Results for 'Pedro Gras'

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  1.  14
    On the interactional dimension of evidentials: The case of the Spanish evidential discourse markers.Pedro Gras & Bert Cornillie - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (2):141-161.
    Spanish has a series of evidential discourse markers that combine the lexical semantics of visual perception with reference to inference or hearsay, for example, evidentemente ‘evidently’, por lo visto ‘visibly, seemingly’, al parecer ‘seemingly’ and se ve ‘one sees that, apparently’. The main aim of this article is to examine the grammatical, semantic and interactional properties of these four evidential discourse markers in informal and formal spoken Spanish. From a semantic point of view, we study the evidential values expressed by (...)
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    Game-related assessments for personnel selection: A systematic review.Pedro J. Ramos-Villagrasa, Elena Fernández-del-Río & Ángel Castro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Industrial development in recent decades has led to using information and communication technologies to support personnel selection processes. One of the most notable examples is game-related assessments, supposedly as accurate as conventional tests but which generate better applicant reactions and reduce the likelihood of adverse impact and faking. However, such claims still lack scientific support. Given practitioners’ increasing use of GRA, this article reviews the scientific literature on gamification applied to personnel selection to determine whether the current state of the (...)
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  3. La Escuela Universalista Española del siglo XVIII: una introducción.Pedro Aullón de Haro - 2016 - Madrid: Sequitur.
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    Ethical Ideology and Ethical Judgments in the Portuguese Accounting Profession.Pedro Augusto Marques & José Azevedo-Pereira - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):227-242.
    The purpose of the present study is to examine the attitudes of Portuguese chartered accountants with respect to questions of ethical nature that can arise in their professional activity. Respondents were asked to respond to the Ethics Position Questionnaire developed by Forsyth (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39(1), 175–184, 1980), in order to determine their idealism and relativism levels. Subsequently, they answered questions about five scenarios related to accounting practices, with the objective of measuring their ethical judgments. Based on (...)
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  5. Distributed sounding art : practices in distributing sound.Franziska Schroeder & Pedro Rebelo - 2017 - In Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg & Barry Truax (eds.), The Routledge companion to sounding art. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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    Las Doncellas Nobles. Un proyecto educativo entre la continuidad y la ruptura durante el período franquista.Susana Vázquez Cupeiro & Nuria De Pedro Olivera - 2020 - Arbor 196 (796):558.
    Este artículo aborda las experiencias vitales y educa­tivas de una generación de mujeres educada en el Real Colegio de Doncellas Nobles de Toledo; una institución de carácter priva­do y religioso fundada en el año 1551 y pionera en la formación exclusiva de las mujeres. A partir de los testimonios orales de antiguas alumnas se reconstruyen sus vivencias, a través de re­cuerdos silenciados durante décadas, para explorar la naturaleza, origen y evolución del proyecto educativo del centro desarrolla­do desde la década de (...)
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  7. (2 other versions)Die Installationen der Submoderne. Zur Tektonik der hetigen Philosophie, de Heribert Boeder.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):178-185.
  8. (1 other version)Kant E Beck face ao problema da "coisa-em-si".Pedro M. S. Alves - 1993 - Philosophica 2:53-81.
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    Mental Life and Consciousness.Pedro Alves - 2024 - Phenomenology and Mind 26 (26):74.
    Based on the concept of intentionality, I argue for an integrative view of mental life as a higher function of the living organism, beyond the classical oppositions and dualisms between mind and body. Next, I claim in thesis that Phenomenology has never truly isolated and addressed the problem of consciousness, given the persistent confusion between it and intentionality. Similarly, I also isolate attention from consciousness and argue, based on experience, for the existence of both conscious and unconscious mental processes. In (...)
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    (1 other version)Tempo objectivo e experiência do tempo--A Fenomenologia husserliana do Tempo perante a Relatividade Restrita de A. Einstein.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2007 - Phainomenon 14 (1):115-142.
