Results for 'Peter Barberie'

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  1.  14
    Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris.Sarah Kennel, Anne de Mondenard, Peter Barberie, Françoise Reynaud & Joke de Wolf - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Charles Marville is widely acknowledged as one of the most talented photographers of the nineteenth century. Accompanying a major retrospective exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in honor of Marville's bicentennial, Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris surveys the artist's entire career. This beautiful book, which begins with the city scenes and architectural views Marville made throughout France and Germany in the 1850s, also explores his portraits and landscapes s before turning to his photographs of Paris made both before and (...)
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  2. Forma y función de la explicación contrafáctica en la obra fisiológica de Ramón y Cajal.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2020 - In Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur. São Carlos, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: pp. 72-83.
    En este trabajo sostengo que la concepción mecanicista no captura la relevancia explicativa de la ley de polarización dinámica de Cajal. La relevancia explicativa de la ley se fundamenta en su rol como principio de diseño neuronal. Como tal, la ley nos brinda acceso epistémico a intervenciones ideales, conceptualmente posibles, sobre la localización de los diversos componentes de los centros nerviosos, y nos permiten evaluar el impacto de esas intervenciones sobre las condiciones de viabilidad del organismo.
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  3. History of Behavioral Neurology (2nd edition).Sergio Barberis & Cory Wright - 2022 - In Sergio Della Sala, Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 1. Elsevier. pp. 1–13.
    This chapter provides a brief overview of the history of behavioral neurology, dividing it roughly into six eras. In the ancient and classical eras, emphasis is placed on two transitions: firstly, from descriptions of head trauma and attempted neurosurgical treatments to the exploratory dissections during the Hellenistic period and the replacement of cardiocentrism; and secondly, to the more systematic investigations of Galenus and the rise of pneumatic ventricular theory. In the medieval through post-Renaissance eras, the scholastic consolidation of knowledge and (...)
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    Challenging the Experimentalist Dogma: Empirical Incommensurability in early Neuroscience.Sergio Daniel Barberis, Santiago Ginnobili & Ariel Jonathan Roffé - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    In this article we scrutinize what can be called an "experimentalist dogma" presupposed in Pablo Melogno's analysis of empirical incommensurability in the chemical revolution. According to Melogno, the fact that experimental methods were preserved throughout the chemical revolution was an indication that there were no relevant perceptual differences between Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier. In order to refine Melogno's general analysis, we will present a taxonomy of varieties of empirical incommensurability and discuss their relationships. To exemplify this categorization, and to (...)
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    Un análisis crítico de la concepción mecanicista de la explicación.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (2):233-265.
    En este trabajo me propongo desarrollar un estudio crítico de la concepción mecanicista de la explicación científica. En primer lugar, argumento que la caracterización mecanicista de los modelos fenoménicos (no explicativos) es inadecuada, pues no ofrece un análisis aceptable de los conceptos de modelo científico y similitud, que son fundamentales para la propuesta. En segundo lugar, sostengo que la caracterización de los modelos mecanicistas (explicativos) es igualmente inadecuada, pues los análisis disponibles de la relación explicativa de relevancia constitutiva implican una (...)
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    Explicación funcional y análisis sistémico.Sergio Daniel Barberis, Santiago Ginnobili & Ariel Roffé - 2022 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 19.
    En este artículo sostenemos que, en aquellos casos en los cuales la capacidad _ explanandum _ de un análisis sistémico o mecanicista constituye una función biológica, globalmente, la función explica la estructura y no a la inversa, a pesar de que en algunos casos particulares, el orden en que se determinan los conceptos participantes en la explicación no coincide con el orden de la explicación. Para defender esta tesis, adoptaremos una concepción mínima de explicación basada en la idea de subsunción (...)
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  7. Antologia delle opere filofiche.Dominic Barberi - 1969 - Roma,: Postulazione generale dei pp. passionisti;. Edited by Adolfo Lippi.
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    Cuestiones filosóficas. Ensayos en honor de Eduardo Rabossi.Sergio Barberis - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 56:105-109.
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    (1 other version)Présentation.Isabelle Barbéris, Vanessa Nurock & Annabela Tournon - 2010 - Cités 42 (2):9.
    S’il est un mot que le 21ème siècle semble avoir rayé de son vocabulaire, c’est bien celui d’« utopie ». De quelle manière peut-on encore aujourd’hui convoquer les utopies, est-ce seulement possible ? Évoquer les utopies en 2010, c’est d’une certaine manière assumer une position doublement sceptique. C’est en effet s’ancrer dans un scepticisme face au présent et tourné..
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    Présentation.Isabelle Barbéris & Franck Neveu - 2021 - Cités 2:9-12.
