Results for 'Perrine Kossmann'

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    Pour un droit pluriel: études offertes au professeur Jean-François Perrin.Jean-Franc̦ois Perrin, Jean Kellerhals, Dominique Manaï & Robert Roth (eds.) - 2002 - Genève: Faculté de droit de Genève.
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  2. Memory as mental time travel.Denis Perrin & Kourken Michaelian - 2017 - In Sven Bernecker & Kourken Michaelian, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 228-239.
  3. The Sensus Divinitatis and Non-theistic Belief.Timothy Perrine - forthcoming - Theology and Science.
    A key element of Plantinga’s religious epistemology is that de jure objections to Theistic belief succeed only if de facto objections to Theistic belief succeed. He defends that element, in part, by claiming that human beings have an innate theistic faculty, the sensus divinitatis. In this paper, I argue that Plantinga’s religious epistemology makes Christian Theism open to a de facto objection due to the characteristics and distribution of religious beliefs in the world. I defend my argument from a potential (...)
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  4. Information Privacy for Technology Users With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Why Does It Matter?Maxine Perrin, Rawad Mcheimech, Johanna Lake, Yves Lachapelle, Jeffrey W. Jutai, Amélie Gauthier-Beaupré, Crislee Dignard, Virginie Cobigo & Hajer Chalghoumi - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (3):201-217.
    This article aims to explore the attitudes and behaviors of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) related to their information privacy when using information technology (IT). Six persons with IDD were recruited to participate to a series of 3 semistructured focus groups. Data were analyzed following a hybrid thematic analysis approach. Only 2 participants reported using IT every day. However, they all perceived IT use benefits, such as an increased autonomy. Participants demonstrated awareness of privacy concerns, but not in (...)
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    Le contexte d’Humanisme intégral.Luc Perrin - 2007 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 81 (3):341-351.
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    Vers la sortie de l’École.Luc Perrin - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 85 (4):557-569.
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  7. The Episodicity of Memory: Current Trends and Issues in Philosophy and Psychology.D. Perrin & S. Rousset - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (3):291-312.
    Although episodic memory is a widely studied form of memory both in philosophy and psychology, it still raises many burning questions regarding its definition and even its acceptance. Over the last two decades, cross-disciplinary discussions between these two fields have increased as they tackle shared concerns, such as the phenomenology of recollection, and therefore allow for fruitful interaction. This editorial introduction aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of the main existing conceptions and issues on the topic. After delineating (...)
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    Ayn Rand: l'égoïsme comme héroïsme.Mathilde Berger-Perrin - 2023 - Paris: Michalon éditeur.
    Ayn Rand, née Alise Rosenbaum en URSS en 1905 et disparue en 1982 à New York, est aux antipodes de la pensée critique européenne : son éthique de l'égoïsme, son culte de la rationalité doublé d'une ode à la liberté, sa pensée capitaliste intransigeante, sa brutalité intellectuelle en font un personnage controversé. Anticonformiste radicale, elle reste aussi une curiosité en Amérique, puisqu'elle parvient tout à la fois à fustiger l'interventionnisme économique de Roosevelt et Kennedy, condamner la guerre du Vietnam, défendre (...)
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  9. In defense of non-reductionism in the epistemology of testimony.Timothy Perrine - 2014 - Synthese 191 (14):3227-3237.
    Almost everyone agrees that many testimonial beliefs constitute knowledge. According to non-reductionists, some testimonial beliefs possess positive epistemic status independent of that conferred by perception, memory, and induction. Recently, Jennifer Lackey has provided a counterexample to a popular version of this view. Here I argue that her counterexample fails.
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  10. Skeptical Theism, Abductive Atheology, and Theory Versioning.Timothy Perrine & Stephen J. Wykstra - 2014 - In Trent Dougherty Justin McBrayer, Skeptical Theism: New Essays (Oxford University Press). Oxford University Press.
    What we call “the evidential argument from evil” is not one argument but a family of them, originating (perhaps) in the 1979 formulation of William Rowe. Wykstra’s early versions of skeptical theism emerged in response to Rowe’s evidential arguments. But what sufficed as a response to Rowe may not suffice against later more sophisticated versions of the problem of evil—in particular, those along the lines pioneered by Paul Draper. Our chief aim here is to make an earlier version of skeptical (...)
