Results for 'Peter Gelis'

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    Radikaler Humanismus: Sinnkritik philos. u. sozialwiss. Grundlagen d. Humanwiss.Peter Gelis - 1976 - Lollar/Lahn: Achenbach.
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    Bewusst-Seinskritik.Peter Gelis - 1974 - Giessen,: A. Achenbach.
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    Recombinational DNA repair is regulated by compartmentalization of DNA lesions at the nuclear pore complex.Vincent Géli & Michael Lisby - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (12):1287-1292.
    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is emerging as a center for recruitment of a class of “difficult to repair” lesions such as double‐strand breaks without a repair template and eroded telomeres in telomerase‐deficient cells. In addition to such pathological situations, a recent study by Su and colleagues shows that also physiological threats to genome integrity such as DNA secondary structure‐forming triplet repeat sequences relocalize to the NPC during DNA replication. Mutants that fail to reposition the triplet repeat locus to the (...)
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  4. L’imaginaire et l’aff ectivité originaire de la perception.Raphaël Gély - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:173-192.
    The aim of this paper is to offer a Henrian interpretation of the debate between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty concerning the place of the imaginary in the perceptive life. The hypothesis is that in Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Henry, the role of the imaginary in the original affective experience which the perceptive life has of its own intrinsic vulnerability can be investigated on three levels: the articulation between the absolute dimension and the egological dimension of consciousness in Sartre, the genesis of perception (...)
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  5. Bibliographie de Claude Bruaire.R. Gely - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1 (1):89-93.
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  6. Chelovek v i︠a︡zykovoĭ kartine mira.A. I. Geli︠a︡eva - 2002 - Nalʹchik: Kabardino-Balkarskiĭ gos. universitet im. Kh.M. Berbekova.
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  7. Kitve "he-Ḥafets ḥayim," ha-Rav Yiśraʼel Meʼir ha-Kohen me-Radin: reshimah bibliyografit.Mosheh Gelis - 1983 - Yerushalayim: Nezer Daṿid.
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  8. De la vulnérabilité originaire de la vie perceptive à l?événementialité du sens : Réflexions à partir de Merleau-Ponty.Raphaël Gély - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    L?objectif de cet article est de montrer à partir d?une libre reprise de certaines thèses développées par le second Merleau-Ponty qu?un certain usage de la perception est susceptible d?accroître l?épreuve que le sujet fait d?être profondément requis par le sens d?une situation qu?il est en train de vivre. Notre hypothèse est qu?il est nécessaire pour ce faire que l?acte perceptif s?éprouve intrinsèquement mis en jeu par la situation à laquelle il se rapporte, mis en jeu dans l?épreuve affective qu?il fait (...)
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    La question de l'événement dans la phénoménologie de Merleau-Ponty.Raphaël Gély - 2000 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 56 (2):353-365.
  10. La vie sociale, le langage et la vulnérabilité originaire du désir : Réflexions à partir de l'œuvre de Michel Henry.Raphaël Gély - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique (6).
    L’objectif de cet article est de montrer que la phénoménologie de Michel Henry offre des ressources importantes pour interroger le rôle de la vie sociale et du langage dans l’épreuve que les individus font tout autant de la puissance que de la vulnérabilité intrinsèque de leur désir d’éprouver la vie.
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  11. Émotion, imagination, incarnation: Réflexion à partir de l'Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions.Raphaël Gély - 2005 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 1.
    Table des matières 1. Émotion et situation 2. La performativité de l?émotion 3. Émotion et action 4. L?imaginaire et la facticité du réel 5. La théâtralité originaire de l?agir 6. Jeu et incarnation 7. Croyance, sens, imaginaire 8. La performativité de l?image 9. Le corps de l?image, l?image du corps 10. L?imaginaire et l?épaisseur de la vie 11. La théâtralisation de l?émotion 12. Émotion et influence sociale 13. Conclusion.