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    Za istinski realističku teoriju prava.Mauro Barberis - 2016 - Revus 29:25-32.
    Istinski realistička teorija prava – čija se mogućnost ispituje u ovome radu – trebala bi imati sljedeća obilježja. U svakom slučaju, trebala bi biti općenitija od postojećih teorija, to jest vrijediti kako za common law tako i za kontinentalnoeuropsko pravo; posljedično tome, trebala bi obrnuti odnos između zakonodavstva i pravosuđenja kakav obično uspostavljaju pozitivističke teorije. I u historiografiji i u poredbenom pravu, pri čemu je teorija prava njihov produžetak na višoj razini apstrakcije, središnji trenutak legal processa je pravosuđenje, dok se (...)
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  12. Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur.Sergio Daniel Barberis (ed.) - 2020 - São Carlos, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil:
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    Representaciones mentales, representaciones neutonales y el enigma de la intencionalidad: Acerca de representaciones mentales de Liza Skidelsky.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2018 - Análisis Filosófico 38 (2):209-220.
    En Representaciones mentales, Liza Skidelsky se propone poner de manifiesto la completa escisión que existe entre los fenómenos de la intencionalidad de los estados mentales y el contenido de las representaciones mentales. Por un lado, la autora defiende una elucidación internista del contenido de las representaciones mentales postuladas por la ciencia cognitiva. Por otro lado, nos propone concebir la intencionalidad como un fenómeno vinculado al lenguaje y a las prácticas comunicativas. Esta reformulación permitiría establecer los cimientos para un proyecto naturalista (...)
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  14. Functional Analyses, Mechanistic Explanations, and Explanatory Tradeoffs.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2013 - Journal of Cognitive Science 14:229-251.
    Recently, Piccinini and Craver have stated three theses concerning the relations between functional analysis and mechanistic explanation in cognitive sciences: No Distinctness: functional analysis and mechanistic explanation are explanations of the same kind; Integration: functional analysis is a kind of mechanistic explanation; and Subordination: functional analyses are unsatisfactory sketches of mechanisms. In this paper, I argue, first, that functional analysis and mechanistic explanations are sub-kinds of explanation by scientific (idealized) models. From that point of view, we must take into account (...)
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  15. Multiple Realization, Levels and Mechanisms.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2017 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):53-68.
    This paper focuses on the framework for the compositional relations of properties in the sciences, or "realization relations", offered by Ken Aizawa and Carl Gillett (A&G) in a series of papers, and in particular on the analysis of "multiple realizations" they build upon it. I argue that A&G's analysis of multiple realization requires an account of levels and I try to show, then, that the A&G framework is not successful under any of the extant accounts of levels. There is consequently (...)
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  16. Cajal’s Law of Dynamic Polarization: Mechanism and Design.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (2):11.
    Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the primary architect of the neuron doctrine and the law of dynamic polarization, is considered to be the founder of modern neuroscience. At the same time, many philosophers, historians, and neuroscientists agree that modern neuroscience embodies a mechanistic perspective on the explanation of the nervous system. In this paper, I review the extant mechanistic interpretation of Cajal’s contribution to modern neuroscience. Then, I argue that the extant mechanistic interpretation fails to capture the explanatory import of Cajal’s (...)
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    In Search of an Object: Organicist Sociology and the Reality of Society in Fin-De-SiËcle France.Daniela S. Barberis - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (3):51-72.
    Through an examination of French organicism–one of the models proposed for the nascent science of sociology in the late 19th century–this article argues two main points: that organicism was crucial in the establishment of ‘society’ as a scientific object; and that the specific characteristics of this new object were retained by later sociology long after the organic analogies and evolutionary views that justified them had been explicitly abandoned. Organicism played a significant role in establishing a strong notion of society as (...)
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    La machine à jouer d’Étienne Souriau ou le thé'tre comme art de philosopher.Isabelle Barbéris - 2017 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 19 (1):97-105.
    Longtemps restée marginale à l’intérieur des études théâtrales, la théorie du drame d’Étienne Souriau fait l’objet d’une redécouverte liée à « l’évènement anthropocène ». Souriau fait du théâtre un hybride entre le vivant et la machine et opère un renversement entre la scène et le hors-champ grâce à une théorisation de la « situation » en de nombreux point opposée à celle de Sartre.
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    Merah à Avignon : la métamorphose thé'trale du meurtrier en victime .Isabelle Barbéris - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):187.
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    "The enemy is the external form of our own question": Four Notes on the Mimetic Roots of Political Identities.Maria Stella Barberi - 2018 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25 (1):1-7.