    In this paper, I start with the opposition between the husserlian project of a phenomenology of the experience of time, started in 1905, and the mathematical and physical theory of time, as it comes out from the special theory of relativity, by Einstein, in the same year. Although the contrast between the two approaches is apparent, my aim is to show that the original program of Husserl’s time theory is the constitution of an objective time and a time of the (...)
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  11.  21
    Pensar o pensamento: a leitura e a reconstrução do imaginário social na formação superior.José Pedro Boufleuer & Aldemir Berwig - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (68):845-883.
    Pensar o pensamento: a leitura e a reconstrução do imaginário social na formação superior Resumo: O artigo reflete sobre a formação humana em cursos superiores na perspectiva da capacitação crítico-reflexiva que prepare para a vida em sociedade. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa com reflexão a partir de estudo teórico que tematiza a condição humana, a noção de imaginário social instituinte e o desafio do desenvolvimento do pensamento mediante o exercício da leitura. Analisa que na época atual, em que o ensino convive (...)
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  12.  23
    Memória & sabedoria.José Pedro Serra (ed.) - 2011 - Ribeirão: Húmus.
    Reunindo o contributo de autores oriundos de múltiplas áreas, incidindo sobre a filosofia, as tradições religiosas e sapienciais, a história, a literatura, a linguística, a literatura oral, a obra que agora se publica, sob a égide do Centro de Estudos Clássicos e do Centro de Estudos Comparatistas da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, constitui uma visão plural sobre a sabedoria, sobre o lugar da memória na compreensão sábia da realidade, enfim, sobre o modo como a sabedoria e a (...)
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  13.  22
    Shrinking Your Deictic System: How Far Can You Go?Mila Vulchanova, Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes, Jacqueline Collier & Valentin Vulchanov - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Languages around the world differ in terms of the number of adnominal and pronominal demonstratives they require, as well as the factors that impact on their felicitous use. Given this cross-linguistic variation in deictic demonstrative terms, and the features that determine their felicitous use, an open question is how this is accommodated within bilingual cognition and language. In particular, we were interested in the extent to which bilingual language exposure and practice might alter the way in which a bilingual is (...)
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  14. Degrees of Epistemic Opacity: From Epistemic Opacity to Transparency and Back.Iñaki San Pedro - manuscript
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    Editorial Note.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2017 - Phainomenon 26 (1):5-6.
    In what follows, I intend to address an issue which is at the boundaries of the phenomenological method of reflective explication, and that, in this sense, points to some limitations of the phenomenological approach to consciousness and mind. I am referring to an aporetic situation that is at the heart of the phenomenological analysis of passivity. On the one hand, phenomenology shows, at least indirectly, a passive life that is beyond the first steps of the activity of the ego in (...)
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    Bulos fotográficos en Redes Sociales durante la post-pandemia y la guerra en Europa.Pedro Javier Cordero Alonso, David Caldevilla Domínguez & José Daniel Barquero Cabrero - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-13.
    The old aphorism saying “no pic, no news” is still very alive, although the immediacy of social networks has modified this in a way: the truth is that a set of factors has conspired to cloud the communicative landscape on networks, so what was once considered reliable proof of fact – a photo – cannot be taken as such, without the assistance of experts whose criteria cannot be easily understood by the public. Turning into a matter of discussion and opinion (...)
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  17.  18
    Confessio Fidei Universis.Pedro Abelardo - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (3).
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  18.  35
    A lógica da ficção no "tratado" de Hume.Pedro Jonas de Almeida - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (134):455-469.
    RESUMO No Livro I, parte IV, do "Tratado da natureza humana", Hume desenvolve aquilo que vamos chamar de lógica da ficção. Não se trata de um simples erro da imaginação enquanto fantasia, mas de uma propensão a criar ideias, entidades e objetos a partir das percepções presentes na mente. O que resulta daí é um sentido rico e novo de ficção que permite a Hume desenvolver uma história natural da filosofia, descrevendo a gênese inevitável de conceitos metafísicos. Partindo de uma (...)
