]: Kan-suʾu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Comparative study of the philosophical positions (siddhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hinduism.
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  14.  11
    ʼJam-dbyaṅs-blo-gter-dbaṅ-poʼi bkaʼ ʼbum bźugs. Blo-Gter-Dbaṅ-Po - 2012 - Pe-cin: Bod-ljoṅs dpe rñiṅ dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Collected works of ʼJam-dbyaṅs Blo-gter-dbaṅ-po on Nyingmapa and Sakyapa doctrines, philosophy, rituals etc.
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  15. Don Bdun Cuʾi Mthaʾ Dpyod Mi-Pham Bla Maʾi Źal Luṅ Daṅ Sa Lam Gyi Rnam Gźag Theg Gsum Mdzes Rgyan, Grub Mthaʾi Rnam Gźag Rin Po Cheʾi Phreṅ Ba Bcas Bźugs So.ʾjam-Dbyaṅs-BźAd-Pa ṄAg-Dbaṅ-Brtson-ʾgrus - 2005 - Mundgod, North Kanara, Karnataka: Drepung Gomang Library. Edited by Dkon-Mchog ʼjigs-Med-Dbang-Po.
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  16. Bsdus sbyor gyi sñiṅ po kun bsdus rig paʼi mdzod.ʼJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-paʼi-rdo-rje - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med, Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  17. Tshad maʼi dgongs ʼgrel gyi bstan bcos chen po Rnam ʼgrel gyi don gcig tu dril ba blo rab ʼbring tha ma gsum du ston pa legs bshad chen po mkhas paʼi mgul rgyan skal bzang re ba kun skong zhes bya ba ; and, Rtags rigs kyi rang lugs mthaʾ dpyod blo gsal mkhas paʾi mgul rgyan ʾgro baʾi snying gi mun pa sel bar byed pa ku mu tāʾi kha ʾbyed: texts from the supplementary yig cha or study manuals of the ʾBras-spungs Sgo-mang tradition containing the pedagogical presentation of the forms of Buddhist logical argument (bsdus grwa). Ngag-Dbang-Bkra-Shis - 1984 - Mundgod, Karnataka State, India: Drepung Gomang Buddhist Cultural Association. Edited by Ngag-Dbang-Bkra-Shis.
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  18. Bsdus sbyor sñiṅ poʼi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed pa kun gsal me loṅ.Guṅ-Thaṅ Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho - 2012 - In Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
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  19.  1
    Mṅon rtogs rgyan gyi ʼgrel pa sher phyen [i.e. phyin] gyi don: commentary to Abhisamayalangrara [sic] (ornamental realisation) and a profoundly thorough analysis of Prajñāparamita philosophy.Blo-Gros-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1990 - Delhi: Nagwang Dorjee.
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  20. Poetical biographies of Dharmakirti and the Tenth Karma-pa Chos-dbyings-rdo-rje: with a collection of instructions on Buddhist practice.ʼjam-DbyaṅS Dpal-Ldan-Rgya-Mtsho - 1982 - Thimphu, Bhutan: Tango Monastic Community.
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  21. Rwa-stod bsdus grwa daṅ deʼi dogs gcod.ʼJam-dbyaṅs Bla-ma Mchog-lha-ʼod-zer - 1992 - Mundgod, South India: Published by Rato Datsang Tibetan Monastic University with the assistance of the Rato Datsang Foundation, New York, USA. Edited by ʼjam-Dpal-Dge-ʼdun-Rgya-Mtsho.
    Text with commentary on basic course of study of Buddhist logic and dialectrical studies prescribed for Rato Datsang, a monastery at Nyetang in Tibet, China.
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  22. Tshad ma rnam hgrel gyi bsdus gshun ces byahi sgo hbyed rgol ngan glan po hjom pa gdon lnaahi gad rgyans lde mig bshungs so: Pramana-vartik treatise of abridged logical subject: a key to determining of object of knowledge called "destruction of evil disputant bull with the roaring from lion's vocal".ʼJam-dbyaṅs Bla-ma Mchog-lha-ʼod-zer - 1991 - Mundgod, N.K., Karnataka, India: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
    Basic course of study of Buddhist logic and dialectrical studies prescribed for Rato Datsang, a monastery at Nyetang in Tibet, China.