    This essay concerns political identities as related to the existence of an enemy. Here are four methodological key points as topics for discussion.Even in the natural biological environment, where imitation has its real beginning, we find not only a subject and an object, but also a third element: René Girard calls it "the model of desire."1 The subject desires the object insofar as the model is imagined to want the same object. Therefore, mankind's dependence on the model is, as it (...)
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    Filosofia del diritto: un'introduzione teorica.Mauro Barberis - 2003 - Torino: Giappichelli.
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    Figures of the Pre-Freudian Unconscious from Flaubert to Proust[REVIEW]Daniela S. Barberis - 2018 - Isis 109 (4):872-873.
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    Costs of family planning programmes in fourteen developing countries by method of service delivery.M. Barberis & P. D. Harvey - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):219-233.
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  24. Europa e teoria del diritto: in margine a un libro di Giulio Itzcovich.Mauro Barberis - 2007 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4:643-658.
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    Innatismo y control genético.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2013 - Manuscrito 36 (2):263-310.
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  26. Variedades de la explicación en evo-devo.María Alejandra Petino Zappala & Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2018 - Epistemologia E Historia de la Ciencia 3 (1):18-31.
    The aim of this paper lies in characterizing the explanations and models used in the field of evolutionary developmental biology throughout its history. While manipulative experiments in controlled conditions have been useful to set the bases of the discipline and are still routinely performed, this approach supposes a tension between the reliability and the representativity of the conclusions. Given the recent changes in the understanding of evolutionary phenomena, different authors currently emphasize the need of avoiding excessive simplifications in experimental approaches, (...)
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  27. NOTE E DISCUSSIONI-Europa e teoria del diritto. In margine a un libro di Giulio Itzcovich.Mauro Barberis - 2007 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 84 (4):643.
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    Présentation.: Le cauchemar de Paul Otlet.Isabelle Barbéris - 2009 - Cités 37 (1):9.
    Qu’aurait pensé Paul Otlet, « l’homme qui voulait classer le monde », face à la globalisation des procédures d’évaluation, s’étendant aujourd’hui ni plus ni moins au domaine de la pensée ? Le père fondateur de la bibliographie, qui entendait inventer un système permettant la mutualisation et le partage des fruits du génie humain, verrait aujourd’hui son rêve transformé..
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    « Blackface », « barbouillage » : de la falsification à la censure.Isabelle Barbéris - 2020 - Cités 82 (2):149-161.
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    L'humain débordé dans le thé'tre postdramatique.Isabelle Barbéris - 2013 - Cités 55 (3):25.
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    La racialisation de la culture : institutionnalisation de l’indigénisme au cœur de la République des arts.Isabelle Barbéris - 2018 - Cités 3 (3):95-108.
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  32. Libertad y liberalismo.Mauro Barberis - 2002 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 16:181.
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    Para una teoría realmente realista del derecho.Mauro Barberis - 2016 - Revus 29.
    Una teoría realmente realista del derecho –cuya posibilidad se examina en este trabajo– debería tener las siguientes características. Al mismo tiempo, debería ser más general que las teorías corrientes, es decir, valer tanto para el common law cuanto para el civil law; en consecuencia, debería invertir las relaciones, comúnmente instituidas por las teorías positivistas, entre legislación y adjudicación. Tanto en la historiografía cuanto en la comparación jurídica, de las cuales la teoría del derecho es una extensión a un nivel de (...)
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    La indispensabilidad de las leyes en ciencias cognitivas.Sergio Daniel Barberis Almirón - 2021 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 30:95-123.
    Partiendo de la distinción filosófica entre las leyes de la ciencia y las leyes de la naturaleza, en el presente artículo se defiende la indispensabilidad explicativa de las leyes de la ciencia en el campo de las ciencias cognitivas. Se sostiene que las leyes de la ciencia desempeñan un papel epistémico indispensable tanto en el análisis funcional como en la explicación mecanicista de las capacidades cognitivas. De esta manera, se ofrece una elucidación plausible del poder explicativo de las ciencias cognitivas (...)
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    For a truly realistic theory of law.Mauro Barberis - 2016 - Revus 29.
    A truly realistic theory of law – the possibility of which is examined in this work – should have the following characteristics. It should be more general than current theories, that is, be applicable to both common law and civil law; in consequence, it should invert the relationship, commonly instituted by positivist theories, between legislation and adjudication. Both in historiography and in legal comparison, of which legal theory is an extension to a higher level of abstraction, adjudication is the central (...)
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    Organicist and Mechanistic Metaphors in the Early Days of Neuroscience.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2023 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 14 (1):33-46.