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  19. La diferencia ontológica en Martín Heidegger.Pedro Alonso - 2007 - Pensamiento 63 (235):125-144.
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  20. A proposta (I) modesta de Berkeley. Um mundo sem matéria.Pedro Alves - 2011 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 38:59-74.
  21.  19
    Is and Ought: Where Does the Problem Lie?Pedro M. S. Alves - 2021 - In Paolo Di Lucia & Edoardo Fittipaldi (eds.), Revisiting Searle on Deriving “Ought” From “Is”. Springer Verlag. pp. 33-57.
    The chapter has two parts. In the first part, I introduce a more fine-grained analysis of evaluative sentences. I distinguish between evaluations proper and directions for action with several degrees of constraint: commands, pieces of advice, suggestions, and so on. I call the latter “ductive-statements.” Thus, I affirm that the realm of morals has two branches: one relative to evaluations, which are is-sentences ranging from the several degrees between good and bad to the indifferent ; the other relative to sentences (...)
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  22.  12
    Studia Kantiana: interpretação e crítica.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2009 - [Lisbon]: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  23. TOPICS: 150. Foundations of knowledge.Pedro Amaral - unknown
    Integration Area C. Nature, sources, and limits of human knowledge; roles of perception, reason, testimony, and intuition in acquiring rational beliefs; e.g. science, mathematics, values, the arts, religion, social issues, and psychological states. G.E. Integration IC.
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  24.  12
    Althusser y Rozitchner: dos caminos hacia Spinoza.Pedro Guillermo Yagüe - 2018 - Endoxa 41:134.
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    El Hombre, Las Fuerzas y Su Historia: El Punto Ciego de la Ontología Foucaultiana.Pedro Yagüe - 2019 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 22:157-174.
    El presente artículo se propone reconstruir, a partir de la lectura deleuziana, una ontología política en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault. Esta reconstrucción nos permitirá identificar el punto ciego de su filosofía: la indefinición de lo que Deleuze denomina “fuerzas en el hombre”. El señalamiento de este problema nos conducirá a la filosofía de León Rozitchner, cuyos conceptos permiten recuperar la pregunta que el pensamiento de Foucault no despliega: ¿hay un cuerpo histórico anterior a las fuerzas diagramáticas?
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  26. The Lover and its Own. A Political Reading of Max Stirner.Pedro Guillermo Yagüe - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):263-283.
    Reading the work of Max Stirner usually it is found conditioned by the critique of Marx and Engels. His texts are however rich in theoretical subtleties and nuances. One of the guidelines developed by Stirner and not sufficiently discussed by the authors of La ideología alemana is its conceptualization around love as a key to understand the political association of Men. As part of a conceptual constellation in which notions such as interest or property play a fundamental role, love appears (...)
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  27.  31
    The Economics of Being: The Struggle for Existence in Prehistory.Pedro Blas González - 2014 - Cultura 11 (1):23-39.
    This paper takes a phenomenological perspective regarding the difficulties encountered in daily life by man in prehistory. I argue that the economics of beingnecessarily establishes man as a being that must make choices. Of these, man must eventually arrive at the realization that higher, rather than lower choices will safeguard human survival, well being and allow for prosperity. The economics of being is a form of identifying economic choice-making as a natural disposition of man’s. It is the latter condition that (...)
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  28.  12
    Doscientos años de la economía brasileña (según liberales, nacionalistas y marxistas): ¿la dependencia como proyecto?Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos - forthcoming - Araucaria.
    El artículo presenta hechos estilizados sobre los doscientos años de historia económica brasileña según los liberales clásicos, nacionalistas y marxistas. Para ello se eligen algunos autores clásicos de cada orientación teórica por la influencia de sus interpretaciones. Mientras que los liberales clásicos alaban la dependencia económica y critican la lucha política por superar las herencias coloniales y neocoloniales, los nacionalistas y marxistas, de diferentes maneras, critican la dependencia y proponen superarla políticamente. En Brasil, los marxistas nunca han estado en el (...)