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    La finitude radicale de la vie.Raphaël Gély - 2013 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 21:239-253.
    L’objectif de cette contribution est de montrer de quelle façon la phénoménologie de Renaud Barbaras permet de faire droit à ce que l’on peut définir comme la finitude radicale de la manifestation. Si, chez Barbaras, la finitude constitutive de toute manifestation est radicale, c’est dans la mesure où elle est elle-même finie, c’est-à-dire habitée par une indétermination originaire. L’inachèvement constitutif de toute manifestation est lui-même inachevé. Il y a un polymorphisme de la finitude...
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  13. Souffrance et attention sociale à la vie : Éléments pour une phénoménologie radicale du soin.Raphaël Gély - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    L’objectif de cet article est de construire à partir d’une reprise de certaines thèses de Michel Henry les premiers jalons d’une phénoménologie radicale du soin. Sur base d’une interrogation sur le rapport entre le souffrir originaire de la vie et son mouvement immanent d’ipséisation, l’auteur montre qu’en refusant toute forme de naturalisation du consentement du pâtir de la vie à lui-même, la phénoménologie radicale de Michel Henry permet de développer une nouvelle approche du soin, notamment du point de vue de (...)
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    Examination of Qur'an Course Activity Books for 4-6 Year-Old Children in Terms of Story Content and Illustration Features. [REVIEW]Zehra Geli̇ci̇ - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:85-115.
    Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı 2013-2014 eğitim yılıyla birlikte kendine yeni bir hizmet alanı açmış ve Cumhuriyet tarihinde ilk olarak resmi okul öncesi din eğitimini 4-6 yaş Kur’an Kursları ile başlatmıştır. Bu alanda her geçen yıl tecrübe kazanılmış olsa da çeşitli noktalarda bazı sorunların devam ettiği görülmektedir. Araştırmanın konusu 4-6 yaş Kur’an Kursları etkinlik kitaplarında yer alan hikâyelerin içerik ve resimlendirme bakımından okul öncesi çağındaki çocuklar için uygunluğunun incelenmesidir. Araştırmamızın amacı, okul öncesi dönemde okuma yazma bilmeyen çocuklar için hikâyelerin ve özellikle de (...)
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    Democracia y participación: la voz de los alumnos.Jordi Feu Gelis & Albert Torrent Font - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:43-51.
    El artículo argumenta que los niños y niñas tienen la palabra porque así lo demuestra el proceso de socialización primaria “saludable” y, por otra parte, porqué existen Declaraciones y Cartas de Derechos que lo avalan. No obstante, el artículo concluye que para que la palabra entre en la escuela es necesario cambiar su “arquitectura”, cultura y gramáticas escolares.
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    The Evolution of the Status of the Child in Western Europe: From the Collective Body to the Private Body.Jacques Gelis - 1986 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 53.
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    La possibilité d'une phénoménologie de la perception chez Heidegger.Raphaël GÉLY - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):731-737.
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    La question de l’accroissement de la vie dans la phénoménologie de Michel Henry.Réflexions à partir de La barbarie.Raphaël Gély - 2011 - Noesis 18:103-128.
    L’objectif de cet article est de montrer que le concept de barbarie tel que Henry en fait usage dans sa phénoménologie radicale renvoie en dernière instance à un mouvement de naturalisation de l’adhésion des individus au pâtir de leur vie, cette naturalisation du désir de s’éprouver des individus allant de pair avec un déni de sa dimension radicalement intersubjective. En ce sens, notre hypothèse est que certaines des thèses de La barbarie ne peuvent être véritablement comprises qu’à partir d...
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    Pobreza Por Ingreso y Tiempo En la Ciudad de Rosario.Lucia Andreozzi, Guillermo Peinado, Miriam Geli, Patricia Sonia Giustiniani & Javier Eduardo Ganem - 2018 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 20:213-232.