    In his work, Michael Ruse underscores the significance of metaphors in science, with a particular focus on the “abyss” between mechanistic and organicist metaphors in the history and practice of biology. Ruse posits that the Darwinian revolution involved a radical “metaphor shift” in biology, transitioning from organicism to mechanism. In this article, I set out several objectives (i) to assess whether the neuronist revolution, pivotal in the inception of neuroscience, involved a shift from an organicist metaphor to a mechanistic one; (...)
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    Louis de Bonald: potere e ordine tra sovversione e provvidenza.Giorgio Barberis - 2007 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Universal Legal Concepts? A Criticism of "General" Legal Theory.Mauro Barberis - 1996 - Ratio Juris 9 (1):1-14.
    General theory of law (general jurisprudence, allgemeine Rechtslehre) has often claimed to deal with general or universal concepts, i.e., concepts which are deemed to be common to any legal system whatsoever. At any rate, this is the classic determination of such a field of study as provided by John Austin in the nineteenth century—a determination, however, which deserves careful analysis. In what sense, indeed, can one assert that some legal concepts are common to different legal systems? And, above all, in (...)
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    André Veinstein, pionnier français de l’esthétique thé'trale.Isabelle Barbéris - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2:183-191.
    Pionnier de ce que nous appelons aujourd’hui, parfois trop vite, la « recherche-création », défenseur d’une approche scénique et unitaire de l’esthétique théâtrale, André Veinstein a œuvré à la définition de ce qu’il appelait une « conception esthétique de la mise en scène ». Il entendait par là souligner l’importance de la liberté interprétative propre au théâtre, tout en mettant en garde contre les tentatives de déformation et de dissociation, selon ses mots, de l’œuvre dramatique.
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  40. Hayek e il diritto: precauzioni per l'uso.M. Barberis - 1987 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 64 (4):511-544.
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    La democrazia è sopravvalutata?Mauro Barberis - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 66:133-139.
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  42. La pianificazione socialista nell' U. R. S. S.Mario Barberi - forthcoming - Critica.
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  43. Sergio Cotta, Carlos Nino e il problema della giustificazione.M. Barberis - 1998 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 75 (4):527-538.
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    Ils ont honte de leur langue natale.Jean-Claude Milner, Isabelle Barbéris & Franck Neveu - 2021 - Cités 2:129-140.
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    Conceptual Change and Tool Development: The Challenges of the Neurosciences to the Philosophy of Scientific Revolutions.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:165-181.
    The determining role that tool development plays in neuroscientific progress poses special challenges to the Kuhnian-rooted philosophy of scientific change. Some philosophers of neuroscience argue that revolutions in neuroscience do not involve paradigm shifts, but instead depend exclusively on technical or experimental innovation. By studying the historical episode of the discovery of the neuron (1873-1909), I argue that revolutions in neuroscience, like many other laboratory revolutions, are frequently driven by the intertwining of technical innovations and conceptual change.
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    Dérives « décoloniales » de la scène contemporaine.Isabelle Barbéris - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):199.
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    Le néoconstitutionnalisme existe-t-il?Mauro Barberis - 2015 - Revus 25:101-124.
    ‘Néoconstitutionnalisme’ est assurément le nouveau nom pour une famille de théories du droit bien connues: un nom jusqu'à maintenant utilisé seulement au sein de la théorie du droit du monde latin. Mais contrairement à une critique récente de Riccardo Guastini, et conformément à une plus large analyse de ce mouvement dans mon dernier livre, Manuale di filosofia del diritto, le néoconstitutionnalisme existe effectivement – exactement comme le droit naturel, le positivisme juridique ou encore le réalisme juridique existent. Dans cette contribution, (...)
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    (1 other version)The incredible and sad story of candid Catalonia and his grunted Spain.Mauro Barberis - 2017 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2.
    The recent Catalanian crisis raises three issues, each of which is dealt with in a section of this intervention. First, the issue of a proper reconstruction of facts, which attributes the responsability to Spanish nationalism no less than Catalonian one. Second, the issue of a sociopolitical interpretation of Catalonian events, in a context charachterized by the difficulty of the various national establishments to handle the global challenges and the emergence of so-called populist movements. Third, the issue of a legal-constitutional way-out, (...)
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    (1 other version)Wiring optimization explanation in neuroscience.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2019 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 34 (1):89-110.
    This paper examines the explanatory distinctness of wiring optimization models in neuroscience. Wiring optimization models aim to represent the organizational features of neural and brain systems as optimal (or near-optimal) solutions to wiring optimization problems. My claim is that that wiring optimization models provide design explanations. In particular, they support ideal interventions on the decision variables of the relevant design problem and assess the impact of such interventions on the viability of the target system.
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    Ian Hesketh. The Science of History in Victorian Britain: Making the Past Speak. xi + 229 pp., bibl., index. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2011. $99. [REVIEW]Daniela Barberis - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):191-192.
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