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    Response: Commentary: The Developmental Trajectory of the Operational Momentum Effect.Daniele Didino, Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas, Guilherme Wood & André Knops - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  30. Propaganda cívica.Pedro Fortoul-Hurtado - 1916 - Nueva York,: Modern art printing co..
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  31. The Spain of Santayana through his autobiography and his letters.Pedro Garcia Martin - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
  32. Epistemic Reasons, Epistemic Norms, Epistemic Goals.Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig (eds.) - 2016 - De Gruyter.
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  33. The Kantian Attempt to Solve the Mind-Body Problem. A Critical Approach.Pedro Jesus Teruel - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (243):23-52.
  34.  13
    Latin America and Postmodernity: A Contemporary Reader.Pedro Lange-Churión & Eduardo Mendieta (eds.) - 2001 - Humanities Press.
    This collection brings together some of Latin America's most important thinkers and writers, making available in one volume classic and recent essays that address the question of postmodernity in Latin America. Here readers can find Octavio Paz's Nobel Prize speech, Leopoldo Zea's recent observations on postmodernity and the question of revolution in Mexico, Enrique Dussel's seminal discussion of modernity and the rise of world capitalism, Walter Mignolo's discussion of the relationship between cultural hegemony and control over sites of intellectual production, (...)
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  35. Literatura, vida cotidiana y educación.Roger Pedro Luis Vilaín Lanz - 2018 - In Higuera Aguirre, Edison Francisco, Fernando Palacios Mateos, Erazo Ortega & María Patricia (eds.), Pensar, vivir y hacer la educación: visiones compartidas. Quito: Centro de Publicaciones Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
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  36. Palacios o conventos: arquitectura en los monasterios de Clarisas de Castilla y León.Pedro J. Lavado Paradinas - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (207-08):715-752.
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    " De las maravillas acerca de lo uno y lo múltiple", o sobre los avatares del amor neoplatónico en el KV de Baruch de Espinosa.Gabriel Pedro Albiac López - 1989 - El Basilisco 2:27-42.
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    Empire Sociology: Italian Freedmen, from Success to Oblivion.Pedro López Barja de Quiroga - 2010 - História 59 (3):321-341.
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    Filosofía para después.Pedro Martín Lago - 2014 - Madrid: Tecnos. Edited by María Martín Gómez.
    En la historia de la filosofía es imprescindible, además de conocer los hechos (contenidos) reflexionar sobre lo que ha significado históricamente la filosofía: lo que pasó después. Es necesario, por tanto, para todos aquellos que hemos transitado por ella, y también para los que se acercan por primera vez, continuar filosofando sobre los asuntos humanos. Filosofía para después. Para aplicarla en la vida diaria después de haberla estudiado. Para arrojar la escalera después de haber subido. Para lo que venga despues... (...)
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    A filosofia na era da globalização uma fábula sobre o destino da civilização.António Pedro Mesquita - 2009 - Dissertatio 30:337-347.
    O sentido deste ensaio é o de pensar o sentido e o lugar da filosofia na época da globalização, mas por via de um recuo histórico, por forma a desafiar a visão dominante segundo a qual a globalização é um fenômeno atual. Para o efeito, procurarei abordar quatro questões: 1) Em que ambiente sociocultural, melhor, em que civilização, se dá a ruptura que conhecemos aqui por “primeira globalização”? 2) Que modo de consciência veio ela perturbar e alterar? 3) Que efeitos (...)
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  41. Problemas Heurísticos de Identificação do Indivíduo.António Pedro Mesquita - 2005 - Anàlise 1 (1):75-109.
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    The Syntax of Principles: Genericity as a Logical Distinction between Rules and Principles.Pedro Moniz Lopes - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (4):471-490.