    Últimamente, y en especial a partir del enfoque de capacidades y funcionamientos de Amartya Sen, se han cuestionado las mediciones de pobreza donde se tiene en cuenta sólo una dimensión del bienestar, como es el ingreso, y se ha dado creciente importancia a la medición de la pobreza desde una perspectiva multidimensional. La propuesta de medida de pobreza de tiempo e ingreso LIMTIP toma el trabajo no remunerado invisibilizado como punto de partida para establecer un umbral de requerimientos de tiempo. (...)
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    Ampliar la participación democrática del alumnado en los centros educativos ¿Es posible?Núria Simó-Gil & Jordi Feu Gelis - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:3-10.
    This article presents, first, the theoretical framework about democratic schools based on a three-year research project “Demoskole: Democracy, Participation and Inclusive education in schools” funded by Spanish Government. Secondly, it analyses some democratic educational practices and, finally, it communicates some implications of what is supposed to improve the democratic quality of schools increasing the participation of pupils.
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    Erken Çocuklukta Dijital Bağımlılıkla Mücadele Projesi Kapsamında Ebeveynlerin Çocuklarının Dijital Medya Kullanımına İlişkin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi.Hatice Ayar, Nurgül Bulut & Zehra Geli̇ci̇ - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):1-33.
    Bu araştırma, dijital bağımlılık kavramını ve dijital çağın zararlı etkileri karşısında çocuk, dijital medya ve ebeveyn ilişkisinin sınırlarını tartışmaktadır. Araştırmada 4-6 yaş aralığındaki çocukları günde üç saat ve üzeri dijital medya kullanıcısı olan ebeveynlerin Erken Çocuklukta Dijital Bağımlılıkla Mücadele Seminerlerine katıldıktan sonra çocuklarının dijital medya kullanımına karşı nasıl bir tutum değişikliği göstereceklerine, ebeveyn arabuluculuğu stratejilerinde değişiklik olup olmayacağına cevap aranmaktır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çocukların günlük yaşantılarında dijital medya araçlarını kullanım durumlarının, sürelerinin, sebeplerinin, çocuk ve ebeveyn açısından yaşanan sorunların (...)
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  22. Two Systems for Mindreading?Peter Carruthers - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (1):141-162.
    A number of two-systems accounts have been proposed to explain the apparent discrepancy between infants’ early success in nonverbal mindreading tasks, on the one hand, and the failures of children younger than four to pass verbally-mediated false-belief tasks, on the other. Many of these accounts have not been empirically fruitful. This paper focuses, in contrast, on the two-systems proposal put forward by Ian Apperly and colleagues. This has issued in a number of new findings. The present paper shows that the (...)
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  23. Democracy and Disobedience.Peter Singer - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (188):215-216.
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  24. Contextualism and the Factivity Problem.Peter Baumann - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (3):580-602.
    Epistemological contextualism ‐ the claim that the truth‐value of knowledge‐attributions can vary with the context of the attributor ‐ has recently faced a whole series of objections. The most serious one, however, has not been discussed much so far: the factivity objection. In this paper, I explain what the objection is and present three different versions of the objection. I then show that there is a good way out for the contextualist. However, in order to solve the problem the contextualist (...)
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  25. What IS Wrong with Foundationalism is that it Cannot Solve the Epistemic Regress Problem.Peter D. Klein - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68 (1):166-171.
    There are many things that could be wrong with foundationalism. For example, some have claimed that a so‐called basic belief cannot be both 1) a reason for non‐basic beliefs and 2) such that it cannot be provided with at least prima facie justification.1 If something is a reason, they say, then that something has to be a proposition (or sufficiently proposition‐like) and if it is a proposition (or sufficiently proposition‐like), then it is the kind of thing that requires a reason (...)
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  26. Feynman’s War: Modelling Weapons, Modelling Nature.Peter Galison - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (3):391-434.