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  23. Rwa Stod bsdus grwa: the famed presentation of the principles of Tibetan Buddhist logic according to the teachings to the Rwa-ba Stod tradition.ʾJam-dbyaṅs Phyogs-lha-ʾod-zer - 1980 - Dharamsala: Damchoe Sangpo.
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  24. Rigs lam nor buʼi ʼphreṅ ba =.Blo-Gros-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1997 - New Delhi: N. Dorjee.
    Basic course of study of elementary Buddhist logic and dialetrical studies.
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    Tshad maʾi snying po de kho na nyid kun las btus pa rig paʾi gter mdzod ces bya ba bzhugs so.Blo-Gros-Rgyal-Mtshan - 2013 - Via Oachghat, Solan, H.P.: Gʹyung-drung Bon-gyi Bshad-sgrub ʾDus-sde.
    On Bonpo system of philosophical debate on logical points.
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  26. Legs par bshad pa luṅ rigs kyi rgya mtsho: a detailed guide to the study of the Abhisamayālaṅkāra and Prajñāpāramitā philosophy.ʾjam-DbyaṅS Kun-Dgaʾ-Chos-Bzaṅ - 1985 - Dharamsala, H.P.: Gonpo Dorjee.
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  27. Tshad ma rnam ʼgrel gyi rang don leʼi [i.e. leʼuʼi] rnam par bshad pa luṅ daṅ rigs paʼi gter m[d]zod: scriptural and logical treasure elucidating Pramanavardika [i.e. Pramāṇavārttikā] philosophy.Blo-Gros-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1990 - Delhi: Nagwang Dorjee.
    Exegetical work on Pramāṇavārttikā of Dharmakirtī, 7th cent.
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    Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho (eds.) - 2012 - Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
    Buddhits logical debates according to Kagyudpa school of Tibetan Buddhism.
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  29. Tshad ma rigs gter rtsa ʼbrel. ʼjam-Dbyangs-Blo-Gter-Dbang-Po - 2016 - [Si-khron]: Si-khron Bod-yig dpe-rnying bsdu-sgrig Khang.
    Study of Tshad ma rigs gter, classic work on logic and epistemology by Sa-skya Paṇḍi-ta.
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  30. ʾDzam gliṅ śar nub kyi gnaʾ deṅ rig paʾi rnam gźag mdor tsam brjod pa bźugs so.Tshul-Khrims-Blo-Gros - 2007 - [Taipei, Taiwan]: Gser-thaṅ Bla-ruṅ lṅa rig snaṅ bstan slob gliṅ.
    Comparative study on eastern and western philosophy.
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    ʼDzam gliṅ śar nub kyi gnaʼ deṅ rig paʼi rnam gźag daṅ ʼdzam gliṅ skad yig gi skye ʼchiʼi lo rgyus bźugs.Tshul-Khrims-Blo-Gros - 2011 - Lanchou: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Comparative study on ancient philosophy of East and West; includes study on different languages of ancient period.
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  32. Tshad maʼi mdo daṅ gźuṅ lugs sde bdun gyi de kho na ñid bsdus pa.Śākya-Mchog-Ldan Dri-Med-Legs-Paʼ Mdzad Pa Po & I.-Blo-Gros - 2009 - In Yoṅs-ʼ, Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa & Śākya-Mchog-Ldan, Rigs gźuṅ rgya mtshoʼi ʼjug ṅogs baiḍūryaʼi them skas. Kathmandu, Nepal: Rigpe Dorje Publications.
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  33. Tshad maʼi mdo daṅ gźuṅ lugs sde bdun gyi de kho na ñid bsdus pa.Mdzad Pa Po & śāKya-Mchog-Ldan Dri-Med-Legs-Paʼi-Blo-Gros - 2009 - In Yoṅs-ʼ, Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa & Śākya-Mchog-Ldan, Rigs gźuṅ rgya mtshoʼi ʼjug ṅogs baiḍūryaʼi them skas. Kathmandu, Nepal: Rigpe Dorje Publications.