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    L’histoire n’est que l’histoire de sa propre mécompréhension et falsification.Perrine Wilhelm - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 170 (3):83-102.
    Cet article cherche à mettre en évidence qu’Anders a développé une philosophie de l’histoire plurielle et complexe, c’est-à-dire non-linéaire, dès ses premiers écrits d’anthropologie philosophique, mais aussi dans ses œuvres littéraires et théoriques des années 1930-1940, en particulier dans sa Kulturphilosophie encore inédite. Il s’agit alors de relire la célèbre thèse andersienne de l’obsolescence de l’histoire : cette dernière signe l’uniformisation, donc l’appauvrissement, de la pluralité des lignes historiques à l’heure où la technique et le conformisme ferment les possibles politiques, (...)
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  12. Undermining truthmaker theory.Timothy Perrine - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):185-200.
    Truthmaker theorists hold that there is a metaphysically explanatory relation that holds between true claims and what exists. While some critics try to provide counterexamples to truthmaker theory, that response quickly leads to a dialectical standoff. The aim of this paper is to move beyond that standoff by attempting to undermine some standard arguments for truthmaker theory. Using realism about truth and a more pragmatic account of explanation, I show how some of those arguments can be undermined.
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    Simone Weil as We Knew Her.Joseph-Marie Perrin & Gustave Thibon - 2003 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Gustave Thibon.
    Simone Weil was a defining figure of the twentieth century; a philosopher, Christian, resistance fighter, Labour activist and teacher, described by Albert Camus as 'the only great spirit of our time'. In 1941 Weil was introduced to Father Joseph-Marie Perrin, a Dominican priest whose friendship became a key influence on her life. When Weil asked Perrin for work as a farm hand he sent her to Gustave Thibon, a farmer and Christian philosopher. Weil stayed with the Thibon family, working in (...)
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  14. Taking science to heart: A personal ethic for responsible science.Perrin S. Cohen - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (1):59 – 67.
    In this article, I describe the need for tomorrow's scientists to be tutored in a personal ethic that values ethical responsiveness as the core, organizing principle for guiding research, teaching, application, and career direction. To address this need, I describe a teaching approach that instills science students with an understanding that moral reflection and action are the core tenets of scientific thinking and practice. The approach empowers students to reflect openly and discuss ongoing, ethical concerns as they face them in (...)
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  15. Les consultations d’éthique clinique en France : origines, perspectives et prémisses d’un collectif.Perrine Galmiche - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (4):46-56.
    In France, the practice of clinical ethics, and more specifically of clinical ethics consultation (CEC), is marked both by a heritage of practices from across the Atlantic and by a desire to adapt to the needs of the national context, which is increasingly giving a voice to patients. While the practice remained marginal in France for a long time, a number of structures developed in the wake of the Covid-19 health crisis. The aim of this article is to take an (...)
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  16. Against Kornblith Against Reflective Knowledge.Timothy Perrine - 2014 - Logos and Episteme 5 (3):351-360.
    In On Reflection, Hilary Kornblith criticizes Sosa’s distinction between animal and reflective knowledge. His two chief criticisms are that reflective knowledge is not superior to animal knowledge and that Sosa’s distinction does not identify two kinds of knowledge. I argue that Sosa can successfully avoid both of these charges.
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  17. Envy and Its Discontents.Timothy Perrine & Kevin Timpe - 2013 - In Timpe Kevin & Boyd Craig, Virtues and Their Vices. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 225-244.
    Envy is, roughly, the disposition to desire that another lose a perceived good so that one can, by comparison, feel better about one’s self. The divisiveness of envy follows not just from one’s willing against the good of the other, but also from the other vices that spring from it. It is for this second reason that envy is a capital vice. This chapter begins by arguing for a definition of envy similar to that given by Aquinas and then considers (...)
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    Mise au travail groupale du négatif chez l’adulte avec autisme et déficience intellectuelle.Perrine Bazin - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 245 (3):121-135.