    This article examines the forces that have made federal scientific publication an essentially private enterprise. Particular attention is paid to the rise of the scientific community in the American political system. The period under review begins roughly with 1941 and American involvement in World War II, which coincides with the establishment of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (ORSD). The article examines OSRD's method of conducting federal scientific research, its contractual system, and the new publishing paradigm that it engendered. (...)
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    Progress Unchained: Ideas of Evolution, Human History and the Future.Peter J. Bowler - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Progress Unchained reinterprets the history of the idea of progress using parallels between evolutionary biology and changing views of human history. Early concepts of progress in both areas saw it as the ascent of a linear scale of development toward a final goal. The 'chain of being' defined a hierarchy of living things with humans at the head, while social thinkers interpreted history as a development toward a final paradise or utopia. Darwinism reconfigured biological progress as a 'tree of life' (...)
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  28. Philosophy and Conceptual Art.Peter Goldie & Elisabeth Schellekens - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (2):203-205.
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    Protochemie.Peter Janich - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (1):71 - 87.
    Protochemistry. The Program of a Methodical Foundation of Chemistry. "Protochemistry" - in analogy to protophysics - is sketched as the program of a methodical foundation of chemistry. "Foundation" means to reconstruct the methods (both linguistic and poietic) which lead from the prescientific every-day-practice of mastering properties of substances to scientific theories of modern chemistry. Four types of chemical terms are distinguished, depending on different methods of definition and different areas of reference. Consequences of the program if realized are pointed out.
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  30. Can images be rotated and inspected? A test of the pictorial medium theory.Peter Slezak - 1991 - Proceedings.
    images. But clearly, it only begs the deeper questions.
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    Die Autonomie der Person.Peter Baumann - 2000 - Paderborn: mentis.
    This book offers a discussion of practical as well as theoretical autonomy.
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  32. Meinong's Theory of Sense and Reference.Peter Simons - 1995 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 50 (1):171-186.
    Gilbert Ryle wrote that "Meaning-theory expanded just when and just in so far as it was released from that 'Fido'-Fido box, the lid of which was never even lifted by Meinong". This paper sets out to relieve Ryle's oversimplification about Meinong and the role of meaning theory in his thought. One step away from canine simplicity about meaning is the recognition of a distinction between sense and reference, such as we find in Frege, Husserl, and the early Russell. In Über (...)
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    Agricultural Enlightenment: Knowledge, Technology, and Nature, 1750-1840.Peter Jones - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Agricultural Enlightenment explores the economic underpinnings of the Enlightenment to argue the case that the expansion of the so-called knowledge economy in the second half of the eighteenth century powerfully influenced governments and all those who worked in agriculture, or who sought to derive profit from the productive use of the land.
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  34. Robust habit learning in the absence of awareness and independent of the medial temporal lobe.Peter J. Bayley, Jennifer C. Frascino & Larry R. Squire - 2005 - Nature 436 (7050):550-553.
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    Two types of scepticism.Peter Unger - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 25 (2):77 - 96.
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    Deep, Cheap, and Improvable.Peter Danielson, Rana Ahmad, Zosia Bornik, Hadi Dowlatabadi & Edwin Levy - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32 (9999):315-326.
    A democratic ethics of biological technology must engage the public. This is not easy to do in a way that satisfies the demands of democratic ethics, or meets the pace of rapidly changing, complex technology. This paper describes a solution proposed by the University of British Columbia’s Norms Evolving in Response to Dilemmas interdisciplinary research group. The solution, the NERD web survey, has three distinct advantages over other methods: it is Deep—the survey provides deep data, particularly when compared to alternatives (...)
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  37. What the Mind-Independence of Color Requires.Peter Ross - 2017 - In Marcos Silva (ed.), How Colours Matter to Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 137-158.
    The early modern distinction between primary and secondary qualities continues to have a significant impact on the debate about the nature of color. An aspect of this distinction that is still influential is the idea that the mind-independence of color requires that it is a primary quality. Thus, using shape as a paradigm example of a primary quality, a longstanding strategy for determining whether color is mind-independent is to consider whether it is sufficiently similar to shape to be a primary (...)