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  34.  10
    Rdzogs pa chen po sems sdeʾi skor: Byang chub kyi sems mi nub paʾi rgyal mtshan rdo rje sems dpaʾi nam mkhaʾ cheʾi ʾgrel bshad gsang bdag dgaʾ rab dpaʾi boʾi dgongs rgyan zhes bya ba: Byang chub sems bsgom pa rdo la gser zhun gyi mchan ʾgrel de kho na nyid gsal baʾi sgron me zhe sbya ba.Nus-Ldan-Mkhyen-Brtseʼi-Blo-Gros - 2015 - [Cazadero, CA]: Dharma Publishing. Edited by Mi-Pham-Rgya-Mtsho, Nus-Ldan-Mkhyen-Brtseʼi-Blo-Gros & Tarthang.
    Sellected collection of tantric canonical texts of the Nyingma order on Rdzogs-chen philosophy.
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  35. Tshad ma rigs gter rtsa ba daṅ ʾgrel pa.Sa-Skya PaṇḌI-Ta Kun-Dgaʾ-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1998 - [Chengdu]: Si-khron Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe tshoṅ khaṅ gis bkram. Edited by Go-Rams-Pa Bsod-Nams-Seṅ-Ge & Blo-Gter-Dbaṅ-Po.
    Root text with two commentaries i.e. Sde bdun mdo daṅ bcas paʾi dgoṅs pa phyin ci ma log par ʾgrel pa tshad ma rigs paʾi gter gyi don gsal bar byed pa by Go-rams-pa Bsod-nams-seṅ-ge and Tshad ma rigs paʾi gter gyi mchan ʾgrel sde bdun gsal baʾi sgron me by ʾJam-dbyaṅs Blo-gter-dbaṅ-po on principles of Buddhist logic.
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  36. Dpal ldan sa joʼi grub mthaʼ gcig ʼdzin gyi log rtog rñog ma sel baʼi nor bu ke ta kaʼi ʼphreṅ ba źes bya ba bźugs so.Tshaṅs-Dbyaṅs-Rgya-Mtsho (ed.) - 2008 - Shimla, H.P.: Jo-naṅ Naṅ-bstan Rig-gźuṅ Sruṅ-spel Mthun-tshogs.
    Some facts about differentiation between Jonang and Sakyapa doctrines.
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  37. Dawr al-qiyam fī al-taghyīr al-ijtimāʻī: ḥālat Jamʻīyat al-ʻAfāf al-Khayrīyah fī al-Urdun.ʻAbd al-Laṭīf ʻArabīyāt - 2004 - ʻAmmān: Jamʻīyat al-ʻAfāf al-Khayrīyah.
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  38. Dung-dkar grub mthaʼ: mkhas dbaṅ Dung-dkar Rin-po-che Blo-bzang-ʼphrin-las mchog gi gsung ʼphags Bod kyi grub mthaʼʼi rnam gzhag. Blo-bzaṅ-ʼphrin-las - 2010 - Bylakuppe, Dist. Mysore, Karnataka State: Sera Mey Library.
    Views on Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophical positions (siddhānta).
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  39.  14
    Der Erkenntnislehre des Prasangika-Madhyamaka, nach dem Tshig gsal ston thun gyi tshad ma'i rnam bsad des 'Jam dbyans bzad pa'i rdo rje. Einleitung, Textanalyse, Übersetzung. Chizuko Yoshimizu. [REVIEW]Chr Lindtner - 1998 - Buddhist Studies Review 15 (1):116-121.
    Der Erkenntnislehre des Prasangika-Madhyamaka, nach dem Tshig gsal ston thun gyi tshad ma'i rnam bsad des 'Jam dbyans bzad pa'i rdo rje. Einleitung, Textanalyse, Übersetzung. Chizuko Yoshimizu. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 37, Vienna 1996. xxiii, 309 pp.