    L’article propose une lecture groupale, centrée sur la famille, des comportements d’hétéro-agressivité dans la clinique de l’autisme et de la déficience intellectuelle sévère et présente l’intérêt de l’articulation de dispositifs groupaux thérapeutiques. Pour cela, l’auteure met au travail une situation clinique familiale. Elle aborde l’actualisation des dépôts d’un espace à l’autre, les enjeux d’historicisation grâce à une écoute polyphonique et au redoublement d’emboîtement. Enfin, elle montre comment les comportements d’hétéro-agressivité se manifestent comme travail psychique de la pulsion de mort au (...)
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    Le problème de la définition de l’aire d’une surface gauche: Peano et Lebesgue.Yvette Perrin & Sébastien Gandon - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (6).
    At the beginning of the 1890s, Schwarz and Peano (independently of each other) showed that Serret’s definition of the area of a surface was flawed. This paper first aims at describing the various methods that the mathematicians have used for correcting Serret’s reasoning; its second goal is to compare and to present more in detail two solutions: Lebesgue’s notorious construction and Peano’s definition.
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  20. Knowledge is Believing Something Because It's True.Tomas Bogardus & Will Perrin - 2022 - Episteme 19 (2):178-196.
    Modalists think that knowledge requires forming your belief in a “modally stable” way: using a method that wouldn't easily go wrong, or using a method that wouldn't have given you this belief had it been false. Recent Modalist projects from Justin Clarke-Doane and Dan Baras defend a principle they call “Modal Security,” roughly: if evidence undermines your belief, then it must give you a reason to doubt the safety or sensitivity of your belief. Another recent Modalist project from Carlotta Pavese (...)
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  21. L'épreuve au miroir.Christophe Perrin - 2009 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 141 (4):377-390.
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    L'indexicalité incarnée: une théorie déférentialiste de la référence indexicale.Denis Perrin - 2020 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    "Les indexicaux (ou déictiques) sont réputés avoir une signification linguistique sensible à leur contexte d'occurrence. Mais en quoi consiste cette sensibilité, et donc quelle est cette signification? Inspiré par les analyses de Bühler, l'ouvrage questionne un présupposé sémiotique commun à la plupart des théories actuelles de l'indexicalité linguistique, et soutient qu'en communication face-à-face, les occurrences indexicales déférent tout ou partie de l'opération référentielle à certaines de leurs propriétés perceptives. L'indexicalité apporte ainsi légitimité à la linguistique incarnée actuelle. L'ouvrage montre alors (...)
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  23. À Travers La Mort L'esprit Nous Recrée Pour La Vie Sans Fin.J. Perrin - 1981 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 103 (1):58-75.
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  24. Envy and Self-worth.Timothy Perrine - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (3):433-446.
    In the Summa Theologiae, Aquinas offers an adept account of the vice of envy. Despite the virtues of his account, he nevertheless fails to provide an adequatedefinition of the vice. Instead, he offers two different definitions each of which fails to identify what is common to all cases of envy. Here I supplement Aquinas’saccount by providing what I take to be common to all cases of envy. I argue that what is common is a “perception of inferiority”—when a person perceives (...)
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  25. L’origine et les fondements de la question cartésienne chez Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:333-357.
    Showing a very early interest in Descartes, after having first considered him as a Christian thinker in the perspective of a deconstruction of religious life, Heidegger soon regards him as the major obstacle to the phenomenological analyses he wants to develop, as part of the first ontological search he gave himself: that of a hermeneutics of facticity. Therefore, the latter immediately takes in his work the shape of a hermeneutics of the I think, therefore I am, its author being blamed (...)
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    Mirror control of responding on fixed-ratio schedules in pigeons.Perrin S. Cohen & Thomas A. Looney - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (2):113-115.