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    Philosophy and Jurisprudence in the Islamic World.Peter Adamson (ed.) - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book brings together the study of two great disciplines of the Islamic world: law and philosophy. In both sunni and shiite Islam, it became the norm for scholars to acquire a high level of expertise in the legal tradition. Thus some of the greatest names in the history of Aristotelianism were trained jurists, like Averroes, or commented on the status and nature of law, like al-Fārābī. While such authors sought to put law in its place relative to the philosophical (...)
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    Introduction.Peter Pagin & Dag Westerståhl - 2024 - Theoria 90 (5):456-458.
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    Nietzsche and the Modern Crisis of the Humanities.Peter Levine - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This is a critique of Nietzsche's theory of culture that proposes an alternative paradigm allowing a defense of the humanities against such Nietzschians as Leo Strauss and Derrida.
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    Yaḥyā Ibn ʿAdī on the Location of God.Peter Adamson & Robert Wisnovsky - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 1 (1).
    This piece offers an edition, translation, and analysis of a newly discovered text by Yaḥyā Ibn ʿAdī, a leading Aristotelian of the Baghdad school in the tenth century. It briefly discusses what Aristotle meant, at the end of the Physics, by saying that the Prime Mover is “in” the outermost heaven. Ibn ʿAdī argues, in part through an exhaustive discussion of the senses of the word “in,” that God is in the sphere only in the sense that an object of (...)
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    Histone acetylation: A possible mechanism for the inheritance of cell memory at mitosis.Peter Jeppesen - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (1):67-74.
    Immunofluorescent labelling demonstrates that human metaphase chromosomes contain hyperacetylated histone H4. With the exception of the inactive X chromosome in female cells, where the bulk of histone H4 is under‐acetylated, H4 hyperacetylation is non‐uniformly distributed along the chromosomes and clustered in cytologically resolvable chromatin domains that correspond, in general, with the R‐bands of conventional staining. The strongest immunolabelling is often found in T‐bands, the subset of intense R‐bands having the highest GC content. The majority of mapped genes also occurs in (...)
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    Truth, futurity, and contingency.Peter Wolff - 1960 - Mind 69 (275):398-402.
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    Age preferences: The crucial studies have yet to be done.Peter Borkenau - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):93-94.
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    Über die ontologische Differenz in der Kunst. Ein Rekonstruktionsversuch der "Überwindung der Aesthetic" bei Martin Heidegger.Peter Trawney - 1994 - Heidegger Studies 10:207-221.
  46. A Tale of Cookies (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).Péter György - 2002 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 69 (1):239-245.
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    Biotechnology, ethics and education.Peter John Fitzsimons - 2006 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (1):1-11.
    Fundamental differences between current and past knowledge in the field of biotechnology mean that we now have at our disposal the means to irreversibly change what is meant by ‘human nature’. This paper explores some of the ethical issues that accompany the attempt to increase scientific control over the human genetic code in what amounts to a diminishing of difference and the reduction of human life to scientific explanations at the expense of spiritual, cultural and communal considerations. Within such a (...)
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    Comment on ‹Constrained Maneuvering: Rhetoric as a Rational Enterprise'.Peter J. Schulz - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (4):467-471.
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    Habermas.Peter Dews (ed.) - 1999 - Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Comprised of classic and newly-commissioned papers from leading theorists, this volume provides a wide-ranging critical introduction to the thought of Jürgen Habermas. Some contributions explore the relation between Habermas's philosophy and the thought of major predecessors, including Kant, Hegel, Marx and Heidegger. Others elucidate the political context of Habermas's thinking, while a final section presents the responses of leading German contemporaries to his work. The result is a more rounded picture of Habermas's oeuvre and achievement than has previously been available. (...)
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    Å styre et tomrom?Peter Mair - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 41 (2-3):236-263.
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