    Much has been said about the logical difference between rules and principles, yet few authors have focused on the distinct logical connectives linking the normative conditions of both norms. I intend to demonstrate that principles, unlike rules, are norms whose antecedents are linguistically formulated in a generic fashion, and thus logically described as inclusive disjunctions. This core feature incorporates the relevance criteria of normative antecedents into the world of principles and also explains their aptitude to conflict with opposing norms, namely (...)
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  43.  30
    Formação Do Estado Democrático de Direito e as Deformações a Partir Das Fake News.Pedro Ygor Café Paes Lira, Diego Henrique Barros Melo, Paulo Ricardo Silva Lima, Ana Lydia Vasco de Albuquerque Peixoto, Antônio Tancredo P. da Silva, Anderson de Alencar Menezes & Vitor Gomes da Silva - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:14-37.
    A evolução dos meios de comunicação propiciou um massivo fluxo informacional, trazendo consigo alguns entraves. O fenômeno das fake news é produto dessa mudança na sociedade, afetando de diversas formas a vida das pessoas e inclusive a possibilidade de uma escolha plena e livre de influências, sua liberdade de expressão, pensamento e informação. Nesse contexto, este evento se torna gravoso para o nosso Estado Democrático, na medida que influencia o comportamento, as escolhas políticas, a conduta social e a solidez da (...)
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    Reading for repetition and reading for translation: do they involve the same processes?Pedro Macizo & M. Teresa Bajo - 2006 - Cognition 99 (1):1-34.
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    La Enseñanza de las Metodologías en las Ciencias Sociales en Brasil.Alfredo A. Gugliano & Pedro Robertt - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 38:61-71.
    El artículo parte de la preocupación de saber cómo se está desarrollando la formación de investigadores en las universidades brasileñas. Una primera dificultad que se coloca es el predominio de un abordaje segmentado de la investigación científica. Eso lleva a un cuestionamiento sobre si particularmente las asignaturas de metodologías sirven para formar investigadores. Entre diversas dificultades, se incluyen desde aspectos epistemológicos hasta los impactos de las asignaturas metodológicas sobre la formación de los investigadores. Se cuestionan las estructuras de las disciplinas, (...)
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    The Cognitive Dimension and the Affective Dimension in the Patient’s Experience.Pedro Reinares-Lara, Alfredo Rodríguez-Fuertes & Blanca Garcia-Henche - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Land and Polity in Tibet.E. H. S. & Pedro Carrasco - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):188.
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    Democracia, participación Y representación: Presentación.Pedro Mercado Pacheco - 2012 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 46:7-10.
    Cuand o l a edició n d e est e númer o d e lo s Anale s d e l a Cáted r a F r ancisc o Suá r ez estab a a punt o d e ce r rars e no s so r prendi ó e l f allecimient o d e fo r m a repentin a e inesperad a d e Nicolá s Lópe z Calera , Directo r d e est a pu b (...)
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    Experimentalismo democrático, nuevas formas de regulación Y legitimación Del derecho.Pedro Mercado Pacheco - 2012 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 46:37-68.
    E n e l a r tícul o s e aborda n lo s pro b lema s d e l e gitimació n qu e plantea n la s nu ev a s fo r mas d e r e gulació n qu e s e asocia n co n l a “gobe r nanza ” com o model o d e ejercici o de l poder distint o a l “gobie r no” . Ant e l a crisi (...)
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    Presentación.Pedro Mercado Pacheco - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 47:7-12.
    Una de las lagunas más fuertemente denunciadas en el ámbito de la teoría y de la ciencia jurídica ha sido su focalización casi exclusiva en el momento de la interpretación y aplicación del derecho. El modelo de jurista y de enseñanza del derecho continúa centrado en el momento aplicativo del derecho en el que la ley, la norma, es considerada un dato previo, un material básico a partir del cual el jurista despliega sus artes interpretativas, exegéticas, sistematizadoras, argumentativas y retóricas. (...)
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