  27. Au-devant de l'échec: philosophie de la traversée.Christophe Perrin - 2024 - Paris: Hermann.
    Notre réponse à la question de l'échec constitue aujourd'hui un problème pour la philosophie. Convaincus de ses prétendues vertus par des psys et des coachs pourtant peu convaincants sur ses tenants et ses aboutissants, nous nous méprenons en effet gravement sur l'échec. Dans une insatiable logique de la réussite, l'envie qui est la nôtre d'en tirer parti crée le besoin de le rendre autre qu'il n'est. Fût-il cuisant, fût-il complet, nous n'en parlons plus que comme d'un insuccès, nous ne le (...)
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    In Loco Parentis and the Politically-directed Music Curriculum.William M. Perrine - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (2):171.
    Abstract:The pedagogical aim of liberation, as drawn from critical pedagogy, poses significant philosophical problems. In this paper, I argue that the fundamental right to direct the education of children rests with the family situated within a particular local community. This authority is then delegated to the state through the institution of the school via a social contract that can be described as in loco parentis. Advocating liberation as a universally appropriate educational good encourages teachers to violate this social contract by (...)
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  29. A Note on Johnson’s ‘A Refutation of Skeptical Theism’.Timothy Perrine - 2015 - Sophia 54 (1):35-43.
    In a recent article, David Kyle Johnson has claimed to have provided a ‘refutation’ of skeptical theism. Johnson’s refutation raises several interesting issues. But in this note, I focus on only one—an implicit principle Johnson uses in his refutation to update probabilities after receiving new evidence. I argue that this principle is false. Consequently, Johnson’s refutation, as it currently stands, is undermined.
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    Die gemeinsame Verantwortung von Mann und Frau in Familie, Gesellschaft und Kirche.Christine Lienemann-Perrin - 1982 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 26 (1):83-99.
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    Pascal, utile mais incertain selon Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2012 - Heidegger Studies 28:147-168.
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    Au-delà du Transfert: La Parole Créatrice.Rudolf Schmitz-Perrin - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (2):403 - 429.
    O presente artigo mostra até que ponto a transferência psicanalítica, produto de marca da aliança terapêutica, tem por vocação ser ultrapassada mediante a progressiva tomada de consciência que a pessoa analisada faz do caráeter instrumental da transferência. A transferência, com efeito, está destinada a dissolver-se no final da cura analítica. É verdade que a psicanálise, na sua técnica, contém sérios problemas; o artigo, porém, mostra como o seu "trabalho" essencial consiste em promover a transformação que o próprio sujeito opera mediante (...)
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    The Slippery Slope Argument and Assisted Death: Which Approach to MAiD Does It Really Support?Perrine Galmiche, Valerie Mesnage & Marta Spranzi - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):110-112.
    Daryl Pullman’s (2023) article purports to show that the increase and relatively high number of assisted deaths in Canada argues against the Canadian approach to medical aid in dying (MAiD)—similar...
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    L'accueil officiel des souverains et des princes à Athènes à l'époque hellénistique.Eric Perrin-Saminadayar - 2004 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 128 (1):351-375.
    Eric Perrin-Saminadayar The Official Welcomes of Sovereigns and Princes in Athens during the Hellenistic Period p. 351-375 In reporting the official visit made by Attalus I to Athens in 200 BC, Polybius stresses the exceptional welcome the sovereign received on the part of the entire city. He describes a protocol of apantesis in accordance with a model met with elsewhere for other sovereigns. Now at Athens, if a protocol indeed existed regulating the welcome of important persons, this was not uniquely (...)
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    Three years into the implementation of PrEP in France: What do users and health professionals say? (ANRS 95036).Perrine Galmiche, Lisa Carayon & Nicolas Foureur - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics.
    The implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a new tool for prevention against HIV raised particular ethical concerns regarding the individuals’ and the collective's best interests in France. It was questioned whether the beneficence of taking or prescribing PrEP regarding its high efficacy to protect people from HIV is always more important than the maleficence represented by the risks involved, such as healthy people taking a pill with side effects, the growth of sexually transmitted infections or the potential generalization of (...)
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  36. From Metaphysics to the Juridical: Heidegger and the Question of Law.Christophe Perrin - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (1):87-101.