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  40.  69
    Recommendations for the Use of Serious Games in Neurodegenerative Disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel.Manera Valeria, Ben-Sadoun Grégory, Aalbers Teun, Agopyan Hovannes, Askenazy Florence, Benoit Michel, Bensamoun David, Bourgeois Jérémy, Bredin Jonathan, Bremond Francois, Crispim-Junior Carlos, David Renaud, De Schutter Bob, Ettore Eric, Fairchild Jennifer, Foulon Pierre, Gazzaley Adam, Gros Auriane, Hun Stéphanie, Knoefel Frank, Olde Rikkert Marcel, K. Phan Tran Minh, Politis Antonios, S. Rigaud Anne, Sacco Guillaume, Serret Sylvie, Thümmler Susanne, L. Welter Marie & Robert Philippe - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  41.  4
    Bsam-yas-chos-rtsod lta grub kyi dpyad pa byis pa dgod paʼi rdzun rkong. Blo-Bzang-Dar-Rgyas - 2015 - [Pe-cin]: Krung-goʹi Bod-rig-pa Dpe-skrun Khang.
    An analytical study on Samye debate held in 792-794 A.D. between the Indian monastic tradition headed by Pandit Kamalashila and the Chinese tradition of Ch'an (Zen) by Hoshang Buddhist monk for which form of Buddhism should prevail in Tibet.
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  42. Grub mthaʼi rnam gźag gsal bar bśad pa thub bstan rin po che gsal baʼi sgron me bźugs so. Blo-bzaṅ-nor-bu - 2006 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Exegesis on comparative philosophical positions (siddhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācāra, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism.
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  43. Grub mthaʾ thams cad kyi khuṅs daṅ ʾdod tshul ston pa legs bśad śel gyi me loṅ.Thuʾu-Bkwan Blo-Bzaṅ-Chos-Kyi-ÑI-Ma - 1962 - [Banaras:
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  44. Grub paʼi mthaʼ rnam par bśad paʼi mdzod.Dbus-Pa Blo-Gsal-Rtsod-Paʼi-Seṅ-Ge - 2004 - In Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen, Grub mthaʼ. Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  45. Grub paʼi mthaʼ rnam par bśad paʼi mdzod.Dbus-Pa Blo-Gsal-Rtsod-Paʼ & I.-seṅ-ge - 2004 - In Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen, Grub mthaʼ. Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  46. Rtsod lan blo dman sñiṅ gi gduṅ sel ga bur thig paʾi spun zla: a refutation of the views of ʾJam-mgon ʾJu Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho in the series of polemical writings on the nature of Śūnyatā and Mādhyamika philosophy. Blo-Bzang-Chos-Dbyings - 1985 - Mundgod, U.K., Karnataka: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
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  47.  8
    Blo rig daṅ rtags rigs kyi rnam bźag phyin ci ma log pa bśad pa źes bya ba bźugs so. ʼjam-Dpal-ʼphrin-Las-Yon-Tan-Rgya-Mtsho - 1986 - Mundgod, N.K., Karnataka State, India: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
    Exegesis of Blo rig and Rtags rigs, treatise in logic in Tibetan Buddhism.
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    Grub mthaʼi rnam bshad rang gzhan grub mthaʼ kun dang zab don mchog tu gsal ba kun bzang zhing gi nyi ma lung rigs rgya mtsho skye dguʼi re ba kun skong.ʼjam-Dbyangs-Bzhad-Pa Ngag-Dbang-Brtson-ʼgrus - 1980 - [Zi-ling]: [Sku-ʼbum byams pa gling].
    Comparative study of the philosophical systems of the Vaibhashika, Sautrantika, Yogacarya, and Madhyamaka schools of Indian Buddhism with non-Buddhist tenets.
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    Manhaj Ibn Ḥazm al-maʻrifī: ususuhu wa-ālīyātuhu wa-taṭbīqātuh.Jamʻān ibn Muḥammad Shahrī - 2018 - Bayrūt: Markaz Namāʼ lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
    Zahirites; Islamic philosophy; knowledge, theory of (Islam).
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    Die Erkenntinislehre des Prāsaṅgika-Madhyamaka: Nach dem Tshi gsal ston thun gyi tshad ma'i rnam bsad des 'Jam dbyans bzad pa'i rdo rje: Einleitung, Textanalyse, ÜbersertzungDie Erkenntinislehre des Prasangika-Madhyamaka: Nach dem Tshi gsal ston thun gyi tshad ma'i rnam bsad des 'Jam dbyans bzad pa'i rdo rje: Einleitung, Textanalyse, Ubersertzung.Mark Tatz & Chizuko Yoshimizu - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):265.
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