    Philosophy of Law sometimes refers to Heidegger, yet Heidegger does not explicitly tackle this area of philosophy. In this paper, I will argue that it is actually possible to bring to light a theory of law in Heidegger’s writings. Such a theory would help juridical thought by tracing it back to its metaphysical presuppositions.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau et l'exigence d'authenticité: une question pour notre temps.Jean-François Perrin & Yves Citton (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    De quelle définition de l'authenticité peut-on se réclamer aujourd'hui? L'authentês, en grec, c'est d'abord "celui dont émane une action", son auteur. C'est à mesurer l'envergure et les difficultés de cette quête de liberté authentique qui est celle de Rousseau autant que la nôtre, qu'est consacré cet ouvrage.
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  38. Le caractère de la confirmation chez saint Thomas.B. -M. Perrin - 1998 - Revue Thomiste 98 (2):225-265.
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  39. L'improprieté de l'authenticité. Sur le sens propre de l'Eigentlichkeit chez Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2013 - In Tobias Keiling, Heideggers Marburger Zeit: Themen, Argumente, Konstellationen. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann. pp. 83--100.
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    Herbert Spencer: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography.Robert G. Perrin - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Herakles, the satyr and the sphinx: an original scene on a hydria from Illyrian Apollonia (Albania).Fabien Bièvre‑Perrin - 2019 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 143:125-138.
    Une hydrie à figures rouges offre une scène mythologique inédite : un satyre fait face à Héraclès, agenouillé. Autour d’eux, une sphinx et des oiseaux semblent observer la scène. Découvert en 1955 à Apollonia d’Illyrie, ce vase est aujourd’hui exposé au musée archéologique du site. Cet article propose une analyse détaillée de l’iconographie et des modèles qui ont pu influencer le peintre, afin d’en affiner l’analyse, mais aussi la datation et d’en déterminer l’origine, probablement locale.
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    Julian Johnson, Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value. Oxford University Press, 2002.William M. Perrine - 2014 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 22 (1):96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value by Julian JohnsonWilliam M. PerrineJulian Johnson, Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value. Oxford University Press, 2002.In Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value, British musicologist and composer Julian Johnson defends the value of classical music in a commercialized culture fixated on the immediate gratification of popular music. At 130 pages divided into six chapters, (...)
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    Toward a unified theory of similarity and recognition.F. Gregory Ashby & Nancy A. Perrin - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (1):124-150.
  44. The Dynamics and Dialectics of Capitalism.Robert G. Perrin - 1981 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 5 (2):211-236.
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    Sexual Theology.James B. Nelson & Joanne Perrin - 1983 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 3:269-272.
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    Schedule-induced attack on a pictorial target in feral pigeons.Byron C. Yoburn & Perrin S. Cohen - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (1):7-8.
  47. A Defense of Explanationism against Recent Objections.Tomas Bogardus & Will Perrin - forthcoming - Episteme:1-12.
    In the recent literature on the nature of knowledge, a rivalry has emerged between modalism and explanationism. According to modalism, knowledge requires that our beliefs track the truth across some appropriate set of possible worlds. Modalists tend to focus on two modal conditions: sensitivity and safety. According to explanationism, knowledge requires only that beliefs bear the right sort of explanatory relation to the truth. In slogan form: knowledge is believing something because it’s true. In this paper, we aim to vindicate (...)
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    Listeners Exploit Syntactic Structure On-Line to Restrict Their Lexical Search to a Subclass of Verbs.Perrine Brusini, Mélanie Brun, Isabelle Brunet & Anne Christophe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    a) Aus aktuellem Anlaß.Christine Lienemann-Perrin - 1986 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 30 (1):447-448.
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    L’Einsamkeit comme Grundbegriff. D’une idée fragmentée chez Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2011 - PhaenEx 6 (2):71-108.
    Tenue par Heidegger pour un concept fondamental de la métaphysique et pourtant tue le plus souvent dans ses travaux publics, la solitude intrigue. Arpentant son chemin de pensée moins en historien de la philosophie qu’en géographe, nous suivrons donc dans son œuvre le chemin de traverse que nous semble constituer ce motif. De la nécessaire solitude du penseur à la salutaire solitude de l’homme en passant par la solitude sociale du Dasein , pourra ainsi être recomposée une conception exigeante de (...)
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